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云南省作为全国首批五省八市低碳发展试点省市之一,有必要抓紧找到一条适合云南省的低碳发展之路,其中电力行业应当先试先行。  相似文献   

面对全球控制温室效应的呼声,低碳经济已成为世界发展的趋势。未来10年,我国经济将继续保持较快的发展速度,老百姓的生活水平和生活质量也将进一步提高。与之相对应的是,中国碳排放总量和对能源的消耗也将会继续增加。在此情况下,到2020年实现碳排放下降40%~45%的目标难度不小。  相似文献   

裴育峰  曹勇  刘同华 《吉林电力》2012,40(2):25-26,29
分析了低碳经济与一次能源结构以及电力行业结构调整的关系,对2010~2020年一次能源结构及能源消费总量进行了预测,指出应加快一次能源消费结构和电力行业结构的调整,加快水电、风电、核电、太阳能及生物质能发电等清洁和可再生能源的开发利用。针对我国温室气体排放总量趋于饱和,且火力发电排放所占比例最大的现状,介绍了CO2捕集、输送及贮存技术及存在的问题。  相似文献   

本文从电力服务出发,对国际电力行业服务质量监管体制进行研究,同时从我国电力行业监管机构设置、法律与规章建设、争议处理机制以及信息披露机制等方面分析了我国电力行业服务质量监管现状,最后从监管机构改革、法律法规完善、加强社会监督、价格规制、建立行业性服务质量标准和建立完善的消费者满意评价制度等几个方面对以后的改革提出自己的看法。  相似文献   

本文从电力服务出发,对国际电力行业服务质量监管体制进行研究,同时从我国电力行业监管机构设置、法律与规章建设、争议处理机制以及信息披露机制等方面分析了我国电力行业服务质量监管现状,最后从监管机构改革、法律法规完善、加强社会监督、价格规制、建立行业性服务质量标准和建立完善的消费者满意评价制度等几个方面对以后的改革提出自己的看法.  相似文献   

电力行业是能源系统核心,也是碳排放大户,其低碳发展是我国碳中和进程的关键。从碳排放情况、能源资源禀赋、行业现状、存在的问题、发展趋势等角度分析了美国和欧盟中德国、法国、英国等国家电力行业的概况、低碳发展路径及成效,并结合我国的电力行业现状总结了几点启示,以期为我国电力行业的低碳发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

哥本哈根会议上,中国承诺,到2020年单位GDP的二氧化碳排放将比2005年下降40%-45%。这一具有挑战性的目标,表明中国走“低碳”发展道路的决心和信心。发改委人士表示,下一步发改委将把这个目标落实在地方与行业的发展规划中,并准备试行建立碳排放强度考核制度。  相似文献   

在碳达峰碳中和战略目标要求下,能源系统面临着巨大的低碳转型压力.电力行业作为最大的碳排放来源以及支撑终端电气化发展的关键行业,在整体能源系统低碳转型中的角色至关重要.为此,该文建立具有高时空分辨率和技术准确度的电力系统长期规划方法,形成基于电力平衡的电力行业长期规划与短期运行联合优化模型.基于该模型,研究中国电力行业的...  相似文献   

建立事前审核投资再定价的监管机制需要建立规范的投资审核制度,核心是制定科学的投资审核依据和方法,投资成本节约的激励机制、投资偏差调整机制。研究了中国电网投资监管政策存在的问题及英国、澳大利亚、美国等国家对投资审核的国际经验,针对中国目前改革情况提出在实践中不断完善投资监管政策,构建完整的投资监审体系、客观公正的监管政策、行之有效的监管方法的启示。  相似文献   

This work utilizes the Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS) model to analyze the impacts of four nuclear retirement scenarios of the U.S. electricity sector, from nuclear plant lifetimes of 50 to 80 years. The analysis finds that longer nuclear lifetimes decrease the amount of renewable and natural gas capacity. Longer nuclear lifetimes also resulted in lower cumulative and annual carbon emissions, lower transmission builds, and higher energy curtailment and water usage.  相似文献   

The U.S.-Canadian power system has evolved into a highly integrated grid. Cross-border transmission and coordination of system operations create an interconnected power system with combined imports and exports of electricity of greater than 77?TWh per year. Currently, more than 5 GW of new international transmission lines are in various stages of permitting and development. These transmission lines may enable even greater integration and coordination of the U.S. and Canadian systems, which can in turn increase the reliability and flexibility of North America’s electricity grid and help address challenges associated with integrating high levels of variable renewables. Using a version of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS) model that incorporates Canada, this analysis quantifies the differences in the evolution of the power system under scenarios in which cross-border transmission capacity is restricted to today’s levels, and scenarios in which new transmission is less restricted. These impacts are analyzed under a “business-as-usual” reference scenario and a scenario in which deep cuts in power sector carbon dioxide emissions levels are achieved. A set of key impact metrics is analyzed, including 1) the composition of generating capacity by technology, 2) system costs, 3) wholesale electricity prices, 4) international electricity exports and imports, 5) transmission capacity, and 6) carbon dioxide emission levels. When new cross-border transmission is not allowed, the United States needs additional capacity (primarily natural gas and renewable energy) to meet domestic needs, while total Canadian capacity is lower because less capacity is needed to export to the United States. This effect is amplified under the carbon cap scenario. Impacts vary on a regional basis, largely due to the different relative sizes of the generation portfolio between countries and regions and the relative impact from cross-border electricity trade. The total impact from restricting cross-border trade on carbon emissions and average wholesale electricity prices is limited, due to the relative size of the domestic power systems and the cross-border trade volume. Cross-border transmission capacity is projected to more than double under the unrestricted transmission capacity scenarios, which exceeds the rate of projected domestic transmission capacity additions in each country.  相似文献   

Carbon capture utilization and storage is an important technology option to rapidly and profoundly decarbonize the power sector, but will not deploy without substantial incentives or regulation. Assessment of U.S. policy options reveals that current incentives only partially close the finance gap and are most sensitive to fuel type and ownership structure. Recent proposed legislation would in some designs attract private investment for many projects, leading to widespread deployment of CCUS in the power sector. Additional constraints and concerns (including technology options and presence of CO2 infrastructure) could play an important secondary role. This study discusses the specific US incentive policies that can provide investors and lenders with net cash flows that are adequate to attract private capital to CCUS power projects in the US.  相似文献   

With the impending transition in energy policy, the inevitability of political transitions should be accounted for in order to avoid an unsustainable shift in policy that is short-lived and introduces uncertainty for the U.S. power sector. A policy correction rather than an outright reversal can offer a middle ground for energy-environmental centrists to sustain pragmatic energy policy through political transitions, and engagement in international climate talks independent of the administration’s position on climate change.  相似文献   

徐湘沪 《湖南电力》2005,25(5):62-62
燃煤发电是我国主要的电力来源,它的成本比较低,但同时带来了污染严重的问题.目前我国已开始在大容量燃煤发电机组中普及脱硫装置,而国外目前的主要研究方向是如何控制燃煤电厂的温室效应气体的排放.为了解决燃煤发电的污染问题,2003年,美国能源部宣布了一项计划:将在10年内投资10亿美元设计、建造和运营世界上第一个零污染燃煤示范电厂.该电厂被命名为未来电厂(FutureGen),将安装总容量为275 MW的燃煤机组,这座世界上最清洁的燃煤电厂将运用先进的无污染能源技术建造一个原型电厂,作为一个大规模的工程实验室,用于试验新的清洁能源技术、二氧化碳捕捉技术和煤氢转换技术.预计未来电厂将在2020年投入商业运营.  相似文献   

美军是当今世界装备现代化水平最高的部队,同时也是电力消耗最庞大的部队。面对全球能源和电力供应日益紧缺的形势,美军通过发展燃料电池、太阳能、风能等替代能源,研发新型储能技术,采用微电网等新型供电管理方式,来提高其综合供电保障能力。  相似文献   

For more than 20 years, the large-scale application of flue gas desulfurization technology has been a dominant cause of SO2 emission reductions. From 1994–2004, electricity generation from coal increased, but the shift to low-sulfur coal eclipsed this. From 2004–2014, electricity generation from coal decreased, but a shift to higher-sulfur subbituminous and lignite coal overshadowed this. The shift in coal quality has also created a CO2 emissions penalty, representing 2% of the sector’s total emissions in 2014.  相似文献   

In the 20th century, the U.S. established itself as the global leader in nuclear science, engineering and technology, in large part because of policy principles established in the 1940s and 1950s. However, with 20% of its current nuclear fleet at risk of premature closure, limited nuclear construction projects on the horizon and increased competition from state-owned nuclear programs in China and Russia, America’s 20th century legacy of leadership may not be sustained in the 21st century.  相似文献   

低碳电力视角下的风电消纳问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对甘肃酒泉千万千瓦级风电基地运行中出现大量弃风的问题,在分析其运行特点和弃风原因的基础上,以充分发挥无成本无碳排放的弃风电量作用为目的,提出了远近结合缓解风电弃风问题的综合措施,当务之急是缓解现阶段问题,提升风电就地消纳能力。根据新能源的地理分布情况和负荷特点,分析了发展新能源供暖和电动车等措施的有效性。定量和定性分析表明,电能替代的减排效益显著,并能提高社会生活水平、推动当地经济的可持续发展,回归国家发展清洁能源的本意。  相似文献   

A review of the frequency regulation market practices of the ISO New England, PJM Interconnection, and Midcontinent ISO is presented here. Particular attention is given to market structure, resource eligibility, selection, market clearing and settlements. An overview of frequency regulating reserves and the capacity and performance components is provided. We find that the observed spread in historic market clearing prices can be explained by how each operator incorporates lost opportunity cost into their clearing formulation.  相似文献   

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