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Tiehua Li  Min Zhang 《LWT》2010,43(7):1113-1120
Packages of Agrocybe chaxingu with or without silicon gum film windows were flushed with an initial modified atmosphere (MA) 100 mL/L O2, 100 mL/L CO2 and balance N2 and stored at 1 °C and 3 °C, respectively. The changes in gas headspace, sensory, content of malondialdehyde (MDA), generation of superoxide anion, the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) of mushroom were investigated. A. chaxingu stored in MAP without silicon gum film window at 1 °C had the poorest sensory quality because of chilling injury and physiological injury caused by a combination of storage temperature and poor atmosphere conditions (O2 under 9 mL/L and CO2 above 172 mL/L since Day 4). These injuries induced a relatively high content of MDA and generation of superoxide anion. The antioxidant enzyme system, including SOD, CAT and POD, was stimulated, to increase activities and scavenge the reactive oxygen species (ROS) to reduce injury during the initial storage period. However, these injuries also induced senescence of the stored mushroom, which resulted in decreased activities of antioxidant enzyme system. The activities of antioxidant enzyme system of A. chaxingu stored in MAP with silicon gum film window at 3 °C was the most favourable to delay the senescence process in the latter part of storage period, and the mushroom had the best quality to the end of storage.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Salicornia bigelovii Torr. is a promising seasonal plant using seawater production but perishable with short shelf‐life under ambient conditions. To develop a modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) for extension of S. bigelovii shelf‐life, a nonselective polyethylene/polyamide (PE/PA) bag combining different sizes (0.6, 1.0 and 1.4 cm2) of silicon gum film (SGF) windows was tested, and low‐density polyethylene (LDPE) and perforated (1.0 cm2) PE/PA bags were used as controls. RESULTS: During 36 days of storage at 2 °C, the equilibrium compositions of O2/CO2 in LDPE, SGF1 (0.6 cm2), SGF2 (1.0 cm2) and SGF3 (1.4 cm2) were 3.0–5.0/4.5–6.5 kPa, 0.5–1.5/8.5–19.0 kPa, 2.5–5.0/5.5–10.0 kPa, and 6.0–13.0/4.0–6.5 kPa, respectively. Passive MAP treatments improved the quality attributes of S. bigelovii during initial storage; however, the 0.6 cm2 SGF package markedly accelerated deterioration over the latter storage. The 1.0 cm2 SGF package was observed to provide the optimal condition for S. bigelovii storage. CONCLUSION: The results show that passive MAP with optimized sizes of SGF windows could be an effective technique for prolonging shelf‐life of S. bigelovii. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

硅窗气调包装保鲜贮藏茶树菇呼吸特性与贮藏品质的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
以乙醇作为厌氧呼吸的指标,评估气调包装贮藏茶树菇时厌氧呼吸产生的条件,探讨硅窗对茶树菇的呼吸特性与贮藏品质变化的影响。结果表明:与普通气调相比较,硅窗气调能明显改善茶树菇贮藏的气体环境。贮藏温度为3℃,硅窗面积0.9cm。以上和贮藏温度为7℃,硅窗面积1.2cm。以上,都能避免厌氧呼吸的发生,茶树菇有更好的贮藏品质。  相似文献   

为研究3种不同体积分数CO2(50%CO2+50%N2,60%CO2+40%N2及70%CO2+30%N2)的气调包装对存在温度波动的冷藏物流链中三文鱼品质保持的作用,通过测定冷藏物流过程中三文鱼的感官评分、红度值、p H、菌落总数、TVB-N值及K值的变化情况,分析不同体积分数CO2对三文鱼肉品质的影响。结果表明,不同体积分数CO2的气调包装对冷藏物流中温度变化导致的三文鱼品质下降均有减缓作用,其中气体比例为70%CO2+30%N2的气调包装的效果最好。70%CO2的气调包装能够使三文鱼肉维持较低的TVB-N值,同时能抑制微生物的繁殖,保证三文鱼在贮运末期仍有良好的品质。因此,在冷藏物流链中出现温度波动的情况下,采用气调包装能够有效减缓三文鱼肉品质的下降。   相似文献   

In this study the effect of Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum on the properties of whey protein concentrate (WPC) stabilized corn oil-in-water emulsions at pH 7 was investigated. Various concentrations (0–0.6% w/v) of L. perfoliatum seed gum were used together with 2% (w/v) WPC to emulsify corn oil in water at a ratio of 1:5. Quality attributed such as particle size distribution, creaming profile and coalescence rate during storage at 4 and 25 °C; surface and interfacial tension; zeta potential and viscosity of the emulsions were determined. The results indicated that the addition of L. perfoliatum seed gum had no significant effect on zeta potential but the surface and interfacial tension increased with the rise of gum concentration. It was also found that the addition of L. perfoliatum seed gum to WPC emulsions at a critical concentration of 0.2% (w/v) caused flocculation of oil droplets, which resulted in marked increase in particle size and the creaming rate. However at higher gum concentrations beyond this value, the particle size remained constant, apparently because of the high viscosity of the aqueous phase. At all concentrations tested, emulsions stored at 4 °C were more stable except for those containing 0.2% L. perfoliatum seed gum.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  An open flowthrough respirometer was used to determine the respiration rates of whole and sliced mushrooms as a function of O2, CO2, and storage temperature. Respiration rates were measured under the following O2 concentrations: 20, 15, 10, 5, and 2% at 5 temperatures (4, 8, 10, 13, and 16 °C). The effects of 5 CO2 concentrations (0, 2, 5, 10, 15%) at two O2 levels (2 and 20%) were also examined at these temperatures. Mushroom respiration increased with temperature following an Arrhenius-type relationship; activation energies and corresponding Q10 values were calculated. Lowering the oxygen concentration significantly decreased the respiration rate. The effects of reducing O2 levels were greater at higher storage temperatures. Both activation energies and Q10 values were lower under reduced O2 atmospheres compared with those in air. A Michaelis–Menten enzyme kinetics model was evaluated for describing the influence of gas concentrations on respiration rate. The effects of O2 fitted the O2 enzyme kinetics model well. CO2 exhibited small inhibitory effects on respiration of whole and sliced mushrooms, especially at low O2 concentrations and low temperatures. The enzyme model was used to predict respiration under an optimal modified atmosphere for mushrooms, and the required film O2 and CO2 permeabilities were defined for key pack design parameters.  相似文献   

Microgreens are new and emerging products, which are young seedlings of vegetables and herbs. A recent study showed that microgreens contain higher nutrients compared to their mature counterparts. However, they typically have a short shelf life (1–2 days) at ambient temperature. The objective of this study was to optimize postharvest handling conditions to reduce the quality loss and extend the shelf life of daikon radish (Raphanus sativus L. var. longipinnatus) microgreens. Storage temperature, packaging film, and wash treatment were investigated. Changes in headspace composition, quality index, chlorophyll concentration, tissue electrolyte leakage, and aerobic mesophilic bacteria (AMB) and yeast & mold (Y&M) counts were monitored periodically during storage. Results indicated that (1) storage temperature significantly (P < 0.05) affected package atmosphere, product quality and shelf life. One degree Celsius was the optimal temperature for storage of radish microgreens with no chilling injury observed; (2) film oxygen transmission rate (OTR) significantly (P < 0.05) affected O2 and CO2 composition, but OTR did not significantly affect quality attributes during 28 days of storage at 1 °C; (3) Chlorine wash treatment (100 mg/L) significantly reduced initial microbial populations by 0.5 log cfu g−1, including AMB and Y& M. However, microbial populations rebounded after day 7.  相似文献   

Microbiological and sensory changes of maatjes herring stored in air (experiment I) and under modified atmosphere (MAP) (experiments II and III) were evaluated during storage at 4 and 10 degrees C. Microbial (total and psychrotrophic viable bacteria, lactic acid bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae) counts and chemical analyses (chloride content, fat content, dry matter, ash and pH) were performed. A Quality Index Method (QIM) scheme developed for maatjes herring was used for sensory evaluation. The main reasons for sensory rejections at both storage temperatures were a strong rancid taste for herring stored in air (Experiment I) and a sour, bitter, rotten taste and an aftertaste like old flower water for MAP herring (Experiments II and III). A soft texture of freshly produced samples (Experiment II) was noticed. The sensory shelf-life of maatjes herring stored in air (Experiment I) was three days at both 4 and 10 degrees C. The MAP herring in Experiments II and III had a shelf-life of 5 and 6 days, respectively, at both storage temperatures. Rancidity due to oxidation of fat was the main spoilage indicator for air-stored maatjes herring. Autolytic enzymes may affect textural deterioration. The characteristic off-odour and off-taste in the MAP herring (Experiments II and III) were may well be attributable to microbial metabolism. On the day of sensory rejection, total viable counts for herring in all three experiments (Experiments I-III) stored at 4 degrees C did not reach 10(6)cfu/g, which is considered the limit of acceptability for maatjes herring given by the Dutch fishery authorities. It appears that total viable counts have minor significance in the sensory assessment of maatjes herring.  相似文献   

不同MA包装对鲜食核桃冷藏品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为筛选鲜食核桃冷藏期间适宜自发气调(modified atmosphere,MA)包装,以‘辽核2号’鲜食核桃为试材,采用改良聚乙烯袋-11μm(Thn-PE 11)、聚乙烯袋-30μm(PE 30)、聚乙烯袋-50μm(PE 50)和改良聚乙烯袋-90μm(Thk-PE 90)4种不同的MA包装处理,以6μm普通聚乙烯薄膜包装为对照,贮藏于(0±1)℃条件下,定期检测其感官品质、失重率、好果率、CO2和O2体积分数以及脂肪、蛋白质、可溶性蛋白、过氧化值(PV)、羰基价(CV)等指标的变化。结果表明,MA包装能够显著提高鲜核桃感官品质和保水能力,其中PE 30包装鲜食核桃品质指标综合表现较好,确定PE 30为鲜食核桃冷藏适宜MA包装。   相似文献   

The effect of combining low-dose irradiation (1.75 kGy) with modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the microbiological and sensory quality of pork chops stored at refrigeration temperatures was studied. The microflora of irradiated MAP pork was almost exclusively composed of lactic acid bacteria, predominantly Lactobacillus spp. Modified atmospheres containing either 25 or 50% CO2, balance N2, resulted in the best microbial control in irradiated pork held at 4°C, compared to an unirradiated MAP control, and these atmospheres were subsequently used in sensory studies. The atmosphere containing 25% CO2 75% N2 maintained the uncooked colour and odour of irradiated pork chops more effectively than 50% CO2 50% N2. Therefore packaging in a modified atmosphere containing 25% CO2, balance N2, followed by irradiation to a dose of 1.75 kGy is recommended to improve the microbiological and sensory quality of pork chops.  相似文献   

W.C. Lee  N.S.A. Hamid 《LWT》2007,40(10):1755-1764
The clarified banana juice was subjected to different treatment namely bentonite, combination of gelatin and bentonite and control and stored at 4, 25 and 37 °C for 24 weeks. The effects of fining treatment, storage temperature and storage time on turbidity, total polyphenol, browning index, microbiological, and sensory quality of clarified banana juice were evaluated during storage. Fining treatment, storage temperature and storage time had a significant (p<0.001) effect on turbidity, total polyphenol and browning index of clarified banana juice. Turbidity and browning index of juice were reduced by fining treatment with bentonite and a combination of gelatin and bentonite but increased with storage temperature and storage time. A significant decrease in total polyphenol content and increase in turbidity and browning index were detected for all juice samples during storage. However, it was noted that changes were significantly greater in control juice stored at higher temperature than in juice stored at 4 or 25 °C for up to 6 months. Sensory evaluation revealed that juices treated with bentonite or a combination of gelatin and bentonite and stored at 4, 25 or 37 °C were acceptable for up to six months, whereas untreated juice stored at 37 °C was only acceptable for up to 16 weeks.  相似文献   

低温结合气调包装处理对鲜切胡萝卜品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该研究以鲜切胡萝卜为对象,采用低温结合气调包装对鲜切胡萝卜进行处理,研究不同保鲜方式对鲜切胡萝卜品质的影响。鲜切胡萝卜经气调(气体组成分别为5%O2+5%CO2+90%N2、5%O2+10%CO2+85%N2、10%O2+5%CO2+85%N2)包装后,(4±1)℃下在保鲜盒中贮藏,每3 d测定感官品质、失重率、可溶性固形物含量、抗坏血酸含量、胡萝卜素含量、菌落总数、丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)含量和以及超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)和过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)活性等指标。结果表明,低温结合5%O2+10%CO2+85%N2气调包装处理组有效地保持了鲜切胡萝卜的品质,减少了水分的流失,延缓了营养物质可溶性固形物、胡萝卜素以及抗坏血酸含量的下降,抑制了MDA含量...  相似文献   

为研究低温对采后鸡毛菜保鲜效果的影响,将鸡毛菜进行自发气调包装,然后在0、4、8、12℃下贮藏,通过测定贮藏期间感官品质、电导率、叶绿素、VC、菌落总数等来比较不同贮藏温度的保鲜效果。结果表明:0℃下贮藏的鸡毛菜保鲜质量最好,有效地维持了鸡毛菜的感官品质,减缓了鸡毛菜维生素C的氧化分解,同时有效抑制了鸡毛菜腐败变质和叶绿素的损失。   相似文献   

Bingol EB  Ergun O 《Meat science》2011,88(4):774-785
Effects of various concentrations of O2/CO2 in modified atmosphere packaging on the microbiological quality and shelf-life of ostrich meat was investigated. Nine–12 months old ostriches were used. The iliofibularis muscle was cut into small cubes that were divided into five groups and then separately packaged under various gas mixes: air and O2:CO2:N2 ratios of 80:20:0, 60:20:20, 60:40:0, and 40:40:20, using 2 different headspace ratios (1:1 and 3:1). The packaged meats were kept at 4 °C for 10 days and were analysed microbiologically, physico-chemically and sensorially. As a result, the meat quality and shelf-life of ostrich meat under various gas compositions were improved; microbial growth was delayed due to high CO2 usage and shelf-life was increased by 5–7 days. However, an undesired loss of red colour of the ostrich meat may affect consumer acceptance.  相似文献   

Beef steaks are commonly displayed under high oxygen concentrations in modified atmosphere packs (MAP) in order to promote colour stability. Such conditions, however, may also cause quality deterioration through lipid oxidation and decreased tenderness. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of oxygen concentration (0%, 10%, 20%, 50% and 80%) on the quality of MAP beef steaks (M. longissimus dorsi). Steaks were stored at 4°C for 15 days and tested for lipid and protein oxidation, heme iron, colour, oxymyoglobin concentration, tenderness and sensory acceptability (up to day 12) for the resulting cooked meat. Sensory panellists expressed a preference for steaks stored in packs containing 50% oxygen, despite detecting oxidised flavours under these conditions. This could be the result of adaptation to, or familiarity with, oxidised flavours by panellists.  相似文献   

Modified atmosphere packaging with carbon dioxide is effective for prolonging shelf-life of fresh meat. Addition of carbon monoxide to the system provides the advantage of enhancing meat colour. The study objective was to determine the effect of CO2-MAP + 0.4% CO, vs. 100% CO2-MAP, on the bacteriology and colour of retail-ready fresh pork stored for 8 weeks in a master-package system. Total plate counts were not affected and listeria was present on meat from both treatments. Colour was enhanced with the inclusion of CO, while no effect on lipid oxidation was observed. Use of CO in MAP provides sufficient storage life and product colour quality to permit shipment of fresh pork to distant markets. However, given the stable fresh colour of CO-treated meat and the lack of inhibition of pathogen growth by CO, there is concern that CO-MAP under certain conditions may pose a food safety risk.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the effects of packaging on the formation of biogenic amines during storage of sardines (Sardina pilchardus) at 4 °C in air, modified atmosphere pack (MAP) and vacuum pack (VP) was carried out. Sardines were organoleptically acceptable for up to 3 days in air, 12 days in MAP and 9 days in VP. The biogenic amine content generally increased in all treatments with increasing storage time. The concentrations of putrescine and/cadaverine in fish stored in air reached maximum levels of 12.2 mg/100g at 12 days and 10.0 mg/l00 g at 15 days. Significant differences were found (P < 0.05) in the levels of cadaverine and putrescine among the three treatments. Spermidine and spermine levels increased slightly and did not change much throughout the storage period for all experimental conditions. The amine contents of sardine were highest in sardine stored in air, followed by VP and MAP. Quality indices related to the contents of the major biogenic amines were calculated and they correlated well with organoleptic qualities.  相似文献   

Effects of lyophilized Urtica dioica L. water extract (LUWE) and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the quality and shelf life of ground beef were investigated. Ground beef was stored as aerobic control, MAP (80%O2 + 20% CO2), MAP + 250 ppm LUWE and MAP and 500 ppm LUWE at 2 ± 0.5 °C for 14 days. MAP and LUWE had significant effects on mesophilic, psychrotrophic and lactic acid bacteria and Pseudomonas counts. Depending on the level of LUWE, Pseudomonas and psychrotrophic counts decreased. Treatment with 500 ppm LUWE + MAP showed the lowest TBARS values compared to other groups during storage. 80% O2-MAP increased TBARS values. Treatment had no significant effect on L* and b* values of the exterior of the ground beef, but had significant effects on the color of interior sections.  相似文献   

Lee SY  Baek SY 《Food microbiology》2008,25(4):582-587
Escherichia coli O157:H7 contaminated spinach has recently caused several outbreaks of human illness in the USA and Canada. However, to date, there has been no study demonstrating an effective way to eliminate E. coli O157:H7 in spinach. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of chemical sanitizers alone or in combination with packaging methods such as vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on inactivating E. coli O157:H7 in spinach during storage time. Spinach inoculated with E. coli O157:H7 was packaged in four different methods (air, vacuum, N(2) gas, and CO(2) gas packaging) following treatment with water, 100 ppm chlorine dioxide, or 100 ppm sodium hypochlorite for 5 min at room temperature and stored at 7+/-2 degrees C. Treatment with water did not significantly reduce levels of E. coli O157:H7 in spinach. However, treatment with chlorine dioxide and sodium hypochlorite significantly decreased levels of E. coli O157:H7 by 2.6 and 1.1 log(10)CFU/g, respectively. Levels of E. coli O157:H7 in samples packaged in air following treatments grew during storage time, whereas levels were maintained in samples packaged in other packaging methods (vacuum, N(2) gas, and CO(2) gas packaging). Therefore there were significant differences (about 3-4 log) of E. coli O157:H7 populations between samples packed in air and other packaging methods following treatment with chemical sanitizers after 7 days storage. These results suggest that the combination of treatment with chlorine dioxide and packaging methods such as vacuum and MAP may be useful for improving the microbial safety of spinach against E. coli O157:H7 during storage.  相似文献   

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