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It is difficult to numerically reproduce the common failure modes of the circular tunnel surrounding rocks, such as the slabbing or delamination in hard rock, and the zonal disintegration at great depth, based on continuum and homogeneous elastoplastic models. In the present paper, a grain-interfacematrix model is proposed based on continuum elastoplastic theories, and implemented in FLAC. Rock is simplified as a compound of the circular grains, rectangular interfaces, and remaining matrix. These components are modeled by squared elements with the same size. Results show that shear strains exhibit intersecting and multiple shear bands or slip lines extending intergranularly. High principal stresses in compression are found to form rings around the tunnel surface. For fine grains, the intensive rings are found, similar to the slabbing; while for coarse grains, the spacing between rings becomes large, analogous to the zonal disintegration. Thus, a unified mechanism of two kinds of phenomena is explained as the self-organization process of dominant microstructures subjected to forces. Nevertheless, the scale of dominant microstructures regarding or governing the process is different. For hard rock without joints, the scale corresponds to actual grains; while for jointed rock mass under high compressive stresses at great depth, the scale of rock blocks is dominant.  相似文献   

A new non-Euclidean model in which effects of the axial in-situ stress with arbitrary value on the zonal disintegration phenomenon in the surrounding rock masses around a deep circular tunnel is taken into account is established. The total elastic stress-field distributions of the surrounding rock around a deep circular tunnel including effects of the axial in-situ stress were given out. The strength criterion of the deep rock masses is applied to determine the occurrence of disintegration zones. The numerical computation was carried out. It is found from numerical results that number and size of fractured and nonfractured zones are sensitive to the axial in-situ stress, tangential, radial and axial normal stress, the intermediate principal stress coefficient and the rock mass rating classification RMR.  相似文献   

有分区破裂化倾向的深部巷道围岩支护分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在分析总结巷道围岩分区破裂机理研究现状的基础上,阐述了深部岩体特性对巷道破坏和支护的影响,探讨了现有支护荷载理论用于深部岩体工程的局限性。进一步分析了深部巷道支护方法对有分区破裂化倾向的深部巷道围岩的适用性,并针对深部工程的复杂物理力学特性和地质环境条件,提出了动态联合支护理念。  相似文献   

深部巷道围岩分区破裂化弹塑脆性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
考虑围岩在空间轴对称受力状态下弹性、塑性、脆性状态的转化,提出了深部围岩分区破裂化现象是围岩在特定条件下拉伸破坏与脆性张裂破坏不断重复的结果。分析了巷道围岩的弹塑性应力场,说明了支撑压力线处的环状连续拉伸破坏是分区碎裂化产生的必要条件,并给出了拉伸破坏处的半径公式。结合Griffith强度准则,推导了围岩由弹性状态转化为脆性张裂破坏的半径关系式,以此来确定破裂区范围。实例计算结果表明,破裂带的宽度和位置都与现场实际观测结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

深部巷道破坏分区破裂规律三维相似材料实验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
张智慧  潘一山 《煤炭学报》2015,40(12):2780-2786
为了探究不同应力状态下巷道围岩的分区破裂规律、影响因素,选择沙土材料为相似材料进行三维模拟实验。试验采用3种加载方式:双向加载、 “圆筒模型加载”和真三轴加载,分别模拟不同采深时围岩的应力状态,巷道的断面形状分别选取了圆形、方形。模型试验研究表明:分区破裂属于空间剪切带破坏,平行于硐室轴线方向应力较大(约是材料抗压强度的1.6倍以上)是形成分区破裂的重要条件。影响分区破裂的因素有围压的大小与分布,开挖巷道所在岩层的相邻岩层性质。围压大且均匀,分区破裂范围大,围压较小且不均匀,分区破裂不明显。层与层之间材料不同时,会影响到裂纹的扩展。而硐室形状对分区破裂的影响因素较小。圆形、方形硐室周围都出现了分区破裂现象。  相似文献   

Rock masses without pre-existing macrocracks are considered as granular materials with only microcracks. During excavation of tunnels, microcracks may nucleate, grow and propagate through rock matrix; secondary microcracks may appear, and discontinuous and incompatible deformation of rock masses may occur. The classical continuum elastoplastic theory is not suitable for analyzing discontinuous and incompatible deformation of rock masses any more. In this paper, a new non-Euclidean model is established to investigate zonal disintegration mechanism of the surrounding rock masses around a deep circular tunnel. Effect of damage variable on the zonal disintegration under non-hydrostatic stress condition is taken into account. Based on non-Euclidean model of the discontinuous and incompatible deformation of rock mass, the effect of the half length and density of microcracks on distribution of stresses in the surrounding rock masses around a deep circular tunnel is investigated. The stress concentration at the tips of microcracks located in vicinity of stress wave crest is comparatively large, which may lead to the unstable growth and coalescence of secondary microcracks, and consequently the occurrence of fractured zones. On the other hand, the stress concentration at the tips of microcracks located around stress wave trough is relatively small, which may lead to arrest of microcracks, and thus the non-fractured zones. The alternative appearance of stress wave crest and stress trough thus may induce the alternative occurrence of fractured and non-fractured zones in deep rock masses.  相似文献   

深部围岩分区破裂化模型试验研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
为研究深部巷道围岩破裂机理,在"深部巷道围岩破裂机理与支护技术模拟试验装置"进行了模型试验,系统研究了深部巷道围岩在最大初始开洞荷载与洞室轴线平行作用下直墙拱顶试验的破坏形态和机理。模型试验表明:当最大主应力与洞室轴线平行,在较大轴向压力作用下产生较大的朝洞内的膨胀变形,使得在围岩内产生较大的径向拉应变,其产生的拉伸断裂是出现分层破坏现象的关键,分布特点是随着轴向应力的增加其拉应变值增加,随距洞壁距离的增大其拉应变值减小。拉伸断裂面形成后,相当于在原来的介质内又形成了一个新的半径增大的洞室,洞室在较大的轴向压应力持续作用下,拉伸破坏过程不断重复出现,就会形成交替的破裂区域和未破裂区域,即分层破裂现象。  相似文献   

In the present paper zonal disintegration phenomenon is investigated within the framework of gradient theories of elastic-plastic solids. Gradient of effective plastic strain is introduced as additional internal variable. Equilibrium equation and boundary conditions are obtained by using virtual work principle. Evolution equations for internal variables are obtained by using Clausius??Duhem inequality. For circular tunnels the governing equation for effective plastic strain is obtained from the above model. Solution of the governing equation for ideal brittle rock mass model is obtained. The obtained solution may describe zonal disintegration phenomenon very well.  相似文献   

王学滨  田锋  马冰  张智慧  潘一山 《煤炭学报》2019,44(7):2030-2038
巷道围岩分区破裂化(或分区破碎化、分区碎裂化)是指在深部开挖巷道时围岩交替呈现破裂区和未破裂区的现象,该现象与对围岩破坏的传统认识不同。正确认识不同强度围岩分区破裂化的发育程度,可为其治理及应用奠定基础。巷道掘进会引起掘进工作面附近岩石涌向巷道,这将导致掘进工作面附近垂直于巷道轴线平面的应力状态并非平面应变,而是三维状态。采用以FLAC~(3D)应变软化模型为基础发展的非均质应变软化模型(通过引入Weibull分布函数实现),研究了内摩擦角对逐步开挖拱形巷道围岩分区破裂化的影响,考察了围岩中剪切应变增量、最小主应力及最大主应力在巷道即将贯穿模型时的分布规律。研究发现:①内摩擦角越小,围岩的破坏越严重,剪切带的发育越充分,分区破裂化越明显;②并非围岩的破坏就会导致分区破裂化,围岩破坏到一定程度后,才会出现分区破裂化;③分区破裂化的机理为:在载荷及开挖作用下,在过巷道轴线的平面上,随机分布的缺陷发展成(共轭)剪切带,从而在垂直于巷道轴线的平面上,形成多个相间隔的圆环形的破坏区。本文过巷道轴线平面上的结果与室内实验结果在定性上一致。根据本文的研究,在垂直于巷道轴线的不同平面上,分区破裂化不同,这意味着不必选择统一的巷道支护参数,例如,在分区破裂化显著的部位,延长锚杆的长度,反之则不然。  相似文献   

深部巷道围岩分区破裂化数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对应变软化模型岩体的变形机理进行分析,确定了巷道围岩产生分区破裂的前提条件为岩体变形进入峰后塑性及残余破坏阶段。对地下硐室围岩应力变形状态进行FLAC数值模拟,并基于破坏接近度指标对围岩完整状态进行描述。结果表明:分区破裂化与岩体峰后特性密切相关,是应变软化模型特有的属性,理想弹塑性模型并不能产生分区破裂化;计算结果对网格精度具有依赖性,当近巷网格大小为巷道半径的1/60时,巷道围岩出现螺旋带破裂区域,产生分区破裂,而在粗糙网格下则为传统弹塑性环状对称变形;分区破裂化区域受平面内侧压力系数影响显著,分区破坏主要集中在硐室围岩应力较大的方位;分区破裂化是巷道开挖过程中二次应力场在时间和空间重分布的结果。  相似文献   

深部巷道围岩分区破裂化数值模拟   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
采用有限差分数值计算软件FLAC对巷道围岩分区破裂化进行研究,分析了分区破裂的产生及演化过程,即巷道开挖后,随着原岩应力的释放,多条破裂带从巷道表面或临近周边逐步向围岩深处延伸,在延伸过程中,单条破裂带可能会分叉成两条甚至多条破裂带,这些破裂带互相交叉,在巷道浅部围岩形成网状间隔破裂区,在深部围岩形成环带状间隔破裂区。岩体初始应力水平、侧压系数及巷道断面形状等对巷道围岩分区破裂化都有显著影响。数值模拟结果与前人的现场研究成果有很好的一致性。  相似文献   

Institute of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankovsk. Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 3, pp. 15–21, May–June, 1992.  相似文献   

The authors report the numerical modeling data on stress state of a rock mass in the vicinity of hydraulic fracturing when two closely-spaced intervals of the well are subjected to shearing and normal load. The article shows applicability of such coupled loading in creation of a fracture across an uncased well.  相似文献   

为研究理想弹塑性模型应力发生跌落的临界条件,引入等效应变阈值。基于弹塑性理论和Mohr-Coulomb准则,计算圆形巷道围岩的应力场、位移场和等效应变。等效应变等于等效应变阈值时,围岩处于临界破坏状态,此时确定的支护阻力为巷道围岩不发生破坏时的最小支护阻力,为巷道支护阻力选择提供一定参考。  相似文献   

基于模型相似材料研制了适用于地质力学模型试验的光纤光栅应变传感器,能够同时实现横向、纵向和切向3个方向的应变测量。将7个光纤应变传感器依次预埋在模型巷道的左边墙,采用波分复用技术组成光纤传感网络,实现对模型内部应变分布的实时监测。光纤传感器的监测结果表明,在巷道开挖过程中,深部巷道周围径向应变值没有表现出随距离巷道远近而递减的规律,而是呈波浪形分布;超载试验完成后,巷道周围径向应变值依然呈波浪形分布。最后将模型剖开,成功观测到了高地应力深部巷道围岩的分区破裂现象,同时验证了设计的光纤光栅应变传感器的可靠性。  相似文献   

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