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Abstract.  Web-based training (WBT) has become prevalent in business organizations. This study used evidence from 10 organizations in Hong Kong to identify the significant factors that influenced their decision to adopt WBT. A qualitative field study was used. This study concluded the following three key factors significantly affect the adoption of WBT in Hong Kong: (1) the perceived benefits/costs of WBT, (2) organizational readiness, and (3) external pressures. The results and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Empirical studies have investigated the effect of attitude and behavior on IT acceptance in organizations but yielded ambiguous results. Possibly they have not effectively accounted for the moderating effects of experience gained through direct interaction with the target technology. We examined the moderating effect of the length of direct experience on IT acceptance relationships and constructs. Using multi-group invariance analysis, we demonstrated that relationships between key IT acceptance constructs differed, depending on the user's experience. The incorporation of direct experience can lead to convergent results and contribute to further understanding of the process. We discuss some implications from the knowledge that IT use is a dynamic process and suggest that IT management must account for direct experience in their decision making.  相似文献   

This research addressed four basic questions about culture, gender and information technology (IT) use. First, are there differences between Chinese and US children in their computer and Internet use? Second, are there differences between Chinese and US children in their use of other technologies, namely, videogames and cell phones? Third, does gender moderate the influence of culture on the use of computers, the Internet and other technologies? Fourth, are there differences among subcultural groups within cultures in their IT use? Using samples of 600 Chinese and 600 US children whose average age was 12 years old, findings indicated cultural and gender differences in technology use as well as interactions between the two. US children used computers and the Internet more than did Chinese children, with Chinese females being the least intense users. Males played videogames more than did females, with US males playing more than did Chinese males. US females lead all other groups in cell phone use, whereas Chinese females were least likely to use them. Racial and ethnic group differences indicate that diversity within cultural groups among subcultures must be considered in understanding children’s IT use. Implications of cultural, gender and subcultural group differences in technology use for equity in access to technology and educational interventions for children in the use of technology are discussed.  相似文献   



Adopting IT innovation in organizations is a complex decision process driven by technical, social and economic issues. Thus, those organizations that decide to adopt innovation take a decision of uncertain success of implementation, as the actual use of a new technology might not be the one expected. The misalignment between planned and effective use of innovation is called assimilation gap.


This research aims at defining a quantitative instrument for measuring the assimilation gap and applying it to the case of the adoption of OSS.


In this paper, we use the theory of path dependence and increasing returns of Arthur. In particular, we model the use of software applications (planned or actual) by stochastic processes defined by the daily amounts of files created with the applications. We quantify the assimilation gap by comparing the resulting models by measures of proximity.


We apply and validate our method to a real case study of introduction of OpenOffice. We have found a gap between the planned and the effective use despite well-defined directives to use the new OS technology. These findings suggest a need of strategy re-calibration that takes into account environmental factors and individual attitudes.


The theory of path dependence is a valid instrument to model the assimilation gap provided information on strategy toward innovation and quantitative data on actual use are available.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of two interface styles (menu- and command-based) on the perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and behavioral intention of the user to use the system. We have treated the system interface style as an external factor in the technology acceptance model (TAM) to examine its direct and indirect effects on behavioral intention to accept and use a system. The results showed that the interface style had direct effects on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness which, in turn, demonstrated significant effects on behavioral intention to use the system. Further, the results showed that perceptions of the menu-based interface were more favorable than perceptions of the command-based interface. These results provide several theoretical and practical implications for designing an effective system.  相似文献   

The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), a model of the user acceptance of IT, synthesizes elements from several prevailing user acceptance models. It has been credited with explaining a larger proportion of the variance of ‘intention to use’ and ‘usage behavior’ than do preceding models. However, it has not been validated in non-Western cultures. Using a survey sample collected from 722 knowledge workers using desktop computer applications on a voluntary basis in Saudi Arabia, we examined the relative power of a modified version of UTAUT in determining ‘intention to use’ and ‘usage behavior’. We found that the model explained 39.1% of intention to use variance, and 42.1% of usage variance. In addition, drawing on the theory of cultural dimensions, we hypothesized and tested the similarities and differences between the North American and Saudi validations of UTAUT in terms of cultural differences that affected the organizational acceptance of IT in the two societies.  相似文献   

Infographics are a common visual means to inform users. This paper investigates how lay people of different age, gender and educational background perceive the use of infographics for information visualization in daily tasks. We chose three topics of general interest: weather, study and work and three infographics, one for each topic. We administered a questionnaire to people randomly split in two groups: the first group interacted with a static version of each infographic, i.e., a snapshot of it; the second group interacted with the fully configurable infographics. We aimed to assess information quality on different dimensions, to take into account both formal and substantial aspects; interaction quality along dimensions like usability and ease of use; and design quality on the dimensions of the Visualization Wheel by Cairo, to assess the trade-off between information complexity and aesthetics of infographics. The goal was to measure whether the quality of infographics affects the perception of information and the users' interaction. The overall results suggest that, although interactive infographics are perceived as more complex, the experience with them is better. From our observations, we derived a model to assess the overall quality of static and interactive infographics, based on information, interaction and design quality dimensions.  相似文献   

Technology has significantly changed the way humans live. Information and communication technologies have advanced and given their important spillovers to other economic sectors. Sociocultural view of globalization posits that cultural values across the world are continuously changing. From the theoretical lens of technological determinism theory, technology of a society determines the development of its social structure and cultural values. Drawing on the sociocultural aspect of globalization and technological determinism theory, this study investigates the relationship between technology and national cultural values. Using secondary national-level data such as United Nations’ E-Government Survey and Global Innovation Index, we validate the proposed relationships. The results of the study indicate that technology is an important driver of cultural convergence pushing national cultures across the globe to converge toward two cultural values suggested by Hofstede: higher individualism and lower power distance. This study also finds that technology increases national confidence in financial markets through creation of increased transparency. The study has implications for policymakers at both national and global levels regarding how technology affects the evolution of human societies. Additional implications exist for the promotion of democracy.  相似文献   

Understanding post adoption behavior has emerged as an important issue in IS research. Organizations have invested in a plethora of Information Systems (IS) and the benefits that can be gained from these systems depend on their usage. Prior research has examined factors that impact users’ intention to continue using the IS. However, comprehending post adoption IS usage behavior has not received much attention. Building on TAM and IS success model, this study proposes that information quality and system integration influence perceived IS usefulness which will then drive post adoption usage of the IS. Post adoption IS usage is conceptualized as a broad concept that includes extended usage and exploratory usage. Data (N = 1032) was collected to test the model, in the context of a web-based student information system that students use to manage their academic work. The results show that at the post adoption stage, perceived IS usefulness is a good predictor of extended usage and exploratory usage. However, surprisingly IS usefulness was found to explain a much larger variance in exploratory usage. Information quality and system integration were found to influence IS usefulness. However, information quality also has a direct affect on extended usage, while system integration directly influenced exploratory usage. Assessment of the moderating role of gender and internet experience on model relationships reveals interesting insights. Implications are drawn for future research and practice.  相似文献   

Abstract Technology‐enhanced learning (TEL) methodologies are becoming an important part of University teaching but faculty members have tended to shy away from using them. So, how can they be enticed to use them effectively? What approaches can be used? The purpose of the Xanadu project was to analyse the problems involved and to propose a model for training, based on experimentation at the University of Turin. Besides providing a model, this article will deal with the follow‐up, particularly regarding the faculty members' initial approach to using information and communication technology (ICT), as well as examine the motives and conditions influencing their choices. In this sense, the project has enabled us to come to a better understanding of the typical misconceptions leading teachers to favour methodological approaches based on the distributive use of ICT (which are considered less demanding to manage), rather than networked collaborative interaction, which actually involve students more. In this regard, Xanadu has shown how teachers' awareness may be developed towards adopting a wide range of TEL approaches through both gradual training (project‐oriented with a basic and an advanced course) and with the help of a graduate assistant capable of following e‐content development and online collaborative activities. The effectiveness of the method may be confirmed by the large number of faculty members continuing to use ICT to support their teaching despite having no specific university TEL projects.  相似文献   

The effects of task conflict on group effectiveness are far from conclusive. In order to further clarify this relationship, a contingency approach has been suggested. In this context, the present study examines the roles of group potency and information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the relationship between task conflict and team effectiveness. The study involved 44 groups of 4 members each, working in two communication media. Twenty-two groups worked in a face-to-face condition, and the other 22 groups worked in a computer-mediated communication condition. The groups developed a project during four weekly sessions over a one-month period. The results showed that group potency moderated the relationship between task conflict and group effectiveness. However, the communication medium did not play a moderator role in these relationships.  相似文献   

In offline settings, authentic behavior has frequently been linked to increased well-being. Social network sites (SNSs) provide a new venue for authenticity, yet the effects of online authenticity are largely unknown. The present study investigated the reciprocal effects of authenticity on SNSs and the psychological well-being of SNS users in a two-wave longitudinal study (N = 374). The results demonstrate that online authenticity had a positive longitudinal effect on three indicators of subjective well-being. The data further illustrate that this beneficial effect of SNS use is not equally accessible to all users: participants with low levels of well-being were less likely to feel authentic on SNSs and to benefit from authenticity. We propose that the results can be explained in light of a “positivity bias in SNS communication” that favors positive forms of authenticity over negative ones.  相似文献   

In this research we examined the effects of Internet use and videogame playing on children’s academic performance. Gender, race, and income were also considered. Participants were 482 youth, average age 12 years old. One-third were African American and two-thirds were Caucasian American. All measures were completed twice, first in Year 1 and then one year later, Year 2. Results indicated that greater Internet use was associated with better reading skills, but only for youth initially low in reading skills. Videogame playing was associated with better visual-spatial skill but also with lower GPAs. Gender, race and income influenced Internet use, videogame playing and academic performance but not the relationships between using these technologies and academic performance. Implications of the results for increasing the benefits of technology use are discussed.  相似文献   

Human behavior is increasingly reflected or acted out through technology. This is of particular salience when it comes to changes in behavior associated with serious mental illnesses including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Early detection is crucial for these conditions but presently very challenging to achieve. Potentially, characteristics of these conditions' traits and symptoms, at both idiosyncratic and collective levels, may be detectable through technology use patterns. In bipolar disorder specifically, initial evidence associates changes in mood with changes in technology-mediated communication patterns. However much less is known about how people with bipolar disorder use technology more generally in their lives, how they view their technology use in relation to their illness, and, perhaps most crucially, the causal relationship (if any exists) between their technology use and their disease. To address these uncertainties, we conducted a survey of people with bipolar disorder (N = 84). Our results indicate that technology use varies markedly with changes in mood and that technology use broadly may have potential as an early warning signal of mood episodes. We also find that technology for many of these participants is a double-edged sword: acting as both a culprit that can trigger or exacerbate symptoms as well as a support mechanism for recovery. These findings have implications for the design of both early warning systems and technology-mediated interventions.  相似文献   

Gamification, the application of game elements to non-game settings, continues to grow in popularity as a method to increase student engagement in the classroom. We tested students across two courses, measuring their motivation, social comparison, effort, satisfaction, learner empowerment, and academic performance at four points during a 16-week semester. One course received a gamified curriculum, featuring a leaderboard and badges, whereas the other course received the same curriculum without the gamified elements. Our results found that students in the gamified course showed less motivation, satisfaction, and empowerment over time than those in the non-gamified class. The effect of course type on students' final exam scores was mediated by students' levels of intrinsic motivation, with students in the gamified course showing less motivation and lower final exam scores than the non-gamified class. This suggests that some care should be taken when applying certain gamification mechanics to educational settings.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison study on the dynamics of three planar 3-DOF parallel manipulators, one with 3-RRR structure, and the other two with 2-RRR and 4-RRR structures. The inverse kinematics and Jacobian matrix of these mechanisms are analyzed. The dynamic formulations in the linear form are derived and a dynamic performance index is given to compare their dynamic performances. The results show that the 2-RRR parallel manipulator has the worst dynamic performance.  相似文献   

A two-stage simulation experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of information volume on traffic regulatory/road direction signs, drivers’ viewing strategies and sign familiarity on performance in visual search. In Stage I experiment, the amount of information on a total of 187 traffic regulatory and 1272 road direction signs was calculated and divided into five information levels using cluster analysis. In Stage II experiment, 24 subjects participated in a 2 (familiarity)×5 (information volume level)×2 (viewing strategy) mixed factorial experiment. Each subject was required to perform a visual search task and a question-and-answer (Q&A) task. Visual search time and number of correct responses collected serve as the objective dependent variables. Subjective workload related to time stress and visual effort was gathered through a modified three-point rating. Results show that information volume on traffic signs had significant impact on drivers’ visual search performance. Generally, the greater the amount of information, the slower the drivers in visual search are. However, while drivers had the highest accuracy rate in remembering purely pictorial traffic signs, these signs within the smallest information volume level required a relatively longer search time. Different viewing strategies also led to different performances. The back-and-forth strategy yielded better search performance than the fixed strategy. Subjective workload evaluation indicates that drivers with less sign familiarity will be under greater time/visual pressures. Guidelines for designing for traffic signs or in-vehicle signing systems are provided.

Relevance to industry

This study calculated the amount of information on traffic signs and compared the effects of different information volume on drivers’ visual search performance. The results can provide guidelines for traffic sign designers to help decide on the presentation format for in-vehicle signing information systems.  相似文献   

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