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文章报道了浑水中的声衰减的实验研究结果,超声波的频率分别为1、2、3、4、5MHz。实验表明:在同一个含沙量M的浑水中,声衰减系数β大致随频率f的增加而线性增加;对同一个频率f,声衰减系数β大致随含沙量M的增加而线性增加;在同一个频率,和相同含沙量M的情况下,声衰减系数β随泥沙粒径的增加而增加。 相似文献
衰减测量是微波测量的重要组成部分。微波传输器件,要考虑功率在传输中的损耗问题,需要进行衰减测量。多数的微波传输器件可用微波网络代表。 相似文献
梯度高分子溶液的声衰减 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
聚合物在溶解过程中形成聚合物膜、溶胀层、高浓度溶解层及低浓度溶解层,从而形成梯度高分子溶液,此种梯度高分子溶液对声信号有很好的衰减效果.文中详细研究了梯度高分子溶液在不同频率下,聚合物厚度及梯度结构的变化对反射声衰减效果的影响.结果表明,梯度高分子溶液浓度梯度的形成是声衰减效果好坏的关键。溶液浓度梯度很大或很小时,声衰减效果均不好,只有当浓度梯度适当时,其声衰减效果才最佳。 相似文献
详细研究了不同频率下水溶性高分子溶解过程中可溶盐(KC l、N aC l、N aB r)及EDTA对其声衰减效果的影响。试验结果表明,在低频条件下可溶盐对水溶性高分子溶解过程中的声衰减有明显的影响,若在其中加入EDTA可以基本消除这种“盐效应”的影响。 相似文献
光声层析成像术(Photoacoustic Tomography,PAT)在骨组织微结构的量化评估方面具有潜力,但在传统PAT工作模式下,松质骨的固液两相多孔结构导致骨小梁等分布式光吸收成分激发的光声信号混叠,增加了定量分析骨微结构特性的难度和复杂度。针对这一问题,文章将PAT系统改进为偏心激励-差分检测模式,获取差分衰减频谱(Differential Attenuation Spectrum,DAS);并通过数值仿真计算和验证了松质骨孔隙率与光声差分衰减频谱特征参数的相关性。研究结果表明:提取的光声差分衰减频谱特征参数与骨头孔隙率呈强线性相关,基于光声差分衰减频谱的分析方法可有效实现骨质定量评估和诊断。 相似文献
为了定量分析背景噪声对声发射源线定位的影响,分别在半消声室、一般实验室和建筑工地三种环境下,进行了声发射模拟源直线定位的测试,并且通过改变门槛值分析测量定位值同实际定位值之间的误差.实验结果表明,背景噪声对声发射传感器附近声源的影响大于定位区间中部的声源. 相似文献
To better explore the energy-saving mechanism and flow characteristics of the self-excited oscillatory flow, the experiment is performed by a new self-excited oscillatory flow generator that the 45° oblique sheet is mounted through the pipe axis in a horizontal-vertical closed pneumatic conveying system. The experimental study focuses on the optimum air-velocity and power consumption, and results shows the maximum reduction of the optimum air-velocity and the coefficient of power consumption are approximately 8.2% and 16.4%, respectively. In addition, the CFD-DEM coupled approach is first developed to investigate the interaction of gas-solid flow in terms of the gas turbulent kinetic energy and spatial particle flow characteristics. Compared with the conventional pneumatic conveying, it is found that the optimum air-velocity and power consumption are reduced by the new self-excited oscillatory flow at lower air-velocities. The numerical results show that the approximately symmetric distribution of axial velocity and the intensive tangential velocity is emerged in the self-excited oscillatory flow at upstream. Particles is efficiently dispersed and suspended by the self-exited oscillatory flow reflecting in the smaller particle variation coefficient and the lager particle suspension coefficient. And since the airflow kinetic energy is utilized more fully to promote particles flowing, the spatial particle axial velocity is accelerated and reached early steady state. As a result, the developed numerical model is further explained the mechanism of energy saving with the self-excited oscillatory flow. 相似文献
穿孔管阻性消声器消声性能计算及分析 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
一维解析法和三维子结构边界元法被用于计算和分析穿孔管阻性消声器的消声性能,以及考查消声器内非平面波对消声特性的影响。直通穿孔管阻性消声器传递损失的预测结果与实验测量结果比较表明:一维解析法只适合于消声器的低频声学性能计算,对于高频声学性能的精确预测需使用三维计算方法。边界元法进而被用于研究吸声材料的填充密度(流阻率)和几何参数对穿孔管阻性消声器消声性能的影响。增加吸声材料的填充密度、穿孔管的穿孔率和穿孔长度、以及吸声材料的厚度,均能有效地改善阻性消声器的中高频声学性能,而对消声器的低频消声效果影响较小。 相似文献
Stephen B. Margolis 《Journal of Engineering Mathematics》1997,31(2-3):173-203
A theoretical analysis for the unconfined deflagration of a porous energetic material is developed for a two-step global reaction mechanism that consists of the condensed-phase combustion of the reactive material to produce gas-phase intermediates, followed by a gas-phase reaction that produces final gas-phase products. An asymptotic approach is employed, leading to explicit formulas for the deflagration velocity in specific parameter regimes. The results clearly indicate the influences of two-phase flow and the multiphase, multi-step chemistry on the burning rate, and serve to further characterize the combustion behavior of a significant class of degraded nitramine-type propellants for which the present analysis is applicable. 相似文献
Y. Saito S. SekimotoM. Hino Y. Kawabata 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment》2011,651(1):36-41
To visualize boiling two-phase flow at high heat flux by using neutron radiography, a new neutron radiography facility was developed in the B-4 beam hole of KUR. The B-4 beam hole is equipped with a supermirror neutron guide tube with a characteristic wavelength of 1.2 Å, whose geometrical parameters of the guide tube are: 11.7 m total length and 10 mm wide ×74 mm high beam cross-section. The total neutron flux obtained from the KUR supermirror guide tube is about 5×107 n/cm2 s with a nominal thermal output of 5 MW of KUR, which is about 100 times what is obtainable with the conventional KUR neutron radiography facility (E-2 beam hole). In this study a new imaging device, an electric power supply (1200 A, 20 V), and a thermal hydraulic loop were installed. The neutron source, the beam tube, and the radiography rooms are described in detail and the preliminary images obtained at the developed facility are shown. 相似文献
统计最优近场声全息技术是通过全息面上测量声压的线性叠加来反演重建面上的声学量,可以从理论上克服基于傅氏变换的近场声全息技术的局限性。针对水中圆柱体的噪声源识别问题,采用声压和质点振速测量来进行声全息计算,推导了基于振速测量的统计最优柱面近场声全息技术的重建公式。利用所编制的程序进行了仿真验证,最后设计矢量水听器进行水中全息实验,验证了该方法的可行性和准确性,实验结果表明,该技术在水中柱形声源辐射声场的噪声源识别和定位中有着明显的优势。 相似文献