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利用耕地压力指数模型,计算分析了2010年西北旱区大型灌区不同粮食消费模式下的耕地压力指数、粮食盈余情况及可再承载人口状况。结果表明:在平衡膳食(PH)、初步小康或营养安全(XK)、富裕型(FY)社会三种不同粮食消费模式下,西北旱区97所大型灌区的耕地压力虽差异明显,但整体压力较小,三种模式的平均耕地压力指数(K值)均小于1,人粮关系较为和谐,除保证自身粮食需求外仍有一定的粮食盈余;三种模式下,粮食盈余量为869.19、586.18、41.46万t,可再承载人口数为2698.75、1465.46、75.38万人。  相似文献   

When questioned, people typically report that different foods are appropriate at different times of day. What is more, patterns of food consumption tend to exhibit marked diurnal/circadian variations in many parts of the world too. The question addressed in this review is what factors help to explain these temporal differences in food consumption. While it has been suggested that our nutritional needs may differ somewhat over the course of the day, cultural conventions, marketing-led interventions, atmospheric (e.g., think only of changes in ambient temperature and/or daily light levels), perceptual (i.e., threshold) and/or hedonic changes, as well as psychological factors have also been suggested to play a role. Taken together, though, the evidence reviewed here would appear to support the view that cultural and psychological factors, not to mention the ubiquitous influence of food marketing, may be the most important factors in terms of helping to explain why it is that so many of us choose to eat different foods at different times of the day. Relevant psychological factors here include everything from the purported depletion of self-restraint resources over the course of the day through to the fulfilment of different psychological needs (e.g., functional or hedonic) associated with different mealtimes. Given the unhealthy foods typically associated with breakfast in many western countries (e.g., think only of sugar-laden breakfast cereals), gaining a better understanding of the factors underpinning current temporal patterns of food consumption may potentially help those wanting to nudge consumers toward making healthier food choices in the future.  相似文献   

随着我国整体经济水平的提升,居民可支配收入不断增加,居民消费观念和结构都有了显著变化。尤其是在食品消费方面,居民的消费需求和习惯都在逐渐发生改变。本文首先分析了我国居民食品消费的现状,主要食品消费量趋于稳定,城乡食品消费占比仍存差距,绿色食品和保健食品消费量不断提升。其次,本文分析了我国居民食品消费的影响因素,包括居民人均可支配收入增加的影响、消费观念的变化、膳食结构的变化、城镇化和生活节奏变化的影响。再次,本文指出了我国居民食品消费的趋势,主要有食品消费结构不断升级、方便食品和健康食品成为消费主要趋势、食品消费更加追求个性化和新颖化。最后,根据居民食品消费趋势的变化得出了相应启示。  相似文献   

浅析新时期我国粮食消费与粮食安全   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
粮食是人类生存和发展的基础,粮食安全关乎国家安定与世界和平。中国是世界上人口最多、粮食消费量最大的国家,粮食一旦出了问题,后果将不堪设想。因此对待粮食安全问题决不可掉以轻心,要未雨绸缪,做好统筹。新时期消费结构变化使我国的粮食安全面临新形势,而新形势又给粮食安全、供求平衡及宏观调控带来新情况、新问题。要解决这些问题,结合当前国内外粮食的生产和消费情况,对我国的粮食消费形势进行全面分析,把握粮食消费特点,是确保当前及今后我国粮食安全的迫切要求。一、现阶段我国粮食消费特点口粮、饲料用粮、加工用粮、贸易用粮、种…  相似文献   

食品消费观和食品工业发展是相辅相成、相互促进的,食品消费观念是推动我国食品工业发展的原动力,同时食品工业的发展又推动新的消费观念产生,在更高水平上推动我国食品工业的发展。阐述了食品消费观的涵义,归纳了我国人民食品消费观发展中的三个重要阶段,并具体指出食品消费观对食品工业发展的作用。  相似文献   

Food consumption is responsible for a considerable proportion of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE). This study aimed to determine whether different dietary emission patterns (EPs) are evident in the Irish population. Respondents of the national nutritional survey were segmented using cluster analysis based on GHGE generated from food groups; thereby profiling similarities in how emissions were attained. Three distinct EPs were observed: Unsustainable, Culturally Sustainable, and Nutritionally Sustainable. The Unsustainable pattern had a significantly greater climatic impact; generating significantly higher emissions from processed meat, alcohol, carbonated beverages and savoury snacks, but significantly lower emissions from dairy.Total GHGE did not differ significantly between the Culturally Sustainable and the Nutritionally Sustainable despite the latter deriving significantly lower emissions from red meat. Nevertheless, the Nutritionally Sustainable pattern adhered to more dietary guidelines than other EPs. The results imply that policy instruments should be holistic in naturerather than concentrating on individual food groups.  相似文献   

目的:描述2002年拉萨市居民肉类和奶类食物的消费量和消费频次。方法:利用食物频率表(FFQ)对拉萨市居民调查为期1年的食物消费量和消费频率,计算肉类食物(包括猪肉、牛羊肉、禽肉和动物内脏)和奶类食物(包括鲜奶、奶粉、酸奶和奶酪等)的每日人均消费量和消费频率。结果:2002年拉萨市居民肉类食物的每日人均消费量分别是,猪肉为26.2g,牛羊肉为63.4g,禽肉为11.4g,动物内脏类为1.2g,平均每周的消费次数分别为,猪肉为3.1次,牛羊肉为5.8次,禽肉为1.4次,动物内脏类为0.4次。奶类食物的每日人均消费量分别是,鲜奶为22.9g,奶粉为23.0g,奶酪为27.8,酸奶为19.9g,平均每周的消费次数分别为,鲜奶为2.1次,奶粉为4.2次,奶酪为4.1次,酸奶为1.2次。结论:拉萨市居民牛羊肉的平均每日人均消费量高于其他肉类食物,每周的消费次数也较高。4种奶类食物的消费量相当,以奶粉和奶酪的消费频次高于鲜奶和酸奶。  相似文献   

The impact of changes in cultivated land on the production potential of food crops in China during the period of 1990–2010 was studied using land use data and the Global Agro-ecological Zones (GAEZ) model. The contribution of crop production potential per unit cultivated land area (PPCLA) to the total food-energy based production potential (TPP) of food crops was further investigated. From 1990 to 2010, China has experienced a net increase of cultivated land, resulting from a net increase in northern China and a smaller net decrease in the south. However, the TPP reduced by 9.64 × 1012 kcal despite an overall cultivated land increase for crops. This was attributed to the spatial heterogeneity of PPCLA in the cultivated land, whereby the average PPCLA of the newly cultivated land was much lower than that of the lost land. The PPCLA gap between the newly developed land and the lost cultivated land expanded from 3.16 × 106 kcal/ha in the first decade (1990–2000) to 6.49 × 106 kcal/ha in 2000–2010. Contributions of PPCLA to TPP varied among regions, and the regions with the largest contributions were consistent with those with the largest PPCLA gaps. Such regions included the Sichuan Basin and surrounding region in 1990–2000, and the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain during 2000–2010. Based on these research findings, key implications for land use policies in relation to major food crops in China are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between the nutrient contribution of beef, in its lowest and highest fat forms, and diet quality and food patterns in individuals 4+ years of age. Beef consumers were categorized into three groups (lowest lean/highest fat [LLHF]; middle lean/middle fat content; and highest lean/lowest fat [HLLF]) based on the lean and fat content of beef consumed. Compared to non-beef consumers, HLLF consumers had higher intakes of vitamins B6 and B12, iron, zinc, and potassium. Non-beef consumers had higher intakes of thiamin, folate, calcium, and magnesium than HLLF beef consumers. The HLLF group had significantly higher intakes of vitamins A, C, B6, and B12; niacin; phosphorus; magnesium; iron; zinc; and potassium, protein and lower intakes of total energy; total fat; SFA; MUFA; total carbohydrates. There was no difference in diet quality between HLLF beef consumers and non-beef consumers. Moderate consumption of lean beef contributes to intakes of selected nutrients and diet quality was similar to non-beef consumers.  相似文献   

目的 对我国与主要国家/地区的食品致敏物质标签标示要求差异性展开研究,同时调查消费者的食物过敏情况以及对于致敏物质标签标示的认知度,为我国食品中致敏物质的标签标示管理提供建议。方法 收集对比各国/地区食品中致敏物质标签标示的法律法规及标准,同时对消费者开展问卷调查,对5 975份调查报告进行统计并分析调查结果。结果 我国食品中致敏物质标签标示要求较为宽松,消费者对于相关标示内容有所需求。结论 应推行食品中致敏物质的强制化标示,完善食品中致敏物质标签标示的管理。  相似文献   

从历史的角度阐述了政府对烟草产品长期实行重税政策在增加政府收入中做出的重要贡献,分析了政府对烟草产品征收重税的基本理由是增加政府收入和减少烟草消费,找出了在减少烟草消费方面效果并不明显的原因,主要是烟草税收对各级政府的内在激励、卷烟价格结构的多层次性和卷烟承载的社会交往功能。   相似文献   

中美两国粮食消费差异比较与中国粮食问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
中国是世界上粮食生产与消费大国,90年代以来,粮食产量稳居世界首位。中国的粮食问题一直是农业仍至整个国民经济中的重大战略性问题,也是最难解决的问题。由于中国地域广阔、交通运输欠发达、市场发育不完善、贮备条件较差等原因,使中国的粮食安全与保障体系比较脆弱。十多年来,中国粮食人均占有量在350-500公斤之间徘徊,但经常使政府与农民处在粮食“买难与卖难”的两难境地。美国的粮食总量虽低于中国,但人均占有量却达到1200多公斤,是中国人均占有量的3倍,却没有我们如何多的难题。差异究竟在哪里呢?这中间既有两国粮食政策的不同,也有市场与贮备条件的差异,更多的是两国的粮食消费结构不同。由于中美两国的经济发展水平不同,居民的消费结构不同,使两国的粮食消费构成有较大差异。下面从中美两粮食消费结构的角度来对此问题进行初步的分析探讨。  相似文献   

农药残留对我国食品安全的影响及相应对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国加入WTO以后,面对国际市场上众多的“绿色壁垒”,我国的农产品出口因农药残留问题而遭受了巨大损失,在国内也引发了严重的食品安全问题。从人们对食品安全的认识出发,论述了我国由农药残留超标引发的食品安全危机,系统分析了食品中农药残留超标的主要原因,最后,有针对性地提出确保食品安全的对策。  相似文献   

黄崇富  常宇  刘力超 《食品与机械》2022,(9):108-113,170
目的:针对食品工业机器人动力学参数未知的节能轨迹规划问题,提出一种基于鲸鱼算法和神经网络的点到点机器人关节能耗轨迹规划方案。方法:构建食品机器人移动机械臂点到点关节能耗模型,设计基于神经网络的相似动力学辨识,用改进的鲸鱼算法对权重和偏置参数进行离线优化;采用四次多项式插值法规划关节移动轨迹,将轨迹参数等效为鲸鱼编码,通过求解关节能耗目标优化函数,最终得到能耗最优的关节运动规划轨迹。结果:该方案适用于机器人动力学参数未知下的轨迹规划场景,得到的轨迹能耗比同类降低约9.01%。结论:基于鲸鱼算法和神经网络的轨迹规划能实现食品机器人能耗优化目标。  相似文献   

Three studies were conducted to examine the relationship of pre-test ratings of consumer food preferences (liking/disliking in response to a food name), expected liking/disliking, and situational appropriateness with post-test measures of liking/disliking, consumption and satisfaction in specific eating situations. A pre-test survey of 115 consumers assessed general preferences, expected liking/disliking, and appropriateness of 22 foods and beverages in 10 different use situations. The data showed a strong association between pre-test ratings of food appropriateness and expected liking/disliking. In the first experiment, subjects received an appropriate or inappropriate food at a lunch meal. In the second, subjects received a food item in either an appropriate or inappropriate social situation. Liking/disliking and consumption were poorly predicted from simple food preference measures. Better prediction was obtained by a combination of pre-test variables, but the variance accounted for was low. A likely factor influencing the results was the subjects' pre-test assumptions about the specific characteristics of the meal situation and how these matched or mismatched the actual meal conditions. In the third experiment, subjects received food items that varied in sensory quality at either an appropriate or inappropriate mealtime. In addition to the variables measured in Experiments 1 and 2, pre-test expected sensory attributes, post-test sensory attributes, judgments of whether the foods were “better or worse than expected” and “satisfaction” were collected. Results showed significant effects of both food quality and food appropriateness on all post-test variables, and confirmed the high degree of association between appropriateness and expected liking/disliking ratings found previously. Food preferences were again found to be poor predictors of post-test measures, while appropriateness and expected liking ratings were found to be good predictors of post-test appropriateness and food satisfaction ratings. Lastly, satisfaction was better predicted by both pre- and post-test variables than were either liking/disliking or consumption measures. Overall, the results show that the prediction of any aspect of consumer behavior toward foods in real life situations is extremely difficult. Although judicious use of multiple pre-test variables can improve prediction, much of the variability in liking, satisfaction, or consumption still remains unaccounted.  相似文献   

Kosher犹太食品认证在食品添加剂行业发展迅速,已成为欧美、中东、东南亚等国外客户采购食品原材料的严格标准之一,是食品添加剂出口上述地区的通关卡.目前,亚洲大部分犹太食品供应商基本来自中国,我国在食品添加剂行业的出口额比重占主导地位.近几年,美国、欧盟国家纷纷要求食品添加剂出口企业进行Kosher认证,按Kosher要求实施原辅材料选择和控制,对食品添加剂生产设备及环境提出了特殊要求.Kosher认证证书有助于提高产品知名度,扩大市场份额.Kosher犹太食品认证从加工配料、加工设备、工艺流程、配方标识等方面提出了具体要求,认证程序非常严格.目前已有三家欧美认证机构在国内正式开展Kosher认证业务,相信随着国际贸易的持续扩大,Kosher认证将会在我国取得快速的发展.  相似文献   

目的 通过分析我囯食品安全风险相关文献的基本情况,揭示其研究领域的热点、现状以及发展趋势,为之后的研究奠定理论基础。方法 本文以中国知网(CNKI)、万方和维普收录的与食品安全风险相关的文献为数据源,通过对高频关键词进行共词分析、因子分析、聚类分析和战略坐标分析等方法,确定研究主题情况。结果 通过运用SPSS26.0对选取出的85个高频关键词进行聚类分析,目前我囯食品安全风险研究形成了9个主流研究热点,分别为:食品污染及相关风险监测、蔬菜农药残留的健康风险、转基因食品及相关法律监管、风险防范预警、消费者对风险感知的影响因素、食品供应链质量安全的风险分析、食品安全国家标准、食品安全风险监管、安全检测保障。结论 食品安全风险研究领域目前较为成熟的研究热点是食品安全风险监管,理论研究多集中于我国食品安全监管的目标、职能、制度和技术方面,需加强对监管部门相关食品安全标准的宣贯和培训,以便提高基层食品安全监管治理能力;蔬菜农药残留和风险防范预警作为新兴研究主题在未来较有发展潜力,后续研究需解决目前存在的基层相关监测条件缺乏的现状,尽快对风险预警体系进行建设改进。  相似文献   

目的 研究国际组织和其他国家对食品冷链温度要求的管理情况,为我国冷链标准完善和今后研究方向提出建议。方法 将我国标准与国际食品法典委员会、国际标准化组织、欧盟、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰标准的相关规定进行对比分析,提出关注和重点考虑的问题以及对我国冷链物流温度控制的建议。结果 国外基本为推荐性操作要求,较少规定具体温度,我国标准体系为强制性和推荐性相结合,对温度要求较为具体。国内外标准中都允许温度波动,同时强调车辆预冷、监控、运输工具等的重要,但国外标准更多注重过程管理。提示我国今后要加强操作规范,尤其是推荐性标准的制定。结论 我国食品冷链物流关键环节的温度要求与国际基本接轨,安全标准制定相对合理和完善,应加强推荐性操作规范标准的制定,促进行业健康和谐发展。  相似文献   

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