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We have studied the importance of the specific DNA sequence of the deo operator site for DeoR repressor binding by introducing symmetrical, single basepair substitutions at all positions in the deo operator and tested the ability of these variants to titrate DeoR in vivo. Our results show that a 16 bp palindromic sequence constitutes the deo operator. Positions outside this palindrome (positions +/- 9, +/- 10) can be changed without any major effect on DeoR binding. Most of the central 6-8 bp of the palindrome (positions +/- 1, +/- 2, +/- 3) can be substituted with other nucleotides with no or only minor effects on DeoR binding, while changes at position +/- 4 and +/- 5 give a more heterogeneous response. Finally, changes at positions +/- 6, +/- 7 and +/- 8 severely disrupt DeoR binding.  相似文献   

Guanine or hypoxanthine, physiological corepressors of the Escherichia coli purine repressor (PurR), promote formation of the ternary PurR-corepressor-operator DNA complex that functions to repress pur operon gene expression. Structure-based predictions on the importance of Arg190 in determining 6-oxopurine specificity and corepressor binding affinity were tested by mutagenesis, analysis of in vivo function, and in vitro corepressor binding measurements. Replacements of Arg190 with Ala or Gln resulted in functional repressors in which binding of guanine and hypoxanthine was retained but specificity was relaxed to permit binding of adenine. X-ray structures were determined for ternary complexes of mutant repressors with purines (adenine, guanine, hypoxanthine, and 6-methylpurine) and operator DNA. These structures indicate that R190A binds guanine, hypoxanthine, and adenine with nearly equal, albeit reduced, affinity in large part because of a newly made compensatory hydrogen bond between the rotated hydroxyl side chain of Ser124 and the exocyclic 6 positions of the purines. Through direct and water-mediated contacts, the R190Q protein binds adenine with a nearly 75-fold higher affinity than the wild type repressor while maintaining wild type affinity for guanine and hypoxanthine. The results establish at the atomic level the basis for the critical role of Arg190 in the recognition of the exocyclic 6 position of its purine corepressors and the successful redesign of corepressor specificity.  相似文献   

Metalloregulatory properties of the ArsD repressor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The plasmid-encoded arsenical resistance (ars) operon of plasmid R773 produces resistance to trivalent and pentavalent salts of the metalloids arsenic and antimony in cells of Escherichia coli. The first two genes in the operon, arsR and arsD, were previously shown to encode trans-acting repressor proteins. ArsR controls the basal level of expression of the operon, while ArsD controls maximal expression. Thus, action of the two repressors form a homeostatic regulatory circuit that maintains the level of ars expression within a narrow range. In this study, we demonstrate that ArsD binds to the same site on the ars promoter element as ArsR but with 2 orders of magnitude lower affinity. The results of gel shift assays demonstrate that ArsD is released from the ars DNA promoter by phenylarsine oxide, sodium arsenite, and potassium antimonyl tartrate (in order of effectiveness), the same inducers to which ArsR responds. Using the quenching of intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence to measure the affinity of the repressor for inducers, apparent Kd values for Sb(III) and As(III) of 2 and 60 microM, respectively, were obtained. These results demonstrate that the arsR-arsD pair provide a sensitive mechanism for sensing a wide range of environmental heavy metals.  相似文献   

The primary virulence factors of many pathogenic bacteria are secreted protein toxins which bind to glycolipid receptors on host cell surfaces. The binding specificities of three such toxins for different glycolipids, mainly from the ganglioside series, were determined by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) using a liposome capture method. Unlike microtiter plate and thin layer chromatography overlay assays, the SPR/liposome methodology allows for real time analysis of toxin binding under conditions that mimic the natural cell surface venue of these interactions and without any requirement for labeling of toxin or receptor. Compared to conventional assays, the liposome technique showed more restricted oligosaccharide specificities for toxin binding. Cholera toxin demonstrated an absolute requirement for terminal galactose and internal sialic acid residues (as in GM1) with tolerance for substitution with a second internal sialic acid (as in GD1b). Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin bound to GM1 and tolerated removal or extension of the internal sialic acid residue (as in asialo-GM1 and GD1b, respectively) but not substitution of the terminal galactose of GM1. Tetanus toxin showed a requirement for two internal sialic acid residues as in GD1b. Extension of terminal galactose with a single sialic acid was tolerated to some extent. The SPR analyses also yielded rate and affinity constants which are not attainable by conventional assays. Complex binding profiles were observed in that the association and dissociation rate constants varied with toxin:receptor ratios. The sub-nanomolar affinities of cholera toxin and heat-labile enterotoxin for liposome-anchored gangliosides were attributable largely to very slow dissociation rate constants. The SPR/liposome technology should have general applicability in the study of glycolipid-protein interactions and in the evaluation of reagents designed to interfere with these interactions.  相似文献   

The rates of association of the tetrameric Lac repressor (LacI), dimeric LacIadi (a deletion mutant of LacI), and the native dimeric Gal repressor (GalR) to DNA restriction fragments containing a single specific site were investigated using a quench-flow DNase I "footprinting" technique. The dimeric proteins, LacIadi and GalR, and tetrameric LacI possess one and two DNA binding sites, respectively. The nanomolar protein concentrations used in these studies ensured that the state of oligomerization of each protein was predominantly either dimeric or tetrameric, respectively. The bimolecular association rate constants (ka) determined for the LacI tetramer exceed those of the dimeric proteins. The values of ka obtained for LacI, LacIadi, and GalR display different dependences on [KCl]. For LacIadi and GalR, they diminish as [KCl] increases from 25 mM to 200 mM, approaching rates predicted for three-dimensional diffusion. In contrast, the ka values determined for the tetrameric LacI remain constant up to 300 mM [KCl], the highest salt concentration that could be investigated by quench-flow footprinting. The enhanced rate of association of the tetramer relative to the dimeric proteins can be modeled by enhanced "sliding" (Berg, O. G., Winter, R. B., and von Hippel, P. H. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 6929-6948) of the LacI tetramer relative to the LacIadi dimer or a combination of enhanced sliding and the superimposition of "direct transfer" mediated by the bidentate DNA interactions of the tetramer.  相似文献   

Lac repressor and lac operator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

BACKGROUND: The three-dimensional structure of the Escherichia coli methionine repressor (met repressor) is relatively unperturbed by the binding of its corepressor, S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), and of operator DNA. The positively charged corepressor binds to sites on the repressor remote from the DNA-binding site, and despite the lack of induced structural change is able to raise the affinity for operator DNA by a factor of up to 1000. Neutral corepressor analogues also bind to the repressor, but do not increase operator affinity. These observations suggest that the corepressor effect may be electrostatic. RESULTS: Using the program DELPHI, we have calculated electrostatic potentials for the repressor and its complexes, and have obtained results consistent with an electrostatic model for repressor activation. The positive potential originating from the corepressor is propagated through the repressor-operator complex, and is significant at DNA phosphate groups buried in the protein-DNA interface. The rank order of calculated electrostatic interaction energies for complexes with SAM, and two closely-related analogues, is in agreement with experimental measurements of the corresponding repressor-operator affinities. CONCLUSION: Long-range (> 10 A) electrostatic interactions between bound corepressor and operator phosphate groups in the repressor-operator complex may be sufficient to explain repressor activation Met repressor could, therefore, be an electrostatically triggered genetic switch.  相似文献   

The docking of repressor proteins to DNA starting from the unbound protein and model-built DNA coordinates is modeled computationally. The approach was evaluated on eight repressor/DNA complexes that employed different modes for protein/ DNA recognition. The global search is based on a protein-protein docking algorithm that evaluates shape and electrostatic complementarity, which was modified to consider the importance of electrostatic features in DNA-protein recognition. Complexes were then ranked by an empirical score for the observed amino acid /nucleotide pairings (i.e., protein-DNA pair potentials) derived from a database of 20 protein/ DNA complexes. A good prediction had at least 65% of the correct contacts modeled. This approach was able to identify a good solution at rank four or better for three out of the eight complexes. Predicted complexes were filtered by a distance constraint based on experimental data defining the DNA footprint. This improved coverage to four out of eight complexes having a good model at rank four or better. The additional use of amino acid mutagenesis and phylogenetic data defining residues on the repressor resulted in between 2 and 27 models that would have to be examined to find a good solution for seven of the eight test systems. This study shows that starting with unbound coordinates one can predict three-dimensional models for protein/DNA complexes that do not involve gross conformational changes on association.  相似文献   

An extended differentiated scanning calorimetry study of the wild-type Cro repressor and of its V55C mutant has revealed a significant concentration dependence of the melting profiles, even though the two polypeptide chains forming the active repressor molecule are covalently bound within the mutant. An analysis of the temperature dependencies of the partial molar heat capacity suggests that in both cases equilibrium unfolding occurs via a highly-populated intermediate state corresponding to polypeptide tetramers. The results of thermodynamic analysis are confirmed by direct glutaraldehyde cross-linking experiments. Judging by heat effects and circular dichroism data, this intermediate state regains about 50% of the ordered structure and melts co-operatively.  相似文献   

The virulent phenotype of the pathogenic bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae is conferred by diphtheria toxin, whose expression is an adaptive response to low concentrations of iron. The expression of the toxin gene (tox) is regulated by the repressor DtxR, which is activated by transition metal ions. X-ray crystal structures of DtxR with and without (apo-form) its coordinated transition metal ion have established the general architecture of the repressor, identified the location of the metal-binding sites, and revealed a metal-ion-triggered subunit-subunit 'caliper-like' conformational change. Here we report the three-dimensional crystal structure of the complex between a biologically active Ni(II)-bound DtxR(C102D) mutant, in which a cysteine is replaced by an aspartate at residue 102, and a 33-base-pair DNA segment containing the toxin operator toxO. This structure shows that DNA interacts with two dimeric repressor proteins bound to opposite sides of the tox operator. We propose that a metal-ion-induced helix-to-coil structural transition in the amino-terminal region of the protein is partly responsible for the unique mode of repressor activation by transition metal ions.  相似文献   

The thermal stability of the Arc repressor dimer normally increases with concentration because protein folding and subunit association are thermodynamically coupled. At Arc concentrations above 100 microM, however, thermal denaturation remains reversible and cooperative but tm does not continue to increase. In this concentration regime, thermally denatured Arc shows significantly reduced secondary structure and no evidence of a tightly packed core, but light scattering and fluorescence polarization studies indicate that the protein is dimeric. Higher order denatured oligomers are not observed and the stability of the non-native dimer is reduced by Arc mutations, indicating that non-native dimerization involves specific interactions between Arc subunits.  相似文献   

Here, we present a graphic display of the phenotypes of more than 4000 single amino acid substitution mutations on the three-dimensional structure of the lac repressor tetramer bound to DNA. The genetic data and the X-ray diffraction studies contribute to define an allosteric mechanism and yield a visual demonstration of the importance of core or buried residues in protein structure.  相似文献   

The specificity of the yeast proprotein-processing Kex2 protease was examined in vivo by using a sensitive, quantitative assay. A truncated prepro-alpha-factor gene encoding an alpha-factor precursor with a single alpha-factor repeat was constructed with restriction sites for cassette mutagenesis flanking the single Kex2 cleavage site (-SLDKR downward arrowEAEA-). All of the 19 substitutions for the Lys (P2) residue in the cleavage site were made. The wild-type and mutant precursors were expressed in a yeast strain lacking the chromosomal genes encoding Kex2 and prepro-alpha-factor. Cleavage of the 20 sites by Kex2, expressed at the wild-type level, was assessed by using a quantitative-mating assay with an effective range greater than six orders of magnitude. All substitutions for Lys at P2 decreased mating, from 2-fold for Arg to >10(6)-fold for Trp. Eviction of the Kex2-encoding plasmid indicated that cleavage of mutant sites by other cellular proteases was not a complicating factor. Mating efficiencies of strains expressing the mutant precursors correlated well with the specificity (kcat/KM) of purified Kex2 for comparable model peptide substrates, validating the in vivo approach as a quantitative method. The results support the conclusion that KM, which is heavily influenced by the nature of the P2 residue, is a major determinant of cleavage efficiency in vivo. P2 preference followed the rank order: Lys > Arg > Thr > Pro > Glu > Ile > Ser > Ala > Asn > Val > Cys > AsP > Gln > Gly > His > Met > Leu > Tyr > Phe > Trp.  相似文献   

A model based on the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann (NLPB) equation is used to study the electrostatic contribution to the binding free energy of the lambdacI repressor to its operator DNA. In particular, we use the Poisson-Boltzmann model to calculate the pKa shift of individual ionizable amino acids upon binding. We find that three residues on each monomer, Glu34, Glu83, and the amino terminus, have significant changes in their pKa and titrate between pH 4 and 9. This information is then used to calculate the pH dependence of the binding free energy. We find that the calculated pH dependence of binding accurately reproduces the available experimental data over a range of physiological pH values. The NLPB equation is then used to develop an overall picture of the electrostatics of the lambdacI repressor-operator interaction. We find that long-range Coulombic forces associated with the highly charged nucleic acid provide a strong driving force for the interaction of the protein with the DNA. These favorable electrostatic interactions are opposed, however, by unfavorable changes in the solvation of both the protein and the DNA upon binding. Specifically, the formation of a protein-DNA complex removes both charged and polar groups at the binding interface from solvent while it displaces salt from around the nucleic acid. As a result, the electrostatic contribution to the lambdacI repressor-operator interaction opposes binding by approximately 73 kcal/mol at physiological salt concentrations and neutral pH. A variety of entropic terms also oppose binding. The major force driving the binding process appears to be release of interfacial water from the protein and DNA surfaces upon complexation and, possibly, enhanced packing interactions between the protein and DNA in the interface. When the various nonelectrostatic terms are described with simple models that have been applied previously to other binding processes, a general picture of protein/DNA association emerges in which binding is driven by the nonpolar interactions, whereas specificity results from electrostatic interactions that weaken binding but are necessary components of any protein/DNA complex.  相似文献   

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