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Optimal conditions for malting wheat and chickpea for preparation of weaning foods were standardized and malted flours from 48 h germinated wheat and 24 h germinated chickpea were blended to prepare malted weaning food. Wheat was dry-heat-parboiled (bulgurized), popped in hot sand and blended with popped chickpea flour to prepare popped weaning food. Mildly toasted and debranned wheat and dehusked chickpea flours were mixed and the blend was roller-dried for preparation of roller dried weaning food. the formulations had 60% wheat, 30% chickpea, 5% skim milk powder and 5% sucrose and contained about 16% protein. the cooked paste viscosity (dietary bulk) of malted food, popped food with malt, and roller dried food with malt was significantly lower than popped and roller dried foods at all comparable slurry concentrations. the energy density of malted and malt-added food slurries at spoon feeding consistency was 4.2 KJg−1. PER (2.91), biological value (88.3) and true digestibility (87.5) values of malted food were higher than that of the other formulations.  相似文献   

Food Science and Biotechnology - The effects of packaging materials, package shape, and secondary packaging on the inactivation of indigenous mesophilic aerobic bacteria in Korean steamed rice...  相似文献   

Response surface methodology was used to evaluate the effects of ingredients on popcorn popping characteristics. The effects of different ingredients on the expansion volume and unpopped kernel ratio of popcorn in a conventional popper and a microwave oven were evaluated and optimized by response surface methodology. The regression models were significant and had R2 value in the range of 0.919–0.956. The optimum levels of ingredients for microwave popping were 4.4% salt, 5.9% vegetable oil, 0% sodium bicarbonate and 16.4% butter, this formulation giving an expansion volume of 33.1 mL g?1. In the case of conventional popping, the maximum expansion volume of 37.3 mL g?1 was obtained for 3.5% salt, 6% vegetable oil, 0.10% sodium bicarbonate and 12.9% butter.  相似文献   

研究乳酸处理对大米淀粉性质的影响.结果表明,乳酸处理后大米淀粉中直链淀粉含量由17.86%增加到23.22%(第2天),到第7天降为18.13%;总淀粉含量从90.89%下降为82.02%;95℃时测定,溶解度从5.0%到第3天增加为14%,膨胀度从5.06降到4.72;透明度和凝沉率略有下降;通过物性测试仪,测定硬度由138.59 g降为70.81 g,弹性基本维持在0.99;通过黏度快速测定仪,乳酸处理后大米淀粉的糊化温度升高,第5天达到最高糊化温度86.7℃,峰值黏度下降,第7天达到最小值201.88 RVU,衰减值增加,热稳定性变差,回生值变化不大.  相似文献   

以籼稻为原料,采用超声波、蒸煮、超高压等一系列辅助处理,通过单因素和正交实验优化,得到慢消化蒸谷米的最优工艺参数为:超声波大小550 W、蒸煮时间30 min、超高压功率450 MPa,最终产品GI值为46,属于低GI食品。并通过GC-MS、电子鼻、傅里叶红外光谱对其消化特性和品质特性进行分析。结果表明,电子鼻主成分分析总贡献率高达97.9%,GC-MS实验中得出慢消化蒸谷米出现了反式-2-癸烯醛、2-丁基-2-辛烯醛、苯甲酸乙烯酯以及2-己基-1-癸醇等特征性香气成分,傅里叶红外光谱数据表明超高压、超声波等一系列处理促进了淀粉糊化。其模糊综合感官评分为86.3,由此可知慢消化蒸谷米品质较好,气味、外观品质、软硬度、弹性、黏性均具有良好的感官品质。  相似文献   

对多种间隔织物的透气性、热传导性及低应力下的力学性能等进行了定量研究。测试了等离子体处理前后间隔织物的厚度、质量、耐磨性、水蒸气渗透性、芯吸性及浸润性等。研究表明:透气性、热传导性和吸湿性能与间隔纱线的类型和排列密切相关,等离子体处理时间也会影响间隔织物的性能。分析得知:等离子体处理对间隔织物的透气性、热传导性和力学性能影响显著。  相似文献   

旨在了解常压室温等离子体诱变处理对螺旋藻氨基酸含量及营养价值的影响。以TJF1为出发藻株,多功能等离子体诱变仪对藻株进行诱变处理,日立L-8900氨基酸自动分析仪测定其氨基酸组成和含量,利用模糊识别法和氨基酸比值系数法对突变体与出发藻株的氨基酸营养价值进行评价。结果表明:与出发藻株相比,15个突变株中的17种氨基酸含量均高于出发藻株,总氨基酸含量差异显著;突变株的氨基酸含量分布与出发藻株保持一致;总必需氨基酸与总氨基酸含量比值(E/T)维持在0.43~0.45,没有明显变化;2种营养价值评价结果表明,等离子体诱变没有降低氨基酸营养价值;突变株10的总氨基酸含量最高,比出发藻株高出53.52%,可以作为高产蛋白优势藻株。  相似文献   

对3个生产基地8个晚籼品种的24份稻米的蛋白质和氨基酸组成进行了测定。以FAO/WHO氨基酸标准模式为参考,利用改进层次分析法与灰色关联度分析相结合的方法建立稻米蛋白质综合评价模型,并对评价模型用于评价蛋白质营养价值的可行性进行了验证。结果显示,不同基地及不同品种间稻米蛋白质品质存在显著性差异(P0.05);加权灰色关联度法与PER、NPR的相关系数r分别为0.959(P=0.003),0.974(P=0.001)。表明加权灰色关联度与蛋白质生物学指标高度相关,能够较为科学、有效地表征稻米蛋白质的营养品质。  相似文献   

Kim  Jun Young  Seo  Woo Duck  Park  Dong-Soo  Jang  Ki Chang  Choi  Kyung-Jin  Kim  Sang-Yeol  Oh  Seong-Hwan  Ra  Ji-Eun  Yi  Gihwan  Park  Soo-Kwon  Hwang  Un-Ha  Song  You-Chun  Park  Bo-Ram  Park  Mi-Jin  Kang  Hang-Won  Nam  Min-Hee  Han  Sang-Ik 《Food science and biotechnology》2013,22(1):121-128
The concentration of nutrients in brown rice is mainly associated with embryo size. Various beneficial components have been purified from rice bran. Recently developed black waxy rice with a giant embryo (‘Milyang 263’, BGE), which is the ge t mutant of the GE gene, was selected and analyzed to produce high quality nutritional components. γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) content in BGE rice bran, one of the most important nutritional compounds in rice, showed a 10.6-fold increase (2.66±0.48 mg/g) compared to that of BGE brown rice (0.25±0.01 mg/g). In addition, brown rice and BGE rice bran showed enriched amylopectin (94.5±0.5 and 97.0±0.0%) and bioactive anthocyanin [Cy-3-G: 75.15±4.18 (brown rice), 82.97±0.81 (rice bran) and Pn-3-G: 1.52±0.50 (brown rice), 4.33±0.20 (rice bran); mg/100 g] contents. These results suggest that BGE rice bran can be used as an excellent raw material to efficiently produce high quality essential amino acids, cyanidin-3 glycoside-enriched anthocyanins, and GABA.  相似文献   

对3份转Fer基因水稻与亲本的稻米营养成分进行了比较与分析,发现其中2份转Fer基因水稻(F2-5和F10-4)铁含量为野生型亲本秀水11的2.21和2.18倍,由此表明,铁蛋白基因表达与稻米铁含量变化有一定相关性。进一步鉴定表明,转基因稻米其它矿质元素以及粗蛋白、粗脂肪、淀粉、粗纤维、总灰分、氨基酸、维生素等关键性营养成分与亲本差异不显著,转基因未改变原亲本的其他品质性状。并就转Fer基因稻米的食品安全性以及转入的外源基因等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

摘要:为提高米糠的利用率,改善米糠膳食纤维的组成及酚类物质的释放,通过木聚糖酶酶解、纤维素酶酶解、木聚糖酶和纤维素酶复合酶解、乳酸菌和酵母菌发酵处理及发酵酶解5种方法对脱脂米糠进行生物改性,探究脱脂米糠营养成分及功能特性的变化。结果表明:发酵酶解显著改善了脱脂米糠膳食纤维的组成,可溶性膳食纤维含量提高19.7%,不溶性膳食纤维含量降低8.5%;发酵处理使脱脂米糠中游离态多酚含量提高19.3%,结合态多酚含量提高31.2%,总酚含量提高29.0%,游离态黄酮含量提高66.9%,结合态黄酮含量提高175.7%,总黄酮含量提高128.7%,并且改变了脱脂米糠中酚酸的组成。复合酶解改性显著提高了脱脂米糠的比表面积,降低了粒径。与未处理组相比,发酵酶解处理降低了米糠的持水性和持油性。经发酵改性的脱脂米糠对牛磺胆酸钠的吸附能力增加4.27倍。生物改性能够有效改善脱脂米糠的营养特性和功能特性,进一步为其在食品领域的开发利用提供可能。  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of plasma and ozone treatments on the quality of orange juice was evaluated. The juice was directly and indirectly exposed to a plasma field at 70 kV for different treatment times: 15, 30, 45 and 60 s. For ozone processing, different loads (0.057, 0.128 and 0.230 mg/O3 mL of juice) were evaluated. After the treatments, the oligosaccharides were quantified by HPLC. The juice pH, color, total phenolic content and total antioxidant activity were also determined. Both processes promoted a partial degradation of the oligosaccharides in the juice. However, the juice maintained an enough amount of oligosaccharides to be classified as a prebiotic food. The phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of the treated samples was also well preserved as the pH and color. Thus, atmospheric cold plasma and ozone are suitable non-thermal alternatives for prebiotic orange juice treatment.Industrial relevanceConsumers are looking for safe food products with high quality. Thus, the food industry is currently considering non-thermal processes as an alternative to reduce the nutrient loss in processed foods. Despite atmospheric cold plasma and ozone are technologies already evaluated as an efficient non-thermal alternative for pathogens inactivation in orange juice, no previous studies on their effects on the oligosaccharides in functional fruit juice was published. This study is of industrial relevance because it demonstrates that after plasma and ozone treatment the overall quality of prebiotic orange juice was preserved and the product maintained its functional appeal.  相似文献   

用常压蒸煮、高压蒸煮和微波处理米糠,研究热处理方法对米糠及米糠油品质的影响。结果表明,三种热处理方式均能使米糠的水分下降,抑制过氧化物酶和脂肪酶活力,使储藏过程中脂肪酸值上升速度减慢。其中常压蒸煮米糠的过氧化物酶和脂肪酶活力下降最多;微波处理的米糠在储藏过程中脂肪降解最慢,过氧化物酶和脂肪酶活力有下降的趋势,提出的米糠油品质优于常压蒸煮和高压蒸煮。  相似文献   

The present work aimed to study the effect of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) atmospheric cold plasma (CP) on the structure-function relationship of sodium caseinate. The caseinate powder was subjected to CP for 0, 2.5, 5 and 10 min, and its physicochemical, structural, thermal, emulsifying and film-forming properties were investigated. The FTIR spectra revealed a higher β-structures and a diminished-random coil conformation after CP treatment. The DSC profiles confirmed higher glass transition in CP-processed caseinates. The CP-treated caseinates exhibited higher interfacial activity and developed emulsions with smaller particle size and higher physical stability. The SEM images and mechanical analysis of produced caseinate film showed that CP treatment up to 5 min promoted the formation of a more uniform microstructure and reinforced the tensile strength. These findings propose that CP treatment may be efficiently employed to mildly modify caseinate structure and improve its techno-functional properties.Industrial relevanceCold plasma (CP) is an emerging eco-friendly efficient technology, which has gained increasing attention in the food and pharmaceutical industries. It is a potent and outstanding technique for non-thermal microbial decontamination, enzyme deactivation, surface modification, functionalization, and etching of coating materials. The CP may provide opportunities in a targeted modification of the structure and interfacial performance of biopolymers. This work demonstrates the potential of CP for mild modification of the structure, emulsifying and film-forming properties of sodium caseinate powder while maintaining its appearance features. Sodium caseinate treated by plasma can develop an emulsion with significantly higher physical stability and edible film with augmented mechanical strength, opening a wide range of promising applications in food and pharmaceutical industries such as the development of tailor-made protein-based films, coatings, emulsions, and emulsion films.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Basmati comprises a small group of premium aromatic rice from India (and Pakistan), prized in international trade. These varieties have not so far been fully characterized physicochemically. To address this gap, all available recognized as well as unrecognized varieties/lines of basmati and its derivatives (crosses) were exhaustively studied for their physical, chemical and cooking properties over eight years. RESULTS: It was found that all five basmati land races (‘traditional’ varieties) had similar properties. They had substantial σ1 distal end (DE) shape of brown and milled rice; good aroma; intermediate amylose (~230 g kg?1), alkali score and viscogram breakdown (BDr); and they yielded a high elongation ratio (>1.9) and good ‘rings’ after cooking. The 23 Indian crossbred (basmati derivative) varieties/lines (plus 13 supermarket samples of Pakistani basmati) studied were different. Each of them differed in at least two or three and sometimes several of the above properties from the land races. CONCLUSION: These results provided a framework of what constituted basmati properties and a benchmark to decide how close a cross was. Additionally, the varying combinations of the observed values of the ten or more key indices enabled any of the above varieties/lines to be identified by simple physicochemical techniques. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Four mungbean products namely, whole fried namkeen, dehusked fried namkeen, roasted namkeen and salad were formulated using three different cultivars of mungbean viz. UPM 98‐1, Pant Mung‐5 and Pant Mung‐2 and the effect of different processing methods on texture and nutrient composition were studied. All the products were found to be acceptable by the panel. Salad was found to be the most acceptable product with overall acceptability of 8.31 out of 10 followed by dehusked fried namkeen (7.80), whole fried namkeen (7.61) and roasted namkeen (7.02). Moisture and protein content increased significantly after germination for 24 h. Fat content increased significantly for deep fried products. Total ash, crude fibre and mineral content decreased significantly after processing whereas in‐vitro iron bioavailability and in‐vitro protein digestibility increased significantly after processing. Texture analysis revealed that dehusked fried namkeen of Pant Mung‐5 and roasted namkeen of Pant Mung‐2 had maximum crispness and hardness, respectively, which are preferred attributes.  相似文献   

针对常压等离子体处理过程中存在水分的问题,研究回潮率对常压等离子体处理芳纶效果的影响。回潮率分别为0.5%、3.5%和5.5%的3种芳纶经常压等离子处理后,测定其动态接触角以及纤维与树脂间的层间剪切强度,采用原子力显微镜和X射线光电子能谱探测纤维表面发生的物理和化学变化。结果表明,随纤维回潮率的增加,处理后纤维的前进角和后退角减小,而纤维与树脂间的层间剪切强度、纤维表面的粗糙度以及极性基团增加,从而证明了纤维中水分的存在有助于常压等离子体改善芳纶的表面性能。  相似文献   

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