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The SCAN is a popular screening test that was developed to provide a rapidly administered, standardized method for determining the potential of central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) in children between the ages of 3 and 11 years. It can be administered in 20 minutes with a portable stereo cassette player and contains three subtests: filtered words (FW), auditory figure ground (AFG), and competing words (CW). Published SCAN test-retest reliability data (Keith, 1986) used a 6-month retest interval and indicated that SCAN scores may be unreliable. No additional reliability data are available, and studies indicate that SCAN has been used by both researchers and clinicians despite reliability concerns. This investigation examined the stability of SCAN outcomes for 25 first-grade and 22 third-grade children (ages 6 to 9 years) using a 6- to 7-week retest interval. Time of day and examiner were held constant, and participants were normal-hearing, were Caucasian, and spoke English as their primary language. ANOVA outcomes indicated that both raw and standard scores improved significantly from Test 1 to Test 2 for two of the three SCAN subtests (FW and CW) and for the composite (COMP) score. Additionally, COMP-percentile-rank and age-equivalent outcomes demonstrated significant improvement from test to retest for both grades. The AFG subtest was the only SCAN measure for which a significant test-retest difference did not emerge. The highest test-retest correlation values (r) were moderately strong (0.70 < or = r < or = 0.78) and occurred for the CW and COMP scores. Implications of correlations and factor analyses are discussed. It is suggested that examiners base recommendations for additional testing, follow up, and remediation on the COMP score only. Further, it appears that second administration of the SCAN can provide a better estimate of an individual child's best performance, but lack of second-score norms confounds simple interpretation of such scores.  相似文献   

The difficulties inherent in differentiating practice effects from meaningful changes in neuropsychological retest data are well known to clinicians. Although gross actuarial guidelines are available on the basis of group studies, the application of such information to individual cases presents many interpretive complexities. This is particularly true when litigation is involved or the retest interval is very short. The case presented here involved examinations performed independently on successive days by 2 diplomate neuropsychologists. The majority of tests produced clinically equivalent results in both examinations. Increases of more than 2 SEMs were found on only 4 measures in the retesting and were associated with practice effects. Both neuropsychologists independently concluded that the examination did not reveal neuropsychological impairment, suggesting that clinical prediction is possible and may be valid in the forensic context. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Little is known about the test–retest reliability of task inventories. Because they typically take hours to complete and require rating hundreds of job tasks, repeating an entire inventory after a short interval is unlikely to produce motivated raters; conversely, increasing the time interval between administrations may result in actual changes in job content that would underestimate the true reliability. By repeating only a portion of the inventory with a very small test–retest interval, rater motivation should not be seriously affected, and changes in job content can be ruled out as a determinant of the results. The repeated item approach was used on 207 respondents and 3 task inventories. For most of the rating scales studied, reliabilities were slightly lower (.70s to .80s) than those reported in a previous study (.90s). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Continuous wave Doppler methods have been widely used clinically for evaluating the severity of aortic regurgitation; however, there have been no studies comparing these continuous wave Doppler methods with a strictly quantifiable reference for regurgitant severity. The purpose of this study was to test the applicability of continuous wave Doppler methods (deceleration slope and pressure half-time) for evaluation of chronic aortic regurgitation in an animal model. Eight sheep were studied 8 to 20 weeks after surgery to create chronic aortic regurgitation. Twenty-nine hemodynamically different states were obtained pharmacologically. A Vingmed 775 system was used for recording continuous wave Doppler traces with a 5 MHz annular array transducer directly placed on the heart near the apex. The aortic regurgitation was quantified as peak and mean regurgitant flow rates, regurgitant stroke volumes and regurgitant fractions determined with pulmonary and aortic electromagnetic flow probes and meters balanced against each other. Peak regurgitant flow rates varied from 1.8 to 13.6 L/min (6.3 +/- 3.2 L/min) (mean +/- SD), mean regurgitant flow rates varied from 0.7 to 4.9 L/min (2.7 +/- 1.3 L/min), regurgitant stroke volume varied from 7.0 to 48.0 ml/beat (26.9 +/- 12.2 ml/beat), and regurgitant fraction varied from 23% to 78% (53% +/- 16%). Only marginal correlations were obtained between reference indexes and continuous wave Doppler deceleration slope and pressure half-time (r = 0.55 to 0.74). A deceleration slope greater than 3 m/sec2 and pressure half-time less than 400 msec did, however, provide 100% specificity for detecting severe AR (regurgitant fraction > 50%). Our study shows that the continuous wave Doppler deceleration slope and pressure half-time methods have limited use for quantifying aortic regurgitation.  相似文献   

Although driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a pervasive problem, reliable measures of this behavior have been elusive. In the present study, the Form 90, a widely utilized alcohol and substance use instrument, was adapted for measurement of DWI and related behaviors. Levels of reliability for the adapted instrument, the Form 90-DWI, were tested among a university sample of 60 undergraduate students who had consumed alcohol during the past 90 days. The authors administered the instrument once during an intake interview and again, 7-30 days later, to determine levels of test-retest reliability. Overall, the Form 90-DWI demonstrated high levels of reliability for many general drinking and DWI behaviors. Levels of reliability were lower for riding with an intoxicated driver and for variables involving several behavioral conjunctions, such as seat belt use and the presence of passengers when driving with a blood alcohol concentration above .08. Overall, the Form 90-DWI shows promise as a reliable measure of DWI behavior in research on treatment outcome and prevention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Between 1984-1987, 50 patients with Ewing's sarcoma of the bone were entered on combined modality protocol at Tata Memorial Hospital. Protocol treatment involved induction therapy consisting of 6-week therapy with vincristine, Adriamycin (doxorubicin), and cyclophosphamide (VDC) followed by local radiotherapy 50 Gy to the involved bone. This was followed for six more cycles of VDC. Five patients had metastatic disease at presentation. Seventy-six percent (38/50) of patients had disease either at axial or proximal site. With a median follow-up of 48 months (range 14-87) 21 patients remained alive with disease-free survival of 38.0% +/- 2.5% at 5 years and overall survival of 36.0% +/- 2.6% at 5 years. Twenty-five patients relapsed with five patients developing local failure and four local and distant metastasis. Using Lee-Desu statistical methods, only response to therapy was a significant factor for survival. We conclude that more aggressive therapy with proper selection of local treatment modality including surgery and/or radiotherapy is required to produce more long-term survival in high-risk Ewing's sarcoma.  相似文献   

The IHR-McCormick Automated Toy Discrimination Test (ATT) measures the minimum sound level at which a child can identify words presented in quiet in the sound field. This 'word-discrimination threshold' provides a direct measure of the ease with which a child can identify speech and a surrogate measure of auditory sensitivity. This paper describes steps taken to maximize the test-retest reliability of the ATT and to enable it to measure word-discrimination thresholds in noise as well as in quiet. It then describes the results of a clinical evaluation of the ATT in which paediatric audiologists measured word-discrimination thresholds in quiet from 215 successive attendees (in the age range 2 to 13 years) at a paediatric audiology clinic presenting over a 2-month period. When children with atypical cognition or delayed development of language were excluded, 72% of the children provided two word-discrimination thresholds and 83% provided at least one word-discrimination threshold. Children who failed to provide word-discrimination thresholds were generally younger than four years of age. Although a few children who could not perform pure-tone or warble-tone audiometry managed to provide word-discrimination thresholds, most children who could perform the ATT could also perform pure-tone audiometry. The average pure-tone threshold in the better-hearing ear could be predicted from the word-discrimination threshold with a 95% confidence interval of +/- 13 dB. The test-retest reliability of the ATT was measured in two ways. First, to enable comparison with published results, the within-subjects standard deviation of word-discrimination thresholds was calculated. It varied as a function of age and degree of impairment, but was never worse than 3.3 dB. Children of four years of age and older displayed the adult reliability of 2.3 dB. Second, the variability of absolute differences between word-discrimination thresholds was calculated. It was such that a change of 7 dB between two runs of the test (e.g. aided and unaided) would be expected to occur by change less than one time in 20. These results extend previous evaluations of the ATT to a clinically representative population and confirm that word-discrimination thresholds provide a useful complement to warble-tone and pure-tone audiometry.  相似文献   

Research on children's coping with homesickness during relatively uncontrollable separations has suggested that secondary control coping (i.e., adjusting oneself to fit objective conditions) is often preferred over primary control coping (i.e., modifying objective conditions to fit oneself). Related research suggests that negative affect is associated with (a) relinquishing control or using primary control to cope with uncontrollable stressors and (b) perceiving low control over stressors. The convergence of these factors was examined for the stressor of homesickness. Among 1,032 boys and girls spending 2 weeks at residential summer camps, the most frequent and effective way of coping with homesickness was to exert secondary control by engaging in a distracting physical activity. Contrary to speculation, the use of secondary control coping rose in adolescence. Congruent with empirical predictions, the most homesick children perceived low control over homesickness and separation, and coped by relinquishing control.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare the test-retest reliability of three administrative methods of the Work Box: (a) the original instructions, (b) a revised version of the original instructions, and (c) another revised version that was based on suggestions made by authors of the first two versions of the instructions. METHOD: Sixty subjects without disabilities were randomly grouped so that 20 subjects were tested per administrative method. The assessment was administered to each subject on two occasions, with a 7-day to 14-day period between tests. Scores were recorded as time in seconds, and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were used to calculate the reliability. RESULTS: The ICCs for assembly, disassembly, and total scores were .589, .604, and .654, respectively, for the original instructions; .424, .572, and .545 for the revised instructions; and .781, .579, .717 for the second revised instructions. Reliability was found to be higher for men than for women and for subjects who claimed to have more rather than less experience in similar manual dexterity tasks. CONCLUSIONS: On the basis of the reliability of each administrative method and comments made by subjects about their understanding of the instructions, the second revised version of the instructions is recommended as the standard method. The results also indicate that the assessment is most appropriate for a population of men with manual dexterity experience. With further standardization, the Work Box could be a valuable assessment tool for therapists working in industrial rehabilitation settings.  相似文献   

Spinal (Th12) and cortical somatosensory evoked potentials by right and left posterior tibial nerve stimulation at the ankle were performed in 20 healthy volunteers (10 females and 10 males) aged 23-50 years. The procedure was repeated after one week to assess the reliability of the parameters and to establish upper normal variability limits. Reliability was measured by the intraclass correlation coefficient and was excellent for all absolute latencies and at least good for amplitudes and for the spinal-cortical conduction time. Upper variability limits were calculated using a method based on the within-subject mean square, which can be also applied in the case of more than two repetitions.  相似文献   

The effects of tautomycin and its derivatives on protein phosphatases PP1 and PP2A and their apoptosis-inducing activity toward human leukemia Jurkat cells were examined, and the relationship between chemical structure and function was discussed. Among the compounds we examined, tautomycin was the most potent inhibitor and the most effective inducer of apoptosis. It inhibited PP1 and PP2A enzymatic activity concentration-dependently with IC50 values of 20 and 75 pM, respectively, in the presence of 0.01% Brij-35, and an LC50 value of 1 microM. Esterification of the anhydride moiety of tautomycin markedly increased the IC50 for the protein phosphatases. The C1'-C7' fragment of tautomycin had no inhibitory effect, but the fragment containing the C22-C26 moiety was inhibitory. These results suggest that the C22-C26 moiety is essential for inhibition of protein phosphatase activity and that the anhydride moiety enhances the inhibition. However, the esterification of the anhydride did not decrease, nor did the inclusion of the C22-C26 moiety increase the apoptosis-inducing activity. On the other hand, the C1-C18 moiety of tautomycin was essential for induction of apoptosis, and the conformation and the arrangement of functionalities of the C18-C26 carbon chain affected the apoptosis activity. However, modification of C1-C18, C1-C21, or C1-C26 compounds had little effect on phosphatase inhibitory activity. Our results strongly suggest that different moieties of tautomycin are involved in protein phosphatase inhibition and induction of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Transient errors are caused by variations in feelings, moods, and mental states over time. If these errors are present, coefficient alpha is an inflated estimate of reliability. A true-score model is presented that incorporates transient errors for test-retest data, and a reliability estimate is derived. This estimate, referred to as the test-retest alpha, is less than coefficient alpha if transient error is present and is less susceptible to effects due to item recall than a test-retest correlation. An assumption underlying the test-retest alpha is essential tau equivalency of items. A test-retest split-half coefficient is presented as an alternative to the test-retest alpha when this assumption is violated. The test-retest alpha is the mean of all possible test-retest split-half coefficients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of skew on the standardized item alpha were examined with Monte Carlo techniques. Alphas computed from normal variables were compared with alphas from lognormal variables, ranks, and skewed versus normal Likert-type variables. The extent and direction of skew were varied, as was the size of the population interitem correlation (rho), the number of items, and the number of categories for Likert-type variables. Because the average interitem correlation affects alpha and skew affects the average interitem correlation, the effect of skew on the average interitem correlation also was examined. Results indicated that skew decreased the average interitem correlation and produced small decreases in alpha that were largest when skew was large, rho was small, items were skewed in opposite directions, and there were fewer items. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In an article in Psychological Assessment, S. H. Putnam et al (see record 1993-04124-001) presented a case study in which retesting by separate examiners over a brief time period yielded consistent results. Although Putnam et al raised a number of points that deserve attention, some of their suggestions about the relevance of their case to legal assessments seem to extend well beyond what their data and methodology justify, and they misrepresented D. Faust and J. Ziskin's (see record 1989-11643-001) views on psychology and law. The author discusses limits of the case study method and clarifies his views on the use of psychological evidence in the courtroom. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A total of 64 psychiatric patients were tested with the Italian version of the Karolinska Psychodynamic Profile in order to investigate interobserver and test-retest reliability. The mean inter-observer agreement coefficients (rho) ranged from 0.75 to 0.80 with less experienced psychiatrists, while the mean rho value was higher (0.96) with more experienced raters. Test-retest values were good, ranging from 0.53 to 0.93. Overall, reliability was comparable with that reported in the original Swedish study.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of serum antibody levels to Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis with age, gender and smoking in an elderly population. The study population comprised all the inhabitants aged 65 years or over in a rural municipality in south-western Finland. Serum samples were obtained from 1,174 out of a total of 1,360 subjects. Bacterial antibodies were measured by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) using pneumolysin and whole bacterial cells of H. influenzae and M. catarrhalis (mixture of 10 different strains for both) as antigens. The main findings were as follows: (i) antibody levels generally decreased with increasing age both in men and in women; (ii) antibody titres against H. influenzae and M. catarrhalis were higher in men than in women; and (iii) antibody titres to H. influenzae and M. catarrhalis, but not to S. pneumoniae, were significantly higher in smokers than in non-smokers. These data suggest that antibody-mediated protection against respiratory pathogens may be impaired in the elderly, leading to a higher susceptibility to respiratory tract infections, that the exposure to H. influenzae and M. catarrhalis may be higher in men than in women, and that smokers have more respiratory infections or colonization due to these 2 bacteria than do non-smokers.  相似文献   

The staurosporine-induced G1 cell cycle arrest was analyzed in a variety of cell lines which includes human tumor cell lines and oncogene-transformed NIH3T3 cell lines. All the cell lines which were sensitive to staurosporine-induced G1 arrest contained a functional retinoblastoma protein (pRB). However, when pRB-lacking fibroblast cells derived from pRB knockout mice were tested they were also sensitive to G1 arrest by staurosporine, indicating that the inactivation of pRB alone is not sufficient for the abrogation of staurosporine-induced G1 arrest. In searching for a common event caused by staurosporine, the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor protein p27kip1 but not p21cip1 was found to accumulate after staurosporine treatment in all the cell lines examined. This accumulation occurred regardless of the induction of the G1 arrest. The result indicates that the accumulation of p27kip1 is the cell's primary response to staurosporine and that the capability of staurosporine to induce G1 arrest depends on the integrity of cell cycle regulatory components which are downstream of p27kip1.  相似文献   

After reviewing recent studies involving the selection of items for interest scales, in which scales with higher validity (and fewer items) generally had lower reliability, the author presents the original odd-even reliabilities and recently-collected test-retest reliabilities (over an average 18-year interval) for 15 scales of the Strong VIB. The test-retest reliabilities were all lower than the odd-even reliabilities, and the shrinkage was greatest for those scales with the lowest original reliabilities. It is concluded that, for prediction in the distant future, scale reliability is important. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We conducted a reliability-generalization meta-analysis of 7 of the most frequently used measures of relationship satisfaction: the Locke–Wallace Marital Adjustment Test (LWMAT), the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale (KMS), the Quality of Marriage Index, the Relationship Assessment Scale, the Marital Opinion Questionnaire, Karney and Bradbury's (1997) semantic differential scale, and the Couples Satisfaction Index. Six hundred thirty-nine reliability coefficients from 398 articles and 636,806 individuals provided internal consistency reliability estimates for this meta-analysis. We present the average score reliabilities for each measure, characterize the variance in score reliabilities across studies, and consider sample and study characteristics that are predictive of score reliability. Overall, the KMS and the LWMAT appear to be the strongest and weakest measures, respectively, from a reliability perspective. We discuss the importance of considering reliability invariance when making cross-group comparisons and provide recommendations for researchers when electing a measure of relationship satisfaction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

斜轧螺纹过程的数值模拟   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对螺旋孔型斜轧螺纹过程进行了非线性有限元分析,得到了轧件内部应力-应变分布情况,为模具的设计和工艺参数的确定提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

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