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综述了硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的危害、污染来源、蔬菜中的污染现状、蔬菜中硝酸盐积累机理及控制措施。  相似文献   

硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐广泛存在于人们的生活中,人体外源性硝酸盐的摄入大多来自蔬菜。硝酸盐对人体没有直接危害,但它可以在人体内的酶和微生物的作用下转化为有毒的亚硝酸盐,使血液的输氧能力下降,导致高铁血红高蛋白症。蔬菜在人们的日常膳食中占据重要的地位,检测蔬菜中的硝酸盐含量具有重要的现实意义。本研究对蔬菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的检测技术进展进行了概述和比较,以期为蔬菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的检测及快速检测技术的发展提供基础参考。  相似文献   

蔬菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量分析与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对7种蔬菜不同处理的硝酸盐及亚硝酸盐含量进行分析,探讨其在蔬菜中的变化情况,为人们合理食用蔬菜提供科学依据。  相似文献   

厦门市售蔬菜重金属、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐污染研究及评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了解厦门市蔬菜中有害重金属、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的污染情况,于2004年8月至2005年12月从厦门市各超市、农贸市场、蔬菜批发市场和蔬菜产地上采集46个品种532份蔬菜样品,用国标法(GB/T5009.11-17-1996、GB/T5009.33-2003)分别分析蔬菜中的重金属、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的含量。结果表明,检测样品中Pb、Cd、As、Hg、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的平均值分别为0.0099、0.083、0.056、0.003、1090.3、0.59mg/kg;根据国家标准1-2,仅部分品种如菠菜、甘蓝、花菜、萝卜的铅超标,有潜在污染风险;大部分蔬菜中砷、汞、镉三种重金属的含量都较低,潜在的污染风险不大。硝酸盐污染程度严重的占36.5%;中、重度污染的占20.2%;轻度的占43.3%,硝酸盐含量依次为嫩茎叶菜类>根茎类>花菜类>瓜菜类>鲜豆菜>茄果类>水生蔬菜类,各样品间含量差别较大;而蔬菜中亚硝酸盐含量相对较低。  相似文献   

蔬菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的测定及含量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用超声提取、活性炭柱脱色和微孔膜过滤等步骤对蔬菜进行预处理,离子色谱法测定蔬菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量。探讨不同贮藏条件下4种蔬菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量的变化情况。结果表明:无论常温贮藏还是低温贮藏,贮藏7d内,4种蔬菜中硝酸盐含量变化基本上是呈下降趋势,亚硝酸盐含量均呈现先急剧上升后近于平稳的趋势,但常温贮藏的亚硝酸盐含量高于低温贮藏,除韭菜外,其它蔬菜中亚硝酸盐含量均低于限量标准4mg/kg。  相似文献   

蔬菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了近几年来比色法、电极法、紫外法、离子色谱法等对蔬菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的分析进展,并对今后的发展作了展望。  相似文献   

蔬菜中硝酸盐与亚硝酸盐检测方法的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孙震  钱和  蒋将 《食品与机械》2006,22(5):123-125
综述了亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐的检测方法,指出了各检测方法的优劣及其应用前景,对于监控蔬菜生产加工中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的含量,检测蔬菜产品的品质等具有参考意义。  相似文献   

蔬菜中硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐提取与测定的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究蔬菜中硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐对保障人类健康具有重要意义.方法:本实验选择用简便、高效的超声波提取技术提取蔬菜中的硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐,用紫外分光光度法测定其含量.结果:研究表明,利用紫外分光光度法同时测定蔬菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量的方法简单、快速、选择性好.结论:硝酸盐测定的相对误差在-2.52%~1.14%之间,亚硝酸盐测定的相对误差在1.98%~4.26%之间,符合定量测定要求.  相似文献   

蔬菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐检测方法的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐主要通过蔬菜食用进入人体,亚硝酸盐是一种有毒物质,人食用后会在体内产生致癌性 的亚硝胺。光谱法、色谱法、快速检测法是目前检测蔬菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的主要方法。本文在对上述方法进行 介绍并比较的基础上,对蔬菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐检测方法的研究进展进行了概述与展望。  相似文献   

测定了鹤山市产15种蔬菜中的硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐和Vc的含量。参考蔬菜中硝酸盐含量分级评价标准和我国制定的无公害蔬菜亚硝酸盐含量限量标准,考虑到各种蔬菜Vc的含量,对这15种蔬菜的食用安全水平评价如下:黄瓜的果实、丝瓜的果实、茄子的果实、豆角的果实、芋的的果实和莲藕的茎属于一级蔬菜,可以安全食用,甚至允许生食;生菜的叶和萝卜的果实属于二级蔬菜范围,不宜生食,煮熟或盐渍均可安全食用;菜心的叶、小白菜的叶、通心菜的叶、芥蓝的叶和番薯的叶属于三级蔬菜范围,不可生食和盐渍,可熟食;小白菜的叶柄和根、芥菜的叶和油荬菜的叶属于四级蔬菜范围,菜心的叶柄和根、通心菜的茎和根属于五级蔬菜范围,这两级食用安全水平的蔬菜不宜食用或限量食用,如长期大量食用可能会对人体健康带来风险。  相似文献   

The contents of nitrate and nitrite in potato, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, scallion (shallot), celery, cucumber, tomato, eggplant and wax gourd taken from the north China market from 1998 to 1999 were determined. These vegetables provide the major contribution to the nitrate intake from the diet. The highest content of nitrate was found in celery followed by Chinese cabbage, cabbage, scallion, wax gourd and eggplant. For all the products, a great variation in the content of nitrate was found. Generally, the nitrite content was low. The average intake of nitrate and nitrite from these vegetables was estimated as approximately 422.8 and 0.68 mg day -1 , respectively.  相似文献   

Nitrate and nitrite in vegetables on the Danish market: content and intake   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The contents of nitrate and nitrite in lettuce, leek, potato, beetroot, Chinese cabbage and white cabbage on the Danish market were determined for 3 years in the period 1993-1997 as part of the Danish food monitoring programme. These vegetables are supposed to provide the major contribution to the intake of nitrate from the diet. Results for nitrate and nitrite in fresh and frozen spinach are also shown. The highest content of nitrate was found in lettuce followed by beetroot, Chinese cabbage, fresh spinach, leek, frozen spinach, white cabbage and potatoes. For all the products a great variation in the content of nitrate was found. For lettuce a characteristic variation throughout the year is clearly seen with the highest content in the winter period the lowest content in the summer period. Generally, the content of nitrite was low but in spinach high contents were found, probably due to improper storage conditions during transportation. The intake of nitrate and nitrite from these vegetables is calculated on the basis of two different consumption surveys. For both surveys the average intake of nitrate from the vegetables included in the monitoring programme is estimated to be approximately 40mg day-1, whereas for nitrite the average intake is approximately 0.09mg day-1. The total intake of nitrate and nitrite is estimated to be respectively 61mg day-1 and 0.5mg day-1.  相似文献   

烤烟中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文提出了一种使用紫外分光光度计测定硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的方法。主要过程包括将烟样在弱碱性条件下热水中萃取,亚硝酸盐标准曲线的绘制,亚硝酸盐含量的测定,硝酸盐的还原,硝酸盐含量的测定,回收率的测定。该方法具有简单、高效、重复性好、不需专用仪器设备等特点,适用于各种烟草样品中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量的测定。   相似文献   

A flow injection method with novel spectrophotometric detection for the determination of nitrite and nitrate in foodstuffs is presented. The method is based on the reduction of nitrite and nitrate to nitric oxide, with subsequent reaction with iron (II) and thiocyanate in an acid medium, forming FeSCNNO+. The absorbance of the complex, with a maximum at 460 nm, is proportional to the nitrite and nitrate concentrations. The NO is generated in two stages: (1) reduction of nitrate to nitrite in a cadmium copper reductor column and (2) reduction of the nitrite to NO in a sulfuric acid medium. The influence of reagent concentrations and manifold parameters were evaluated. Nitrite and nitrate can be determined in the range of 0.30–3.00 and 1.00–10.00 mg l−1, respectively. The sampling rate of analyses was 30–40 h−1 and, considering a sample of 5.0 g, the determination limit of the method was 20 and 13 mg kg−1 of nitrate and nitrite, respectively. Nitrite and nitrate were determined in vegetables and meat products by the proposed method. The precision and accuracy of the proposed method were comparable to those of the reference spectrophotometric method (official AOAC reference method for the determination of nitrate in foodstuffs).  相似文献   

Existing ion exchange HPLC methodology for nitrate and nitrite analysis in cured meat products suffers from high analyte variability at low concentrations and also chromatographic interference by artifacts in some other foods, such as dairy products. An investigation into the sources of variability has shown that both the cyclohexyl solid phase extraction cartridge and the glass fibre filter used in the original method can introduce artifacts which interfere with the determination of the nitrate in foodstuffs. We have also found that the use of a graphitized solid phase extraction cartridge used in tandem with the cyclohexyl solid phase extraction cartridge removed the artifacts from the chromatograph of dairy products that co-eluted with nitrite and nitrate. Values for the nitrite and nitrate content of dairy products were obtained by the HPLC procedure using these two solid phase extraction cartridges and the values obtained were in close agreement with those obtained by cadmium column reduction and colorimetry.  相似文献   

北京市蔬菜硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐污染状况评价   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
为了解北京市蔬菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的污染情况 ,于 2 0 0 3年 4月~ 8月从北京 15个菜市场采集应季蔬菜样品 ,共 4 0个品种 4 44份样品 ,用国标法 (GB T 5 0 0 9 33— 2 0 0 3)分析蔬菜中的硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的含量。结果显示 :检测样品中 ,污染程度严重的占 33 1% ;中、重度污染的占2 3 6 % ;轻度的占 4 3 2 % ;硝酸盐的含量依次为绿叶菜类 >白菜类 >根茎类 >瓜茄类 >葱蒜类 >豆类 >果类 >水生植物类 ,但同一类蔬菜不同品种的硝酸盐的含量差别较大 ,从几倍到几十倍 ;同一品种的蔬菜中硝酸盐含量差别也很大 ,可能与产地、生长条件不同有关。蔬菜中亚硝酸盐含量相对较低 ,其含量与蔬菜的新鲜程度有关。研究结果提示需要制定限量标准 ,加强监督管理  相似文献   

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