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运用相关分析的统计方法,分析了钢丝圈产销量与纺纱量,市场占有率的相关关系,从而得出钢丝圈产一的预测模型。  相似文献   

利用金相、硬度、化学分析等检测手段,对纺织机械零件在热处理和磨削加工后表面出现龟裂特征进行金相分析,找出问题所在,并提出建议。  相似文献   

通过对Cr12钢制变压器硅钢片冷冲模服役条件、失效形式、组织与性能的分析,发现冷冲模早期失效的主要原因是毛坯锻造严重不充分,组织中存在大量粗大鱼骨状和网状分布共晶碳化物,严重降低模具的韧性。由此提出了提高模具寿命的措施。  相似文献   

本文通过对2Cr13不锈钢扳手活动齿的断裂分析,用热处理的方法,使扳手的韧性得到较大的提高,表面强度为HRC40-46,力学性能满足国标GB4440-84的要求。  相似文献   

模具使用寿命与生产效率和制造成本息息相关,而我国模具非正常报废率占70%,因此研究模具的失效机理,延长模具使用寿命有着十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

采用金相检验、化学成分分析、力学性能测试及断口SEM检验等试验手段,结合现场情况调研对45钢氧化风机轴在使用过程中发生断裂的原因进行了分析。结果表明:氧化风机轴的断裂形式为脆性解理断裂,金相组织为非均匀稳定的退火态组织,缺口敏感性较大。加之氧化风机运行环境恶劣,振动和长时间超负荷运行导致在轴的表面形成疲劳裂纹最终导致轴的断裂失效。针对上述问题提出了相关预防措施。  相似文献   

本文统计分析了引起半导体器件失效的一些主要原因,并对半导体器件失效检测法进行了归类,阐明了失效分析在提高半导体器件和电子产品质量与可靠性方面所发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

概述了由凸轮控制的排线轮六角形钢丝圈成型机的优点,以及国内外的使用情况。较详细地分析了凸轮曲线的原理,计算及凸轮设计。  相似文献   

The guide-pieces, used in the process line of steel roiling, were the important components. The guidepieces, which were slide contacting with the rolled-piece, had a high temperature and high speed. The wear was very serious. The results from failure analysis showed that there were three failure forms in the guide-pieces: the first was the wear during heat friction, the second was the heat fatigue under the cycle of deep heating and deep cooling, and the third was the impact rupture. Among them, the wear was the main reason. To the wear of guidepieces, there were four mechanisms, namely abrasive wear, adhesive wear, fatigue wear and corrosion wear. The failure analysis to the guide-piece laid the foundation for its remanufacturing.  相似文献   

The guide-pieces, used in the process line of steel rolling, were the important components. The guidepieces, which were slide contacting with the rolled-piece, had a high temperature and high speed. The wear was very serious. The results from failure analysis showed that there were three failure forms in the guide-pieces: the first was the wear during heat friction, the second was the heat fatigue under the cycle of deep heating and deep cooling, and the third was the impact rupture. Among them, the wear was the main reason. To the wear of guidepieces, there were four mechanisms, namely abrasive wear, adhesive wear, fatigue wear and corrosion wear. The failure analysis to the guide-piece laid the foundation for its remanufacturing. Foundation item: Project(50235030) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

AKD钢材打捆机的压线辊机构是用来压紧钢线并使钢线完成送线和捆扎等动作要求的结构。对其进行分析时引用了“轧辊”轧制的原理,将压线辊看作“轧辊”,捆绑用钢线看作“轧件”,同时利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA有限元分析软件,对这一过程进行仿真模拟。通过分析求解压线辊对钢线的压紧力,其结果与实际设备相关性能测试的结果相符合,证明了分析的合理性和有效性。  相似文献   

在冷拔冷镦润滑剂的基础上,研制了一种具有除锈、润滑双功能的带锈钢丝拉拔润滑剂.取消了钢丝拉拔工艺中的酸洗及浸涂处理过程.实验证明:除锈剂的添加不降低产品的润滑性能.复合除锈剂比单一除锈剂除锈效果好,这种拉拔润滑剂不仅适于拉拔普通碳钢,也适于拉拔不锈钢.  相似文献   

高温后预应力钢筋和非预应力钢筋的力学性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为考察高温后预应力钢筋及非预应力钢筋的力学性能,砸碎38个火灾后预应力混凝土梁板试件,取出预应力钢筋及非预应力钢筋,制作成481个预应力钢筋试件和489个非预应力钢筋试件,并对这些试件进行高温后的力学性能试验。基于试验结果,探索了高温后预应力钢筋和非预应力钢筋的相关强度、弹性模量、断后伸长率等的变化规律,给出了高温后预应力钢筋及非预应力钢筋的应力-应变曲线方程,可用于预应力混凝土结构抗火性能研究。试验结果表明,在经历相同的温度作用后,经历高温下应力历程的预应力钢筋较未经历高温下应力历程的预应力钢筋的强度略低,而非预应力钢筋的强度受高温下应力历程的影响不大。  相似文献   

The deformation of fully pearlitic steels during wire drawing has been investigated for both longitudinal section and transverse section by back-scattered electron imaging(BSEI),electron back-scattered diffraction(EBSD),and transmission electron microscope(TEM).The results show that a large number of deformation bands(DBs)composed of a mixture of kink-like bands and shear-like bands were observed both in the longitudinal section and the traverse section of the drawn wires.The formation of such bands involves two aspects:heterogeneous deformation in the scale of pearlite colonies and instability of ferrite-cementite interfaces due to stress concentration during wire drawing.The development of such bands in fully pearlitic steels dominates the formation of metallographic texture,reduces the pearlite interlamellar spacing and promotes the development of<110>fiber crystalline texture of ferrite matrix during wire drawing.  相似文献   

通过高强钢绞线网聚合物砂浆加固层与混凝土结构的剥离破坏试验,对加固层与混凝土界面的剥离破坏特征进行了研究。探讨了单侧加固、植筋加固及U型加固等不同的加固方式对加固层抗剪承载力及抗剪强度的影响。试验结果表明,采用U型加固等增加粘结面积的方式能有效提高加固层粘结面抗剪承载力,但同时会削弱加固层的抗剪强度,而在界面上植入抗剪钢筋后,能同时提高聚合物砂浆加固层的抗剪承载力及抗剪强度。根据试验结果,提出了最小植筋率的建议值。  相似文献   

锌—铝—稀土合金热镀钢丝助镀剂选择的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对锌-铝-稀土合金度钢丝水溶液助镀剂的选择进行了实验,结果表明,ZnCl2含量为0.015kg的助镀剂的助镀效果最佳,镀层质量最好;ZnCl2含量为0.020kg的次之,ZnCl2含量为0.05kg的最差。金相测定结果表明,助镀剂对合金层厚度的影响很小。认为,50ml水中含NaF0.001kg,ZnCl20.015kg;ZnCl20.020kg,BaCl2.H2O0.003kg,SnCl20.0005kg的2种助镀剂是钢丝热镀锌-铝-稀土合金较为理想的助镀剂;熔后、沸点较低的氯化物不能作为助镀剂的主要成分;助镀剂基本不影响合金层厚度。  相似文献   

The existing problems in the manufacture of SWRH82B high carbon steel wire were discussed by sampling and testing the microstructure and properties of the steel from the workshop. To solve the problems, the experimental parameters for thermal simula- tion were optimized, and the thermal simulating experiments were carried out on a Gleeble1500 thermal simulator. The process pa- rameters for the manufacture were optimized after analysis of the data, and the productive experiments were performed after the wa- ter box in front of the no-twist blocks was reconstructed, to control the temperature of the loop layer. The results from the productive experiments showed that the cooling rate of 10-15°C/s was reasonable before phase transformation, about 5°C/s during phase trans- formation, and 600-620°C was the suitable starting temperature for phase transformation. The ultimate strength of the φ11.0 mm wire was increased to 1150-1170 MPa with an increase of 20-30 MPa, the percentage reduction of section was to 34%-36% with an increase of 1%-3% by testing the finished products after reconstruction.  相似文献   

运用受弯构件全过程数值分析计算程序,在预应力混凝土空心板截面尺寸及荷栽形式相同,混凝土强度、跨高比、张拉控制应力、钢筋强度等参数不变的情况下,改变螺旋肋钢丝的配筋率,对中强螺旋肋钢丝预应力混凝土空心板进行受力全过程的数值分析,即采用计算机模拟试验的方法,探讨了配筋率对中强螺旋肋钢丝预应力混凝土空心板延性的影响。试验证明,随着配筋率ρ的增大,破坏时的挠跨比fu/l0呈下降趋势,fu/l0与ρ大致呈线性关系;标准荷载下挠跨比fk/l0呈下降趋势,fk/l0与ρ大致呈线性关系;开裂弯矩与设计弯矩的比值Mcr/Md增大,Mcr/Md与ρ大致呈线性关系。  相似文献   

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