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异构自动测试仪(ATE)之间的测试图形程序移植是一项难度很高的工作,通常采用的方法是对测试图形向量进行逐条直译。这样,如果在异构ATE测试图形语言之间找不到对应的语言成分,将导致实际有可能成功的移植失败,并且,即使这样移植成功,被移植的测试图形程序能够保证词法和语法的正确性,但在大多数情况下,这些程序仍不能在目标ATE上正确运行。本章在详细分析了传统移植方法后,提出一种基于异构ATE功能对等的移植  相似文献   

赵颖  孙群  孟晓风  王国华 《计算机工程与设计》2008,29(4):1028-1030,1034
为了实现自动测试系统的通用性,提出一种系统软件平台的通用架构方法,规划了软件平台的功能结构和层次结构.基于组件技术开发了资源管理器软构件,进行系统硬件资源的统一管理,实现了软件平台与硬件平台的分层.将该方法应用于某型自动测试系统开发中,实践结果表明,软件系统具备一定的通用性、可扩展性和可移植性,效果良好.  相似文献   

Parallel execution of a programR (intuitively regarded as a partial order) is usually modeled by sequentially executing one of the total orders (interleavings) into which it can be embedded. Our work deviates from this serialization principle by usingtrue concurrency to model parallel execution. True concurrency is represented via completions ofR tosemi total orders, called time diagrams. These orders are characterized via a set of conditions (denoted byCt), yielding orders or time diagrams which preserve some degree of the intended parallelism inR. Another way to express semi total orders is to use re-writing or derivation rules (denoted byCx) which for any programR generates a set of semi-total orders. This paper includes a classification of parallel execution into three classes according to three different types ofCt conditions. For each class a suitableCx is found and a proof of equivalence between the set of all time diagrams satisfyingCt and the set of all terminalCx derivations ofR is devised. This equivalence between time diagram conditions and derivation rules is used to define a novel notion of correctness for parallel programs. This notion is demonstrated by showing that a specific asynchronous program enforces synchronous execution, which always halts, showing that true concurrency can be useful in the context of parallel program verification.  相似文献   

针对广域网(WAN)环境下虚拟机(VM)迁移存在的诸多问题提出一种迁移模型。该模型持续检测节点间链路状态,优化磁盘、内存和CPU状态及网络的迁移时序,并采用磁盘周期同步、单向网络隧道及虚拟机本地化等方法。实验表明:模型减少了虚拟机跨WAN迁移的数据量,缩短了网络重定向路径,在模拟实验中迁移的总时间及暂停时间接近于共享存储方式。  相似文献   

测控软件的软件测试方法研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
文章在总结测控系统开发经验的基础上,针对测控软件的特点,讨论了测控软件的静态及动脉测试。这些测试技术在某型综合自动检测系统的软件测试中得到了应用,结果证明了这些软件测试技术是保证工程研制进度、保障测控系统硬件及被测对象安全的重要手段。  相似文献   

Improved method to generate path-wise test data   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Gupta et al.,propsed a method ,which is referred to as the Iterative Relaxation Method ,to generate test data for a given path in a program by linearizing the predicate functions.In this paper,a model language is presented and the properties of static and dynamic data depen-dencies are investigated ,The notions in the Interative Relaxation Method are defined formally.The predicate slice proposed by Gupta et al.is extended to path-wise static slice.The correctness of the constructional algorithm is proved afterward The improvement shows that the constructions of predicate slice and input dependency set can be omitted .The equivalence of systems of constraints generated by both methods is proved ,The prototype of path-wise test data generator is presented in this paper,The experiments show shat our method is practical ,and fits the path-wise automatic generation of test data for both whicte -bos testing and black-blx testing.  相似文献   

一种通用数字集成电路自动测试系统的设计与实现   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
基于PCI总线技术,设计并实现了一种通用数字集成电路自动测试系统。介绍了测试系统的硬件结构及其工作原理,主要包括逻辑功能测试、直流参数测试、交流参数测试以及控制电路等内容;论述了系统的软件设计思想,基于C Builder集成开发平台,给出了文档编辑器、测试程序、编译器及数据库等主要软件部分的实现方法。实际应用表明,该系统测试精度高,可靠性好。  相似文献   

针对传统的数管软件测试环境硬件设备依赖性强、地检设备多、监视点分散和软件内部状态跟踪困难等问题,设计和构建了基于QEMU模拟器的数管软件虚拟测试环境。该环境基于动态二进制翻译技术模拟星载处理器,实现在异构平台下运行星载数管软件,同时增加指令跟踪记录功能,帮助软件异常问题定位;融合外围设备驱动和终端应用功能,对数据流进行仿真,并采用统一的格式集中管理数据,进行分层处理和实时差异比对,以日志形式记录数据变化,实现对系统状态的单窗口监视。在高分四号卫星等型号的应用表明,文章设计的虚拟测试环境能够模拟数管软件运行环境,提供更多的调试手段,使软件测试工作提前,促进了软硬件协同开发,提高了星载软件的开发测试效率。  相似文献   

提出了利用虚拟现实技术开发的"模拟法庭教学软件",建设<模拟法庭>虚拟实验室,以解决"模拟法庭"数量不足的问题,使每一个学生都参与到实践教学中去,教学效果良好.  相似文献   

This work describes a Virtual Reality Environment (VRE), through which users are able to view and test ceramic tile products. Users’ virtual interfacing with the products generated emotional experiences that allowed them to feel “engaged” with the products. Users could choose between different kinds of products and test them out in order to know how they would look in a real-world context. In the VRE several mood-induction Procedures for inducing relaxation were included. The VRE was tested with respect to its ability to induce relaxation and sense of presence in 26 participants. It was also analyzed the level of satisfaction. Measures included the Visual Analogue Scale, the Self-Assessment Manikin, the Presence Self-Assessment Manikin, and a Satisfaction Scale. The results showed that the VRE was effective among participants in inducing relaxation and high sense of presence. In addition, participants’ satisfaction with the experience in the VRE was high. The VRE thus could be a useful tool for showing and testing products and for evoking a positive emotional association while users are interacting.  相似文献   

This paper explores the feasibility of reconstructing human manipulation skills in complex constrained motion by tracing and learning the manipulation performed by the operator. The peg-in-hole insertion problem is used as a case study, which represents a typical constrained motion force sensitive manufacturing task with the attendant issues of jamming, tight clearance and the need for quick assembly times. In the developed system, position and contact force and torque as well as orientation data generated in the haptic rendered virtual environment combined with a priori knowledge about the task are used to identify and learn the skills in the newly demonstrated task. The recorded training data is classified into contact states, which are identified with hidden Markov model (HMM) as human skills. The HMM parameters are obtained from the training data. By evaluating the controller's performance in each contact state from haptic rendered virtual environment, the robot develops the best trajectories to imitate the human behaviour. In this paper the significance of this research project is highlighted and the developed approach and the progress made so far on this project are reported.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of (en)action from a conceptual and theoretical point of view. This model is used to provide solid bases to overcome the complexity of designing virtual environments for learning (VEL). It provides a common grounding for trans-disciplinary collaborations where embodiment can be perceived as the cornerstone of the project. Where virtual environments are concerned, both computer scientists and educationalists have to deal with the learner/user’s body; therefore the model provides tools with which to approach both human actions and learning processes within a threefold model. It is mainly based on neuroscientific research, including enaction and the neurophysiology of action.  相似文献   

在当前社会中,世界各地的企业之间竞争意识在增强,决定制造企业全球竞争能力的主要指标之一就是产品的开发时间、产品成本、产品质量以及产品应用.目前使用相对于广泛的就是“虚拟制造”技术,而人机工程分析则是虚拟制造”技术其中的一部分.为了适应目前市场的多变性质,减少企业成本和制作周期, “虚拟制造”技术逐渐成为最突出的一种.它能够在产品设计初期和开发的各个阶段有效的把握制造过程各个阶段的实际情况,同事也能有效的协调设计与制造各阶段之间的关系,以便使企业整体全局达到最优益.  相似文献   

测试模型对规范测试流程,提高测试效率起着重要的作用。针对目前Web性能测试模型中存在性能指标过于简单,性能指标种类相对较少的问题,提出了基于用户行为特征的Web测试模型WTMS。以用户的不同操作行为为基础,在原有用户负载、响应时间、CPU利用率等性能指标的基础上,新增加了请求成功率、实际请求时间、最佳并发用户和最大并发用户几个性能指标,并将性能测试的对象分为用户行为特征因子、业务因子、软件因子、硬件因子和测试策略因子。通过教务管理系统实例,测试验证了WTMS模型提高了测试结果的真实性和精准性。  相似文献   

测试用例的自动生成是软件测试研究的主要方向之一。针对现有的UML模型驱动测试方法在测试数据生成方面存在低效、无目的性、冗余等问题,提出了基于UML活动图模型驱动的划分测试用例自动生成方法。该方法将测试场景归为五种类型,并为每种类型规划了测试数据取值范围和选择方法。构建了基于该方法的原型工具软件,提供被测软件原模型和数据约束即可生成测试用例。实验结果表明,该方法能够在不降低测试覆盖率的情况下,能生成数量少、针对性强的测试用例集。  相似文献   

通用嵌入式系统软件测试平台的设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
仿真测试是嵌入式软件系统测试阶段的一种有效测试方法,探讨了通过在PC机上仿真模拟ARM嵌入式系统,对嵌入式系统软件进行仿真测试的通用测试平台的设计。该平台可以在不做大幅度修改的情况下对不同的嵌入式系统软件进行各种测试。重点介绍了仿真模拟器、测试管理器和测试平台专用工具链的设计,提出了一种测试管理器的实现模型,并进行了详细的描述。  相似文献   

With the advent of advanced program analysis and constraint solving techniques,several test generation tools use variants of symbolic execution.Symbolic techniques have been shown to be very effective in path-based test generation;however,they fail to scale to large programs due to the exponential number of paths to be explored.In this paper,we focus on tackling this path explosion problem and propose search strategies to achieve quick branch coverage under symbolic execution,while exploring only a fraction...  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种基于PXI总线的虚拟仪器非电量测试系统设计。系统硬件基于温度、压力、振动等传感器,软件基于LabVIEW。经应用表明,系统具有设计合理、技术先进、工作稳定可靠、使用方便等特点。  相似文献   

Tang CH  Wu WT  Lin CY 《Applied ergonomics》2009,40(4):722-730
In this study, virtual reality was the tool used to construct an experimental space. Three scenarios - one without emergency signs, another with an old-version emergency sign, and the third with a new-version emergency sign - were created, after which 107 subjects, divided into three groups, engaged in an emergency escape game to determine if and how various emergency signs aid in way-finding in the event of an emergency. Under the presupposition that the minimum time needed for an emergency escape without any mistake occurring was 40 s, we found that the average way-finding time in the scenario without any emergency signs was 123.8 s, for the scenario with the new-version signs 84.8 s, and for the scenario with the old-version signs 75.6 s; statistically, this demonstrated that the absence of signs results in slower escape than either old signs (p = 0.001) or new signs (p = 0.005). These findings indicate that signs do help way-finding greatly. Males were found to exhibit better way-finding skills than females (p < 0.001). Construction workers and fire safety personnel, as a combined group, did not fare better than others with less presumed prior experience with building plans or emergency exit procedures. In addition, when faced with both an emergency direction sign and an exit door, almost half of the subjects (42% of the participants) were chosen to take the door instead of following the direction posted on the sign. Finally, we found that, at T-intersections, the majority of participants (60%) chose to turn left versus right.  相似文献   

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