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于寻 《多媒体世界》2011,(19):44-45
企业IT基础架构向云计算过渡的过程中,企业对IT的应用模式、企业IT管理人员的运维方法都会发生相应改变。这些改变会直接影响云计算效能的充分发挥。而云计算开放的架构,也不仅仅体现在数据中心计算资源的整合方面,其存储和网络的因素也是重要的考量指标,并直接影响着云计算平台的应用价值表现。  相似文献   

IT支撑系统是电信企业的重要组成部分,是电信企业差异化竞争的关键所在。通过对电信企业IT支撑系统的建设背景、模式和系统架构以及IT支撑系统中存在的问题进行分析,结合云计算的优势及特点,对云计算技术在电信企业IT支撑系统中的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

我们现在面临云计算的一个重要拐点。如我们所知,云计算引起了重大变化并给IT带来了可怕的影响——也许会最终取代IT部门的作用。IT架构若被消除,显然会对整个技术供应链产生重大影响。对企业来说,该如何做出选择?  相似文献   

我们现在面临云计算的一个重要拐点。如我们所知,云计算引起了重大变化并给IT带来了可怕的影响——也许会最终取代IT部门的作用。IT架构若被消除,显然会对整个技术供应链产生重大影响。对企业来说,该如何做出选择?  相似文献   

云计算提供了一种高效的、可扩展的、具有成本效益的IT服务方式,不同的云计算模式为企业核心业务带来创新和支撑,但是灵活、开放的云计算模式,同时也带来了新的潜在安全风险.因此企业在将业务应用和关键数据迁移到云计算之前,必须对安全风险做出充分评估,确保其满足企业风险管理战略和法律法规符合性的要求.本论文中参考云计算安全框架和行业最佳实践,讨论云安全的实施方法及需考虑的安全控制域.  相似文献   

IT部门将成为企业中运用IT技术实现创新应用的阻力之一,这可能吗?事实上这并非耸人听闻。 虚拟化和云计算正在改变传统IT系统的建设和管理模式,假如云应用和云服务被市场普遍接受,那些熟练掌握软硬件采购、安装、调试、维修、升级换代等设备管理技能的企业内部IT技术人员将面临知识过时的窘境,不再有用武之地。布署云计算从某种意义上来说,在损害企业IT部门的既得利益,而这正是IT部门阻挠企业客户接纳云应用和云服务的主要原因。  相似文献   

本文对IT治理的意义和内容进行了阐述,并基于Cobit从IT原则与方针、IT决策组织与治理机制、IT制度与流程、IT规划与架构设计、IT基础设施与服务管理、IT与业务融合、IT投资管理、IT人力资源管理和IT安全与风险控制共九个方面展开IT治理实施探讨。实施有效的IT治理是组织或企业有效管理IT资源、增强业务竞争能力、促进企业形成核心竞争力的关键。  相似文献   

关键业务的IT平台需求是什么? 在云计算火爆的今天,绝大多数企业级IT应用都在向云计算平台转移和聚合.唯有关键业务类的应用,在目前及未来一段时期还需要运行在一个独立的、专用的IT平台。而且.这个专用的平台只要还存在.就会与云计算及其平台互为补充.形成完整的企业IT架构。看到这种互补的架构关系,可能大家就会有疑问,即关键业务到底有何特别之处.让它在很长一段时间内很难被云计算所“吞并”?  相似文献   

IT部门将成为企业中运用IT技术实现创新应用的阻力之一,这可能吗?事实上这并非耸人听闻。 虚拟化和云计算正在改变传统IT系统的建设和管理模式,假如云应用和云服务被市场普遍接受,那些熟练掌握软硬件采购、安装、调试、维修、升级换代等设备管理技能的企业内部IT技术人员将面临知识过时的窘境,不再有用武之地。布署云计算从某种意义上来说,在损害企业IT部门的既得利益,而这正是IT部门阻挠企业客户接纳云应用和云服务的主要原因。  相似文献   

在云计算时代,随着IT应用模式的转变,IT部门的工作逐步从最初的技术部门变为业务变革的推动者和实施者,这使得IT部门将更多的精力投入到企业业务的支持上,而不仅仅是IT技术的发展上。IT技术部门潜能的发挥,体现在CIO对运营成本、信息安全等问题的日益关注上。鉴于开源在这些方面存在与生俱来的优势,可以预见开源必将在这些方面扮演越来越重要的角色。国外云计算开源软件的发展思路和运营模式无疑会为国内开源厂商带来诸多启示,云计算时代的开源发展趋势值得研究。  相似文献   

The rapid adoption and growth of cloud computing is creating unprecedented change in the manner in which IT services are procured, managed, and deployed. Cloud computing is forcing firms to rethink traditional IT governance practices while raising new and fundamental questions for scholars and practitioners. This paper identifies the major areas of change and highlights governance issues that arise with the adoption of cloud computing. The focus of this paper is on the organizational impact on IT governance under cloud computing. The paper posits (1) that successful IT departments under cloud computing will transform into new roles that address internal customer‐facing issues and external cloud‐facing issues, (2) firms that mitigate information asymmetry under cloud computing will show higher firm performance, and (3) firms that offer superior cloud‐sourced IT service attributes of internal prices, quality, variety, and competition in the cloud will show higher firm performance.  相似文献   

云计算时代高校IT人才培养模式的创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄务兰 《计算机时代》2012,(3):59-61,64
阐述了云计算的应用优势;基于对云计算技术特点和知名招聘网站IT职位描述信息进行综合分析,总结未来IT人才需求的趋势,并针对高校相关专业IT人才培养模式提出了改革措施。  相似文献   

When adopting a new, innovative information technology (IT), most institutions tend to lack knowledge about it initially. However, they often adopt new ITs despite their illiteracy. This behavior is difficult to explain using rational IT adoption theories. Focusing on the organizational decision-making process behind adoption of innovative IT, we examine the strategy by which some companies compensate for their lack of knowledge: collection of information from other companies that have successfully adopted IT previously. We develop a new IT adoption model for which goal contagion theory and social comparison theory are combined to interpret the circumstances under which organizations tend to adopt new, innovative IT despite limited knowledge about it. Big data, cloud services, and smart mobile systems are considered as examples of innovative IT in the empirical study.  相似文献   

云计算的三层服务架构(SaaS、PaaS、IaaS)正深刻地影响着企业信息化系统建设,其中平台即服务(PaaS)产品选择问题成为当前企业私有云构建中的棘手问题,至今仍无好的解决方法。为此,提出一个企业PaaS平台产品选择框架,分别从PaaS产品选择的需求分析、测评指标和评选方法三方面研究融合云计算模式的企业面向服务体系架构,PaaS产品评价指标体系的构建方法和基于ANP的多属性产品选择决策过程。通过一个案例展示该选择框架在提高企业PaaS平台产品选择决策水平中的作用。  相似文献   

何晨亮  施亮 《微型电脑应用》2011,27(12):15-17,69
为了企业资源的利用率,实施云计算和虚拟化势在必行。将传统的PXE与虚拟技术相结合,放置在企业的私有云之中,并通过对几种镜像生成方法的优缺点比较从而选出了一种适合企业的新应用模式。这种新的PXE应用模式与传统方法相比,不仅大量的减少了时间和精力,并且更具安全性和灵活性。通过使用这种方法,企业员工在使用的设备和系统方面有更多的选择,同时IT部门也可以更好地开展协作和创新,更快地开发和部署应用程序,更加高效、灵活地提供技术和服务,值得借鉴和推广。  相似文献   

云计算应用和企业私有云建设不是简单的虚拟化和传统意义上的主机托管.为了着力提升企业信息资源的重用性、敏捷性和快速服务响应水平,以国防部体系结构框架DoDAF V2.0的服务视图模型为主体,提出一个基于面向服务体系结构(SOA)的企业云服务体系结构设计框架.通过服务视图模型间约束关系的研究和融合云计算模式的面向服务体系解析,建立相应的企业云服务体系结构设计规范和企业云计算应用实施环境.最后,提出了一个基于松耦合SOA的云应用解决方案,从而支持企业云服务体系结构设计和云计算应用技术实施.  相似文献   

ContextCloud computing is a thriving paradigm that supports an efficient way to provide IT services by introducing on-demand services and flexible computing resources. However, significant adoption of cloud services is being hindered by security issues that are inherent to this new paradigm. In previous work, we have proposed ISGcloud, a security governance framework to tackle cloud security matters in a comprehensive manner whilst being aligned with an enterprise’s strategy.ObjectiveAlthough a significant body of literature has started to build up related to security aspects of cloud computing, the literature fails to report on evidence and real applications of security governance frameworks designed for cloud computing environments. This paper introduces a detailed application of ISGCloud into a real life case study of a Spanish public organisation, which utilises a cloud storage service in a critical security deployment.MethodThe empirical evaluation has followed a formal process, which includes the definition of research questions previously to the framework’s application. We describe ISGcloud process and attempt to answer these questions gathering results through direct observation and from interviews with related personnel.ResultsThe novelty of the paper is twofold: on the one hand, it presents one of the first applications, in the literature, of a cloud security governance framework to a real-life case study along with an empirical evaluation of the framework that proves its validity; on the other hand, it demonstrates the usefulness of the framework and its impact to the organisation.ConclusionAs discussed on the paper, the application of ISGCloud has resulted in the organisation in question achieving its security governance objectives, minimising the security risks of its storage service and increasing security awareness among its users.  相似文献   

本专分析了企业目前IT资源占用的现状和存在问题,结合云计算应用提出对企业IT资源整合的一些思路。  相似文献   

在分析现有定义的基础上对云计算提出了较全面的参考性定义,并给出了云计算的六大特征、四种部署模式和三种服务模式.此外,通过对云环境中三种角色的责任分析和对主流云计算产品的研究,抽象出了支撑云计算的关键技术,最后指出云计算对未来软件市场发展的影响.  相似文献   

Cloud computing has been introduced as a promising information technology (IT) that embodies not only economic advantages in terms of increased efficiency but also ecological gains through saving energy. The latter has become particularly important in view of the rising energy costs of IT. The present study analyzes whether necessary preconditions for accepting cloud computing as a new infrastructure, such as awareness and perceived net value, exist on the part of the users. The analysis is based on a combined research framework of the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and the technology acceptance model (TAM) in a cloud computing setting. Two consumer surveys, the one to elicit beliefs and the second to gain insight into the ranking of the variables, are employed. This study uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to evaluate the hypotheses. The results indicate support for the proposed research framework. Surprisingly however, the ecological factor does not play a role in forming cloud computing intentions, regardless of prior knowledge or experience. Empirical evidence of this study suggests increasing efforts for informing actual and potential users, particularly in respect to possible ecological advantages through applying the new IT infrastructure.  相似文献   

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