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The neurotransmitter GABA has been proposed to play a role during nervous system development. We show that the Caenorhabditis elegans gene unc-25 encodes glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), the GABA biosynthetic enzyme. unc-25 is expressed specifically in GABAergic neurons. Null mutations in unc-25 eliminate the UNC-25 protein or alter amino acids conserved in all known GADs, result in a complete lack of GABA, and cause defects in all GABA-mediated behaviors. In unc-25 mutants the GABAergic neurons have normal axonal trajectories and synaptic connectivity, and the size and shape of synaptic vesicles are normal. The number of synaptic vesicles at GABAergic neuromuscular junctions is slightly increased. Cholinergic ventral nerve cord neurons, which innervate the same muscles as GABAergic ventral cord neurons, have normal morphology, connectivity, and synaptic vesicles. We conclude that GAD activity and GABA are not necessary for the development or maintenance of neuromuscular junctions in C. elegans.  相似文献   

The unc-73 gene of Caenorhabditis elegans is necessary for proper axon guidance. Animals mutant in this gene are severely uncoordinated and also exhibit defects in cell migration and cell lineages. We have isolated coordinated revertants of unc-73 (e936). These fall into three classes: intragenic revertants, extragenic dominant suppressors (sup-39), and a single apparently intragenic mutation that is a dominant suppressor with a linked recessive lethal phenotype. sup-39 mutations cause early embryonic lethality, but escapers have a wild-type movement phenotype as larvae and adults. Gonads of sup-39 mutant animals show a novel defect: normal gonads have a single row of oocytes, but sup-39 gonads often have two rows of oocytes. This result suggests that the mutant gonad is defective in choosing on its surface only a single site form which nuclei will emerge to form oocytes. These results are interpreted in terms of an effect of unc-73 on determination of cell polarity.  相似文献   

Mechanically gated ion channels are important modulators of coordinated movement, yet little is known of their molecular properties. We report that C. elegans unc-8, originally identified by gain-of-function mutations that induce neuronal swelling and severe uncoordination, encodes a DEG/ENaC family member homologous to subunits of a candidate mechanically gated ion channel. unc-8 is expressed in several sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons. unc-8 null mutants exhibit previously unrecognized but striking defects in the amplitude and wavelength of sinusoidal tracks inscribed as they move through an E. coli lawn. We hypothesize that UNC-8 channels could modulate coordinated movement in response to body stretch. del-1, a second DEG/ENaC family member coexpressed with unc-8 in a subset of motor neurons, might also participate in a channel that contributes to nematode proprioception.  相似文献   

The gonad of the Caenorhabditis elegans hermaphrodite is generated by the postembryonic divisions of two somatic precursors, Z1 and Z4, and two germline precursors, Z2 and Z3. These cells begin division midway through the first larval stage. By the end of the fourth larval stage, Z1 and Z4 produce 143 descendants, while Z2 and Z3 give rise to approximately 1000 descendants. The divisions of Z2 and Z3 are dependent on signals produced by Z1 and Z4, but not vice versa. We have characterized the properties of five loss-of-function alleles of a newly described gene, which we call gon-2. In gon-2 mutants, gonadogenesis is severely impaired; in some animals, none of the gonad progenitors undergo any postembryonic divisions. Mutations in gon-2 have a partial maternal effect: either maternal or zygotic expression is sufficient to prevent the severe gonadogenesis defects. By cell lineage analysis, we found that the priman, defect in gon-2 mutants is a delay (sometimes a complete block) in the onset and continuation of gonadal divisions. The results of upshift experiments using a temperature-sensitive allele suggest that zygotic expression of gon-2 begins early in embryogenesis, before the birth of Z1 and Z4. The results of downshift experiments suggest that Z1 and Z4 can generate the full complement of gonadal tissues even when gon-2 function is inhibited until the end of the second larval stage. Thus, gon-2 activity is probably not required for the specification of gonadal cell fates, but appears to be generally required for gonadal cell divisions.  相似文献   

The pharmacological profile of RU 58642, a new non-steroidal antiandrogen was investigated both in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, the compound displays a strong and specific affinity for androgen receptor. In vivo, its antiandrogenic activity was evaluated in castrated rat supplemented with testosterone propionate and in intact animals on prostate, seminal vesicles weight and serum levels of testosterone by oral and subcutaneous route. In castrated rats RU 58642 induced a significant decrease in prostate weight at a dose as low as 0.3 mg/kg whatever the route of administration. In intact rats its activity was compared to that of other non-steroidal antiandrogens such as flutamide, nilutamide and bicalutamide. RU 58642 proved to be significantly more potent than the reference compounds in reducing prostate weight: 3-30 times orally and 3-100 times subcutaneously, and thus the most potent antiandrogen to date to our knowledge. These results suggest that this compound may be very useful in the treatment of systemic androgen-dependent diseases.  相似文献   

The study objective was, firstly, to investigate whether anaesthesia with induced arterial hypotension would cause leakage of a biochemical marker of neuronal injury, adenylate kinase (AK), into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). (Definition: arterial hypotension = mean arterial pressure (MAP) 50-65 mmHg during > or = 10 min). Secondly, a subgroup of patients was examined with a limited battery of psychometric tests. Patients, scheduled for orthognathic surgery, were allocated to either hypotension (n = 20) or normotension (n = 20). Seventeen patients were subjected to psychometry. Arterial blood pressure was recorded continuously and controlled by adjustments of the administered concentration of the inhalational anaesthetic isoflurane. Fentanyl, an opioid, was given equally in both groups. A lumbar puncture was performed approximately 20 h post-operatively for a CSF sample, later analysed for AK activity. Neuropsychological tests were performed the day before surgery and the fourteenth day postoperatively. The CSF-AK value was pathologically increased ( > 0.040 U/L) in 24 patients (65%), of whom 9 were normotensive. There was no significant difference between the CSF-AK values in the hypotensive and normotensive groups, mean values were 0.082 (s.d. 0.051) and 0.066 (s.d. 0.059) U/L, respectively. The overall correlation between the 10 min MAP levels and the CSF-AK values was close to zero. In the pilot neuropsychological investigation some abnormalities were observed, indicating clinically significant adverse effects in four hypotensive patients, of whom two displayed pathologically increased CSF-AK values. At the group level, the correlation between the changes in psychometry and the measured CSF-AK values was poor. Increases in CSF-AK activities may be a non-specific occurrence in the perioperative interval, possibly indicating an adverse effect on the brain. Arterial hypotension could not be proven to explain the CSF-AK outcome.  相似文献   

The Caenorhabditis elegans unc-60 gene encodes two actin depolymerizing factor/cofilin proteins which are implicated in the regulation of actin filament assembly in body wall muscle. We examined the interaction of recombinant UNC-60A and B proteins with actin and found that they differentially regulate actin filament dynamics. Co-pelleting assays with F-actin showed that UNC-60A depolymerized but did not remain bound to F-actin, whereas UNC-60B bound to but did not depolymerize F-actin. In the pH range of 6.8-8.0, the apparent activities of UNC-60A and B did not change although UNC-60A showed greater actin-depolymerizing activity at higher pH. These activities were further confirmed by a light scattering assay and electron microscopy. The effects of these proteins on actin polymerization were quite different. UNC-60A inhibited polymerization in a concentration-dependent manner. On the other hand, UNC-60B strongly inhibited the nucleation process but accelerated the following elongation step. However, an excess amount of UNC-60B increased the amount of unpolymerized actin. These results indicate that UNC-60A depolymerizes actin filaments and inhibits actin polymerization, whereas UNC-60B strongly binds to F-actin without depolymerizing it and, through binding to G-actin, changes the rate of actin polymerization depending on the UNC-60B:actin ratio. These data suggest that the two UNC-60 isoforms play differential roles in regulating actin filament dynamics in vivo.  相似文献   

The polarized processes of cell elongation play a crucial role in morphogenesis of higher plants. We reported previously that the rotundifolia3 (rot3) mutant of Arabidopsis has a defect in the polar elongation of leaf cells. In the present study, we isolated two additional alleles with mutations in the ROT3 gene. The ROT3 gene was cloned by a T-DNA-tagging method and isolation of the gene was confirmed by a molecular analysis of three rot3 mutant alleles obtained from different mutagenesis. The ROT3 gene encodes a cytochrome P-450 (CYP90C1) with domains homologous to regions of steroid hydroxylases of animals and plants. Expression of the ROT3 gene was detected in all major plant organs. Especially, higher expression was detected in the tissues that had high activity of cell division. We confirmed that the ROT3 gene controls polar elongation specifically in leaf cells by an analysis of three rot3 mutants obtained from different mutagenesis experiments. Our results imply that the ROT3 protein is a member of a new class of cytochrome P-450 encoding putative steroid hydroxylases, which is required for the regulated polar elongation of cells in leaves of Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Rho family GTPases are thought to regulate actin-dependent processes, but their functions in vivo are still poorly understood. We have investigated the function of a new, widely expressed Rho family member in C. elegans by analyzing mutations in the endogenous gene. Activated and null alleles all inhibit cell migration, demonstrating that this protein is required for cell migration in vivo. Only a small subset of the migrations inhibited by activating mutations are inhibited by null mutations, suggesting that considerable functional redundancy exists within this system. Our findings support this conclusion and show that mig-2 functions redundantly with another pathway to regulate nuclear migration. Surprisingly, activated alleles also cause misguided axon growth, suggesting that Rho family GTPases may couple guidance cues to process outgrowth.  相似文献   

Murine coronaviruses such as mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) infect mouse cells via cellular receptors that are isoforms of biliary glycoprotein (Bgp) of the carcinoembryonic antigen gene family (G. S. Dveksler, C. W. Dieffenbach, C. B. Cardellichio, K. McCuaig, M. N. Pensiero, G.-S. Jiang, N. Beauchemin, and K. V. Holmes, J. Virol. 67:1-8, 1993). The Bgp isoforms are generated through alternative splicing of the mouse Bgp1 gene that has two allelic forms called MHVR (or mmCGM1), expressed in MHV-susceptible mouse strains, and mmCGM2, expressed in SJL/J mice, which are resistant to MHV. We here report the cloning and characterization of a new Bgp-related gene designated Bgp2. The Bgp2 cDNA allowed the prediction of a 271-amino-acid glycoprotein with two immunoglobulin domains, a transmembrane, and a putative cytoplasmic tail. There is considerable divergence in the amino acid sequences of the N-terminal domains of the proteins coded by the Bgp1 gene from that of the Bgp2-encoded protein. RNase protection assays and RNA PCR showed that Bgp2 was expressed in BALB/c kidney, colon, and brain tissue, in SJL/J colon and liver tissue, in BALB/c and CD1 spleen tissue, in C3H macrophages, and in mouse rectal carcinoma CMT-93 cells. When Bgp2-transfected hamster cells were challenged with MHV-A59, MHV-JHM, or MHV-3, the Bgp2-encoded protein served as a functional MHV receptor, although with a lower efficiency than that of the MHVR glycoprotein. The Bgp2-mediated virus infection could not be inhibited by monoclonal antibody CC1 that is specific for the N-terminal domain of MHVR. Although CMT-93 cells express both MHVR and Bgp2, infection with the three strains of MHV was blocked by pretreatment with monoclonal antibody CC1, suggesting that MHVR was the only functional receptor in these cells. Thus, a novel murine Bgp gene has been identified that can be coexpressed in inbred mice with the Bgp1 glycoproteins and that can serve as a receptor for MHV strains when expressed in transfected hamster cells.  相似文献   

The high-affinity K+ uptake system of plants plays a crucial role in nutrition and has been the subject of extensive kinetic studies. However, major components of this system remain to be identified. We isolated a cDNA from barley roots, HvHAK1, whose translated sequence shows homology to the Escherichia coli Kup and Schwanniomyces occidentalis HAK1 K+ transporters. HvHAK1 conferred high-affinity K+ uptake to a K(+)-uptake-deficient yeast mutant exhibiting the hallmark characteristics of the high-affinity K+ uptake described for barley roots. HvHAK1 also mediated low-affinity Na+ uptake. Another cDNA (HvHAK2) encoding a polypeptide 42% identical to HvHAK1 was also isolated. Analysis of several genomes of Triticeae indicates that HvHAK1 belongs to a multigene family. Translated sequences from bacterial DNAs and Arabidopsis, rice, and possibly human cDNAs show homology to the Kup-HAK1-HvHAK1 family of K+ transporters.  相似文献   

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