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This article addresses a two-stage hybrid flowshop scheduling problem with unrelated alternative machines. The problem to be studied has m unrelated alternative machines at the first machine center followed by a second machine center with a common processing machine in the system. The objective is to minimize the makespan of the system. For the processing of any job, it is assumed that the operation can be partially substituted by other machines in the first center, depending on its machining constraints. Such scheduling problems occur in certain practical applications such as semiconductors, electronics manufacturing, airplane engine production, and petrochemical production. We demonstrate that the addressed problem is NP-hard and then provide some heuristic algorithms to solve the problem efficiently. The experimental results show that the combination of the modified Johnson's rule and the First-Fit rule provides the best solutions within all proposed heuristics.Scope and purpose  相似文献   

The scheduling problem in a multi-stage hybrid flowshop has been the subject of considerable research. All the studies on this subject assume that each job has to be processed on all the stages, i.e., there are no missing operations for a job at any stage. However, missing operations usually exist in many real-life production systems, such as a system in a stainless steel factory investigated in this note. The studied production system in the factory is composed of two stages in series. The first stage contains only one machine while the second stage consists of two identical machines (namely a 1 × 2 hybrid flowshop). In the system, some jobs have to be processed on both stages, but others need only to be processed on the second stage. Accordingly, the addressed scheduling problem is a 1 × 2 hybrid flowshop with missing operations at the first stage. In this note, we develop a heuristic for the problem to generate a non-permutation schedule (NPS) from a given permutation schedule, with the objective of minimizing the makespan. Computational results demonstrate that the heuristic can efficiently generate better NPS solutions.  相似文献   

To minimize the makespan in permutation flowshop scheduling problems, a hybrid discrete artificial bee colony (HDABC) algorithm is presented. In the HDABC, each solution to the problem is called a food source and represented by a discrete job permutation. First, the initial population with certain quality and diversity is generated from Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) based on Nawaz–Enscore–Ham (NEH) heuristics. Second, the discrete operators and algorithm, such as insert, swap, path relinking and GRASP are applied to generate new solution for the employed bees, onlookers and scouts. Moreover, local search is applied to the best one. The presented algorithm is tested on scheduling problem benchmarks. Experimental results show its efficiency.  相似文献   

We study practical scheduling problems with a major decision referring to the number of machines to be used. We focus on a two-stage flexible flowshop, where each job is processed on the first (critical) machine, and then continues to one of the second-stage parallel machines. Jobs are assumed to have identical processing times, and are processed in batches. A setup time is required when starting a new batch. We consider two objective functions: minimum makespan and minimum flowtime. In both cases, a closed form expression for the optimal number of machines to be used is introduced, and a unique and unusual sequence of decreasing batch sizes is shown to be optimal.  相似文献   

This paper studies the two-stage hybrid cross docking scheduling problem. In which, the job in the second stage cannot be processed until its precedent subset jobs in the first stage have all been completed and at least one stage contains more than one machine. The objective is to minimize the makespan. Firstly, a mixed integer programming is presented and solved by CPLEX for small scale instances. Secondly, four heuristics are proposed to investigate the performance for moderate and large scale instances. Furthermore, one lower bound is given to compare with the four heuristics. Finally, computational experiments are carefully designed to illustrate and compare these approaches and computational results are reported in detail.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a two-stage stochastic programming model for the parallel machine scheduling problem where the objective is to determine the machines' capacities that maximize the expected net profit of on-time jobs when the due dates are uncertain. The stochastic model decomposes the problem into two stages: The first (FS) determines the optimal capacities of the machines whereas the second (SS) computes an estimate of the expected profit of the on-time jobs for given machines' capacities. For a given sample of due dates, SS reduces to the deterministic parallel weighted number of on-time jobs problem which can be solved using the efficient branch and bound of M’Hallah and Bulfin [16]. FS is tackled using a sample average approximation (SAA) sampling approach which iteratively solves the problem for a number of random samples of due dates. SAA converges to the optimum in the expected sense as the sample size increases. In this implementation, SAA applies a ranking and selection procedure to obtain a good estimate of the expected profit with a reduced number of random samples. Extensive computational experiments show the efficacy of the stochastic model.  相似文献   

轩华  李冰  罗书敏  王薛苑 《控制与决策》2018,33(12):2218-2226
研究以最小化总加权完成时间为目标的可重入混合流水车间调度问题(RHFS-TWC),并构建问题的整数规划模型.根据模型的特点,设计基于二维矩阵组的调度解编码方案,结合NEH启发式算法确定工件初始加工顺序,生成高质量初始调度解群.为避免算法陷入早熟及扩大解的搜索空间,给出IGA的遗传参数自适应调整策略,最终形成NEH-IGA融合求解策略.针对不同规模问题分别用传统GA、基于遗传参数自适应调整的IGA、NEH启发式、NEH-IGA算法进行仿真测试,仿真结果表明NEH启发式和遗传参数自适应动态调整策略的引入有效改善了原有GA的求解能力,NEH-IGA算法在求解RHFS-TWC问题方面优势明显.  相似文献   

The hybrid flowshop scheduling problem (HFSP) has been widely studied in the past decades. The most commonly used criterion is production efficiency. Green criteria, such as energy consumption and carbon emission, have attracted growing attention with the improvement of the environment protection awareness. Limited attention has been paid to noise pollution. However, noise pollution can lead to health and emotion disorder. Thus, this paper studies a multi-objective HFSP considering noise pollution in addition to production efficiency and energy consumption. First, we formulate a new mixed-integer programming model for this multi-objective HFSP. To realize the green scheduling, one energy conservation/noise reduction strategy is embedded into this model. Then, a novel multi-objective cellular grey wolf optimizer (MOCGWO) is proposed to address this problem. The proposed MOCGWO integrates the merits of cellular automata (CA) for diversification and variable neighborhood search (VNS) for intensification, which balances exploration and exploitation. Finally, to validate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed MOCGWO, we compare our proposal with other well-known multi-objective evolutionary algorithms by conducting comparison experiments. The experimental results show that the proposed MOCGWO is significantly better than its competitors on this problem.  相似文献   

This paper studies a new generalization of the regular permutation flowshop scheduling problem (PFSP) referred to as the distributed permutation flowshop scheduling problem or DPFSP. Under this generalization, we assume that there are a total of F identical factories or shops, each one with m machines disposed in series. A set of n available jobs have to be distributed among the F factories and then a processing sequence has to be derived for the jobs assigned to each factory. The optimization criterion is the minimization of the maximum completion time or makespan among the factories. This production setting is necessary in today's decentralized and globalized economy where several production centers might be available for a firm. We characterize the DPFSP and propose six different alternative mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models that are carefully and statistically analyzed for performance. We also propose two simple factory assignment rules together with 14 heuristics based on dispatching rules, effective constructive heuristics and variable neighborhood descent methods. A comprehensive computational and statistical analysis is conducted in order to analyze the performance of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of preemptive scheduling in a two-stage flowshop with parallel unrelated machines at the first stage and a single machine at the second stage. At the first stage, jobs use some additional resources which are available in limited quantities at any time. The resource requirements are of 0–1 type. The objective is the minimization of makespan. The problem is NP-hard. Heuristic algorithms are proposed which solve to optimality the resource constrained scheduling problem at the first stage of the flowshop, and at the same time, minimize the makespan in the flowshop by selecting appropriate jobs for simultaneous processing. Several rules of job selection are considered. The performance of the proposed heuristic algorithms is analyzed by comparing solutions with the lower bound on the optimal makespan. The extensive computational experiment shows that the proposed heuristic algorithms are able to produce near-optimal solutions in short computational time.  相似文献   

We consider the three-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem with the objective of minimizing the makespan. The three-stage assembly problem generalizes both the serial three machine flowshop problem and the two-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem and is therefore strongly NP-hard. We analyze the worst-case ratio bound for several heuristics for this problem. We also analyze the worst-case absolute bound for a heuristic based on compact vector summation techniques and we point out that, for a large number of jobs, this heuristic becomes asymptotically optimal.Scope and purposeThe three-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem models situations which arise frequently in manufacturing when various fabrication operations are performed concurrently and then collected and transported into an assembly area for a final assembly operation. The main criterion for this problem is the minimization of the maximum job completion time (makespan). The objective of this paper is to derive algorithms for minimizing the makespan. In doing so, we also demonstrate the reduction of assembly flowshop problems to their embedded serial flowshop problems.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to solve a two-machine flowshop bicriteria scheduling problem with release dates for the jobs, in which the objective function is to minimize a weighed sum of total flow time and makespan. To tackle this scheduling problem, an integer programming model with N2+3N variables and 5N constraints where N is the number of jobs, is formulated. Because of the lengthy computing time and high computing complexity of the integer programming model, a heuristic scheduling algorithm is presented. Experimental results show that the proposed heuristic algorithm can solve this problem rapidly and accurately. The average solution quality of the heuristic algorithm is above 99% and is much better than that of the SPT rule as a benchmark. A 15-job case requires only 0.018 s, on average, to obtain an ultimate or even optimal solution. The heuristic scheduling algorithm is a more practical approach to real world applications than the integer programming model.  相似文献   

A two-machine flowshop makespan scheduling problem with deteriorating jobs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In traditional scheduling problems, the job processing times are assumed to be known and fixed from the first job to be processed to the last job to be completed. However, in many realistic situations, a job will consume more time than it would have consumed if it had begun earlier. This phenomenon is known as deteriorating jobs. In the science literature, the deteriorating job scheduling problems are relatively unexplored in the flowshop settings. In this paper, we study a two-machine flowshop makespan scheduling problem in which job processing times vary as time passes, i.e. they are assumed as increasing functions of their starting times. First, an exact algorithm is established to solve most of the problems of up to 32 jobs in a reasonable amount of time. Then, three heuristic algorithms are provided to derive the near-optimal solutions. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performances of the proposed algorithms. In addition, the impact of the deterioration rate is also investigated.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of scheduling jobs in a hybrid flowshop with two stages. Our objective is to minimize both the makespan and the total completion time of jobs. This problem has been little studied in the literature. To solve the problem, we propose an ant colony optimization procedure. Computational experiments are conducted using random-generated instances from the literature. In comparison against other well-known heuristics from the literature, experimental results show that our algorithm outperforms such heuristics.  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to the recent research efforts to bridge the gap between the theory and the practice of scheduling by modelizing a realistic manufacturing environment and analyzing the effect of the inclusion of several characteristics in the problem formulation. There are several constraints and characteristics that affect the scheduling operations at companies. While these constraints are many times tackled in the literature, they are seldom considered together inside the same problem formulation. We propose a formulation along with a mixed integer modelization and some heuristics for the problem of scheduling n jobs on m stages where at each stage we have a known number of unrelated machines. The jobs might skip stages and, therefore, we have what we call a hybrid flexible flowshop problem. We also consider per machine sequence-dependent setup times which can be anticipatory and non-anticipatory along with machine lags, release dates for machines, machine eligibility and precedence relationships among jobs. Manufacturing environments like this appear in sectors like food processing, ceramic tile manufacturing and several others. The optimization criterion considered is the minimization of the makespan. The MIP model and the heuristics proposed are tested against a comprehensive benchmark and the results evaluated by advanced statistical tools that make use of decision trees and experimental designs. The results allow us to identify the constraints that increase the difficulty.  相似文献   

Genetic algorithm is a powerful procedure for finding an optimal or near optimal solution for the flowshop scheduling problem. This is a simple and efficient algorithm which is used for both single and multi-objective problems. It can easily be utilized for real life applications. The proposed algorithm makes use of the principle of Pareto solutions. It mines the Pareto archive to extract the most repetitive sequences, and constitutes artificial chromosome for generation of the next population. In order to guide the search direction, this approach coupled with variable neighborhood search. This algorithm is applied on the flowshop scheduling problem for minimizing makespan and total weighted tardiness. For the assessment of the algorithm, its performance is compared with the MOGLS [1]. The results of the experiments allow us to claim that the proposed algorithm has a considerable performance in this problem.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of preemptive scheduling in a two-stage flowshop with parallel unrelated machines and renewable resources at both the stages. The resource requirements are of a 0–1 type. The objective is the minimization of makespan. The problem is NP-hard. Four heuristic algorithms using linear programming are proposed for solving this problem. Performance of the algorithms is analyzed experimentally by comparing heuristic solutions with the lower bound on the optimal makespan. Statistical comparative analysis of the developed algorithms is carried out. The results of a computational experiment show that the proposed algorithms are able to produce good quality solutions in a small amount of computation time.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of preemptive scheduling in a two-stage flowshop with parallel unrelated machines and renewable resources at both the stages. The resource requirements are of a 0–1 type. The objective is the minimization of makespan. The problem is NP-hard. Four heuristic algorithms using linear programming are proposed for solving this problem. Performance of the algorithms is analyzed experimentally by comparing heuristic solutions with the lower bound on the optimal makespan. Statistical comparative analysis of the developed algorithms is carried out. The results of a computational experiment show that the proposed algorithms are able to produce good quality solutions in a small amount of computation time.  相似文献   

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