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Qiong Wu Hong-qing Li Ru-song Wang Juergen Paulussen Yong He Min Wang Bi-hui Wang Zhen Wang 《Landscape and urban planning》2006,78(4):322-333
Rapid land use change has taken place in many mega cities of China such as Beijing over the past two decades. In this paper, land use change dynamics were investigated by the combined use of satellite remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS). The results indicated that there had been a notable and uneven urban growth and a major loss of cropland loss between 1986 and 2001. Most of the urban growth and loss of agriculture land occurred in inner and outer suburbs. Land use change was projected for the next 20 years using Markov chains and regression analyses. The further integration of remote sensing and GIS technologies with Markov model and regression model was found to be useful for describing, analyzing and predicting the process of land use change. 相似文献
在阐述遥感原理的基础上,简要介绍了遥感的过程,以及有关遥感平台及传感器的综合性知识,重点阐述了遥感平台与传感器的现状及发展方向,以推动测绘技术的发展。 相似文献
遥感的快速发展,使其已成为地质研究和地质勘查强有力的技术手段。遥感找矿模型是建立在正确的遥感地质解译基础上,可以描述一类矿床一系列遥感地质找矿标志的信息。西藏罗布莎地区蕴含着我国最大的铬铁矿床,文章利用World View-2高空间分辨率遥感影像、ETM+对罗布莎铬铁矿床进行遥感控矿因素提取。通过对研究区成矿地质特征条件分析,结合收集的研究区物化探等多源资料,总结西藏罗布莎地区阿尔卑斯型铬铁矿床遥感地质找矿模型。研究结果表明,高空间分辨率遥感工作精度高,其技术在地质矿产调查工作中,尤其是在我国西部等条件艰难复杂环境下,能够发挥举足轻重的作用。同时应用该模型,能为今后在雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩带上寻找类似铬铁矿床提供遥感依据。 相似文献
Chan Yong Sung 《Landscape and urban planning》2012,104(1):19-25
This study evaluated the efficacy of a tree removal permit regulation that the city of Lakeway adopted in 2002 to protect trees in private lands by comparing the levels of tree protection in Lakeway with those in the village of The Hills, a neighboring municipality without such a regulation. The level of tree protection was assessed by mean canopy height (MCH) and percent canopy cover (PCC) of a parcel derived from light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data and aerial photography, respectively. MCHs and PCCs were estimated for single family residential parcels where houses were constructed for four years before (1998-2001) and after (2003-2006) the adoption of the tree removal permit regulation by Lakeway. Holding parcel size and vegetation condition before housing construction constant, MCHs of the parcels developed in 2003-2006 were statistically significantly higher in Lakeway than Hills. Because the difference in MCHs was not found in the parcels developed in 1998-2001, it is concluded that Lakeway's tree removal permit regulation has been successful to protect trees in private lands. Unlike MCHs, PCCs between the two municipalities were not statistically significantly different in the parcels developed in each of the two study periods. This result may indicate that PCC is not as accurate in assessing the level of tree protection as MCH due to the inability of PCC to distinguish existing mature trees from young ones planted after construction. Based on these findings, it is recommended that urban planners use LiDAR data to study urban forests. 相似文献
文章运用GF-1遥感数据,在柴达木盆地北缘大柴旦地区开展遥感地质矿产调查技术方法研究。采用图像处理技术,制作了研究区的GF-1遥感影像图。在此基础上,对该区地质构造、岩性地层及铁染蚀变异常等信息进行了提取。通过综合分析,圈定了2处遥感找矿预测区,并经野外验证,证实遥感找矿预测区内矿化蚀变发育明显,找矿意义较大。通过本次研究,说明国产高分数据的运用能够满足遥感地质矿产调查工作的要求,可为我国矿产资源战略储备提供有利的遥感技术支撑。 相似文献
遥感技术在甘肃省重点矿山开发调查与监测中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用遥感技术,在甘肃省重点矿山开展了矿产资源规划执行情况、矿产资源开发状况、矿山地质环境等多种信息相结合的动态监测,建立了矿山开发遥感动态监测技术体系及技术方法,获得了一系列客观、准确、适时、直观的矿山开发成果数据,确定了甘肃省矿产资源开发秩序不规范的区域、违规矿种和违规类型,监测了矿山开发对环境的影响和地质灾害发展趋势,预测了潜在地质灾害和环境污染隐患,为国家矿产资源规划发展战略的制定、矿产资源管理和矿山环境恢复治理提供了基础信息和决策依据。 相似文献
遥感技术应用于城市规划管理后,逐渐体现出其重要价值及广阔的前景。随着遥感技术不断深入发展,将成为城市规划管理不可或缺的管理工具。 相似文献
随着空间技术和信息技术的飞速发展,遥感技术现已成为区域地质矿产调查评价的重要支撑技术,尤其是高分辨率遥感技术开启了微观遥感地质应用的大门.文章利用WorldView-2高分辨率遥感数据的技术优势,在西藏改则县北部地区开展矿产资源遥感调查研究,在遥感图像处理、地质解译及野外查证等工作的基础上,重新确定了该地区的地层岩性、岩体、断裂构造及其界线,新发现了9处金属矿化点,取得了良好的应用效果,充分体现了高分辨率遥感数据在海拔较高、地质工作程度较低地区的矿产资源调查中的技术优势及重要作用. 相似文献
A research project intended to extract the history of land-use in a sub-watershed in Thailand by combining remote sensing and anthropology ended up providing local villagers with a useful tool for developing a more sustainable landscape management. In three villages people were interviewed in-depth about historical land-use changes and they helped to make land-use maps approximately covering the years 1973, 1980, 1989, and 1999. These maps were digitized and compared to satellite images from the same years. Trends and discrepancies between the two sets of maps were then analysed and discussed with the villagers in order to establish the local land-use history. The involvement of local groups in the mapping process was instrumental in overcoming long-standing inter-village conflicts, mainly by creating a common knowledge platform on which co-management could be based. The research helped set in motion a process of inter-village forest management cooperation, which was subsequently enhanced by the involvement of CARE Thailand and the local sub-district administration. 相似文献
探讨了高分辨率遥感提取土地信息的技术,详细地阐述了高分辨遥感技术在城市土地调查与管理和城市交通规划领域中的应用,并对高分辨遥感数据用于城市土地开发利用的效果和影响进行了评价,以促进该技术的应用. 相似文献
Mapping and indicator approaches for the assessment of habitats at different scales using remote sensing and GIS methods 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The paper presents a case study for the application of satellite remote sensing and GIS data and methods in the context of habitat monitoring and landscape assessment at different scales. The range of work covers the production of overview maps for land covers, techniques of classification for detailed habitat maps, change detection as a management support tool for the updating of existing habitat databases and an integrative GIS model to delineate habitat suitability for key species. Furthermore the role of comprehensive indicators and historical satellite data in investigating landscape change over two decades on a regional scale is discussed. Future activities for transferring the respective approaches onto a pan-European scale are presented in a concluding discussion. 相似文献
雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩带中发育的铬铁矿矿床,具有极高的经济价值,其形成与蛇绿岩成分中的地幔橄榄岩关系密切。因此勘查与铬铁矿相关的橄榄岩变得十分有意义。遥感作为一种新型数据已被应用于岩性圈定及地质填图。文章以西藏山南地区罗布莎为例,旨在通过分析该地区多光谱Landsat7 ETM遥感数据,使用一系列光谱增强方法,包括去相关拉伸,波段比值,假彩色合成,主成分分析等,评估遥感数据对铬铁矿寄主岩石地幔橄榄岩识别与圈定的能力和可行性。经过多种方法对比验证,结果显示经过光谱增强的遥感影像对西藏特殊环境下的地幔橄榄岩范围的圈定是可行的,证明利用遥感影像增强方法探测潜在铬铁矿床是有前景的,能取得一定的地质效果。 相似文献
Nur Yagmur Burhan Baha Bilgilioglu Adalet Dervisoglu Nebiye Musaoglu Aysegul Tanik 《Water and Environment Journal》2021,35(1):107-122
Advances in remote sensing technology enable monitoring and detection of these vulnerable water bodies that bear numerous functions and ecological services beyond their intended use. As such, valuable data and information may be provided for long and short‐term analyses and stored in a database for future projections. This paper initially grouped 18 natural lakes of the Konya Closed Basin of Turkey according to their salinity level. Freshwater, saline and brackish lakes have then undergone temporal analysis for every 5‐year intervals via Landsat satellite images. Freshwater lake surfaces have not changed noticeably during the inspection period; however, saline waters have decreased in surface area by 32%. Beysehir Lake constituting 94% of the freshwater category and Tuz Lake representing 97% of the saline group were selected for the short‐term analysis that was monthly conducted for years 2017 and 2018 with optical and SAR images to better verify cause and effect relationship. 相似文献
Designing erosion management plans in Lebanon using remote sensing, GIS and decision-tree modeling 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Rania Bou Kheir Chadi Abdallah Micael Runnstrom Ulrik Martensson 《Landscape and urban planning》2008,88(2-4):54
Soil erosion by water represents a serious threat to the natural and human environment in Mediterranean countries, including Lebanon, which represents a good case study. This research deals with how to use Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, and, more specifically, structural classification techniques and decision-tree modeling to map erosion risks and design priority management planning over a representative region of Lebanon. The structural classification organization and analysis of spatial structures (OASIS) of Landsat TM satellite imagery (30 m) was used to define landscapes that prevail in this area and their boundaries, depending on their spectral appearance. The landscape map produced was overlaid sequentially with thematic erosion factorial maps (i.e., slope gradient, drainage density, rainfall quantity, vegetal cover, soil infiltration, soil erodibility, rock infiltration and rock movement). The overlay was visual and conditional using three visual interpretation rules (dominance, unimodality and scarcity conservation), and landscape properties were produced. Rills and gullies were measured in the field, and a decision-tree regression model was developed on the landscapes to statistically explain gully occurrence. This model explained 88% of the variability in field gully measurements. The erosion risk map produced corresponds well to field observations (accuracy of 82%). The landscapes were prioritized according to anti-erosive remedial measures: preventive (Pre), protective (Pro), and restorative (Res). This approach seems useful in Lebanon, but can also serve in other countries with similar geo-environmental conditions or those lacking detailed geospatial data. 相似文献
A timely low-cost method providing information on water quality and trophic state to various users of reservoir or dam water is a must. Conventional methods involved tedious and expensive in situ and laboratory studies. Satellite-borne sensors have the capability of providing repetitive, low-cost, multispectra, timely and reliable information over areas. This paper shows the development of a new method for assessing the trophic state in inland water bodies such as dams. The method is based on matching the atmospheric corrected reflectance values obtained from Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) image data with the defined spectral signature ranges obtained from ground spectro-radiometric measurements in order to assess the trophic state conditions. The proposed method has been applied to Landsat TM and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) satellite images of the Kourris and Asprokremmos Dams in Cyprus, acquired during the winter, spring, summer and autumn period. The reflectance values for the images acquired on 3 June 1985, 11 September 1998, 11 May 2000 and 31 January 2001 for the Asprokremmos Dam were found to be 4.5, 3.5, 3.7 and 11.2%, and those for the Kourris Dam were found to be 5, 3.5, 3.1 and 5.2%, respectively. Reflectance values between 3 and 7% correspond to a eutrophic state and values >7% to a hypertrophic state. The results obtained from the proposed method were found to comply with those found using the trophic state index (TSI) approach. For example, the trophic state for the Landsat TM images of Asprokremmos Dam acquired on 11 May 2000 and 31 January 2001, was determined to be TSI=68 and 79, respectively, using the available secchi disc depths (SDDs) and the Carlson TSI. Such values correspond to eutrophic and hypetrophic trophic states that comply with the same outcomes found from the proposed method. 相似文献