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This paper proposes a quantitative approach for selecting effective maintenance strategies for metro tunnels in order to reduce maintenance cost and ensure tunnel safety in the presence of structural degradation during the service life. A non-stationary gamma process is used to simulate the tunnel gradual degradation and to investigate the effects of different maintenance measures on the life cycle maintenance cost of metro tunnels in soft soil. Two commonly applied reinforcement methods, Aramid Fibre Reinforced Polymer and bonded steel plate reinforcement, are investigated in this study. The feasibility of the proposed methodology is demonstrated with maintenance strategies based on periodic and aperiodic inspection policies. Numerical results show that the optimisation of maintenance strategy can reduce the life cycle maintenance cost of metro tunnels in soft soil while ensuring sufficient level of structural safety, and the maintenance strategy with aperiodic inspection policy produces lower maintenance cost.  相似文献   

If management is perceived as the execution of informed decisions, bridge management supplies the decision support. Ideally, its task should fall in the domain of optimisation; however, the constraints and objectives for such a treatment frequently diverge between the network and the project levels. Nevertheless, working models are in evidence. Over the last 15 years New York City appears to have maintained an equilibrium between the average bridge condition ratings of its 800 bridges and the related capital expenditures. Management must therefore inquire if these expenditures can be rendered more effective. The particular contribution of preventive maintenance (PM) to this ‘steady state’ is explored with several objectives. An attempt is made to compare the relative cost-effectiveness of different maintenance tasks. The information needed in order to verify such comparisons to a satisfactory degree is identified, as are the strengths and limitations of the network (top-down) and project (ground-up) management viewpoints. Recommendations about short- and long-term maintenance strategies are formulated.  相似文献   

Life cycle cost (LCC) is an essential approach to decide on alternative rehabilitation strategies for infrastructure systems, such as water mains. The research presented in this article identifies several rehabilitation methods for water mains, which are classified into three main categories: repair, renovation and replacement. A simulation-based LCC (SLCC) model is developed to compare different rehabilitation scenarios/alternatives for various types of water mains (i.e. cast iron, ductile iron, concrete, polyvinyl chloride and asbestos cement). Results show that ‘open trench’ and ‘slip lining’ are the most appropriate methods for the ‘repair’ and ‘renovation’ categories, respectively. However, the most suitable method for the ‘replacement’ category is ‘pipe bursting’ for pipe diameters less than 750 mm (<30″) and ‘open cut’ for pipe diameters greater than 750 mm (>30″). A rehabilitation plan is developed based on the SLCC results. This plan recommends repairing pipes using ‘open trench’ until the breakage rate reaches 0.5 breaks/km/year, then, replace the pipe beyond this threshold. Based on the designed SLCC model, web-based software is developed to determine the optimal rehabilitation scenarios. The developed model and software help academics and practitioners (e.g. municipal engineers) to predict the suitable new installation and/or rehabilitation programs as well as their corresponding costs.  相似文献   

Understanding of deterioration mechanisms in sewers helps asset managers in developing prediction models for estimating whether or not sewer collapse is likely. Effective utilisation of deterioration prediction models along with the development and use of life cycle maintenance cost analysis contribute to reducing operation and maintenance costs in sewer systems. This article presents a model for life-cycle maintenance planning of deteriorating sewer network as a multi-objective optimisation problem that treats the sewer network condition and service life as well as life-cycle maintenance cost (LCMC) as separate objective functions. The developed model utilises Markov chain model for the prediction of the deterioration of the network. A multi-objective genetic algorithm is used to automatically locate an appropriate maintenance scenario that exhibits an optimised tradeoff among conflicting objectives. Monte Carlo simulation is used to account for LCMC uncertainties. The optimisation algorithm provides an improved opportunity for asset managers to actively select near-optimum maintenance scenario that balances life-cycle maintenance cost, condition and service life of deteriorating sewer network. A case study is used to demonstrate the practical features of developed methodology.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is the management optimisation (inspection, maintenance and rehabilitation (IM&R)) of a group of structures. It is supposed that the optimisation is constrained by limited available budget at the beginning of each time period during the entire time horizon thus creating an economical dependence between the decisions related to each of the structures. A Lagrangian relaxation technique is used for the extension of existing dynamic programming methods from single structure to multi-structures level. The methodology is illustrated by using a Generalised Partially Observable Markov Decision Process having a decision tree composed of a sequence of two decisions at the beginning of each time period, namely an inspection decision followed by a maintenance action decision. A numerical example concerning the optimisation of IM&R of 16 different bridges is presented.  相似文献   

Civil infrastructure assets require continuous renewal (repair, rehabilitation or replacement) actions to modernise the inventory and sustain its operability. Allocating limited renewal funds among numerous asset components, however, represents a complex optimisation problem. Earlier efforts using genetic algorithms (GAs) could optimise small size problems yet exhibiting steep degradation in solution quality as problem size increases. Even by applying sophisticated mechanisms such as ‘segmentation’ to improve the performance of GAs, large processing time hinders the practicality of the algorithm for large-scale problems. This article, therefore, aims at improving both processing speed and solution quality for very large-scale problems (up to 50,000 assets). The article develops optimisation models using an advanced modelling tool (GAMS/CPLEX), and compares its results with GAs on three different model formulations. Both approaches proved to be beneficial, yet the advanced mathematical approach showed superior performance.  相似文献   

Addressing the multidimensional challenges involved in advancing the sustainability of pavement systems requires the development of optimisation-based decision support system (DSS) for pavement management with the capability to identify optimally sustainable pavement maintenance and rehabilitations (M&R) strategies. The main objective of this research work is to develop a multi-objective optimisation framework that hosts a comprehensive and integrated pavement life cycle costs–life cycle assessment model that covers the pavement’s whole life cycle, from the extraction and production of materials to construction and maintenance, transportation of materials, work-zone traffic management, usage and end-of-life. The capability of the proposed DSS is analysed in a case study aiming at investigating, from a full life cycle perspective, the extent to which a number of pavement engineering solutions are efficient in improving the environmental and economic aspects of pavement sustainability, when applied in the management of a road pavement section. Multiple bi-objective optimisation analyses considering accordingly agency costs, user costs and greenhouse gas emissions were conducted based on a multi-objective genetic algorithm. Pareto fronts were obtained for each analysis, originating a set of non-dominated maintenance and rehabilitation solutions. Posteriorly, a multi-criteria decision analysis method was used to find the best compromise solution for pavement management.  相似文献   

公路是交通系统的重要组成部分,随着我国交通网络及居民生活水平的不断提高,传统的公路设计理念无论是从结构、技术、材料,还是从规模大小、面层宽度来说,均不能适应现代需求,为了在控制成本的情况下延长道路的使用寿命,使道路达到设计预期的使用年限,我国开始采用道路全寿命周期设计理念。本文立足于道路全寿命周期设计,以重庆一乡村县道养护为例展开分析并提出建议。  相似文献   

The 2013 report card of America's infrastructure has scored the condition of oil and gas pipelines as D+ which means that such pipelines are in a relatively poor condition. More than 10,000 failures have been recorded in the US. These failures have resulted in environmental, health and property damages. Therefore, there is a definite need to give more attention to the maintenance of oil and gas pipelines. This paper develops a comprehensive model for the maintenance planning of oil and gas pipelines. The model selects rehabilitation/repair alternatives for oil and gas pipelines based on their condition during their service life. These alternatives are then used to calculate the cash flow throughout the service life of these infrastructures. The model, which uses Monte Carlo simulation and fuzzy approach to address the uncertainties in the estimation of the maintenance operation costs and the economic parameters, calculates the Equivalent Uniform Annual Worth of the identified alternatives. The optimum maintenance programmes consist of the alternatives that have the lowest life cycle cost of oil and gas pipelines. The model is expected to support pipeline operators in the maintenance decision-making process of oil and gas pipelines.  相似文献   

Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) procedures have been used over the past decades to justify the choice of one pavement design alternative over the others. However, many ambiguities associated with the life cycle cost input values, such as the discount rate and future cost estimates have questioned the credibility of the analysis results. Another unrecognized source of errors in pavement LCCA is the misunderstanding of pavement treatment costs when historical costs are typically used for estimating those costs. The historical costs of pavement rehabilitation projects typically include a significant amount of non-pavement-related costs, which may result in a wrong LCCA if not treated appropriately. This paper addresses this specific point of error and proposes a solution to eliminating this error by using a novel cost classification framework that successfully differentiates mainline roadway costs from non-pavement cost items. A case study using Monte Carlo simulation is conducted to evaluate the probabilistic LCCA results. The results of the case study indicate that the conventional approach of using total rehabilitation project costs in LCCA may even lead to a wrong investment decision. The findings of this study will help practitioners and researchers better understand the nature of pavement rehabilitation project cost distributions.  相似文献   

Decision-making regarding the optimum maintenance of civil infrastructure systems under uncertainty is a topic of paramount importance. This topic is experiencing growing interest within the field of life cycle structural engineering. Embedded within the decision-making process and optimum management of engineering systems is the structural performance evaluation, which is facilitated through a comprehensive life cycle risk assessment. Lifetime functions including survivor, availability, and hazard at component and system levels are utilised herein to model, using closed-form analytical expressions, the time-variant effect of intervention actions on the performance of civil infrastructure systems. The presented decision support framework based on lifetime functions has the ability to quantify maintenance cost, failure consequences and performance benefit in terms of utility by considering correlation effects. This framework effectively employs tri-objective optimisation procedures in order to determine optimum maintenance strategies under uncertainty. It provides optimum lifetime intervention plans allowing for utility-informed decision-making regarding maintenance of civil infrastructure systems. The effects of the risk attitude, correlation among components and the number of maintenance interventions on the optimum maintenance strategies are investigated. The capabilities of the proposed decision support framework are illustrated on five configurations of a four-component system and an existing highway bridge.  相似文献   

Seismic reliability and expected performance functions of structural systems are sensitive to the process of damage accumulation associated with the random sequences of ground motion excitations that those systems may experience. Optimum life cycle-based engineering decisions must examine the influence of concepts related to both the target safety level of the initial system and the eventual repair and maintenance actions that may be undertaken during the life of the system. This study includes an overview of the general framework supporting these decisions as well as some available results about (a) the influence of damage accumulation of the seismic vulnerability functions of building structures, (b) approximate estimates of accumulated damage and (c) optimum damage threshold values for repair of structural frames or replacement of energy dissipating devices. Some comments are presented concerning desirable studies about life cycle optimisation of systems exposed to different types of excitations.  相似文献   

刘荣平 《山西建筑》2014,(24):162-163
分析了高速公路养护管理系统与养护任务,明确了高速公路养护管理的内容,并对各层次养护工作量进行了调查研究,探讨了各层次各类别的养护费用,对提高和规范高速公路养护技术与费用管理水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

It is very important for State Departments of Transportation (DOT) to establish strategies with regard to maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation (MR&R) of bridges. With the availability of Bridge Management Systems (BMS) such as PONTIS and BRIDGIT, owners are beginning to emphasize cost-effective proactive strategies from the start, when the bridge is new. Therefore, a model is required for the development of optimal MR&R action scenarios suitable to each DOT for effective management of the bridges. This article introduces a Model for Evaluating Maintenance, Repair and REhabilitation Strategies (MEMRRES) in concrete bridge decks. The MEMRRES assists the decision makers in determining the optimal MR&R strategy among the feasible MR&R strategies. The MEMRRES methodology is explained through a hypothetical example and is applied for determining the optimal MR&R strategy of concrete bridge decks for 24 State DOT (DOTs). It can be used as a tool by bridge engineers within their respective DOT to select cost-effective MR&R actions for concrete bridge decks.  相似文献   

The wind‐induced vibrations of super tall buildings become excessive due to strong wind loads, super building height and high flexibility. Tuned mass dampers (TMDs) and tuned liquid column dampers (TLCDs) have been widely used to control vibrations for actual super tall buildings for decades. To fully use both the economic advantage of the TLCD system and the high efficiency of the TMD system, an innovative supplemental damping system including both TLCD and TMD and called combined tuned damper (CTD), which can substantially decrease the cost of the damper, was proposed to control the wind‐induced vibrations of tall buildings. The governing equations are generated for the motion of both the primary structure and the CTD and solved to anticipate the dynamic response of the CTD‐structure system. Moreover, an optimal design method of human comfort performance is proposed, in which the life cycle cost of the damper‐structure system is considered as the quantitative index of the performance. The life cycle cost includes the initial cost, the maintenance cost and the failure cost. The failure cost can be calculated using the vibration‐sensation rate model, which is based on the Japanese code AIJES‐V001‐2004. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aging and deterioration of highway bridges and the new requirements for sustainable infrastructures and communities require innovative approaches for their management that can achieve an adequate balance between social, economic and environmental sustainability. This paper presents a multi-objective decision-making approach for the sustainable design and management of highway bridge decks, which can consider several and conflicting objectives, such as the minimisation of owner's costs, users costs, and environmental impacts and uses goal setting and compromise programming to determine the satisficing and compromise solutions that yield the best trade-off between all competing objectives. The proposed approach is based on robust reliability-based mechanistic models of the deterioration and service life of reinforced concrete bridge decks, which include diffusion models for the prediction of chloride ingress into concrete and steel corrosion and thick-walled cylinder models for the prediction of stresses induced by the accumulating corrosion products in the concrete cover. The proposed approach is illustrated on the life cycle design and management of highway bridge decks using normal and high performance concrete. It is shown that the high performance concrete deck alternative is a Pareto optimum, while the normal concrete deck is found to be a dominated solution in terms of life cycle costs and environmental impacts.  相似文献   

Over 50 years of design life, buildings are exposed to different magnitudes and frequencies of earthquakes that require consideration of life-cycle cost (LCC). The LCC entails quantifying the building performance under seismic hazard and investments throughout the life of the structures. Traditional LCC utilises probabilities of being in different damage states. However, for buildings with inherent irregularities (e.g. vertical irregularity and plan irregularity), these probabilities are not readily available. In this paper, a system-based approach, utilising fuzzy set theory, is used to quantify the possibility of being in different damage states. The analysis is limited to study the effect of seismic exposure on the building LCC. The proposed method is illustrated with two case studies, a six-storey reinforced concrete (RC) building located in Vancouver, Canada, and vulnerability of an urban centre with 1000 RC buildings. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis is carried out to highlight the impact of different building performance modifiers on the LCC.  相似文献   

To indicate health status of bridges and help stakeholders make decision on maintenance, a comprehensive framework has been proposed to evaluate structural efficiency of suspension bridges using analytic hierarchy process. First, the analytical hierarchy model (i.e. hierarchical network together with data aggregation algorithms) has been constructed using multi-source data, including visual inspection, non-destructive testing and structural health monitoring information. Age-dependent variable weight theory is developed to account for the service history of elements ensuring the alignment of variation trend of index weights with the objective law in bridge maintenance and management activities. To overcome the limitations of factor-based variable weight model for weight adjustment, the factor- and age-based variable weight model has been adopted for data aggregation. Finally, four cases are used to test the effectiveness of the three models (i.e. constant weight model, factor-based variable weight model and factor- and age-based variable weight model). By comparing the performance of the three models, the recommended maintenance strategy derived from factor- and age-based variable weight model aligns more with the actual strategy than the other two. The factor- and age-based variable weight model outperforms both the factor-based variable weight model and constant weight model in helping bridge owners make maintenance decisions.  相似文献   

The assessment process of productivity and cost of bored pile construction is dictated by unseen subsurface obstacles, lack of contractor experience and site planning. These problems complicate the estimator's role in evaluating pile equipment productivity and cost. Current research discusses the assessment of piling process productivity and cost using the deterministic technique. Data are collected through questionnaires, site interviews and telephone calls to experts in various construction companies. Many variables have been considered in the piling construction process, such as pile size, depth, pouring method, soil type and construction method. Five deterministic models have been designated to assess productivity, cycle time and cost. The developed models are validated whereas 79% of the outputs have been predicted with more than 75% accuracy. Consequently, three sets of charts have been developed to provide the decision‐maker with a solid planning, scheduling and control tool for piling projects. If a pile has 60′ depth with φ‐18 (18″ diameter pile) in clay soil using a 5′ auger height, the cycle time is estimated as 56 and 65.5 minutes; however, productivity is 6 and 5 holes/day for dry and wet methods, respectively.  相似文献   

张朝辉  李震  端木琳  李祥立 《建筑科学》2007,23(4):74-77,94
本文简要介绍了寿命周期成本的概念和寿命周期成本的分析方法,并利用该方法对大连市星海湾区域供冷供热项目的冷热源设计方案进行评价。分析表明,在大连地区采用溴化锂吸收式制冷机加热电厂方案的寿命周期成本最低,此外利用海水源热泵方案在商业电价下的寿命周期成本最高而在民用电价下的寿命周期成本比较低,考虑海水源热泵方案符合国家的可再生能源利用政策,本项目选定海水源热泵方案。  相似文献   

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