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李建军  李中豫 《酿酒》2003,30(5):68-69
介绍了河南省赊店酒业集团公司酒精厂DDGS蒸发浓缩系统改造前后的情况。经过改造.蒸发浓缩系统完全不用生蒸汽加热。将干燥机排放的废汽通过废热回收系统得到纯二次蒸汽用做蒸发热源,每年节约蒸汽五万多吨,大大地降低了DDGS的生产成本;分离糟液不再外排,每天多回收饲料25t;同时,治理了环境污染;也使得价值700多万元蒸发浓缩系统不再成为摆设。  相似文献   

徐文娟 《西南造纸》2002,31(5):35-36
1设备及工艺流程介绍碱回收系统中蒸发器的作用就是把制浆系统送来的稀黑液浓缩到一定的浓度供碱炉燃烧。蒸发过程实际上就是黑液脱除水分的过程。目前国内采用的较为普遍的蒸发器主要有两大类,即,管式升膜蒸发器和强循环降膜蒸发器。我公司#1蒸发站采用的是1967年从芬兰Rosen-blad公司引进的五效不等面积管式升膜蒸发器。而#2蒸发站是1990年由天津轻机厂提供的,为五效全板式降膜蒸发器,该蒸发站与#1蒸发站相比具有不易结垢和环境污染轻等优点。但在1992年底蒸发站投入运行之后,由于设计、工艺及设备上存在的一些…  相似文献   

减少麦草浆黑液蒸发器结垢的措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南中牟造纸厂采用如下蒸发工艺流程:提取工段送来的稀黑液→蒸发站稀黑液槽→30m2稀黑液预热器→Ⅲ效蒸发器→IV效蒸发器→30m2预热器→50m2预热器→Ⅱ效蒸发器→Ⅰ效蒸发器→波黑液槽→燃烧。主要工艺条件:(1)提取工段送蒸发工段稀黑液浓度要求5~5.5Be(60℃,直测)。(2)蒸发送燃烧黑液浓度23Be(90℃)以上,有效碱含量不低于3%-3.5%(对固形物)。(3)出效黑液浓度:一次循环时16~18Be(直测),二次循环时18~20Be,出效黑液达21-23Be。(4)高位冷凝器排水温度45℃以下。(5)真空度不低于81.3kPa(610mmHg)。…  相似文献   

阐述了蒸发器结垢给生产所造成的危害,提出了混合油净化、降低混合油中水分和常压蒸发为负压蒸发等方面防止结垢的方法和措施。  相似文献   

林先存 《中国造纸》2002,21(5):42-46
介绍了圆盘蒸发器的结垢原因,预防措施及治理办法。  相似文献   

本文根据离心液的性质,提出了酒糟离心液的蒸发浓缩工艺及对设备的具体要求。在列出了国内外生产DDGS的蒸发工艺流程同时,作者认为我国蒸发宜采用多效蒸发、错流加料。结合法国Artheney酒精厂的蒸发流程,提出了蒸发工艺中,能分别对每一效蒸发器进行清洗,不影响生产的流程是最合理的流程。  相似文献   

三相循环流化床麦草浆黑液蒸发器的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了新型麦草浆黑液蒸发器——汽液固三相循环流化床蒸发器的强化传热和防、除垢性能。麦草浆黑液是全国造纸行业的主要污染物,采用碱回收处理。蒸发是碱回收关键的一个工段。实验表明,在浓度31%的黑液中加入聚四氟乙烯粒子可提高传热系数20%-40%。新型蒸发器有良好的防垢性能。  相似文献   

本文以我厂化学车间蒸发工段的生产情况及我所的实验数据为依据,分析得出蒸发器的结垢影响发器的生产能力,通过对垢的成份分析提出了防止产生垢的办法,希望有利于指导化学车间的生产。  相似文献   

介绍了板式蒸发器的主要结构及工作原理,通过对板式蒸发设备表面成垢机理及结垢特点的分析,明确了供料不足、蒸汽太大、进料温度过低是造成结垢的主要原因.提出了控制进料流量和速度,改变加热介质以及加强乳品蒸发过程的浓度控制等措施,以便预防板面结垢.  相似文献   

介绍了板式蒸发器的主要结构及工作原理,通过对板式蒸发设备表面成垢机理及结垢特点的分析,明确了供料不足、蒸汽太大、进料温度过低是造成结垢的主要原因。提出了控制进料流量和速度,改变加热介质以及加强乳品蒸发过程的浓度控制等措施,以便预防板面结垢。   相似文献   

以Visual Basic的WebClass部件为平台,对SolidWorks进行二次开发,实现基于B/S模式的薄膜蒸发器远程三维设计系统。系统的开发提高了设计效率,缩短了开发周期,为网络化制造和进一步优化分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The effects of heat treatment by direct steam injection (DSI) and concentration of whole milk using a pilot scale multiple-effect evaporator on fat globule size and the total milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) proteins were examined. In both nonpreheated and preheated whole milk, the size of milk fat globules decreased while the surface protein concentration of the fat globules increased as the milk passed through each effect of the evaporator. These results indicate that the fat globules were disrupted during DSI heating and evaporation and the proteins from the skim milk were adsorbed onto the fat globule surface.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The dramatic increase in bioethanol production in Canada has resulted in millions of tonnes of different types of new co‐products: wheat dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS), corn DDGS and blend DDGS (e.g. wheat:corn=70:30). There is an urgent need to systematically evaluate the nutritive value of different types of DDGS. Little research has been conducted to determine the magnitude of the differences in nutritive value among wheat DDGS, corn DDGS and blend DDGS and between different bioethanol plants. The objectives of this study were to compare different types of DDGS and different bioethanol plants in terms of: (1) chemical profiles; (2) mineral concentrations of sulfur (S), calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P); (3) protein and carbohydrate subfractions associated with different degradation rates; (4) digestible component nutrients and energy values; and (5) in situ rumen availability of each DDGS component. RESULTS: The results showed that chemical profiles differed among wheat DDGS, corn DDGS and blend DDGS. Mineral profiles were different among the three types of DDGS with wheat DDGS lower in S (3.9 vs. 7.2 g kg?1 DM), higher in Ca (1.8 vs. 0.5 g kg?1 DM) and P (9.1 vs. 7.7 g kg?1 DM) than corn DDGS, but similar to blend DDGS. Wheat DDGS had the lowest and corn DDGS had the highest energy values (TDN, DE3X, ME3X, NEL3X for dairy; NEm and NEg beef cattle) while blend DDGS was in between. Wheat DDGS was lower in the intermediately degradable CP fraction (PB2: 277 vs. 542 g kg?1 CP) and higher in the rapidly non‐protein degradable fraction (163 vs. 114 g kg?1 CP) and slowly degradable CP fraction (PB3: 512 vs. 279 g kg?1 CP) than corn DDGS, but similar to blend DDGS. For carbohydrate subfractions, wheat DDGS was higher in non‐structural carbohydrate fraction (NSC: 483 vs. 184 g kg?1 CHO), higher in highly degradable free sugars fraction (CA: 359 vs. 91 g kg?1 CHO), higher in unavailable CHO (CC: 204 vs. 142 g kg?1 CHO), similar in rapidly degradable CHO fraction (average 108 g kg?1 CHO), lower in intermediately degradable CHO (CB2: 313 vs. 674 g kg?1 CHO) than corn DDGS. Wheat DDGS had higher in situ CP degradability and lower NDF degradability than corn DDGS, but similar degradability to blend DDGS. CONCLUSION: Among the three types of DDGS, they differed in chemical characterisation, mineral concentration (S, Ca, P), estimated energy values for both beef and dairy cattle, protein and carbohydrate subfractions, in situ degradability. Bioethanol plants also had significant impact on nutritive value of DDGS. The energy values (DE3X, ME3X, NEL3X, NEm and NEg) in wheat DDGS were similar to wheat and corn suggesting wheat DDGS as an alternative to wheat and corn in dairy and beef diets. The energy values (DE3X, ME3X, NEL3X, NEm and NEg) in corn DDGS were significantly higher than in corn, indicating that corn DDGS is superior to corn in dairy and beef diets. The energy values (DE3X, ME3X, NEL3X, NEm and NEg) in the blend DDGS were higher than that in wheat DDGS but similar to corn DDGS, suggesting blend DDGS as an alternative to corn and superior to wheat and wheat DDGS in dairy and beef diets. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

利用碱法麦草浆黑液,对卧式喷淋降膜黑液蒸发器的热传递、浓缩、黑液积垢现象进行了研究分析,发现了水平传热管外有效减少黑液积垢和提高生产效率的热边界条件.建立了湍流数学模型并对卧式喷淋降膜蒸发器水平管外黑液热传递积垢阻力情况进行了研究,这个模型可用来预测污垢的形成过程及积垢程度,分析了黑液可溶物的浓度和热边界条件对黑液的浓缩和积垢的影响.  相似文献   

介绍了金城造纸股份有限公司从美国水化公司引进的苇浆红液蒸发系统,六体五效运行,Freelance2000全程DCS控制,蒸发比大于1:4.7,生产每吨粘合剂耗汽量不超过1吨,不仅解决了污染,还具有可观的经济效益。  相似文献   

DDGS是酒精糟液污染治理最彻底也最有经济效益的方法。但是如果规模太小 ,会影响经济效益。现有两个车间 ,小车间每小时处理5吨酒糟和12.5 废糟水。大车间生产能力是小车间的3倍。其基本数据如下 :处理废酒糟17.5英磅/t;生产DDGS125英磅/t ;蒸汽10英磅/t;电力0.03英磅/kw·h ;每班需要相同的工作人员 ;化学品成本占生产成本 :小车间是2 % ,大车间是1% ;运行成本和设备折旧与DDGS价格比 ,按每小时每吨DDGS成本计算 ,小车间是10 % ;大车间是9%。DDGS生产车间经济性曲线见图1。从图1…  相似文献   

刘殿宇 《食品与机械》2001,(5):35-35,41
把水力喷射器与多级泵合用的抽真空系统改为盘管式冷凝器与水环真空泵合用的抽真空系统。经过应用证明;能耗低,冷却水不受污染,设备工作稳定效果好。  相似文献   

A mathematical model developed to predict the heat transfer in a single-tube climbing-film evaporator is used to evaluate the performance of a three-stage shell-and-tube evaporator for concentrating 5000 kg h?1 of pineapple juice from 13·5 to 62° Brix.  相似文献   

赵二永 《酿酒科技》2011,(5):103-105
玉米燃料乙醇及食用酒精企业的DDGS是构成企业经济效益的重要产品。通过工艺及装备技术提升获取优质、高附加值DDGS产品成为酒精企业共同追寻的目标。对影响DDGS产品质量的因素进行分析和总结,介绍了当前国内外低碳集成技术在DDGS生产中的应用,就DDGS加工工艺、装置设计、生产过程控制等提出了建议。  相似文献   

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