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Novel Ir-substituted hexaaluminate catalysts were developed for the first time and used for catalytic decomposition of high concentration of N2O. The catalysts were prepared by one-pot precipitation and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2-adsorption, scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and temperature-programmed reduction (H2-TPR). The XRD results showed that only a limited amount of iridium was incorporated into the hexaaluminate lattice by substituting Al3+ to form BaIrxFe1−xAl11O19 after being calcined at 1200 °C, while the other part of iridium existed as IrO2 phase. The activity tests for high concentration (30%, v/v) of N2O decomposition demonstrated that the BaIrxFe1−xAl11O19 hexaaluminates exhibited much higher activities and stabilities than the Ir/Al2O3-1200, and the pre-reduction with H2 was essential for activating the catalysts. By comparing BaIrxFe1−xAl11O19 with BaIrxAl12−xO19 (x = 0–0.8), it was found that iridium was the active component in the N2O decomposition and the framework iridium was more active than the large IrO2 particles. On the other hand, Fe facilitated the formation of hexaaluminate as well as the incorporation of iridium into the framework.  相似文献   

The cryptomelane type oxides were prepared by the redox precipitation technique using Mn(CH3COO)2 and KMnO4 precursors. Nitrogen sorption, XRD, TEM and TPD of oxygen studies showed changes of the surface, structural and redox properties of the samples upon silver introduction. Samples were investigated in the N2O decomposition reaction. Direct introduction of silver to the synthesis mixture caused partial distortion of regular channel-like structure of the oxides, leading to the decrease of Mn–O bonds strength. As results samples showed slightly better catalytic activity at low temperatures, but were less stable at high temperatures. An introduction of silver by the impregnation method caused the decrease of the surface area of the samples, increase of surface oxygen mobility, leading to the small changes of activity.  相似文献   

This study reports the potential interest of LaCoO3 in the catalytic decomposition of N2O from nitric acid plants. Typically, the exhaust gas contains NO, water and O2 which usually induce strong inhibiting effects depending on the surface properties of the solids particularly the surface mobility of oxygen from LaCoO3. Different preparation methods have been implemented, involving citrate route, reactive grinding and the use of templates, which lead to different structural and textural properties examined by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and N2 physisorption. EDX analysis and XPS measurements also revealed that different surface composition may alter subsequent interactions between the surface and the reactants and related catalytic performances. LaCoO3 prepared by reactive grinding was found to be the most active catalyst due to a high specific surface area but the presence of Fe and Zn impurities inherent to the preparation method were suggested to interfere on the catalytic performances.  相似文献   

Isothermal oscillations developed during N2O decomposition over Co-ZSM-5 catalysts with different Si/Al ratios have been investigated. Spontaneous oscillations were observed between 350 and 450 °C. The maximum amplitude has been obtained for the catalysts having Si/Al of 40 and 50. The activation energies of the obtained oscillations were calculated in respect to cobalt concentration. The results showed that the Ea values increase linearly with an increasing Si/Al ratio of the zeolite. For Co-ZSM-5 catalyst (Si/Al = 25), increasing cobalt content in the catalyst led to a decrease in the frequency as well as the amplitude of the oscillations. Meanwhile, the increase in the Ea values was observed. The calculated reaction rate was found to be first order with respect to nitrous oxide concentration. Moreover, the developed oscillations were found to be sensitive to inlet N2O concentration, catalyst weight and milling time duration. Decreasing the N2O inlet concentration as well as the catalyst weight and increasing the milling time would lead to a quenching of the developed oscillations.  相似文献   

Series of Rh/SBA-15 catalysts were prepared by impregnation and grafting method applying different Rh precursors. The catalytic behaviors of N2O decomposition over these catalysts were tested in an automated eight flow reactor system. The catalysts were characterized by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 adsorption/desorption, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) techniques. The results showed that the dispersion of Rh species on the catalysts is closely related to the molecular size and the hydrophobic property of the precursors comparing to the hydrophilic support, better dispersion results were found in catalysts by impregnation of smaller precursors, while by grafting better dispersion resulted from big precursor. On the other hand, the activities of the catalysts match well with the Rh dispersion status. Rh/SBA-15-CDCR starting from [(CO)2RhCl]2 showed good dispersion and gave the best N2O decomposition activity.  相似文献   

N2O decomposition was investigated over a series of K-promoted Co-Al catalysts. The activity tests showed that doping with K greatly enhanced the catalytic activity of the Co-Al catalyst, and the enhancement was critically dependent on the amount of K and the calcination temperature. When the catalyst had a K/Co atomic ratio of 0.04 and was calcined at 700–800 °C, a full N2O conversion could be reached at a reaction temperature of 300 °C. Moreover, even under the simultaneous presence of 4% O2 and 2.6% water vapor, such high-temperature treated K/Co-Al catalyst exhibited high reactivity and stability, with the N2O conversion remaining at a constant value of 92% over 40 h run at 360 °C. In contrast, non-doped Co-Al catalyst showed a severe activity loss under such reaction conditions. A combination of characterization techniques was employed to reveal the promoting role of K and the effect of calcination temperature. The results suggest that doping with K increases the electron density of Co and weakens the Co–O bond, thus promoting the activation of N2O on the Co sites and facilitating the desorption of oxygen from the catalyst surface. High-temperature calcinations made the desorption of O2 proceed more readily.  相似文献   

The catalytic decomposition of N2O over the circulating ashes from coal-fired circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boilers was investigated with a fixed bed reactor. The associated kinetics was mimicked by four surrogate metal oxides of SiO2, Al2O3, CaO and Fe3O4, which were found as the main components of the circulating ashes. The activation energies and collision coefficients for N2O thermal decomposition over the circulating ashes and surrogates were individually measured. Experimental results showed that different metal oxides play different roles in the catalytic decomposition of N2O. Among the components, CaO and Fe3O4 are very active, while Al2O3 and SiO2 contribute much less to N2O destruction. A model based on the specific surface-area-weighted kinetic data of individual surrogates was developed to predict the catalytic decomposition of N2O over circulating ashes. The predictions agreed with the experimental data with a minor discrepancy acceptable in an engineering view. Some discussions on the discrepancy were given. The O2 effect on the N2O decomposition over the circulating ashes was experimentally assessed. It was found that the presence of O2, even with a small amount, would deteriorate the catalytic decomposition of N2O.  相似文献   

Density functional theory (DFT) calculations are employed to study N2O decomposition on relaxed [(SiH3)4AlO4M] (where M = Fe, Co) cluster models representing Fe- and Co-ZSM-5 surfaces and Fe-ZSM-5 channel cluster. The catalytic cycle steps are completed both for Fe- and Co-ZSM-5 clusters. It is found that the general trend of the results obtained is in agreement with experimental and theoretical literature: Co-ZSM-5 has a lower activation energy barrier than Fe-ZSM-5 and O2 desorption step is the rate-limiting step for both clusters. The activation barrier for the decomposition of the first N2O molecule inside a Fe-ZSM-5 channel cluster increases in comparison with that of the cluster model indicating a channel effect on the activation barrier. The activation barrier reported for the channel cluster is 12.63 kcal/mol. This is also in good agreement with experimental literature.  相似文献   

The current research investigated N2O decompositions over the catalysts Ir/Fe-USY, Fe-USY and Ir-USY under various conditions, and found that a trace amount of iridium (0.1 wt%) incorporated into Fe-USY significantly enhanced N2O decomposition activity. The decomposition of N2O over this catalyst (Ir/Fe-USY-0.1%) was also partly assisted by NO present in the gas mixture, in contrast to the negative effect of NO over noble metal catalysts. Moreover, Ir/Fe-USY-0.1% can decompose more than 90% at 400 °C (i.e. the normal exhaust temperature) under simulated conditions of a typical nitric acid plant, e.g. 5000 ppm N2O, 5% O2, 700 ppm NO and 2% H2O in balance He, and such an activity can be kept for over 110 h under these strict conditions. The excellent properties of bimetallic Ir/Fe-USY-0.1% catalyst are presumably related to the good dispersion of Fe and Ir on the zeolite framework, the formation of framework Al–O–Fe species and the electronic synergy between the Ir and Fe sites. The reaction mechanism for N2O decomposition has been further discussed on the temperature-programmed desorption profiles of O2, N2 and NO2.  相似文献   

SO2 has been recognized as an effective reducing agent for N2O over iron-containing zeolite catalysts, lowering the operation temperature up to 100 K with respect to the direct N2O decomposition. This unique behavior contrasts with the common poisoning effect of SO2 over other active de-N2O metals (e.g. Co, Cu, Rh, and Ru). The formation of surface sulfates has been generally posed as the main cause for catalyst deactivation by SO2. Through the use of in situ infrared spectroscopy (DRIFTS), we show that steam-activated FeZSM-5 indeed builds up stable sulfate species during the N2O + SO2 reaction. Significant amounts of sulfur were detected in the used catalyst by elemental analysis and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. However, the enhanced N2O conversion is remarkably stable, indicating that the reducing action by SO2 and the sulfation of the surface are decoupled. The resulting sulfate species are thus spectators in the catalytic process and do not block or alter the structure of the active sites for N2O reduction and decomposition.  相似文献   

This study is devoted to the catalytic decomposition of N2O over noble metal-based catalysts under lean conditions in the presence of O2, NO and water. A particular attention has been paid toward the influence of the support and the thermal ageing-induced effects on the catalytic properties of palladium species. In those operating conditions, the deposition of palladium on reducible supports, such as LaCoO3, leads to higher activity in comparison with conventional supports such as alumina. Surface reconstructions take place during thermal ageing under reactive conditions on pre-reduced perovskite-based catalysts which lead to a significant rate enhancement in the decomposition of N2O. On the other hand, it was found that oxygen and water strongly inhibit the surface reconstructions associated with changes in the selectivity towards the production of NO2.  相似文献   

Various spinel-type catalysts AB2O4 (where A = Mg, Ca, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Cr, Fe, Zn and B = Cr, Fe, Co) were prepared and characterized by XRD, BET, TEM and FESEM-EDS. The performance of these catalysts towards the decomposition of N2O to N2 and O2 was evaluated in a temperature programmed reaction (TPR) apparatus in the absence and the presence of oxygen. Spinel-type oxides containing Co at the B site were found to provide the best activity. The half conversion temperature of nitrous oxide over the MgCo2O4 catalyst was 440 °C and 470 °C in the absence and presence of oxygen, respectively (GHSV = 80,000 h−1).

On the grounds of temperature programmed oxygen desorption (TPD) analyses as well as of reactive runs, the prevalent activity of the MgCo2O4 catalyst could be explained by its higher concentration of suprafacial, weakly chemisorbed oxygen species, whose related vacancies contribute actively to nitrous oxide catalytic decomposition. This indicates the way for the development of new, more active catalysts, possibly capable of delivering at low temperatures amounts of these oxygen species even higher than those characteristic of MgCo2O4.  相似文献   

New hydrotalcite-like materials containing magnesium, chromium, and/or iron were synthesized by the coprecipitation method and then thermally transformed into mixed metal oxides. The obtained catalysts were characterized with respect to chemical composition (XRF), structural (XRD, Mössbauer spectroscopy) and textural (BET) properties. The catalytic performance of the hydrotalcite-derived oxides was tested in the N2O decomposition and the N2O reduction by ethylbenzene. An influence of N2O/ethylbenzene molar ratio on the process selectivity was studied. The relationship between catalytic performance and structure of catalysts was discussed.  相似文献   

氧化亚氮(N2O)会造成温室效应和臭氧层破坏,N2O的控制日益引起关注。催化分解技术是控制N2O的有效手段,分别对Fe基、Cu基和Co基分子筛催化剂催化分解N2O的研究现状进行总结和评述,并展望未来发展方向。  相似文献   

通过液相离子交换法对H-beta分子筛进行改性得到Fe/beta分子筛,并应用于催化N2O直接分解反应,考察加入HNO3后的体系pH值对Fe/beta催化性能的影响。采用N2物理吸附-脱附、XRD、IR、DR UV-Vis、NH3-TPD和ICP-OES等对Fe/beta分子筛进行分析表征。结果表明,溶液pH值降低过程中催化剂的结晶度、比表面积、孔容及Fe3+含量呈现先增加后减少。溶液pH为2.0时所制备的Fe/beta分子筛催化N2O完全分解温度明显低于pH为2.6和1.0时制备的Fe/beta催化剂,显示了较好的催化活性。  相似文献   

分别以Cu(NO_3)_2·3H_2O和50%Mn(NO_3)_2水溶液为铜源和锰源,K_2CO_3为沉淀剂,采用沉淀法和共沉淀法制备单一Cu、Mn氧化物催化剂和Cu-Mn-O复合氧化物催化剂,用于催化N_2O直接分解反应,并利用N_2物理吸附-脱附、XRD、FT-IR和TPR等进行表征。结果表明,单一Cu和Mn氧化物分别以体相CuO和Mn2O_3物相形式存在,Cu-Mn-O复合氧化物中除形成CuMn_2O_4尖晶石物相外,还有一定量小晶粒CuO,较单一氧化物具有更加优异的还原性能,表现出较高的催化N_2O直接分解活性。在空速10 000 h~(-1)和N_2O体积分数0.1%条件下,Cu-Mn-O复合氧化物催化剂可在440℃催化N_2O完全分解,分别较单一Cu和Mn氧化物催化剂降低了40℃和60℃。  相似文献   

The removal of N2O by a pulsed corona reactor (PCR) was investigated. Gas mixtures containing N2O were allowed to flow in the reactor at various levels of energy input, and for different background gases, flow rates, and initial pollutant concentrations. The reactor effluent gas stream was analyzed for N2O, NO, NO2, by means of an FTIR spectrometer. It was found that destruction of N2O was facilitated with argon as the background gas; the conversion dropped and power requirements increased when nitrogen was used as the background gas.Reaction mechanisms are proposed for the destruction of N2O in dry argon and nitrogen. Application of the pseudo-steady state hypothesis permits development of expressions for the overall reaction rate in these systems. These reaction rates are integrated into a simple reactor model for the pulsed corona discharge reactor. The reactor model brings forth the coupling between reaction rates, electrical discharge parameters, and fluid flow within the reactor. Comparison with experiment is encouraging, though the needs for additional research are clearly identified.  相似文献   

This article investigates the inactivation mechanism of high-pressure food treatment, considered as alternative to conventional biocidal processes. We aimed to determine intracellular pH decrease under CO2 and N2O pressure, so far postulated as one of the main causes of inactivation. Working with a lab-scale bioreactor in mild conditions – 25 °C and pressures up to 8 MPa – we monitored – for the first time during pressurization – cytoplasmic pH variations of Listeria innocua labeled with pH-sensitive fluorophores based on fluorescein.We show that carbonic acid, due to solubilization of CO2 into the aqueous phase, causes a rapid pH drop in the cytosol, reaching pH 4.8 at 1 MPa and falls below the detection limit of the indicator fluorophore of pH 4.0. This correlates with a reduced viability (below 90%) in all the pressure ranges investigated. Contrarily, treatment under N2O pressure reduces cell viability without significant pH-drop neither of intra- nor extra-cellular liquid at any pressure investigated. The pH value remains between 7 and 6 while an inactivation of more than 80% is achieved at 8 MPa.Our data clearly demonstrate that, as a critical pressure is achieved, microbial inactivation is mainly due to pressure-induced membrane permeation – stimulated by non-acidifying fluids as well, rather then cytoplasmic acidification, as widely argued so far. A definitive understanding of the microbial inactivation mechanism due to CO2/N2O under pressure has been advanced significantly.  相似文献   

Hao Liu  Bernard M. Gibbs 《Fuel》2002,81(3):271-280
A model for NO and N2O emissions from biomass-fired circulating fluidized bed (CFB) combustors has been developed and evaluated in this study. All the model parameters were chosen for a typical woody biomass-pinewood chips. Both drying and devolatilization of biomass particles were modelled with limited rates, which were selected from the literature based on woody biomass fuels. The partition of fuel-nitrogen between volatiles and char was also specifically chosen for pinewood based on available experimental data from the literature. Volatile nitrogen was assumed to consist of NH3, HCN and N2 with the distribution between three species as input parameters to the model. Twenty-five homogenous and heterogeneous global chemical reactions were included in the model, of which 20 reactions represents the global fuel-nitrogen reactions. Both gaseous and solid phase were assumed to be in plug flow. The model has been applied to the modelling of a 12 MWth CFB boiler. The predicted N2O emissions were always less than 5 ppmv for pinewood combustion, which was consistent with the experimental results. The predicted NO emissions increased with the total excess air of the riser and the fuel-N content while the predicted percentage conversion of fuel-N to NO decreased with increasing fuel-N content. The NO emissions were also predicted to decrease with increasing primary zone stoichiometry. These predictions agree with the experimental results. The predicted NO emissions decreased slightly with increasing bed temperature, whereas experiments showed that NO emissions slightly increased with bed temperature for birch chips combustion and did not change with bed temperature for fir chips combustion. Sensitivity analyses reveal that the reaction between NO and char is the key reaction to determine the NO emissions.  相似文献   

通过焙烧猪骨和鸡骨获得羟磷灰石(nHAP)载体,并采用浸渍法制备Co3O4/nHAP催化剂。采用XRD、N2物理吸附-脱附、FT-IR和H2-TPR等对催化剂进行表征,在连续流动微反装置上考察催化剂催化分解N2O的性能。结果表明,相比于鸡骨源Co3O4/nHAP催化剂,以猪骨源HAP为载体的催化剂因其较大的比表面积以及较小的Co3O4粒径尺寸,提供了更多的活性位点。特别是猪骨源Co3O4/nHAP催化剂中适量的K、Na等元素促进了Co^3+到Co^2+的还原,削弱了Co-O键,使催化剂的催化活性显著提高。  相似文献   

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