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孟子很注重人的道德修养,提倡个人应该培养高贵的品质和合乎"仁义"的"乐"。《孟子》一书从不同的角度对"乐"做了阐述,本文对此作了简单的归纳和整理,希望能对孟子的"乐"有一点认识和理解。  相似文献   

助人为乐是雷锋精神的重要组成部分,在德性论的阐释视域中,雷锋助人为乐的精神展现出深刻的价值内涵和时代意义:它崇尚助人之"乐",在德性完善中实现精神愉悦;在"乐"于助人的行为实践中,彰显自觉自主的道德精神境界;在助人"乐"己的人生信条中,绽放"人我合一"的"他者"情怀。  相似文献   

梁鹤年 《城市规划》2002,26(12):55-60
孟子的“民为贵”思想里的养民之策有很多地方是与土地和土地利用有关的 ,也牵涉到城市与其腹地的关系 ,可与西方的“生态足印”概念同时用来研究城市的合理规模、结构和体制。  相似文献   

社会的飞速发展带来了对"美德"的拷问,现代面临的伦理道德问题使人深思,追溯这样一条德性的路径,回归古典的形而上沉思不失为一种溯源之路。对培养人的优秀品质的德性是中西方伦理学所共同关注的特征,但是对于其具体内容,由于历史文化因素、传统文化的取向和文化精神的不同以及思维方式的差异,两者之间还是存在着诸多不同之处。本文通过对两者进行分析比较,阐释其中异同,找出可以相互借鉴的地方以及会通之处,以更好地了解中西方伦理学中的德性学说,并能相互促进,找寻真正的"美德"进路。  相似文献   

《孟子》成书于春秋中期,是宝贵的先秦典籍,被列为"四书"之一。《孟子》总字数超过其他"三书"之和,语料十分丰富,因此在反映先秦语言面貌方面具有重要价值。文章专门考察了《孟子》中出现的量词,从意义和语法功能两方面对其进行了归类、整理,并通过与其他时代作比较,揭示了《孟子》中的量词在整个量词系统的发展中所处的阶段。  相似文献   

英语世界关于《孟子》的理解与阐释历经180多年,译本诸多。通过探究《孟子》七个英译本中比喻意象的转换与变形,从喻体与本体的关系、意象的投射与缩放等角度对《孟子》中比喻意象进行分析。不同译者对同一意象及其喻意进行理解和阐释时,语言意象的转换呈现出一致、相似或是完全不同的特点,翻译具有多样性。译者采用不同的翻译策略再现喻体对象,凸显了不同语言文化的译者理解、认知以及描述世界的异同。  相似文献   

教学生成(生成性教学)强调师生基于课堂情景的多变性,在共同参与的过程中,运用对话与交流实现教学中意义的不断创生,体现的是一种从预设性到生成性思维方式的转变。教学也就是教师与学生在共同的参与中建构着自身,实现自我的转化与生成,是一种师生共同的精神建构。教学生成思想越来越受到大家的关注,中国儒家思想博大精深,孟子作为儒家思想的集大成者,孟子思想中蕴含着教学生成思想,其思想仍对现代教育有重要影响。本文主要从学生、教师、教学三个方面对其进行论述。  相似文献   

《尼各马可伦理学》是古希腊最伟大的思想家亚里士多德的不朽作品,此作品是他在德性伦理学方面最为杰出的作品。《尼各马可伦理学》主要是从幸对福着手分析,同时还指出人类至善和追求的终极目标是幸福。关于"幸福是什么"亚氏从人的本质出发,从而得到"幸福是符合德性的现实活动"这样一个结论,也就得出了德性是本篇文章的中心。由于人的灵魂有理性与非理性,那么人的德性也可以分为两类:一是理智德性,二是伦理德性。  相似文献   

对理想人格的追求与设计,是中国传统哲学长期探索的重要的人生课题之一。而儒家对人生哲学的探索,对中华民族的性格、民族精神的形成发挥着极其重要的作用。本文从孟子理想人格的要素、理想人格典范和理想人格修养三个方面探讨了儒家代表人物孟子的人生价值取向和理想人格境界。  相似文献   

作为科举习俗的一个重要方面,"科场因果"观在科举制一千三百年的发展过程中逐步系统化、官方化,最初体现在民间文昌信仰中,明清以后成为官方科场礼仪的重要方面,科举制为后人留下了形形色色的科场因果故事。"因果报应"既是佛教的根基,也是儒家德性伦理和道教劝善思想的基础;宋以后三教融合更使得"因果报应"的观念深入人心并集中体现在科场中,包括"现世因果"和"三世因果"。可以说,一直以公正性著称的科举制正是因"善恶终有报,而报在科场"这一道德律才使得其公正性更加圆融、深刻;同时,科举制也因彰显了世间"善恶果报"而散发出德性的光芒。  相似文献   

东西园          下载免费PDF全文
正世界上近1/8的植物(约31 000种独特物种)都起源于中国。在过去的几千年里,它们中的大多数被出口到世界上其他(生境)相似的地区进行培育,经由人为力量完成了全球大迁徙。因此,从常见的城市植物种类的角度看,世界上很多国家和地区都与中国有着内在的地理—空间联系。这一现象在美国尤为明显,如  相似文献   

东张西望   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在全球化背景下,随着东部的崛起, 边缘化是西部建筑师所面临的共同挑战。西部历史悠久,地域辽阔,民族众多,不同地区建筑师的反应和追求也不同。既有弃西就东的随从,也有不论东西只分良莠的选择,还有向文化中心地努力的企图。在本质上西部建筑学与东部一样,属于全球化语境下的地域建筑学探索。但东张西望是西部建筑师的总体生存状况。  相似文献   

by Paul Tan de Bibiana Rebirth is the term which most readily comes to mind to describe the phenomenal development which has overtaken China. We are seeing the latent potential of this nation being realized in the transformation of its economy, resulting in truly spectacular development opportunities.The most vivid example of this activity is the resurgence of Shanghai as the "dragon's head" of China's economic reform. Just as the 200 square miles of boggy farmland known as the Pudong New Area provided a significant opportunity to continue Shanghai's history as the "Pearl of the Orient", this city and other regions of China have provided B+H Architects International with the occasion to redefine the boundaries of its practice.  相似文献   

吕文胜 《现代装饰》2006,(3):128-133
现代社会的多元性亦使现代人的生活多元化,喜好多元化,其实我们的生活方式本来就是多元文化结合的产物,住宅、汽车、影视、服装、电器。以至洁具等日常用品许多都是西方的舶文品,但我们有许多的生活形态,精神、喜好、用品却又是东主的,过往许多设计都追求风格的单纯与统一,却往往忽略了生活的本质特性,这套样板间有意打破传统的设计思维,将东西文化精华相互渗透,既使主人享受到现代西式生活模式的温暖与什么,亦使空间散发着东方精神的感人魅力,其实多元爱好的现代人又何须执着单纯的设计风格呢?只要有适当的设计把握,多元风格的家居设计正是现代人居住环境多元化的最好体现。  相似文献   

东西文化的不同,造就了东西建筑文化的异同。东方文化强调感性,西方文化强调理性。发展传统建筑必须建立在东西文化相互融通上,任何偏废一方的做法都不是科学的态度。  相似文献   

张亦弛 《风景园林》2011,(2):145-146
18世纪,“中国式”园林在欧洲风靡一时,各地纷纷出现“中国式”的园林建筑。以致赫什菲尔德(Christian Cajus Lorenz Hirs Chfeld)在其著作《造园学》(Theorieder Garten—kunst,1779)一书中不禁发出感叹:“现在人建造花园,不是依照他自己的想法,或者根据先前的比较高雅的趣味,而只问是不是中国式的、英中式的。”  相似文献   

Abstract The slogan"One Country,Two Systems"guides the political,economic and cultural development of Hong Kong–one of the world’s most important financial centers.However,the city is more than just a financial center and a tradehub.The city also has a strong civil society,and the members of the civil society have much interest in culture and cultural identity.The city aims to strengthen its position as a prominent center of higher education in Asia.Therefore,cultural facilities,infrastructure,festivals(such as the Hong Kong Film Festival)and culturerelated fairs,as well as cultural and creative industries,are high on the political agenda,dedicated to promoting Hong Kong to be a cultural center in Asia.In recent years,a number of studies have been commissioned to explore the potential of cultural and creative industries under the urban economy.The findings suggest that cultural and creative industries are one of the economic development fields that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR)Government should support and promote in the future.A design center and agency,called Cyberport,has been established to create institutions that can support the evolution of cultural and creative industries.In addition,the Hong Kong Special Administrative Regional Government of China decided in 2008 to develop a prime location in the middle of the city into a cultural district.The West Kowloon Cultural District will position the city on the cultural map of Asia.  相似文献   

After a real estate boom the housing market took a dramatic turn in Spain, where repossessions and evictions are now a big social problem. Hundreds of thousands have lost their home since 2008 and many more are at risk. This paper provides a qualitative analysis of the Spanish experience and puts it into a comparative West European perspective. The risk of repossession was found to have six dimensions: the employment situation, the social protection schemes, the structure of the housing and housing finance markets, the lending practices, the house price development and the effectiveness of policies to prevent repossession. Spain ‘scores’ badly on all six dimensions, which explain the large number of repossessions. Only recently, and under strong societal pressure, has the Spanish government developed policies to tackle this problem.  相似文献   

The architecture of an immigrant society is characterised by problems of identity. The lack of a long continuous connection between the builders and the land where the construction takes place severs the natural identity between the planning and construction tradition and the builders. Concepts such as 'local planning and construction tradition' or 'adapting construction to the conditions and natural qualities of the land' are not defined where immigrant architecture is concerned.

The State of Israel was built by Jews who immigrated to it from all over the world. The problem of the lack of a local constructing tradition, common to the entire immigrant population, was magnified many times over in Jewish construction in Israel. Israel being an immigrant country, the European origin of most of the early Jewish immigrants, and the conflict between the Jews and the Palestinians - all contributed to intensifying the problem of creating the 'place'.

This paper examines public housing construction in Israel and its relationship to the 'place'. Following the Introduction, which reviews the question of the essence of the place in an immigrant society, the paper covers pre-State construction and Jewish-ideological planning, focusing on urban and neighbourhood planning during the first decade of the State of Israel (1948-1958). Planning was first evidenced in the town of Be'er Sheva - a desert town referred to in the bible as the City of Abraham. The town was rebuilt during the Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century and later by the Israeli authorities.

In examining Be'er Sheva's urban and neighbourhood planning, the following questions may be studied: What is the relationship between 'ideological' planning and the population that 'lives' with the planning? What is the relationship between the planning and the physical conditions of the place? In effect, the issue of critical regionalism is examined.  相似文献   

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