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A method has been developed that allows the accurate, standardless measurement of the elemental composition of metal samples from single laser ablation (LA) pulses. This technique provides a fast, low-sample-consumption means for the characterization of samples having a range of matrixes. The method directly compares adjusted elemental signals with the total mass spectrometric signal to produce relative percent composition information. Three mathematical techniques were used to determine the accuracy and precision of single-shot LA measurement. Comparison of the techniques showed that a linear regression calculation, which plots individual elemental signals as a function of the summed signal for all elements in the sample on a point-by-point basis during a laser ablation transient proved superior. The simultaneous extraction capability of time-of-flight mass spectrometry permits the sampling of all analytes from any temporal position within the transient laser ablation pulse, thereby reducing quantitation error. A typical concentration dynamic range of 3 orders of magnitude, from 0.1 to 100%, was achieved. However, by measuring low-abundance isotopes for matrix elements, the dynamic range of the technique was extended to 4 orders of magnitude. The new technique is largely immune to sample matrix effects commonly experienced in laser ablation. By performing a complete elemental analysis from a single ablation pulse, high spatial resolution should be achieved.  相似文献   

The capabilities of ultraviolet femtosecond laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (UV-fs-LA-ICPMS) for depth profile analysis of thin metal coatings were evaluated. A standard sample consisting of a single Cr thin layer of 500 nm +/- 5% on a Ni substrate was used. A fast washout was obtained by a high-efficiency aerosol dispersion ablation cell (V approximately 1 cm3), which allowed single-shot analysis with increased depth resolution. Laser ablation was performed in helium at atmospheric pressure conditions. A laser repetition rate of 1 Hz and low laser fluence (<0.5 J/cm2) were used. Very low ablation rates (<10 nm/pulse) were determined by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Information about the crater geometry and morphology was investigated using scanning electron microscopy and AFM. The depth resolution, calculated via the maximum slope of the tangent in the layer interface region, was smaller than 300 nm. Our data indicate that UV-fs-LA-ICPMS represents a powerful combination of high lateral and depth resolution for the analysis of thin metal coatings. Moreover, an overall ion yield, defined as the ratio of detected ions and ablated atoms, of approximately 5 x 10-5 was estimated for the chromium layer under the operating conditions chosen. The absolute amount of ablated material per laser pulse was approximately 1 pg, which corresponds to a detection limit of 180 microg/g.  相似文献   

A new, discrete sample introduction approach based on laser ablation (LA) is described for the quantitation of several trace metals in aqueous samples by ICPMS. Dried microdroplets of sample, previously mixed with a sodium acetate matrix, were quantitatively ablated from a polystyrene substrate. Calibration via the method of standard additions or isotope dilution provided accurate results for Ni, Cd, and Pb in drinking water and Se in a yeast extract. Compared to conventional solution nebulization, LA sample introduction provided a 2-7-fold enhancement in absolute sensitivity and transport efficiency of 2-14% for the elements examined. Estimated detection limits are 1-7-fold poorer for the dried-droplet LA technique, primarily a result of degraded precision arising from counting statistics limitations for discrete sample introduction. On the basis of the several-second half-width of the resulting transient signals, sample throughput can be in the range of 250 samples per hour. Additionally, integration of the transient signal should eliminate contributions to elemental fractionation from the LA step. Dried-droplet LA-ICPMS offers several advantages over its counterpart, ETV-ICPMS, with respect to background intensity, throughput, and ease of desorption.  相似文献   

This paper is a review of the basic principles and recent developments of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) as a method for the element- and isotope-selective trace analysis of solid materials. In the course of this review, the aerosol formation/transportation process, quantification issues, as well as technical aspects concerning the system configuration and ICP operating conditions are outlined. Furthermore, the performance of femtosecond (fs) LA-based analyses as one of the most important advancements made over the past years is discussed. The benefits offered by fs-LA in comparison to LA using nanosecond (ns) laser sources are demonstrated on the basis of oxide layer and silicate glass analyses with different applied calibration strategies.  相似文献   

Laser ablation (LA) is a powerful analytical technique for solid microsampling. Its coupling with ICPMS has been shown to offer good precision and accuracy for the elemental analysis of glass fragments. Fractionation in LA poses one of the major challenges to using this technique for in situ trace elemental profiling of glass evidence. The aim of this work was to study the effect of elemental fractionation on the forensic application of elemental analysis of glass samples by LA-ICPMS. Two different approaches were used to evaluate the fractionation: fractionation index and U/Th ratios. The resulting fractionation index values indicate low fractionation for the majority of elements evaluated, ranging between 0.8 and 1.2. The U/Th ratio suggests a higher fractionation at the beginning of the ablation process. To evaluate whether fractionation affects the quantification of glass samples by LA-ICPMS, a comparison of LA results with solution ICPMS analysis was conducted. The distribution of particle sizes during the ablation under different conditions and laser systems was also measured to evaluate the fractionation. The standard reference materials NIST 612, 610, and 1831 were analyzed in triplicate by both methods (n = 55) along with a set of 10 casework samples originating from different automobiles.  相似文献   

We compared the analytical performance of ultraviolet femtosecond and nanosecond laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS). The benefit of ultrafast lasers was evaluated regarding thermal-induced chemical fractionation, that is otherwise well known to limit LA-ICPMS. Both lasers had a Gaussian beam energy profile and were tested using the same ablation system and ICPMS analyzer. Resulting crater morphologies and analytical signals showed more straightforward femtosecond laser ablation processes, with minimal thermal effects. Despite a less stable energy output, the ultrafast laser yielded elemental (Pb/U, Pb/Th) and Pb isotopic ratios that were more precise, repeatable, and accurate, even when compared to the best analytical conditions for the nanosecond laser. Measurements on NIST glasses, monazites, and zircon also showed that femtosecond LA-ICPMS calibration was less matrix-matched dependent and therefore more versatile.  相似文献   

An approach of sample introduction for inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICPMS), diode laser thermal vaporization (DLTV) is described. The method allows quantitative determination of metals in submicroliter volumes of liquid samples. Laser power is sufficient to induce pyrolysis of a suitable substrate with the deposited sample leading to aerosol generation. Unlike existing sample introduction systems based on laser ablation, it uses a NIR diode laser rather than an expensive high-energy pulsed laser. For certain elements, this sample introduction technique may serve as an alternative to solution analysis with conventional nebulizers. Using a prearranged calibration set, DLTV ICPMS provides rapid and reproducible sample analysis (RSD ~ 10%). Sample preparation is fast and simple, and the prepared samples can easily be archived and transported. The limits of detection for Co, Ni, Zn, Mo, Cd, Sn, and Pb deposited on the preprinted paper were found to be in the range of 0.4-30 pg. The method was characterized, optimized, and applied to the determination of Co in a drug preparation, Pb in whole blood, and Sn in food samples without any sample pretreatment.  相似文献   

The major problems in the analysis of various natural and potable waters by the method of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (sampling, matrix effects, and spectral interferences) are studied; recommendations for addressing them are given. New data on the use of robust conditions for spectrometer settings to increase its tolerance to matrix effects are considered. The advantages of combination of mass spectrometry with the simpler atomic emission method, which allows expanding the range of determined elements and increasing the reliability of the analysis, are discussed.  相似文献   

We optimized multiplexed immunohistochemistry (IHC) on breast cancer tissue. Up to 20 tumor markers are routinely evaluated for one patient, and thus, a common analysis results in a series of time consuming staining procedures. As an alternative, we used lanthanides for labeling of primary antibodies, which are applied in IHC. Laser ablation (LA) ICPMS was elaborated as a detection tool for multiplexed IHC of tissue sections. In this study, we optimized sample preparation steps and LA ICPMS parameters to achieve a sufficient signal-to-background ratio. The results prove the high selectivity of applied antibodies, which was sustained after labeling. Up to three tumor markers (Her 2, CK 7, and MUC 1) were detected simultaneously in a single multiplex analysis of a 5 μm thin breast cancer tissue at a laser spot size of 200 μm. Furthermore, the LA ICPMS results indicate a significantly higher expression level of MUC 1 compared to Her 2 and CK 7, which was not obvious from the conventionally stained tissue sections.  相似文献   

Previous investigations on laser-induced aerosols of brass samples showed that preferential vaporization of zinc occurs during the ablation process leading to elemental fractionation and limited possibilities for non matrix matched calibration. In a variety of experiments carried out within this study it is shown that multiple effects are complicating the quantification of brass using IA-ICPMS. It is shown that the ablated copper and zinc is not homogeneously distributed within the laser-produced aerosol. Copper was found enriched up to 100% in particles larger than 100 nm as shown from EDX measurements (electron excited) on individual particles, and zinc was enriched by over 40% in the particles smaller than the lowest measurable particle size (below 100 nm or in the vapor phase). Solution nebulization analysis on digested filter-collected aerosols results in a higher Cu/Zn ratio than the certified value for the brass sample. ESEM pictures with analysis of the electron excited X-rays measured on the filter-collected material support the results showing copper enrichment. However, online LA-ICPMS measurements carried out under the same operating conditions as for filtering show a copper depletion within the ICP, which leads to the conclusion of partial vaporization and ionization of the aerosol particles in the ICP. The larger particles containing more or exclusively copper are not completely ionized. Within this study, three sources of elemental fractionation can be distinguished and described: (A) The ablation process leads to no measurable copper enrichment at the ablation crater rim. (B) Zinc deposition between the ablation site and the aerosol collection on filters leads to an up to 37% higher Cu/Zn ratio on the filter in comparison to the certified value. (C) On-line laser ablation aerosols measured within the ICPMS lead to significantly lower Cu/Zn ratios in comparison to the certified value. (D) Combination of the various studied sources of fractionation can finally lead to an agreement between measured and certified values due to inverse overlapping of various fractionation sources.  相似文献   

Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) is a powerful method for elemental fingerprinting of solid samples in a quasi-nondestructive manner. In order to extend the field of application to objects outside the laboratory, a portable laser ablation sampling device was assembled using a diode pumped solid state laser and fiber-optics. The ablated materials were sampled on membrane filters and subsequently quantified by means of LA-ICPMS. The analytical performance of this approach was investigated for glass and gold reference materials. Accuracies of better than 20% were reached for most elements and typical limits of detection were found to be in the range of 0.01-1 μg/g. In summary, this approach combines spatially resolved sampling with the detection power of ICPMS and enables elemental fingerprinting of objects which cannot be transferred to the laboratory, e.g., archeological artifacts in museums.  相似文献   

Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used to evaluate ion depth profiles across ion-selective membranes. Advantageously, this approach does not require incorporation of additional components (e.g., chromoionophore) in the membrane composition, as compared to that used in typical potentiometric applications. Moreover, comparison of the distribution of ions in differently pretreated membranes is possible. Concentration profiles of primary and interfering agent (Na+) ions were recorded, for example, of Pb2+-selective poly(vinyl chloride)-based membranes. It was found that the contents and the distribution of Pb(2+) and Na+ ions across the membrane is strongly dependent on the composition of the solutions to which both sides of the membrane are exposed during preconditioning and on the plasticizer included in the membrane formulation. Typical plasticizers, bis(2-ethylhexyl sebacate) (DOS) and the more polar 2-nitrophenyl octyl ether (o-NPOE), were used. It was found that faster ion transport occurs for o-NPOE, and the membrane saturation with Pb2+ ions was achieved within less than 20 h for a 400-microm-thick membrane. In the case of the less polar plasticizer DOS, due to slower rate of ion transport, even after 20 h, the Pb2+ concentration gradients were still visible within the membrane. On the basis of concentration profiles, primary ion diffusion coefficients in both membranes were calculated, and the value obtained for o-NPOE containing membrane was found to be approximately 2 times higher than for its DOS-plasticized counterpart.  相似文献   

Bioimaging mass spectrometric techniques allow direct mapping of metal and biomolecule distributions with high spatial resolution in biological tissue. In this study laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) was used for imaging of transition metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Ti), alkali and alkaline-earth metals (Na, K, Mg, and Ca, respectively), and selected nonmetals (such as C, P, and S) in native cryosections of mouse heart. The metal and nonmetal images clearly illustrated the shape and the anatomy of the samples. Zinc and copper were inhomogeneously distributed with average concentrations of 26 and 11 μg g(-1), respectively. Titanium and manganese were detected at concentrations reaching 1 and 2 μg g(-1), respectively. The highest regional metal concentration of 360 μg g(-1)was observed for iron in blood present in the lumen of the aorta. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) as an elemental and biomolecular mass spectrometric technique was employed for imaging of Na, K, and selected biomolecules (e.g., phosphocholine, choline, cholesterol) in adjacent sections. Here, two different bioimaging techniques, LA-ICPMS and SIMS, were combined for the first time, yielding novel information on both elemental and biomolecular distributions.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study designed to determine the possibility of using a dried aerosol solution for calibration in laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The relative sensitivities of tested materials mobilized by laser ablation and by aqueous nebulization were established, and the experimentally determined relative sensitivity factors (RSFs) were used in conjunction with aqueous calibration for the analysis of solid steel samples. To such a purpose a set of CRM carbon steel samples (SS-451/1 to SS-460/1) were sampled into an ICP-MS instrument by solution nebulization using a microconcentric nebulizer with membrane desolvating (D-MCN) and by laser ablation (LA). Both systems were applied with the same ICP-MS operating parameters and the analyte signals were compared. The RSF (desolvated aerosol response/ablated solid response) values were close to 1 for the analytes Cr, Ni, Co, V, and W, about 1.3 for Mo, and 1.7 for As, P, and Mn. Complementary tests were carried out using CRM SS-455/1 as a solid standard for one-point calibration, applying LAMTRACE software for data reduction and quantification. The analytical results are in good agreement with the certified values in all cases, showing that the applicability of dried aerosol solutions is a good alternative calibration system for laser ablation sampling.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the discriminating power of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), each coupled with refractive index (RI) measurements, is presented for a study of 23 samples of automobile float glass. Elemental emission intensity ratios (LIBS) and elemental concentration ratios (LA-ICP-MS) and their associated confidence intervals were calculated for each float glass sample. The ratios and confidence intervals were used to determine the discrimination power of each analytical method. It was possible to discriminate 83% of the glass samples with 99% confidence based on LIBS spectra alone, and 96-99% of the samples could be discriminated based on LIBS spectra taken in conjunction with RI data at the same confidence level. LA-ICP-MS data allowed for 100% discrimination of the samples without the need for RI data. The results provide evidence to support the use of LIBS combined with RI for forensic analysis of float glass in laboratories that do not have access to LA-ICP-MS.  相似文献   

Chan WT  Yip HH 《Analytical chemistry》1997,69(23):4872-4877
An efficient sample pretreatment/introduction technique for the inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) using ion exchange for analyte preconcentration and matrix separation and laser ablation sampling for sample introduction has been developed. Ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (APDC)-polystyrene films are coated on glass plates for analyte preconcentration. Repetitive laser ablation sampling of the polymer film removes the ion-exchanged metal ions from the polymer film as fine particles for sample introduction into the ICP. After immersing the sample probe in a sample solution for 5 min, the ICP emission intensity for laser ablation of the polymer film is a few times larger than that after solution nebulization. The sample probe removes only a small fraction of the sample solution and, therefore, in principle, does not disturb the original solution significantly. Single-pulse laser ablation of the polymer film shows that the ion-exchanged metal ion concentration in the film reduces exponentially with the depth of the polymer film. Ion exchange to the polymer film is probably limited by the rate of metal ion diffusion into the film. Calibration curves for Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn show linear dynamic range of ~1-2 orders of magnitude. The linear dynamic range for Cu increases to >3 orders of magnitude when using Pb as an internal standard. RSD of the ICP emission intensity is ~8%.  相似文献   

A simple method for the analysis of polyacrylamide diffusive gradients in thin film (DGT) gels by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS), employing a novel use of (115)In internal standardization, has been developed. This method allows the determination of Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb concentrations (at the DGT filter face) or fluxes in sediments at a spatial resolution of 100 microm. Single-layered gels, using an optimized laser defocus of 4000 microm at 400 mJ power, showed high precision (generally approximately 10%) and a linear response during solution deployment. Of the elements Sc, In, Ba, La, Ce, and Tb, Ba most closely tracked variations in laser energy and showed the highest analytical precision but could not be used as an internal standard due to its elevated presence in natural sediments. Therefore, internal standardization, necessary to normalize data collected on different days, was carried out using (115)In contained within a second layer of backing gel and dried along with the analyte layer as a dual-gel disk. This multilayered gel standard required a laser defocus setting of 1000 microm and a laser power of approximately 800 mJ. Analytical precision for a 64-spot ablation grid at 100-microm spacing was approximately 10%. Verification of this method was carried out on DGT sediment probes deployed in Priest Pot (English Lake District). Results obtained by conventional slicing techniques and aqueous elution agreed with laser ablation results when the different sampling areas were considered. The elution results varied by a factor of <2, whereas the laser ablation technique showed a variability of approximately 4, indicating localized elevated concentrations of Co. This higher resolution LA-ICPMS method could ultimately lead to an improved understanding of the geochemical processes responsible for metal uptake and release in sediments.  相似文献   

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