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Contradictory evidence as to the effects of alcohol on early information processing stages has been obtained from behavioral and psychophysiological investigations. In the present study, choice reaction times, error rates, and event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded in a task in which variations in stimulus discriminability and of the (task irrelevant) correspondence between stimulus location and response location were orthogonally combined. Both discriminability and stimulus-response correspondence affected reaction time and electrophysiological chronometric measures as expected. However, no behavioral effects of alcohol were observed, possibly because of strategic adjustments. Psychophysiological chronometric measures indicated that alcohol leaves the initial flow of perceptual evidence to motor stages unimpaired, whereas it appears to increase the duration of stimulus evaluation. Interestingly, a number of alcohol effects appeared in the ERP amplitudes. Decrements in early ERP components indicate alcohol-induced impairments of involuntary visual attention and/or the automatic stimulus location-dependent activation of response channels. In contrast, a strong enhancement of a late slow-wave component under alcohol may reflect the investment of processing resources in order to maintain normal performance levels.  相似文献   

A micromethod for the analysis for chloride, based on the chemical precipitation of silver chloride by radial diffusion through agar gel containing silver nitrate, is described. The method is simple to run, requires little or no instrumentation, and requires only 10 mul of sample. Results by coulometric titration (Buchler Cotlove Chloridometer) correlated well for serum (r = 0.961), urine (r = 0.997), cerebrospinal fluid (r = 0.991), and sweat (r = 0.998). Other halide ions or protein do not interfere. Precision studies gave a within-day reproducibility (CV) of 1.3% and a day-to-day variability of 2.1% for a serum sample averaging 115 mmol/liter.  相似文献   

Methods are presented for the preparation of large monodomain phospholipid bilayer arrays containing variable amounts of water approaching the two-phase limit. The optical birefringence of these lamellar phases of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DDPC) is measured over a range of temperature and water content, and phase transitions are observed. The techniques employed for pure DPPC and water are extended in order to produce macroscopically aligned samples containing varying concentrations of cholesterol, inorganic salts, antibiotics, and chlorophyll a. Polarization studies of the 670-nm band of chlorophyll a indicate macroscopic orientational order in the chromophore under the same conditions.  相似文献   

A selective and sensitive method for the determination of protein and non-protein amino acids in biological fluids by capillary gas chromatography (GC) has been developed. The amino acids in the samples were directly converted into their N(O,S)-isobutoxycarbonyl methyl ester derivatives and measured by GC with nitrogen-phosphorus selective detection (NPD) using a DB-17ht capillary column. Using this method, the derivatives of the 21 protein amino acids and the 25 non-protein amino acids provided excellent NPD responses and were quantitatively and reproducibly resolved within 28 min. The lower detection limits of these amino acids, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, were ca. 6-150 pg injected. The calibration curves for each amino acid in the range of 0.02-2 micrograms were linear and sufficiently reproducible for quantitative analysis. This method was successfully applied to small urine and serum samples without prior clean-up; there was no evidence of interference from coexisting substances. Overall recoveries of amino acids added to urine and serum samples were 83-112%. The intra-assay and inter-assay R.S.D. of amino acids in these samples were 0.3-8.9% (n = 3) and 1.9-15.8% (n = 3), respectively.  相似文献   

厚板轧后冷却控制的难点分析及过程控制系统的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
厚板轧后加速冷却过程控制系统在降低品种成本、减少产品生产的后处理工序、提高产品质量等方面起着关键作用。但厚板生产具有的小批量、多品种、高精度等特点增加了轧后加速冷却的控制难度。对引进的轧后冷却控制系统问题及轧后冷却控制难点进行了分析。设计了满足产品工艺需求的冷却过程控制系统架构,并对其核心模型进行了研究,采用分层递阶时空多模型自适应技术,开发了相应的新型过程控制系统,在线应用效果良好。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the amino acid profile in a group of adolescents with anorexia nervosa, and to apply alternative ways of presenting and assessing results, so as to increase the information available for understanding the metabolic abnormalities developed in these patients. DESIGN: Plasma amino acid concentrations of a random group of patients with anorexia nervosa compared with values obtained from a 'healthy' adolescent population. SETTING: The study was performed at the tertiary children's Hospital Sant Joan de Deu. SUBJECTS: Female adolescents (n = 92, age: 15+/-1.8 y) at diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. Reference values for amino acids were obtained from apparently healthy adolescents (by history and analytical data) who underwent presurgical analysis for minor operations. Interventions: Plasma amino acid concentrations were measured by ion exchange chromatography. Basic laboratory analysis, carnitine and IGF-I were also determined. RESULTS: In anorexic patients plasma concentrations of taurine, asparagine, glutamine, glycine, methionine, phenylalanine, ornithine, and histidine were significantly higher than reference values (Mann-Whitney, P < 0.01-0.0001), whereas arginine and cystine were lower than our reference values (P < 0.0001). Relative amino acid values (the molar fraction of the patient medians relative to control medians) were plotted. The ratios of some amino acids were significantly greater than those obtained from the reference population: Phe/Tyr (P < 0.001), Met/Cys (P < 0.0001), and Gly/Val (P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: A trend to hyperaminoacidemia is a common feature in anorexia nervosa. Although absolute amino acid values cannot play a significant role in the assessment of nutritional status in this condition, the calculation of some ratios (Phe/Tyr, Met/Cys and Gly/Val) and the graphical representation of relative values may be useful. The plasma amino acid profile in anorexia nervosa is different from those of other severe malnutrition states, showing a marasmic pattern of balanced protein-energy undernutrition. Cystine and arginine may be considered limiting amino acids in this disease, and the consequences of their deficient concentrations for oxidative damage should be further evaluated.  相似文献   

This single-dose, randomized, crossover study was carried out to investigate the potential effect of ranitidine on the pharmacokinetics of chlorpheniramine. The study also afforded an opportunity to add to the limited data currently available on the stereoselective pharmacokinetics of chlorpheniramine. Healthy subjects received a single oral 4 mg dose of racemic chlorpheniramine on two separate occasions: alone, and on day 6 of dosing with ranitidine 75 mg b.i.d. for 8 days. Serum concentrations and urinary recovery of (S)-(+)- and (R)-(-)-chlorpheniramine were unaffected by administration of ranitidine, indicating no pharmacokinetic drug-drug interaction. The observed chlorpheniramine pharmacokinetic data were consistent with previous data and indicated approximately 2.5-fold higher serum concentrations of the (S)-(+) enantiomer. Previously reported high variability in chlorpheniramine pharmacokinetics was greatly reduced by well-controlled food and fluid intake.  相似文献   

True digestibility of amino acids, bioavailability of Lys, and TMEn in three types of high-oil corn (HOC) and one conventional corn (CC) were determined. The CC, HOC1, HOC2, and HOC3 contained 4.3, 5.9, 6.6, and 9.5% ether extract, respectively, on a DM basis. True digestibility of amino acids was determined using the precision-fed cecectomized rooster assay in which each corn sample was tube-fed (30 g) to nine roosters and excreta were collected for 48 h. True digestibility of most amino acids in HOC2 and HOC3 were significantly higher (P < or = 0.05) than those in CC and HOC1. Mean digestibility of 15 amino acids in HOC2 and HOC3 was 91% compared to 80% for CC and HOC1. The TMEn values (kilocalories per gram DM) of CC, HOC1, HOC2, and HOC3 were 3.883, 4.024, 4.038, and 4.140, respectively. Lysine bioavailability was assessed using a slope-ratio chick growth assay in which a Lys-deficient crystalline amino acid diet was supplemented with 0, 0.1, or 0.2% L-Lys from L-Lys x HC1 to provide a standard curve. Six additional dietary treatments consisted of supplementing the basal diet with 28 or 56% of CC, HOC2, or HOC3. The nine diets were fed to four replicate groups of six chicks from 8 to 18 d posthatching. Lysine bioavailability was calculated using multiple regression slope-ratio methodology where Y was weight gain and X was intake of Lys from the L-Lys x HC1 or a corn. Supplementation of the basal diet with L-Lys x HC1, CC, HOC2, or HOC3 yielded linear (P < or = 0.001) growth responses. Bioavailability values (percentage) for the Lys in CC, HOC2, and HOC3 relative to the Lys in L-Lys x HC1 were 65 +/- 10, 72 +/- 10, and 91 +/- 8, respectively. The results of this study indicated that digestibility of amino acids and bioavailability of Lys in HOC are equal to or greater than those in CC.  相似文献   

Globin biosynthesis was studied in both erythroid precursors and reticulocytes of three individuals with heterozygous alpha-thalassaemia. In contrast to the finding of equal or nearly equal alpha and beta chain synthesis in the marrow of patients with heterozygous beta-thalassaemia previously examined, our studies showed equal degrees of unbalanced globin synthesis in both reticulocytes and nucleated-erythroid cells of alpha-thalassaemia heterozygotes. Greater stability and less susceptibility to proteolysis of the excess beta-chain formed in alpha-thalassaemia may explain our findings.  相似文献   

Antarctic micrometeorites (AMMs) in the 100-400 microns size range are the dominant mass fraction of extraterrestrial material accreted by the Earth today. A high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) based technique exploited at the limits of sensitivity has been used to search for the extraterrestrial amino acids alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) and isovaline in AMMs. Five samples, each containing about 30 to 35 grains, were analyzed. All the samples possess a terrestrial amino acid component, indicated by the excess of the L-enantiomers of common protein amino acids. In only one sample (A91) was AIB found to be present at a level significantly above the background blanks. The concentration of AIB (approximately 280 ppm), and the AIB/isovaline ratio (> or = 10), in this sample are both much higher than in CM chondrites. The apparently large variation in the AIB concentrations of the samples suggests that AIB may be concentrated in rare subset of micrometeorites. Because the AIB/isovaline ratio in sample A91 is much larger than in CM chondrites, the synthesis of amino acids in the micrometeorite parent bodies might have involved a different process requiring an HCN-rich environment, such as that found in comets. If the present day characteristics of the meteorite and micrometeorite fluxes can be extrapolated back in time, then the flux of large carbonaceous micrometeorites could have contributed to the inventory of prebiotic molecules on the early Earth.  相似文献   

In cats anaesthetised with pentobarbitone, the effect of inhibitors of the in vitro cellular uptake of GABA were tested on the responses of single central neurones to GABA and other depressant amino acids. (4)- AND (-)-nepecotic acid, (4)-2,4-diaminobutyric acid (DABA) and 2,2-dimethyl-beta-alanine, enhanced the action of GABA on spinal, cerebellar and cerebral cortical neurones. In the spinal cord DABA, and to a less estent (-)-nipecotic acid, enhanced the action of beta-alanine, whereas the actions of glycine and taurine were unaffected by DABA and reduced by (-)-nipecotic acid. In the cerebellum and cerebral cortex, these two substances enhanced the action of GABA, usually to a greater extent than that of beta-alanine and taurine, although this specificity was not marked. The GABA-mediated basket cell inhibition of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum was unaffected by DABA and (-)-nipecotic acid, and neither substance appears suitable for determining the role of uptake processes in the inactivation of synapitcally released GABA. Quantitatively these in vivo results agree more closely with recent vitro uptake studies in cat tissue than the previously published data on rat cerebral cortex and dorsal root ganglia, and the observations provide further evidence for the importance of cellular uptake in maintaining low extraneuronal concentrations of inhibitory amino acid transmitters.  相似文献   

Many techniques have been developed for the estimation of the Volterra/Wiener kernels of nonlinear systems, and have found extensive application in the study of various physiological systems. To date, however, we are not aware of methods for estimating the reliability of these kernels from single data records. In this study, we develop a formal analysis of variance for least-squares based nonlinear system identification algorithms. Expressions are developed for the variance of the estimated kernel coefficients and are used to place confidence bounds around both kernel estimates and output predictions. Specific bounds are developed for two such identification algorithms: Korenberg's fast orthogonal algorithm and the Laguerre expansion technique. Simulations, employing a model representative of the peripheral auditory system, are used to validate the theoretical derivations, and to explore their sensitivity to assumptions regarding the system and data. The simulations show excellent agreement between the variances of kernel coefficients and output predictions as estimated from the results of a single trial compared to the same quantities computed from an ensemble of 1000 Monte Carlo runs. These techniques were validated with white and nonwhite Gaussian inputs and with white Gaussian and nonwhite non-Gaussian measurement noise on the output, provided that the output noise source was independent of the test input.  相似文献   

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