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海洋温差能发电的一种新设想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海洋表层水温与深层水温的明显差异蕴含着巨大的热力位能,叫做海洋温差能。海洋温差发电的基本原理就是借助一种工质,使表层海水中的热能向深层冷水中转移,从而做功发电。  相似文献   

文章提出了一种利用海洋温差能和风能联合发电的方法及装置。利用海洋表层的热海水加热低沸点工质,使之蒸发.送入汽轮机推动汽轮发电机组做功发电,汽轮机排出的工质乏气用海洋深层的冷海水冷凝为液态,再用热海水加热,送入汽轮机,使之蒸发,推动汽轮机发电机组做功发电,如此循环,持续发电;并且利用洋面风力发电,并用该电力驱动热泵装置.由热泵装置的媒质将工质的温度进一步提高.增大工质体积膨胀率;由热泵装置的媒质将冷海水的温度进一步降低.再用该低温海水去冷凝工质乏气,增强对工质乏汽的冷凝效果。该装置既需要用到小型透平,又需要用到风力发电装置.十分适合公司发展。  相似文献   

电力供应的滞后制约了海岛及其周边海域的开发。海水抽水蓄能技术以海洋作为低位水库,降低工程建设成本,可解决传统抽水蓄能技术对淡水资源过度依赖和环境破坏等问题。研究表明,海水抽水蓄能与风能、太阳能、海洋能等可再生能源组成联合发电系统具有可行性,能够实现海岛可再生能源的大规模开发和利用。介绍了海岛供电系统的现状,阐述了海水抽水蓄能技术的工作原理和应用现状,分析了技术应用中存在的问题和挑战,并对海水抽水蓄能技术在海岛供电系统中的应用前景作了展望。  相似文献   

刘奕晴  王迅 《太阳能》2003,(4):25-26
辽阔的海洋犹如一个巨大的“储热库”,大量地吸收着太阳能,所得到的能量达60万亿千瓦左右。我国海域可利用的海水温差能达1.2亿千瓦。由于太阳辐射无法透射到海水深层,海水温度随着海洋深度的增加而降低。海洋表层海水与深500米处海水,其温度相差可达20℃以上。海洋上下水层  相似文献   

海洋能源的种类   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
余志 《太阳能》1999,(4):25-25
海洋能源通常指海洋中所蕴藏的可再生的自然能源,主要为潮汐能、波浪能、海流能(潮流能)、海水温差能和海水盐差能。更广义的海洋能源还包括海洋上空的风能、海洋表面的太阳能以及海洋生物质能等。究其成因,潮汐能和潮流能来源于太阳和月亮对地球的引力变化,其它均源于太阳辐射。海洋能源按储存形式又可分为机械能、热能和化学能。其中,潮汐能、海流和波浪为机械能,海水温差为热能,海水盐差为化学能。下面分别予以介绍。1潮汐能潮汐能是指海水潮涨和潮落形成的水的势能,其利用原理和水力发电相似。潮汐能的能量与潮量和潮差成正比…  相似文献   

受传统化石能源日趋枯竭和环境污染的影响,海洋能作为一种清洁可再生能源得到了广泛关注。海洋温差能作为海洋能的重要组成部分,其储量和可转化电能巨大,且发电波动小、能量密度高,积极开发海洋温差能资源对实现科技兴海战略具有重要意义。海洋温差热力循环是海洋温差能开发利用的关键技术,其循环效率的高低直接决定了海洋温差发电系统的技术和经济性。本文综述了海洋温差能发电热力循环技术研究现状,对其基本原理及形式、热力循环构架、循环工质和热力学分析方法进行了详细阐述,并对海洋温差能发电热力循环技术进行了深入分析和展望。  相似文献   

海洋温差能储量巨大,全球总量约400亿kW,我国温差能资源十分丰富,达3.67亿kW。海洋温差能清洁可再生、发电波动小、能量密度高,积极开发海洋温差能资源对实现科技兴海战略具有重要意义。高效热交换技术是海洋温差发电的核心技术。由于海洋温差发电过程中海水和工质流量大、换热器介质进出口温差小,开展高效热交换技术适应性分析十分必要。从高效热交换技术出发,对其换热形式进行综述,阐述并分析其在海洋温差能开发利用中的适应性,并对其发展方向进行展望,为海洋温差能发电工程示范和应用提出指导性建议。  相似文献   

目前海洋温差能发电方式存在效率低、工程建设难度大等问题,针对这些问题提出一种海洋能综合发电系统。方案以海洋温差能发电为基础,将太阳能、风能和海流能等多种新能源发电方式融入到系统中,并对该方案的基本原理和工作过程进行分析,举例对系统能耗和产物进行了计算,从结果可看出该系统具有明显优势,可提高系统整体能源利用率。  相似文献   

风光互补发电系统是城市利用可再生能源最成熟、最广泛的一种方式。虽然郑州市是太阳能和风能资源都不丰富地区,但根据郑州市风能和太阳能资源特点,通过对风能和光伏发电系统进行经济技术分析后发现,风光互补发电在郑州市仍是有利用价值的。  相似文献   

在赤道地区,海洋表层海水在太阳强烈地照射下温度高达30℃,而水深数百米的深层海水温度只有5.10℃。法国科学家最早提出了利用海洋的温差发电的设想。海洋温差发电是利用氨和水的混合液为工作介质。氨水的沸点为33℃,氨水借助海洋表层的热量在蒸发器里沸腾,用氨蒸汽带动涡轮机发电。作功后的氨蒸汽被深层海水冷却重新变成液体。  相似文献   

An overview of ocean renewable energy resources in Korea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Korea relies on imported fossil fuels to meet its energy consumption demands. As such, there is a need to investigate alternative energy resources such as renewable energy. In this paper, assessments of the potential of various ocean renewable energy resources in the sea around Korea; potential sources of energy including wave energy, tidal energy, tidal current energy and ocean thermal energy. Tidal energy and tidal current energy are likely to play an important role in meeting the future energy needs of Korea, whereas the potentials of wave energy and ocean thermal energy for the same are relatively low. The level of technical development and the renewable energy market in Korea is currently in an early stage. The government will have to be more aggressive in the promotion of renewable energy to achieve sustainable development in Korea.  相似文献   

海洋热能储量巨大,随时间变化相对稳定,具有广阔的开发利用前景。当前,海洋热能利用技术主要包括海洋温差能发电技术、海洋温差能制淡技术以及海水源热泵技术。发电技术要求海水温差不小于20℃,制淡技术要求海水温差不小于10℃,海水源热泵技术则在不同纬度地区、不同季节均能应用。本文重点分析了海洋温差能发电技术的3种循环方式,针对低温差导致低发电效率的问题,提出了利用太阳辐射加热温海水以提高温差和利用波浪能驱动泵以降低系统能耗两种提高发电效率的方法。  相似文献   

Ocean water covers a vast portion of the Earth's surface and is also the world's largest solar energy collector. It plays an important role in maintaining the global energy balance as well as in preventing the Earth's surface from continually heating up because of solar radiation. The ocean also plays an important role in driving the atmospheric processes. The heat exchange processes across the ocean surface are represented in an ocean thermal energy budget, which is important because the ocean stores and releases thermal energy. The solar energy absorbed by the ocean heats up the surface water, despite the loss of heat energy from the surface due to back‐radiation, evaporation, conduction, and convection, and the seasonal change in the surface water temperature is less in the tropics. The cold water from the higher latitudes is carried by ocean currents along the ocean bottom from the poles towards the equator, displacing the lower‐density water above and creating a thermal structure with a large reservoir of warm water at the ocean surface and a large reservoir of cold water at the bottom, with a temperature difference of 22°C to 25°C between them. The available thermal energy, which is the almost constant temperature water at the beginning and end of the thermocline, in some areas of the oceans, is suitable to drive ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) plants. These plants are basically heat engines that use the temperature difference between the surface and deep ocean water to drive turbines to generate electricity. A detailed heat energy budget of the ocean is presented in the paper taking into consideration all the major heat inputs and outputs. The basic OTEC systems are also presented and analyzed in this paper. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中低温能源在中国   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推动中低温能源的规模化应用是中国重构能源供给格局、实现清洁、低碳与可持续发展的有效途径.然而,目前中国中低温能源尚无完善的统计和明确的专项能源规划,其开发利用情况尚不明确;同时,中低温能源品位低、能量密度小,其开发利用仍然面临获取难、转换方式单一等问题,缺乏有效的技术路线指导.该文从中国能源结构中供需匹配角度出发,对地...  相似文献   

Rankine cycles using organic fluids (as categorized into three groups: wet, dry, and isentropic fluids) as working fluids in converting low-grade energy are investigated in this study. The main purpose is to identify suitable working fluids which may yield high system efficiencies in an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) system. Efficiencies of ORC systems are calculated based on an assumption that the inlet condition of the working fluid entering turbine is in saturated vapor phase. Parameters under investigation are turbine inlet temperature, turbine inlet pressure, condenser exit temperature, turbine exit quality, overall irrversibility, and system efficiency. The low-grade energy source can be obtained from a solar pond or/and an ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) system. Results indicate that wet fluids with very steep saturated vapor curves in T-s diagram have a better overall performance in energy conversion efficiencies than that of dry fluids. It can also be shown that all the working fluids have a similar behavior of the efficiency-condenser exit temperature relationship. Furthermore, an appropriate combination of solar energy and an ORC system with a higher turbine inlet temperature and a lower condenser temperature (as operated deeply under sea level) would provide an economically feasible and environment-friendly renewable energy conversion system.  相似文献   

基于海洋油气开采设施的海洋新能源一体化开发技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了海洋传统油气和海洋新能源一体化开发构想,依托于海洋油气生产设施在进行传统油气开采的同时,对天然气水合物进行全面的开发利用;同时依托于海洋油气设施,充分利用波浪能、潮汐能、洋流及海洋温差能等海洋能进行发电。该一体化开发还能够实现二氧化碳温室气体以水合物的形式在大洋深处进行封存,降低全球温室效应,这将大大拓宽海洋石油工业的发展领域,实现对可再生能源的充分利用,保证了未来能源的可持续发展。  相似文献   

为了提高能源利用率,实现节能减排,以总能系统概念为基础,采用燃气和太阳能为能源,水蒸气与有机工质为工作介质,建立燃气分布式供能系统的热力模型和能效模型,对其热经济性和有机工质进行了计算与筛选。以国内某机场分布式能源站机组为例,基于太阳能的能源补充作用以及有机工质气化潜热小的特性,建立燃气分布式能源光热补偿供能系统,经热经济性计算与分析,结果表明:在100%、75%、50%制冷(制热)工况时、新模型在维持原机组总热耗的情况下,机组冷源损失减少,热经济性提高;经过对3种有机工质的筛选,R245FA是较适合于新模型的有机工质。  相似文献   

Reunion Island is heavily dependent on fossil fuels, but seeks to become energy self‐sufficient by 2025. ocean thermal energy conversion provides a means of producing electricity that harnesses the available energy of the ocean by using the temperature gradient between its deep and its upper layers. This paper presents the projected experimental facility which is to be installed at the University of St. Pierre on Reunion Island. A dynamic model of the installation has been developed (on a Delphi interface) by using the concept of equivalent Gibbs systems. In such equivalent system, mass, energy, and entropy are linked through the Gibbs equation, and the entropy production can easily be expressed in terms of fluxes and their related forces. Assuming linear phenomenological laws, the phenomenological coefficients are assessed from technical data. Using a digital tool (Genopt), an optimization study has been conducted in order to determine the best operating parameters according to the temperature of the sea water. This model allows us to anticipate the potential of this technology on Reunion Island. Once validated on the facility, the model will serve as a tool to assist design of the future 10 MW pilot plant planned for 2014. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

能源发展是国家持续科学发展的重要因素,热电厂作为能源大户,在其为国家持续科学发展作贡献的过程中也带来的严重的污染问题,这就需要采取必要的措施来降耗增效。  相似文献   

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