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基于WDM网络的光分组交换结构 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了基于波分复用(WDM)全光网的相关技术,提出了光分组交换机的总体结构及性质,并给出一个采用波长路由选择技术实现的光分组交换模型。 相似文献
基于WDM的全光网结构与应用技术 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
鄂大伟 《计算机工程与设计》2001,22(6):83-88
介绍了基于波分复用(WDM)的全光网的概念、光交换技术及特点,讨论了WDM全光网的网络结构及关键部件,并给出一个基于WDM技术的ATM光交换机结构。 相似文献
采用波分复用技术的全光网是目前宽带网络研究的方向之一,波长分配是其中主要的算法问题,具有重要的理论和应用价值.研究了具有任意固定波长转换器的环形光网上的波长分配问题.首先,提出了两个对环网上的请求集合预处理的算法,这两个算法可以将请求集合分解成一些连续的循环序列;然后,采用置换群来描述具有固定波长转换器的光环网,基于这种数学表示,提出了对环网上的波长信道进行分解的算法;基于这些算法,进一步提出了一个波长分配算法,该算法对于环形光网上的任意固定转换模式都能给出一个较好的波长分配方案. 相似文献
为了能够更好地支持突发性数据业务,提出了一种新型网络交换结构——基于环路的混合交换光网络(cyclebased hybrid switching optical networks,CHSON)。该网络结合了光电路交换(OCS)和光突发交换(OBS)两种交换技术,不仅可以有效地降低网络节点的分组转发压力,而且能够较好地承载突发性数据业务。首先介绍了CHSON的网络结构和虚拓扑设计,然后阐述了节点设计及其执行流程。仿真表明,CHSON具有比OCS网络更低的丢包率,而且在丢包率和平均分组延时方面,CHSON较 相似文献
Optical burst switching (OBS) is a promising optical networking paradigm for efficient transport of bursty IP traffic over wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical Internet networks. In OBS, the header of a burst is sent in advance of the data burst to reserve a wavelength channel at each optical switching node along the path. The nodes use a scheduling algorithm to assign wavelengths to incoming bursts. Our work is motivated from the observation that existing scheduling algorithms assign a wavelength to a burst when its header arrives at the node. Thus, information about other bursts whose headers arrive later is not available when the scheduling decision is made. This leads to suboptimal scheduling decisions and unnecessary burst dropping. The key idea in our proposed algorithm, Ordered Scheduling, is to defer making the scheduling decision until just before the burst arrival in order to have full knowledge about other bursts. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is studied through simulation and the computational complexity and signalling overhead are analysed. 相似文献
This paper presents a new technique for constructing IP over photonic systems. The use of lable switching is assumed in the IP routers, while a new routing architecture is introduced to transport IP packets across an optical backbone network. The architecture is based on a two-level TDMA structure with wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). Many IP-based network applications such as high-resolution image, distributed database, and real-time video/audio service generally require high-speed transmissions in WAN/LAN. The network traffic in these applications usually exhibits traffic locality. As a result, traditional TDMA is not efficient for such traffic. Consequently, based on the traffic parameters such as locality and loading, an architecture named a PG (Partition-Group) Network is proposed. Furthermore, the interleaved control slot (ICS) with cross-group section (CGS) or non-cross-group section (NCGS) for reducing collisions is also presented. The slot reuse can be easily achieved by using the ICS scheme, and the slot utilization of the network can be improved within the high traffic locality. 相似文献
多粒度光网络中动态路由与波长分配算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
陈锦源 《计算机应用与软件》2008,25(12)
通过分析多粒度光网络路由与波长分配的特点,针对WAPG算法的波长碎片问题,通过定义5种不同的逻辑链路权重,修改了WAPG算法的波长权重标注方法,达到减少波长碎片的目的。仿真结果表明,提出的修正算法有效地减少了多粒度光网络中的波长转换数,降低网络的阻塞概率,同时节省网络资源。 相似文献
dBus-array(k,n) is an n-dimensional processor array of kn nodes connected via kn–1 dBuses. A dBus is a unidirectional bus which receives signals from a set of k nodes (input set), and transmits signals to a different set of k nodes (output set). Two optical implementations of the dBus-array(k,n) are discussed. One implementation uses the wavelength division multiplexing as in the wavelength division multiple access channel hypercube WMCH [7]. WMCH(k,n) and dBus-array(k,n) have the same diameter and about the same average internode distance, while the dBus-array requires only one tunable transmitter/receiver per node, compared to n tunable transmitters/receivers per node for the WMCH. The other implementation uses one fixed-wavelength transmitter/receiver per node and the dilated slipped banyan switching network (DSB) [17] to combine time division and wavelength division multiplexing. 相似文献
In wavelength division multiplexed (WDM)-based optical burst switching (OBS) networks, bursts that traverse longer paths are more likely to be dropped compared to bursts that traverse shorter paths resulting in a fairness problem. Fairness here refers to having, for all ingress–egress node pairs in a network, a burst to have equal likelihood to get through independent of the hop length involved. In this paper, we develop a link scheduling state based fairness improvement method which can be used in a classless as well as a multi-class environment. The basic idea is to collect link scheduling state information and use it to determine the offset times for routes with different hop lengths. By using the online link state information, this method periodically computes and adapts the offset times needed, thus inherently accounting for the traffic loading patterns and network topological connectivity. It also ensures that the delay experienced by a burst is low and shorter-hop bursts are not over-penalized while improving the performance of longer-hop bursts. The effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated through simulation experiments. 相似文献