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The authors present the first reported results on wideband GaInAs MISFET amplifiers. Using 1-μm-gate-length, 0.56-mm-gate-width GaInAs MISFETs, they obtained: (a) a power output of 230±30 mW (0.41 W/mm) with 33±3% power-added efficiency; (b) a power output of 265±15 mW (0.47 W/mm) with 30±3% power-added efficiency (both over the 7-11-GHz band), and (c) a power output of 220±45 mW (0.39 W/mm) with 32±4% power-added efficiency over the 6-12-GHz band. With a 0.7-μm-gate-length GaInAs MISFET, a small-signal gain of 5±0.5 dB over the 11.4-22.6-GHz band was obtained. These data include all connector, bias network, and circuit losses. The authors present an equivalent circuit model of these MISFETs based on S-parameter measurements. The model is essentially that of a MISFET with capacitors representing gate-to-source and gate-to-drain overlap capacitances added at input and output  相似文献   

Circuit design techniques for realizing wideband, low-noise, matched-impedance amplifiers in submicrometer MOS technology are discussed. A circuit configuration with two feedback loops has been fabricated in an experimental 1-/spl mu/m NMOS technology. The fabricated amplifier has an insertion gain of 16.35 dB, a -3-dB bandwidth of 758 MHz, a maximum input voltage standing-wave ratio (VSWR) of 2.45, a maximum output VSWR of 1.60, and an average noise figure of 6.7 dB (with reference to a 50-/spl mu/m source resistance) from 10 to 758 MHz.  相似文献   

A radial-basis function neural network (RBFNN) has been used for modeling the dynamic nonlinear behavior of an RF power amplifier for third generation. In the model, the signal's envelope is used. The model requires less training than a model using IQ data. Sampled input and output signals were used for identification and validation. Noise-like signals with bandwidths of 4 and 20 MHz were used. The RBFNN is compared to a parallel Hammerstein (PH) model. The two model types have similar performance when no memory is used. For the 4-MHz signal, the RBFNN has better in-band performance, whereas the PH is better out-of-band, when memory is used. For the 20-MHz signal, the models have similar performance in- and out-of-band. Used as a digital-predistortion algorithm, the best RBFNN with memory suppressed the lower (upper) adjacent channel power 7 dB (4 dB) compared to a memoryless nonlinear predistorter and 11 dB (13 dB) compared to the case of no predistortion for the same output power for a 4-MHz-wide signal.  相似文献   

Wide-band polarization free wavelength conversion based on four-wave mixing in semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) subject to two pump beams has been studied in detail. With equalized forward and backward pump power, polarization independence of the converted signal was experimentally achieved when the wavelength detuning was larger than 1.24 nm. This is independent of the SOA bias current. When the wavelength detuning between the signal and one pump beam was fixed at 1.6 nm, the amplitude of the converted signal was nearly constant over a 58-nm wavelength range. A new theoretical analysis allows for signals of arbitrary polarization state to be considered. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theory developed here.  相似文献   

Monolithic wide-band amplifiers have been demonstrated using AlGaAs/InxGa1-xAs/GaAs pseudomorphic two-dimensional electron-gas field-effect transistors. The amplifiers have yielded an 18.0 GHz bandwidth and a 41.8 dBΩ transimpedance gain with a feedback resistance of 100 Ω. In addition, the dependence of In mole fraction for an InxGa1-xAs channel layer on device and amplifier performance has been also investigated. The gm and the fT in a device, along with the bandwidth, the gain, and the noise performance in an amplifier, have improved as the In mole fraction is varied from 0 to 0.25  相似文献   

A direct-sequence spread-spectrum packet radio is described that has versatile signal-processing and local-control capabilities designed to support the functions required of a robust mobile communications network. Noteworthy capabilities include eleven selectable data rates with accurate range measurements in a fading multipath channel. The radio uses a hybrid analog/digital signal processor and nonrepeating spreading codes for suppression of intersymbol interference and jamming. It incorporates two sets of monolithic surface-acoustic-wave convolvers as programmable matched filters with time-bandwidth products of 64 and 2000. The analog matched filters are coupled with binary postprocessing for the functions of detection, RAKE demodulations and ranging measurements over a wide multipath spread. The data rate can be varied in response to channel conditions from 1.45 Mb/s down to 44 b/s with an almost ideal tradeoff in signal-processing gain from 18 dB up to 61 dB prior to multipath combining  相似文献   

Paul Delogne 《电信纪事》1990,45(9-10):519-527
After a brief introduction explaining the present-day context of picture coding and bitrate reduction techniques for videotelephony, television and high-definition television, the basic principles of bitrate reduction techniques are reviewed. These techniques include spatiotemporal resolution limitation, decorrelative processes and noise weighting. Each of these topics is reviewed and a typical coding algorithm is presented. Adequate entropic codes are discussed. The paper, which is of a tutorial nature, ends with a brief discussion of the impact of future network techniques and of their influence on further research.  相似文献   

Wide-band E-shaped patch antennas for wireless communications   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
This paper presents a novel single-patch wide-band microstrip antenna: the E-shaped patch antenna. Two parallel slots are incorporated into the patch of a microstrip antenna to expand it bandwidth. The wide-band mechanism is explored by investigating the behavior of the currents on the patch. The slot length, width, and position are optimized to achieve a wide bandwidth. The validity of the design concept is demonstrated by two examples with 21.2% and 32.3% bandwidths. Finally, a 30.3% E-shaped patch antenna, resonating at wireless communication frequencies of 1.9 and 2.4 GHz, is designed, fabricated and measured. The radiation pattern and directivity are also presented  相似文献   

Wide-band orthomode transducers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A summary of the results of a mainly experimental investigation into the development of wideband orthomode transducers (OMTs) is presented. It is shown that satisfactory performance for many applications is possible over bandwidths in excess of 2:1. The wideband return loss and cross-polarization behavior are given where the OMT used is measured in conjunction with a wideband corrugated horn. Two types of OMT are considered: one based on a finline technique and the other on a quad-ridged waveguide geometry. Overall, the latter design gives superior performance  相似文献   

Scattering parameters of E- and H-plane stepped waveguide and E-plane ridge waveguide stepped T-junctions are obtained using an extension of the three-plane mode matching method. An optimization process is applied to find the T-junctions and step dimensions that yield a low reflection coefficient in one of the T-junctions arms over a wide frequency band. An example of the design of a wideband T-junction diplexer is presented. The diplexer filters are inductive window waveguide filters, and are rigorously modeled using mode matching and a novel two-dimensional curve fitting method, which greatly reduces the CPU time for optimization. The diplexer optimization procedure, as well as the filter modeling method, are described. Experimental results on the optimized T-junction and the diplexer are presented; both show excellent agreement with their computed optimum results, without any adjustments or tuning  相似文献   

Chirp filters are described that consist of a miniature tapped superconductive stripline. The stripline consists of 40-μm-wide niobium thin films in a spiral pattern on 125-μm-thick silicon wafers, and tapping is effected by backward-wave couplers between neighboring lines. Sophisticated fabrication and packaging techniques have led to a now mature technology. Devices with 2.6-GHz bandwidths and time-bandwidth products of 98 are routinely fabricated that exhibit amplitude errors within a few tenths of a decibel and phase errors within a fraction of a degree of theoretical. In pulse-compression tests, matched amplitude-weighted devices yield peak relative side-lobe levels of -32 dB  相似文献   

Wide-band planar monopole antennas   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The circular disc monopole (CDM) antenna has been reported to yield wide-impedance bandwidth. Experiments have been carried out on a CDM that has twice the diameter of the reported disc with similar results. New configurations are proposed such as elliptical (with different ellipticity ratios), square, rectangular, and hexagonal disc monopole antennas. A simple formula is proposed to predict the frequency corresponding to the lower edge of the bandwidth for each of these configurations. The elliptical disc monopole (EDM) with ellipticity ratio of 1.1 yields the maximum bandwidth from 1.21 GHz to more than 13 GHz for voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR)<2  相似文献   

The history of television klystrons is described, as are the features of modern television klystrons. Advantages of internal-cavity and external-cavity klystrons are compared. Bandwidth theory and the theory of klystron efficiency, which are matters of particular importance in this application, are also reviewed.  相似文献   

The paper provides an overview of the current status in the industry of digitized television including techniques used and their limitations, technological concerns and design methodologies needed to achieve the goals for highly integrated systems. A multiresolution scalable generic HDTV codec based on subband coding is presented, proving the feasibility of VLSI for true HDTV frequency. In addition, a VLSI design methodology is proposed based on programmable processor macrofunctions optimized for the huge amount of data to be processed. The goal was to integrate general VLSI implementation aspects in a specific digital codec system to validate the design methodology for high speed multimedia applications. Digital TV functions can be optimized for encoding and decoding in the same conceptual process and be implemented in silicon in a mole dedicated way using a kind of automated custom design approach allowing enough flexibility  相似文献   

《IEE Review》1989,35(7):257-261
Since the beginnings of television broadcasting, the conventional cathode-ray tube has held a dominant position as the display device, and for almost as long, the emergence of a flat display has always been just 5 years off. In recent times, the thin display has become more of a reality and the cathode-ray tube is at last being challenged by alternatives. In fact, a number of ideas for thin CRTs have recently emerged, but there are several other display technologies, some of which can be used for television. One idea, in particular, is making headway in providing good picture quality for television, and that is the liquid-crystal display  相似文献   

Shiers  George 《Spectrum, IEEE》1970,7(5):24-34
More than a dozen schemes for sending visual images by electricity appeared from 1877 to 1884. Some used multiwire lines and mosaic arrays; others used single lines and a scanning method?autographic, spiral, linear. Selenium cells and incandescent filaments were common elements. Basic ideas on scanning speed, repetition frequency, synchronism, picture elements, and beam modulation evolved during these years. Some schemes employed magnetooptic effects, others used polarized light, and an optical equivalent of the cathode-ray tube was proposed for one receiver. Mechanical problems were finally solved by the scanning disk, which, 40 years later, with the aid of electronic techniques, became the foundation for practical mechanical television. Both facsimile and television proposals were covered, partly because they were inseparable during this era and partly to show the continuity of developments.  相似文献   

设计了一种可用于工程化实际生产的宽带小型化相控阵槽线天线单元,其天线单元采用与半波阵子相结合的槽线天线馈电形式,可工作于400 MHz~ 900 MHz的带宽之内.天线单元的横向和纵向尺寸只有大约0.2个最低频工作波长,符合天线小型化的需求.仿真结果表明:该天线在2.25倍的工作带宽之内匹配和辐射特性良好,具有体积小、剖面低、频带宽和结构简单等特点,可以作为宽带小型化相控阵天线单元.  相似文献   

Instrumentation amplifier circuits using operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs) as active circuit elements are proposed in this paper. Two new instrumentation amplifier circuits have been described and experimentally verified, where the first circuit comprises four OTAs and five resistors and the second circuit comprises two OTAs and three resistors.  相似文献   

The promise of a broadband fibre communications network has attracted the interest of CATV and Telco concerns. Various networks and topologies have been discussed. Cost is a drawback in some of the proposed networks, particularly those networks which require switching. This paper discusses a low cost broadcast tree and branch network which uses optical amplifiers to extend the network penetration. Recent work in the development of optical amplifiers suggests that the Erbium fibre amplifier may be compatible with VSB-AM. The characteristics of such an amplifier will be discussed. This scenario allows an orderly transition from the present-day AM backbone system to the tree and branch fibre architecture. Once the broadband fibre plant is in place new services can be implemented that exploit the broadband nature of fibre.  相似文献   

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