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A single-particle microbeam facility has been constructed at the Key Laboratory ofIon Beam Bioengineering (LIBB), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). At the CAS-LIBB microbeam facility, we have developed protocols to place exact numbers of charged particles through nuclear centroids of cells, at defined positions in the cytoplasm relative to the nucleus, and through defined fractions of cells in a population. In this paper, we address the methods for nucleus, cytoplasm and bystander (either a single or an exact number of ions is delivered to a certain percentage of cells in a population to study the bystander effects of radiation) irradiation in detail from theprecision of target finding and cell locating in the image analysis system. Moreover, for cells touching slightly in an image, a watershed method is used to separate these touching objects;after that, the number of objects in an image is counted accurately and the irradiation points are located precisely. 相似文献
The Experiments, methods and results of obtaining micron beam in the Microbeam Facility of the Institute of Plasma Physics were discussed in this paper. The H2^ beam was accelerated by the Van de Graa/f electrostatic accelerator, and the collimator at the end of the beam line is a 60μm thick stainless steel chip. And as a result, particle tracks on the solid track probes (CR39 film) etched in the solution of NaOH showed that the beam can go through the collimator with a small aperure (2000, 300, 55, 30, or 10μm) and 3.5μm thick vacuum film(Mylar). Besides the CR39 method, the beam was measured by an energy spectrum detector after the 10μm diameter aperture and the 3.5 μm thick vacuum film too. 相似文献
A conception of the single-neutron microbeam facility was put forward in this paper. The specific particle (e.g. H^ , ^2d^ or α ) bombarding a specific target can generate neutron, when the particle energy is more than a threshold (e.g., H^ energy is more than 2 MeV). And if the specific beam spot on the target is very small, the neutron beam along the direction of the specific beam spot will be very small too. If the neutron beam is weak and a neutron detector is mounted after the specific neutron collimator, the single- neutron will be obtained. Therefore, if the specific target and the neutron detector are installed after the proton accelerator and the microbeam system, the single-neutron microbeam will probably be obtained. 相似文献
Single ion microbeam is the most advanced technology which can emit a single ion for precise localization. A single-ion microbeam facility has been constructed at the Key Laboratory of Ion Beam Bioengineering (LIBB), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), with a spatial resolutions of about 5 μm. Based on CAS-LIBB microbeam, three key elements affecting the quality of the system are assessed: the size of beam spot, the energy range and the counting accuracy of implanting ions. Various contributions to the ion beam stability, including the ion source, the terminal voltage of electrostatic accelerator and the components in beam pipeline, are discussed. Analysis shows that the improvement of terminal voltage stability is the most important issue for future optimization of CAS-LIBB facility. Some preliminary investigations and project aimed at optimization and development are proposed as well. 相似文献
The progress of a microbeam facility in the institute of Plasma Physics was discussed in this paper.This kind of equipment can supply single-particle beam which may be implanted into cells in micrometer-radius and measured by a new outstanding detector among global microbeam systems.Measurements by some plain targets showed that the highest current after the accelerator tube can be larger than 20μA ,the H2^ current before the second bending magnet is near 0.9μA ,the current after the second bending magnet is near 0.8μA,and the current of the beam line(after a 2-mm diameter aperture)is near 0.25nA which is enough for the single-particle microbeam experiment.It took scientists 3 months to do their microbeam experiment after setting up the qccelerator beam line and get the microbeam from this equipment.Two pre0collimators were installed between the 2-mm diameter aperture and the collimator to survey the beam.Tracks on the CR39 film ectched in the solution of NaOH showed that the beam can go through the collimator including a 10μm diameter aperture and the 3.5μm thick vacuum sealing film(Mylar).A new method,which is called optimization of the beam quality,was put forward in this paper,in order to get smaller diameter of beam-spot in microbeam system. 相似文献
中国科学院近代物理研究所(IMP)正在兰州重离子加速器(HIRFL)系统中研制中能重离子微束终端,以对重离子进行准确定位和精确计数。应用有限元分析软件对不同结构、不同材料的真空窗进行受力分析,模拟真空窗的形变和等效应力,运用强度理论考察候选真空窗的安全性;运用SRIM程序模拟离子的小角散射、横向射程,详细计算入射离子的能量、真空窗材料和厚度及空气层对束斑展宽的影响;最后提出真空窗适宜的结构、材料及厚度范围。 相似文献
Single-Ion Microbeam (SIM) is uniquely capable of precisely delivering a predefined number of charged particles (precise doses of radiation) to individual cells or sub-cellular targets in situ. Since the early 1990‘s, there has been an ever-increasing interest in developing and applying the SIM technique to problems in radiobiology for studies of cell and tissue damaged by ionizing radiations. Potential applications for SIM in radiobiology continues to grow and have been diversified. There are currently more than 14 SIM facilities worldwide, and they have been in a constant state of evolution. This paper reviews the current state of SIM research worldwide and the related pivotal technological developments in the fields of both biophysics and radiobiology. Representative applications and the perspective of SIM are also introduced and discussed. 相似文献
Energy instability strongly affects the state and the beam size of the single ion microbeam. A facility based on the Generating Voltmeter was developed to improve the energy stability of the CAS-LIBB (Chinese Academy of Sciences, key laboratory of ion beam bioengineering) single ion microbeam. This paper presents the analysis of the energy' instability of the single ion microbeam. A simplified theoretical model is set up to calculate the relationship between the energy instability and the beam spot size. By using this technique, the energy instability is adjusted to about 1%. Stable run-time is over 6 hours. The radius of the single ion beam is reduced by 10% compared to the previous olin. 相似文献
Single particle microbeam (SPM) is uniquely capable of delivering precisely the predefined number of charged particles to determined individual cells or sub-cellular targets in situ. It has been recognized as a powerful technique for unveiling ionization irradiation mechanisms of organism. This article describes some investigations on the irradiation quality of SPM of major world laboratories by means of Monte Carlo method based on dosimetry and microdosimetry. Those parameters are helpful not only to improve SPM irradiating cell experiments but also to study the biological effects of cells irradiated by SPM. 相似文献
本文采用高能粒子输运程序MCNPX2.5.0对钴-60辐照装置建立几何模型,对位于辐照室中垂直于双板源架中心点3 m处的研发样品的吸收剂量(率)进行模拟计算。根据实际生产,选择辐照室有或无辐照产品两种工况,一是分别模拟12种不同包装规格且不同质量研发样品在不同辐照时间的吸收剂量;二是模拟计算包装规格相同且质量不同的10种样品的吸收剂量率;三是模拟计算包装规格不同但质量相同的9种样品的吸收剂量率。结果表明,在辐照室有或无辐照产品两种工况下,后者的值比前者平均大4.19倍;三类研发样品的吸收剂量(率)及变化规律可以作为实际生产研发的参考。MCNPX理论模拟计算对于辐照新产品具有重要的实际指导意义。 相似文献
比例分析方法为建立合理的反应堆安全系统缩比试验台架提供了理论基础。本文结合比例分析方法的发展,探讨了不同比例方法的特点,并总结了部分已有台架的比例设计概念及评价,为反应堆系统试验台架比例方法的选取提供了参考。结果表明,线性比例方法中的加速度比例项使其应用受到限制;功率-体积法是一种简单有效的比例方法,但瘦高台架的特点也使此方法存在不可避免的弱点;H2TS(HierarchicalTwo-TieredScaling)方法以PIRT(PhenomenaIdentificationRankingTable)表为基础,对系统中重要整体过程和局部过程均进行了比例分析,其发展的相似准则中含有流体物性比例项,为台架比例概念的发展提供了条件。我国将以H2TS方法为指导建立非能动堆芯冷却系统试验台架ACME。 相似文献
为模拟辐照室中辐照工位外的周围空间剂量场分布,采用蒙特卡罗粒子输运程序MCNP建立钴-60辐照装置模型。以单板源架中心点为坐标原点的笛卡尔坐标系,考虑钴-60源的γ射线非自吸收和自吸收两种情况,研究坐标轴方向上每隔10 cm间距的空气平面的剂量率和坐标轴上剂量率的变化规律。结果表明,辐照室中辐照产品占满辐照工位的情况下,周围空间剂量场空气面剂量率整体较小;单板源架中心坐标轴上的剂量率变化规律更符合二项式拟合函数。在钴-60源γ射线自吸收情况下,单板源架端面坐标轴附近的空气面剂量率明显偏小,且随着空气面远离单板源架,空气面上的高剂量率区域向两侧移动;在钴-60源γ射线非自吸收情况下,单板源架端面处的空气面高剂量区域始终位于坐标轴附近。MCNP理论模拟计算分析对于利用钴-60辐照装置辐照工位外的周围空间剂量场具有重要的实际指导意义。 相似文献