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A Unified Strength criterion for rock material   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
A non-linear Unified Strength criterion for rock material is presented. It is the development of the Unified Strength Theory (in: M. Jono, T. Inoue (Eds.), Mechanical Behaviour of Materials-VI (ICM-6), Pergamon, Oxford, 1991, pp. 841–846) and the modification of the Hoek–Brown strength criterion (Underground Excavations in Rock, The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 1980). The effect of intermediate principal stress on rock strength is considered in the non-linear Unified Strength criterion. The Hoek–Brown criterion is a single-shear strength criterion that forms the lower bound, and the non-linear twin-shear strength criterion forms the upper bound in the deviatoric plane. All the failure criteria ranging from the Hoek–Brown criterion (lower bound) and the non-linear twin-shear criterion (upper bound) and a series of criteria ranging between these two bounds may be introduced by the non-linear Unified Strength criterion. The theory can also be generalized to rock mass strength.  相似文献   

Many rock types have naturally occurring inherent anisotropic planes, such as bedding planes, foliation,or flow structures. Such characteristic induces directional features and anisotropy in rocks' strength anddeformational properties. The HoekeBrown (HeB) failure criterion is an empirical strength criterionwidely applied to rock mechanics and engineering. A direct modification to HeB failure criterion toaccount for rock anisotropy is considered as the base of the research. Such modification introduced a newdefinition of the anisotropy as direct parameter named the anisotropic parameter (Kb). However, thecomputation of this parameter takes much experimental work and cannot be calculated in a simple way.The aim of this paper is to study the trend of the relation between the degree of anisotropy (Rc) and theminimum value of anisotropic parameter (Kmin), and to predict the Kmin directly from the uniaxialcompression tests instead of triaxial tests, and also to decrease the amount of experimental work. 2014 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting byElsevier B.V. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

This paper is intended to illustrate the relationship between the Hoek–Brown parameters describing the strength of rock masses and the mechanical response of underground openings.A formulation of the elasto-plastic behavior of rock in terms of the Hoek–Brown criterion is presented. The analysis assumes that the joint system present in the rock mass has no preferred orientation so that the medium can be considered to behave as an isotropic continuum. It is shown that appropriate scaling of the Hoek–Brown parameters leads to considerable simplification in defining the elasto-plastic response of the rock mass.The classical case in which the excavation process is treated as a uniform reduction of internal pressure in symmetrically loaded cylindrical and spherical cavities is considered. Closed-form expressions are given for the extent of plastic behavior and the related stress and displacement fields. A dimensionless graphical representation of these solutions is provided that allows accurate estimates of the response of excavations in Hoek–Brown materials to be made quickly and easily. Examples are given to illustrate the use of the graphs.Illustrative applications of the derived closed-form solutions are also described. The construction of ground reaction curves for the design of cylindrical tunnels according to the convergence–confinement method and a case study of stability analysis of spherical cavities produced by underground nuclear explosions in French Polynesian atolls are discussed.  相似文献   

A simple stress update algorithm for generalised Hoek–Brown plasticity is presented. It is intended for use in elasto-plastic finite element computations and utilises the return mapping concept for computing the stress increment belonging to a given increment in strain at a material point. In the algorithm all manipulations are carried out in principal stress space, where the Hoek–Brown failure criterion has a very simple form compared to its formulation in general stress space. In principal stress space it is also simple to determine whether the stress should be returned to one of the edges or to the apex of the yield surface and to form the constitutive matrices. As opposed to earlier finite element implementations of Hoek–Brown plasticity the exact criterion is used, i.e. no rounding of the yield surface corners or edges is attempted. Numerical examples and a comparison with an often used method for dealing with the corner singularities indicates the efficiency of the presented.  相似文献   

This paper uses numerical limit analysis to produce stability charts for rock slopes. These charts have been produced using the most recent version of the Hoek–Brown failure criterion. The applicability of this criterion is suited to isotropic and homogeneous intact rock, or heavily jointed rock masses. The rigorous limit analysis results were found to bracket the true slope stability number to within ±9% or better, and the difference in safety factor between bound solutions and limit equilibrium analyses using the same Hoek–Brown failure criterion is less than 4%. The accuracy of using equivalent Mohr–Coulomb parameters to estimate the stability number has also been investigated. For steep slopes, it was found that using equivalent parameters produces poor estimates of safety factors and predictions of failure surface shapes. The reason for this lies in how these equivalent parameters are estimated, which is largely to do with estimating a suitable minor principal stress range. In order to obtain better equivalent parameter solutions, this paper proposes new equations for estimating the minor principal stress for steep and gentle slopes, which can be used to determine equivalent Mohr–Coulomb parameters.  相似文献   

This paper applies numerical limit analyses to evaluate the ultimate bearing capacity of a surface footing resting on a rock mass whose strength can be described by the generalised Hoek–Brown failure criterion [Hoek E, Carranza-Torres C, Corkum B. Hoek–Brown failure criterion—2002 edition. In: Proceedings of the North American rock mechanics society meeting in Toronto, 2002]. This criterion is applicable to intact rock or heavily jointed rock masses that can be considered homogeneous and isotropic. Rigorous bounds on the ultimate bearing capacity are obtained by employing finite elements in conjunction with the upper and lower bound limit theorems of classical plasticity. Results from the limit theorems are found to bracket the true collapse load to within approximately 2%, and have been presented in the form of bearing capacity factors for a range of material properties. Where possible, a comparison is made between existing numerical analyses, empirical and semi-empirical solutions.  相似文献   

Although many intact rock types can be very strong, a critical confining pressure can eventually be reached in triaxial testing, such that the Mohr shear strength envelope becomes horizontal. This critical state has recently been better defined, and correct curvature or correct deviation from linear Mohr–Coulomb (M-C) has finally been found. Standard shear testing procedures for rock joints, using multiple testing of the same sample, in case of insufficient samples, can be shown to exaggerate apparent cohesion. Even rough joints do not have any cohesion, but instead have very high friction angles at low stress, due to strong dilation. Rock masses, implying problems of large-scale interaction with engineering structures, may have both cohesive and frictional strength components. However, it is not correct to add these, following linear M-C or nonlinear Hoek–Brown (H-B) standard routines. Cohesion is broken at small strain, while friction is mobilized at larger strain and remains to the end of the shear deformation. The criterion ‘c then σn tan φ’ should replace ‘c plus σntan φ’ for improved fit to reality. Transformation of principal stresses to a shear plane seems to ignore mobilized dilation, and caused great experimental difficulties until understood. There seems to be plenty of room for continued research, so that errors of judgement of the last 50 years can be corrected.  相似文献   

Conventional calculations of ultimate bearing capacity are formulated in terms of a linear Mohr–Coulomb (MC) failure criterion. However, experimental data shows that the strength envelops of almost all types of rocks are nonlinear over the wide range of normal stresses. In this paper, the strength envelope of rock masses is considered to follow a modified Hoek–Brown failure criterion that is a nonlinear failure criterion. Two different kinds of techniques are used to develop the ultimate bearing capacity in the framework of limit analysis in plasticity.The first technique is the generalized tangential technique proposed by the authors. Based on a multi-wedge translation failure mechanism, a generalized tangential technique is used to formulate the bearing capacity problem as a classical optimization problem where the objective function, which is to be minimized with respects to the parameters of failure mechanism and the location of tangency point, corresponds to the dissipated power. The minimum solution is obtained by optimization. Using the technique, the effects of rock weight under the base of the footing and surcharge load can be considered. The second technique, “tangential” line technique, was originally used to analyze slope stability with a nonlinear failure criterion. In order to assess the validity of the proposed method, the “tangential” line technique is extended to evaluate the bearing capacity factor with the nonlinear failure criterion, where the effects of self-weight and surcharge load on the bearing capacity cannot considered. The second technique, however, has to utilize the previously calculated ultimate bearing capacity factor with a linear MC failure criterion. Numerical results are compared and presented for practical use in rock engineering.  相似文献   

Critical strain and squeezing of rock mass in tunnels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The squeezing of tunnels is a common phenomenon in poor rock masses under high in situ stress conditions. The critical strain parameter is an indicator that allows the degree of squeezing potential to be quantified. It is defined as the strain level on the tunnel periphery beyond which instability and squeezing problems are likely to occur. Presently, in the literature, the value of critical strain is generally taken as 1%. It is shown in this study that the critical strain is an anisotropic property and that it depends on the properties of the intact rock and the joints in the rock mass. A correlation of critical strain with the uniaxial compressive strength, tangent modulus of intact rock and the field modulus of the jointed mass is suggested in this paper. It is also suggested that the modulus of deformation being anisotropic in nature should be obtained from field tests. In absence of field tests, use of a classification approach is recommended, and, expressions are suggested for critical strain in terms of rock mass quality Q. A rational classification based on squeezing index (SI) is proposed to identify and quantify the squeezing potential in tunnels. Applicability of the approach is demonstrated through application to 30 case histories from the field.  相似文献   

A quantitative comparison of strength criteria for hard rock masses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Knowledge of the rock mass strength is important for the design of all types of underground excavations. A frequently applied approach for estimation of the rock mass strength is through an empirical failure criterion, often in conjunction with rock mass classification/characterisation systems. This paper presents a review of existing methods to estimate the rock mass strength using empirical failure criteria and classification/characterisation systems—in this study, commonly denoted as estimation methods. A literature review of existing methods is presented, after which a set of methods were selected for further studies. The selected methods were used in three case studies, to investigate their robustness and quantitatively compare the advantages and disadvantages of each method. A Round Robin test was used in two of the cases. The case studies revealed that the N, Yudhbir-RMR76, RMi, Q-, and Hoek–Brown-GSI methods, appeared to yield a reasonable agreement with the measured strengths. These methods are thus considered the best candidates for realistic strength estimation, provided that care is taken when choosing values for each of the included parameters in each method. This study has also clearly shown the limits of presently available strength estimation methods for rock masses and further work is required to develop more precise, practical, and easy-to-use methods for determining the rock mass strength. This should be based on the mechanical behaviour and characteristics of the rock mass, which implies that parameters that consider the strength of intact rock, block size and shape, joint strength, and physical scale, are required.  相似文献   

In this paper,the bearing capacity of strip footings on rock masses has been studied in the seismic case.The stress characteristics or slip line method was used for analysis.The problem was analyzed in the plane strain condition using the Hoeke Brown failure criterion.First,the equilibrium equations along the stress characteristics were obtained and the rock failure criterion was applied.Then,the equations were solved using the finite difference method.A computer code has been provided for analysis.Given the footing and rock parameters,the code can calculate the stress characteristics network and obtain the stress distribution under the footing.The seismic effects have been applied as the horizontal and vertical pseudo-static coefficients.The results of this paper are very close to those of the other studies.The seismic bearing capacity of weightless rock masses can be obtained using the proposed equations and graphs without calculating the whole stress characteristics network.  相似文献   

Stromboli island has a complex geological history with repeated changes in the volcanic activity alternating with destructive events, caldera collapses and flank landslides. The last activity resulted in the creation of the Sciara del Fuoco depression which was modified by the recent 2002–2003 landslide. The variation in lithology, degree of tectonization and disturbance has resulted in the presence of a wide spectrum of geotechnical materials. This paper summarises the physical and mechanical properties of Stromboli’s intact rocks, rock masses and loose deposits, based on field surveys and laboratory tests. A new classification of the rock succession is introduced and four lithotechnical units defined: Lava, Lava-Breccia, Breccia and Pyroclastic deposit. The range of variability in bulk volume, porosity, intact rock compressive strength and geological strength index is presented. The Hoek and Brown’s failure criterion was applied for each lithotechnical unit and the rock mass friction angle, apparent cohesion, tensile and compressive strength, global strength and modulus of deformation calculated in a specified stress range.   相似文献   

This paper deals with the analytical solutions for the prediction of displacements around a circular opening in an elastic–brittle–plastic rock mass compatible with a linear Mohr–Coulomb or a nonlinear Hoek–Brown yield criterion. Three different cases of definitions for elastic strains in the plastic region, used in the existing solutions, are mentioned. The closed-form analytical solutions for the displacement in the plastic region are derived on a theoretically consistent way for all the cases by employing a non-associated flow rule. The results of the dimensionless displacements are compared using the data of the soft and hard rocks to investigate the effect of different definitions for elastic strains with the dilation angle.  相似文献   

Predicting the deformation moduli of rock masses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Predictive empirical models for the mechanical properties of rock masses have been used in rock engineering because direct measurement of the properties is difficult due to the presence of discontinuities. Such empirical models are open to improvement because they are based on collected data. The purposes of the present study are to assess the existing empirical equations and to develop a new empirical approach. For this reason, in the first stage of the study, the prediction performance of the existing models proposed for predicting the deformation modulus of rock masses were evaluated statistically by using a database including 115 data values obtained from in situ plate loading and dilatometer tests. A new empirical approach with higher prediction capacity than the existing empirical models was developed in the subsequent stage of the study. The new empirical model considers the modulus ratio of intact rock (Ei/UCS), rock quality designation (RQD) and weathering degree (WD). Although, data obtained from very weak and weak rock masses were included in the development of the new empirical equation, the type of rocks employed in the study were limited. Therefore, a crosscheck between the new empirical equation and previous empirical approaches should be performed in the design stage.  相似文献   

The strength of jointed rock mass is strongly controlled by the degree of interlock between its constituent rock blocks. The degree of interlock constrains the kinematic freedom of individual rock blocks to rotate and slide along the block forming joints. The Hoek–Brown (HB) failure criterion and the geological strength index (GSI) were developed based on experiences from mine slopes and tunneling projects in moderately to poorly interlocked jointed rock masses. It has since then been demonstrated that the approach to estimate the HB strength parameters based on the GSI strength scaling equations (called the ‘GSI strength equations’) tends to underestimate the confined peak strength of highly interlocked jointed rock masses (i.e. GSI > 65), where the rock mass is often non-persistently jointed, and the intact rock blocks are strong and brittle. The estimation of the confined strength of such rock masses is relevant when designing mine pillars and abutments at great depths, where the confining pressure is high enough to prevent block rotation and free sliding on block boundaries. In this article, a grain-based distinct element modeling approach is used to simulate jointed rock masses of various degrees of interlock and to investigate the influences of block shape, joint persistence and joint surface condition on the confined peak strengths. The focus is on non-persistently jointed and blocky (persistently jointed) rock masses, consisting of hard and homogeneous rock blocks devoid of any strength degrading defects such as veins. The results from this investigation confirm that the GSI strength equations underestimate the confined strength of highly interlocked and non-persistently jointed rock masses. Moreover, the GSI strength equations are found to be valid to estimate the confined strength of persistently jointed rock masses with smooth and non-dilatant joint surfaces.  相似文献   

The reliable prediction of the state of collapse in tunnels and natural cavities is still one of the most difficult tasks in rock engineering. By making reference to the Hoek–Brown failure criterion, an exact solution is presented in the realm of plasticity theory with the help of classical tools of the calculus of variations. The resulting formulae are extremely simple and can be very useful to make comparisons with empirical methods and numerical analyses. Examples by means of some widely used software packages are also provided and discussed.  相似文献   

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