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相位噪声对QAM性能影响分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
多电平 QAM调制对载波的相位噪声非常敏感。该文研究了慢速相位噪声对 QAM性能的影响 ,推导了相位噪声影响的 1 6QAM误符号概率的理论公式 ,给出了载波相位噪声对1 6QAM误符号率影响的计算机仿真结果。论文得到的理论公式和仿真结果 ,对 QAM调制的单载波通信系统的本振源相位噪声指标确定和系统性能的优化具有重要意义 相似文献
色散补偿方式对相位调制系统中相位噪声的影响 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
分别推导了相位调制系统中采用色散预补偿方式和后补偿方式下非线性相位噪声的计算公式,基于此对这两种色散补偿方式下的相位噪声、功率容限以及最优信号峰值功率进行了详细的分析和讨论,结果表明:采用色散预补偿方式较后补偿方式能更有效地抑制非线性相位噪声,其对非线性相位噪声的抑制能力随着信号能量、放大自发辐射(ASE)的功率谱密度以及传输距离的增加而提高;同时,色散预补偿系统具有更高的功率容限;色散的作用使系统的最优信号峰值功率增大,最佳相移大于1rad;色散预补偿系统的最优信号峰值功率大于色散后补偿系统。 相似文献
对附加相位调制抑制相位干涉噪声的方法进行了理论分析与计算,结果表明:在光纤AM-CATV外调制传输系统中,对传输光载波信号引入附加相位调制,当相位调制信号的频率为CATV频带的2倍以上时,可以有效地抑制相位干涉噪声的发生,相位调制度越大,抑制效果越好。 相似文献
相位噪声对脉冲多普勒雷达性能的影响 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6
讨论了频率源相位噪声对脉冲多普勒雷达杂波可见度、测速精度、速度分辨力性能的影响,给出了一种用频谱分析仪测量杂波可见度的方法,最后进行了实例分析 相似文献
OFDM is recognized to be one of the best transmission techniques for wideband wireless communication systems. However, it
exhibits two main drawbacks: its large amplitude fluctuation and its sensitivity to phase noise. Here we consider the phase
noise impairments, taking care of the phase noise spectrum, which diverges form the classical Wiener model as the carrier
frequency increases. Moreover, we show that the phase noise distortion can be decomposed in two terms, one dependent on the
symbol under detection and the other dependent on the symbols of adjacent subcarriers, so that the performance degradation
depends on both the constellation used in each subcarrier and the phase noise spectrum. As a consequence of this new results,
the penalty due to phase noise expressed in terms of the average signal/noise plus interference ratio is not applicable in
the case of modulations with non-constant amplitude constellations, such as 16- or 64-QAM. The method proposed here achieves
a good accuracy, while keeping a low computational complexity, and it is confirmed by simulations.
Roberto Corvaja was born in Padova (Italy) in 1967. He graduated at the Universisty of Padova in Electronic Enginering on 1990 and got his
Ph.D. at the Univeristy of Padova in 1994. Since 1994 he is with the Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informatica of the University
of Padova as a researcher and assistant professor on digital communications. Between 1994 and 1995 he spent 8 months at Hewlett-Packard
Laboratories, Bristol (UK), working on equalization for a DECT receiver. His research activity in the past has regarded optical
fibre communications systems and now is devoted to wireless communication systems.
Silvano Pupolin was born in Venice, Italy, on February 17, 1947. He received the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering from the University
of Padova, Padova, Italy, in 1970. Since then he joined the Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informatica of the Universita' di
Padova, where he currently is a Full Professor of Electrical Communications. He spent the summer 1985 at AT&T Bell Laboratories
on leave from Padova, doing research on digital radio systems. He has been actively engaged in researches on digital communication
systems since 1970. The topics covered has been: performance of baseband digital comunication systems, line encoding for spectral
shaping, timing extraction, direct detection fiber optic system, spread spectrum communication systems, digital radio communications,
with emphasis to the adaptive linearization of the High-Power-Amplifier. Actually, he is actively engaged in researches on
digital radio, spread s pectrum systems, packet radio networks, personal communication systems and Cellular access to broadband
systems for interactive communications. He is also National Project leader for a research on Personal Communication Systems.
Dr. Pupolin is a Senior Member of IEEE and Member of AEI. 相似文献
数字锁相环频率源相位噪声分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
首先对频率源相位噪声的原理及其表征进行了简要的阐述,然后从数字锁相环频率源的分析模型出发,对其相位噪声谱密度进行了推导,同时分析了影响相位噪声的各项主要因素.最后提出了提高数字锁相环频率源相位噪声性能的一些方法。 相似文献
A phase noise simulation method is discussed that is capable of estimating oscillator phase noise using standard AC analysis. Although its accuracy and scope are lower compared to available commercial tools, the simulation method has a number of useful and distinctive properties, including speed and good convergency. Moreover, its is ideally suited to numerically verify insightful behavioral models of oscillators. The principle of AC-based phase noise analysis is reduction of the open-loop gain in an oscillator to a value (1 − ε), with arbitrary but small ε. When the oscillator is simulated using AC noise analysis for a small ε, the simulated output noise spectrum has a Lorentzian shape. By taking a noise value reading at an offset frequency fm on the −6 dB per octave part of this curve, dividing it by the carrier and subtracting 3 dB to remove the AM noise contribution, a value for L(fm) is obtained. Two simulation examples, one numerically verifying a behavioral model, and one predicting phase noise of a measured 3.6 GHz LC oscillator, illustrate the practical use of the simulation method. In addition, the AC-based phase noise simulation of a two-integrator oscillator is briefly discussed. 相似文献
频率合成器广泛应用于现代各种电子设备中,甚至被人们喻为众多电子系统的"心脏"。其性能好坏直接影响通信设备的性能,尤其是影响接收机的灵敏度和选择性。对频率合成器相位噪声的概念进行了简单的阐述。从锁相环的分析模型出发,介绍相位噪声的特性,分析了影响相位噪声的各种主要因素,并提出了提高频率合成器相位噪声性能的一些基本方法。通过实例介绍了环路滤波器参数的选择与计算。 相似文献
基于软件无线电的QPSK解调器仿真及实现 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
软件无线电是一种全新的无线电通信体系结构,其基本思想是把硬件作为无线通信的基本平台,而把尽可能多的无线通信功能用软件来实现。随着半导体和微电子技术的发展,在中频完成全数字化解调已成为可能。本文就是对70MHz的中频QPSK信号进行直接带通采样,然后送入已写入载波同步算法和定时同步算法的FPGA中,从而完成对QPSK信号的全数字化解调,由于采用了可动态配置的FPGA来实现QPSK信号的解调,因此只需通过软件对其参数进行适当的设置,就可以完成对多种数据传输率、多种中频载波的QPSK信号的解调。 相似文献