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张宁  高尚 《计算机与数字工程》2021,49(11):2189-2193
提出了一种改进的基于分解的多目标进化算法,用于解决不连续帕累托前沿的多目标优化问题中出现帕累托近似前沿分布不均匀与不完整的问题.主要的思想是通过基于密度的聚类算法将尽量逼近帕累托前沿的种群划分为若干个子种群,将不连续帕累托前沿问题转化为多个连续子问题,然后协同演化所有子种群,最后获得更为均匀与完整的帕累托解集.实验表明对于处理不连续帕累托问题的优越性.  相似文献   

MOEA/D: A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Decomposition is a basic strategy in traditional multiobjective optimization. However, it has not yet been widely used in multiobjective evolutionary optimization. This paper proposes a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (MOEA/D). It decomposes a multiobjective optimization problem into a number of scalar optimization subproblems and optimizes them simultaneously. Each subproblem is optimized by only using information from its several neighboring subproblems, which makes MOEA/D have lower computational complexity at each generation than MOGLS and nondominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II). Experimental results have demonstrated that MOEA/D with simple decomposition methods outperforms or performs similarly to MOGLS and NSGA-II on multiobjective 0-1 knapsack problems and continuous multiobjective optimization problems. It has been shown that MOEA/D using objective normalization can deal with disparately-scaled objectives, and MOEA/D with an advanced decomposition method can generate a set of very evenly distributed solutions for 3-objective test instances. The ability of MOEA/D with small population, the scalability and sensitivity of MOEA/D have also been experimentally investigated in this paper.  相似文献   

基于Pareto熵的多目标粒子群优化算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡旺  Gary G. YEN  张鑫 《软件学报》2014,25(5):1025-1050
粒子群优化算法因形式简洁、收敛快速和参数调节机制灵活等优点,同时一次运行可得到多个解,且能逼近非凸或不连续的Pareto最优前端,因而被认为是求解多目标优化问题最具潜力的方法之一.但当粒子群优化算法从单目标问题扩展到多目标问题时,Pareto最优解集的存储与维护、全局和个体最优解的选择以及开发与开采的平衡等问题亦随之出现.通过目标空间变换方法,采用Pareto前端在被称为平行格坐标系统的新目标空间中的分布熵及差熵评估种群的多样性及进化状态,并以此为反馈信息来设计进化策略,使得算法能够兼顾近似Pareto前端的收敛性和多样性.同时,引入格占优和格距离密度的概念来评估Pareto最优解的个体环境适应度,以此建立外部档案更新方法和全局最优解选择机制,最终形成了基于Pareto熵的多目标粒子群优化算法.实验结果表明:在IGD性能指标上,与另外8种对等算法相比,该算法在由ZDT和DTLZ系列组成的12个多目标测试问题集中表现出了显著的性能优势.  相似文献   

多目标进化算法在求解多目标0/1背包问题时常使用修复策略来满足容量约束.文中更全面地考虑物品对各个背包的不同影响,提出两种加权修复策略,分别基于背包容量和容量约束违反程度,并应用于经典算法SPEA2中.在9个标准MOKP测试实例上的实验结果表明,采用该修复策略的SPEA2算法能更有效地收敛到Pareto最优前沿.  相似文献   

针对负荷侧用户用电电费、新能源消纳率和用电峰谷差等问题,提出了一种改进的自适应基于分解的多目标进化算法,进行楼宇微电网签约住户可控负荷优化调度;通过分析负荷的用电特性,将用电负荷分为五类并分类建立数学模型、优化目标函数和约束条件;将广义分解与均匀分配相结合产生新的自适应权重向量使算法非支配解更接近真实帕累托前沿;采用历...  相似文献   

考虑到在基于分解的多目标进化算法(MOEA/D)中,邻域大小与变异算子类型对算法进化过程中的探索模式有不同的影响,提出优化的MOEA/D算法。4种不同大小的邻域范围和4个特性不同的变异策略两两组合构成候选池,利用负反馈原则,在进化过程中以较高概率从候选池中选择表现更优的组合。实验结果表明,该算法鲁棒性较强,在保证收敛性的同时具有较好的多样性。  相似文献   

Evolutionary algorithms have been shown to be very successful in solving multi-objective optimization problems(MOPs).However,their performance often deteriorates when solving MOPs with irregular Pareto fronts.To remedy this issue,a large body of research has been performed in recent years and many new algorithms have been proposed.This paper provides a comprehensive survey of the research on MOPs with irregular Pareto fronts.We start with a brief introduction to the basic concepts,followed by a summary of the benchmark test problems with irregular problems,an analysis of the causes of the irregularity,and real-world optimization problems with irregular Pareto fronts.Then,a taxonomy of the existing methodologies for handling irregular problems is given and representative algorithms are reviewed with a discussion of their strengths and weaknesses.Finally,open challenges are pointed out and a few promising future directions are suggested.  相似文献   

To extend multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (MOEA/D) in higher dimensional objective spaces, this paper proposes a new version of MOEA/D with uniform design, named the uniform design multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (UMOEA/D), and compares the proposed algorithm with MOEA/D and NSGA-II on some scalable test problems with three to five objectives. UMOEA/D adopts the uniform design method to set the aggregation coefficient vectors of the subproblems. Compared with MOEA/D, distribution of the coefficient vectors is more uniform over the design space, and the population size neither increases nonlinearly with the number of objectives nor considers a formulaic setting. The experimental results indicate that UMOEA/D outperforms MOEA/D and NSGA-II on almost all these many-objective test instances, especially on problems with higher dimensional objectives and complicated Pareto set shapes. Experimental results also show that UMOEA/D runs faster than NSGA-II for the problems used in this paper. In additional, the results obtained are very competitive when comparing UMOEA/D with some other algorithm on the multiobjective knapsack problems.  相似文献   

The optimal solutions of a multiobjective optimization problem correspond to a nondominated front that is characterized by a tradeoff between objectives. A knee region in this Pareto-optimal front, which is visually a convex bulge in the front, is important to decision makers in practical contexts, as it often constitutes the optimum in tradeoff, i.e., substitution of a given Pareto-optimal solution with another solution on the knee region yields the largest improvement per unit degradation. This paper presents a selection scheme that enables a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) to obtain a nondominated set with controllable concentration around existing knee regions of the Pareto front. The preference-based focus is achieved by optimizing a set of linear weighted sums of the original objectives, and control of the extent of the focus is attained by careful selection of the weight set based on a user-specified parameter. The fitness scheme could be easily adopted in any Pareto-based MOEA with little additional computational cost. Simulations on various two- and three-objective test problems demonstrate the ability of the proposed method to guide the population toward existing knee regions on the Pareto front. Comparison with general-purpose Pareto based MOEA demonstrates that convergence on the Pareto front is not compromised by imposing the preference-based bias. The performance of the method in terms of an additional performance metric introduced to measure the accuracy of resulting convergence on the desired regions validates the efficacy of the method.   相似文献   

当多目标问题的帕累托前沿形状较为复杂时,基于分解的多目标进化算法MOEA/D的解的均匀性将受到很大的影响. MOEA/D利用相邻子问题的信息来优化,但早期因为种群中的个体与子问题的关联是随机分配的,仅在邻居间更新会浪费优秀解的信息,影响收敛速度.针对这些问题,本文提出一种MOEA/D的改进算法(MOEA/DGUAW).该算法使用种群全局更新的策略,来提高收敛速度;使用自适应调整权重向量的策略来获得更均匀分布的解集.将MOEA/D-GUAW算法与现有的MOEA/D, MOEA/D-AWA, RVEA和NSGA-III算法在10个广泛应用的测试问题上进行了实验比较.实验结果表明,提出的算法在大部分问题上,反转世代距离评价指标IGD优于其他算法,收敛速度也快于其他算法.  相似文献   

MOEA/D具有良好的收敛性、均匀的分布性、求解效率高等优点,普遍应用于求解多目标优化问题.然而对于Pareto前端复杂的多目标优化问题,预先设定均匀的权重向量并不能够维持Pareto最优解集的良好分布性.本文,首先分析均匀分布的权重向量、均匀分布的搜索方向二者与均匀分布的解集之间的关系,提出一种新的权重向量设置方式;其次基于进化过程中解集的分布,提出线性插入搜索方向策略,并将其转换为对应的权重向量,同时在MOEA/D中周期性应用该策略调整搜索方向,获取分布均匀的解集;最后将该算法在WFG系列测试问题上进行性能测试,并采用世代距离指标(GD)、Spacing指标(S)、超体积指标(HV)对算法收敛性和多样性进行对比分析,实验结果表明,与原始的MOEA/D、使用均匀分布的搜索方向MOEA/D、使用预处理的M OEA/D、M OEA/D-DU相比,改进的算法求出解集的多样性极大提高,收敛性明显增强,解集的整体质量显著提高.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel approach which uses a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition to address the ontology alignment optimization problem. Comparing with the approach based on Genetic Algorithm (GA), our method can simultaneously optimize three goals (maximizing the alignment recall, the alignment precision and the f-measure). The experimental results shows that our approach is able to provide various alignments in one execution which are less biased to one of the evaluations of the alignment quality than GA approach, thus the quality of alignments are obviously better than or equal to those given by the approach based on GA which considers precision, recall and f-measure only, and other multi-objective evolutionary approach such as NSGA-II approach. In addition, the performance of our approach outperforms NSGA-II approach with the average improvement equal to 32.79  \(\%\) . Through the comparison of the quality of the alignments obtained by our approach with those by the state of the art ontology matching systems, we draw the conclusion that our approach is more effective and efficient.  相似文献   

多目标优化问题的有效Pareto最优集   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多目标优化问题求解是当前演化计算的一个重要研究方向,而基于Pareto最优概念的遗传算法更是研究的重点,然而,遗传算法在解决多目标优化问题上的缺陷却使得其往往得不到一个令人满意的解。在对该类算法研究的基础上提出了衡量Pareto最优解集的标准,并对如何满足这个标准提出了建议。  相似文献   

针对和声搜索算法在求解多目标问题时效率不高、易陷入局部最优、在算法后期收敛精度不够等不足.提出一种改进的多目标和声搜索算法,其思想是通过引入自适应操作,加强算法的全局搜索能力,增加解的多样性;同时对解集根据Pareto最优解进行非支配排序,提高算法效率,增加算法在后期的收敛精度.在数值仿真实验中选取4个测试函数进行实验...  相似文献   

为避免传统MOEA/D算法使用固定领域规模易造成种群进化效率降低的情况,提出一种基于自适应邻域策略的改进算法。设计一种能够反映子问题进化幅度和种群进化状态的判断机制。针对进化过程中的收敛性和分布性需求,提出基于进化状态判断的自适应邻域策略,从而根据种群和子问题的进化状态设定不同的邻域规模。使用WFG系列测试函数进行实验,结果表明,该算法能有效平衡进化过程中种群的收敛性与分布性,提高解集的整体性能。  相似文献   

Many-objective problems (MAPs) have put forward a number of challenges to classical Pareto-dominance based multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) for the past few years. Recently, researchers have suggested that MOEA/D (multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition) can work for MAPs. However, there exist two difficulties in applying MOEA/D to solve MAPs directly. One is that the number of constructed weight vectors is not arbitrary and the weight vectors are mainly distributed on the boundary of weight space for MAPs. The other is that the relationship between the optimal solution of subproblem and its weight vector is nonlinear for the Tchebycheff decomposition approach used by MOEA/D. To deal with these two difficulties, we propose an improved MOEA/D with uniform decomposition measurement and the modified Tchebycheff decomposition approach (MOEA/D-UDM) in this paper. Firstly, a novel weight vectors initialization method based on the uniform decomposition measurement is introduced to obtain uniform weight vectors in any amount, which is one of great merits to use our proposed algorithm. The modified Tchebycheff decomposition approach, instead of the Tchebycheff decomposition approach, is used in MOEA/D-UDM to alleviate the inconsistency between the weight vector of subproblem and the direction of its optimal solution in the Tchebycheff decomposition approach. The proposed MOEA/D-UDM is compared with two state-of-the-art MOEAs, namely MOEA/D and UMOEA/D on a number of MAPs. Experimental results suggest that the proposed MOEA/D-UDM outperforms or performs similarly to the other compared algorithms in terms of hypervolume and inverted generational distance metrics on different types of problems. The effects of uniform weight vector initializing method and the modified Tchebycheff decomposition are also studied separately.  相似文献   

程建华  董铭涛  赵琳 《控制与决策》2021,36(12):3056-3062
为了准确地求解组合权重的组合系数,将基于分解的多目标进化算法(multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition,MOEA/D)思想引入评估领域,提出一种基于MOEA/D的组合权重方法.通常,利用加权和法将组合权重模型转化为单目标模型时,模型加权系数难以准确确定.对此,引入MOEA/D算法的分解思想,将组合权重模型转化为多个单目标子模型.MOEA/D算法仅适用于无约束优化问题,而较为常用的惩罚函数法难以表达进化初期无可行解的情况,因而提出改进自适应惩罚函数(improved adaptive penalty function,IAPF),将组合权重模型转化为无约束优化模型.应用所提出方法与其他方法进行仿真实验,实验结果表明,所提出算法具有有效性.  相似文献   

耿焕同  丁洋洋  周利发  韩伟民 《计算机科学》2018,45(5):201-207, 214
针对MOEA/D单纯使用邻域更新作为选择策略而造成的个体解的重复更新、缺乏全局适配性等问题,提出了一种兼及全局替换和局部更新策略的新算法,即基于自适应选择策略的改进型MOEA/D(MOEA/D-AS)。算法首先设计了一种新的基于最佳二分图匹配的选择策略(KMS),利用子问题和个体解的匹配关系,从全局角度实现精英个体集的最优选择;然后利用种群的进化信息构造一种匹配紊乱判断机制;最后利用紊乱判断机制,在综合分析邻域更新策略和KMS各自优势的基础上,使算法自适应地选择最合适的选择策略,以提高鲁棒性和优化效率。选取LZ09,DTLZ,CEC09等作为标准测试函数,将改进后的算法MOEA/D-AS与经典MOEA/D系列算法进行对比实验,并以Spread和IGD为性能评估指标。实验结果表明新算法具有更好的收敛性和分布性,验证了自适应选择策略能够有效地指导精英解的选择过程。  相似文献   

Solving Multiobjective Optimization Problems Using an Artificial Immune System   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In this paper, we propose an algorithm based on the clonal selection principle to solve multiobjective optimization problems (either constrained or unconstrained). The proposed approach uses Pareto dominance and feasibility to identify solutions that deserve to be cloned, and uses two types of mutation: uniform mutation is applied to the clones produced and non-uniform mutation is applied to the not so good antibodies (which are represented by binary strings that encode the decision variables of the problem to be solved). We also use a secondary (or external) population that stores the nondominated solutions found along the search process. Such secondary population constitutes the elitist mechanism of our approach and it allows it to move towards the true Pareto front of a problem over time. Our approach is compared with three other algorithms that are representative of the state-of-the-art in evolutionary multiobjective optimization. For our comparative study, three metrics are adopted and graphical comparisons with respect to the true Pareto front of each problem are also included. Results indicate that the proposed approach is a viable alternative to solve multiobjective optimization problems.  相似文献   

解约束最优化问题的一个新的多目标进化算法   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
把约束函数作为目标函数,将约束优化问题转化为多目标规划问题。对这个多目标规划,根据带权极小极大策略构造了一个同进化代数有关的变适应值函数。利用广义球面坐标变换和均匀设计法来选择权重,使得由此权重确定的适应值函数能使种群中的容许解逐渐增加并且保持其多样性。用均匀设计法构造的带有自适应性的变异算子增强了算法的局部搜索能力。该方法能有效处理约束,特别是紧约束。计算机仿真显示了该方法是有效的。  相似文献   

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