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In the author’s previous publications, a recursive linear algebraic method was introduced for obtaining (without gravitational radiation) the full potential expansions for the gravitational metric field components and the Lagrangian for a general N-body system. Two apparent properties of gravity— Exterior Effacement and Interior Effacement—were defined and fully enforced to obtain the recursive algebra, especially for the motion-independent potential expansions of the general N-body situation. The linear algebraic equations of this method determine the potential coefficients at any order n of the expansions in terms of the lower-order coefficients. Then, enforcing Exterior and Interior Effacement on a selecedt few potential series of the full motion-independent potential expansions, the complete exterior metric field for a single, spherically-symmetric mass source was obtained, producing the Schwarzschild metric field of general relativity. In this fourth paper of this series, the complete spatial metric’s motion-independent potentials for N bodies are obtained using enforcement of Interior Effacement and knowledge of the Schwarzschild potentials. From the full spatial metric, the complete set of temporal metric potentials and Lagrangian potentials in the motion-independent case can then be found by transfer equations among the coefficients κ(n, α) → λ(n, ε) → ξ(n, α) with κ(n, α), λ(n, ε), ξ(n, α) being the numerical coefficients in the spatial metric, the Lagrangian, and the temporal metric potential expansions, respectively.  相似文献   

Using lattice basis delegation in a fixed dimension, we propose an efficient lattice-based hierarchical identity based encryption (HIBE) scheme in the standard model whose public key size is only (dm2 + mn) log q bits and whose message-ciphertext expansion factor is only log q, where d is the maximum hierarchical depth and (n, m, q) are public parameters. In our construction, a novel public key assignment rule is used to averagely assign one random and public matrix to two identity bits, which implies that d random public matrices are enough to build the proposed HIBE scheme in the standard model, compared with the case in which 2d such public matrices are needed in the scheme proposed at Crypto 2010 whose public key size is (2dm2 + mn +m) log q. To reduce the message-ciphertext expansion factor of the proposed scheme to log q, the encryption algorithm of this scheme is built based on Gentry’s encryption scheme, by which m2 bits of plaintext are encrypted into m2 log q bits of ciphertext by a one time encryption operation. Hence, the presented scheme has some advantages with respect to not only the public key size but also the message-ciphertext expansion factor. Based on the hardness of the learning with errors problem, we demonstrate that the scheme is secure under selective identity and chosen plaintext attacks.  相似文献   

We address the problem of minimizing power consumption when broadcasting a message from one node to all the other nodes in a radio network. To enable power savings for such a problem, we introduce a compelling new data streaming problem which we call the Bad Santa problem. Our results on this problem apply for any situation where: (1) a node can listen to a set of n nodes, out of which at least half are non-faulty and know the correct message; and (2) each of these n nodes sends according to some predetermined schedule which assigns each of them its own unique time slot. In this situation, we show that in order to receive the correct message with probability 1, it is necessary and sufficient for the listening node to listen to a \(\Theta(\sqrt{n})\) expected number of time slots. Moreover, if we allow for repetitions of transmissions so that each sending node sends the message O(log?? n) times (i.e. in O(log?? n) rounds each consisting of the n time slots), then listening to O(log?? n) expected number of time slots suffices. We show that this is near optimal.We describe an application of our result to the popular grid model for a radio network. Each node in the network is located on a point in a two dimensional grid, and whenever a node sends a message m, all awake nodes within L distance r receive m. In this model, up to \(t<\frac{r}{2}(2r+1)\) nodes within any 2r+1 by 2r+1 square in the grid can suffer Byzantine faults. Moreover, we assume that the nodes that suffer Byzantine faults are chosen and controlled by an adversary that knows everything except for the random bits of each non-faulty node. This type of adversary models worst-case behavior due to malicious attacks on the network; mobile nodes moving around in the network; or static nodes losing power or ceasing to function. Let n=r(2r+1). We show how to solve the broadcast problem in this model with each node sending and receiving an expected \(O(n\log^{2}{|m|}+\sqrt{n}|m|)\) bits where |m| is the number of bits in m, and, after broadcasting a fingerprint of m, each node is awake only an expected \(O(\sqrt{n})\) time slots. Moreover, for t≤(1?ε)(r/2)(2r+1), for any constant ε>0, we can achieve an even better energy savings. In particular, if we allow each node to send O(log?? n) times, we achieve reliable broadcast with each node sending O(nlog?2|m|+(log?? n)|m|) bits and receiving an expected O(nlog?2|m|+(log?? n)|m|) bits and, after broadcasting a fingerprint of m, each node is awake for only an expected O(log?? n) time slots. Our results compare favorably with previous protocols that required each node to send Θ(|m|) bits, receive Θ(n|m|) bits and be awake for Θ(n) time slots.  相似文献   

Many hard algorithmic problems dealing with graphs, circuits, formulas and constraints admit polynomial-time upper bounds if the underlying graph has small treewidth. The same problems often encourage reducing the maximal degree of vertices to simplify theoretical arguments or address practical concerns. Such degree reduction can be performed through a sequence of splittings of vertices, resulting in an expansion of the original graph. We observe that the treewidth of a graph may increase dramatically if the splittings are not performed carefully. In this context we address the following natural question: is it possible to reduce the maximum degree to a constant without substantially increasing the treewidth?We answer the above question affirmatively. We prove that any simple undirected graph G=(V,E) admits an expansion G′=(V′,E′) with the maximum degree ≤3 and tw(G′)≤tw(G)+1, where tw(?) is the treewidth of a graph. Furthermore, such an expansion will have no more than 2|E|+|V| vertices and 3|E| edges; it can be computed efficiently from a tree-decomposition of G. We also construct a family of examples for which the increase by 1 in treewidth cannot be avoided.  相似文献   

Network cost and fixed-degree characteristic for the graph are important factors to evaluate interconnection networks. In this paper, we propose hierarchical Petersen network (HPN) that is constructed in recursive and hierarchical structure based on a Petersen graph as a basic module. The degree of HPN(n) is 5, and HPN(n) has \(10^n\) nodes and \(2.5 \times 10^n\) edges. And we analyze its basic topological properties, routing algorithm, diameter, spanning tree, broadcasting algorithm and embedding. From the analysis, we prove that the diameter and network cost of HPN(n) are \(3\log _{10}N-1\) and \(15 \log _{10}N-1\), respectively, and it contains a spanning tree with the degree of 4. In addition, we propose link-disjoint one-to-all broadcasting algorithm and show that HPN(n) can be embedded into FP\(_k\) with expansion 1, dilation 2k and congestion 4. For most of the fixed-degree networks proposed, network cost and diameter require \(O(\sqrt{N})\) and the degree of the graph requires O(N). However, HPN(n) requires O(1) for the degree and \(O(\log _{10}N)\) for both diameter and network cost. As a result, the suggested interconnection network in this paper is superior to current fixed-degree and hierarchical networks in terms of network cost, diameter and the degree of the graph.  相似文献   

Various sorting algorithms using parallel architectures have been proposed in the search for more efficient results. This paper introduces the Multi-Sort Algorithm for Multi-Mesh of Trees (MMT) Architecture for N=n 4 elements with more efficient time complexity compared to previous architectures. The shear sort algorithm on Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) mesh model requires \(4\sqrt{N}+O\sqrt{N}\) time for sorting N elements, arranged on a \(\sqrt{N}\times \sqrt{N}\) mesh, whereas Multi-Sort algorithm on the SIMD Multi-Mesh (MM) Architecture takes O(N 1/4) time for sorting the same N elements, which proves that Multi-Sort is a better sorting approach. We have improved the time complexity of intrablock Sort. The Communication time complexity for 2D Sort in MM is O(n), whereas this time in MMT is O(log?n). The time complexity of compare–exchange step in MMT is same as that in MM, i.e., O(n). It has been found that the time complexity of the Multi-Sort on MMT has been improved as on Multi-Mesh architecture.  相似文献   

We consider distance graphs with k forbidden distances in an n-dimensional space with the p-norm that do not contain cliques of a fixed size. Using a probabilistic construction, we present graphs of this kind with chromatic number at least (Bk) Cn , where B and C are constants.  相似文献   

We initiate a new line of investigation into online property-preserving data reconstruction. Consider a dataset which is assumed to satisfy various (known) structural properties; e.g., it may consist of sorted numbers, or points on a manifold, or vectors in a polyhedral cone, or codewords from an error-correcting code. Because of noise and errors, however, an (unknown) fraction of the data is deemed unsound, i.e., in violation with the expected structural properties. Can one still query into the dataset in an online fashion and be provided data that is always sound? In other words, can one design a filter which, when given a query to any item I in the dataset, returns a sound item J that, although not necessarily in the dataset, differs from I as infrequently as possible. No preprocessing should be allowed and queries should be answered online.We consider the case of a monotone function. Specifically, the dataset encodes a function f:{1,…,n}?? R that is at (unknown) distance ε from monotone, meaning that f can—and must—be modified at ε n places to become monotone.Our main result is a randomized filter that can answer any query in O(log?2 nlog? log?n) time while modifying the function f at only O(ε n) places. The amortized time over n function evaluations is O(log?n). The filter works as stated with probability arbitrarily close to 1. We provide an alternative filter with O(log?n) worst case query time and O(ε nlog?n) function modifications. For reconstructing d-dimensional monotone functions of the form f:{1,…,n} d ? ? R, we present a filter that takes (2 O(d)(log?n)4d?2log?log?n) time per query and modifies at most O(ε n d ) function values (for constant d).  相似文献   

The starting point of our research is the following problem: given a doubling metric ?=(V,d), can one (efficiently) find an unweighted graph G′=(V′,E′) with V?V′ whose shortest-path metric d′ is still doubling, and which agrees with d on V×V? While it is simple to show that the answer to the above question is negative if distances must be preserved exactly. However, allowing a (1+ε) distortion between d and d′ enables us bypass this hurdle, and obtain an unweighted graph G′ with doubling dimension at most a factor O(log?ε ?1) times the doubling dimension of G.More generally, this paper gives algorithms that construct graphs G′ whose convex (or geodesic) closure has doubling dimension close to that of ?, and the shortest-path distances in G′ closely approximate those of ? when restricted to V×V. Similar results are shown when the metric ? is an additive (tree) metric and the graph G′ is restricted to be a tree.  相似文献   

We show that converting an n-digit number from a binary to Fibonacci representation and backward can be realized by Boolean circuits of complexity O(M(n) log n), where M(n) is the complexity of integer multiplication. For a more general case of r-Fibonacci representations, the obtained complexity estimates are of the form \({2^O}{(\sqrt {\log n} )_n}\).  相似文献   

QuickHeapsort is a combination of Quicksort and Heapsort. We show that the expected number of comparisons for QuickHeapsort is always better than for Quicksort if a usual median-of-constant strategy is used for choosing pivot elements. In order to obtain the result we present a new analysis for QuickHeapsort splitting it into the analysis of the partition-phases and the analysis of the heap-phases. This enables us to consider samples of non-constant size for the pivot selection and leads to better theoretical bounds for the algorithm. Furthermore, we introduce some modifications of QuickHeapsort. We show that for every input the expected number of comparisons is at most \(n\log _{2}n - 0.03n + o(n)\) for the in-place variant. If we allow n extra bits, then we can lower the bound to \( n\log _{2} n -0.997 n+ o (n)\). Thus, spending n extra bits we can save more that 0.96n comparisons if n is large enough. Both estimates improve the previously known results. Moreover, our non-in-place variant does essentially use the same number of comparisons as index based Heapsort variants and Relaxed-Weak-Heapsort which use \( n\log _{2}n -0.9 n+ o (n)\) comparisons in the worst case. However, index based Heapsort variants and Relaxed-Weak-Heapsort require \({\Theta }(n\log n)\) extra bits whereas we need n bits only. Our theoretical results are upper bounds and valid for every input. Our computer experiments show that the gap between our bounds and the actual values on random inputs is small. Moreover, the computer experiments establish QuickHeapsort as competitive with Quicksort in terms of running time.  相似文献   

We consider the planning problem for freight transportation between two railroad stations. We are required to fulfill orders (transport cars by trains) that arrive at arbitrary time moments and have different value (weight). The speed of trains moving between stations may be different. We consider problem settings with both fixed and undefined departure times for the trains. For the problem with fixed train departure times we propose an algorithm for minimizing the weighted lateness of orders with time complexity O(qn 2 log n) operations, where q is the number of trains and n is the number of orders. For the problem with undefined train departure and arrival times we construct a Pareto optimal set of schedules optimal with respect to criteria wL max and C max in O(n 2 max{n log n, q log v}) operations, where v is the number of time windows during which the trains can depart. The proposed algorithm allows to minimize both weighted lateness wL max and total time of fulfilling freight delivery orders C max.  相似文献   

We analyze the necessary existence conditions for (a, d)-distance antimagic labeling of a graph G = (V, E) of order n. We obtain theorems that expand the family of not (a, d) -distance antimagic graphs. In particular, we prove that the crown P n P 1 does not admit an (a, 1)-distance antimagic labeling for n ≥ 2 if a ≥ 2. We determine the values of a at which path P n can be an (a, 1)-distance antimagic graph. Among regular graphs, we investigate the case of a circulant graph.  相似文献   

In this paper, an efficient construction of multicast key distribution schemes based on semantically secure symmetric-key encryption schemes and cryptographically strong pseudo-random number generators is presented and analyzed. The proposed scheme is provably secure against adaptive adversaries leveraging the security amplification technique defined over the logical key hierarchy structures. Our protocol tolerates any coalition of revoked users; in particular, we do not assume any limit on the size or structure of the coalition. The proposed scheme is efficient as a performance of Join or Leave procedure requires 2 log(N) multicast activities defined over a sibling ancestor node set, 2 log(N) internal state updates of the underlying pseudo-random number generator and 2 log(N) symmetric-key encryption activities for N users in a session.  相似文献   

Given a metric graph G=(V,E) of n vertices, i.e., a complete graph with a non-negative real edge cost function satisfying the triangle inequality, the metricity degree of G is defined as \(\beta=\max_{x,y,z\in V}\{\frac{c(x,y)}{c(x,z)+c(y,z)}\}\in[\frac{1}{2},1]\). This value is instrumental to establish the approximability of several NP-hard optimization problems definable on G, like for instance the prominent traveling salesman problem, which asks for finding a Hamiltonian cycle of G of minimum total cost. In fact, this problem can be approximated quite accurately depending on the metricity degree of G, namely by a ratio of either \(\frac{2-\beta}{3(1-\beta)}\) or \(\frac{3\beta^{2}}{3\beta^{2}-2\beta+1}\), for \(\beta<\frac{2}{3}\) or \(\beta\geq \frac{2}{3}\), respectively. Nevertheless, these approximation algorithms have O(n 3) and O(n 2.5log?1.5 n) running time, respectively, and therefore they are superlinear in the Θ(n 2) input size. Thus, since many real-world problems are modeled by graphs of huge size, their use might turn out to be unfeasible in practice, and alternative approaches requiring only O(n 2) time are sought. However, with this restriction, all the currently available approaches can only guarantee a 2-approximation ratio for the case β=1, which means a \(\frac{2\beta^{2}}{2\beta^{2}-2\beta+1}\)-approximation ratio for general β<1. In this paper, we show how to elaborate—without affecting the space and time complexity—one of these approaches, namely the classic double-MST heuristic, in order to obtain a 2β-approximate solution. This improvement is effective, since we show that the double-MST heuristic has in general a performance ratio strictly larger than 2β, and we further show that any alternative elaboration of it cannot lead to a performance ratio better than 2β?ε, for any ε>0. Our theoretical results are complemented with an extensive series of experiments, that show the practical appeal of our approach.  相似文献   

The problem of two edge-disjoint paths is to identify two paths \(Q_1\) and \(Q_2\) from source \(s \in V\) to target \(t \in V\) without any common arc in a directed connected graph \(G=(V, E)\). In this paper, we present an adaptive stabilizing algorithm for finding a pair of edge-disjoint paths from s to t in G in O(D) rounds with state-space complexity of \(O(log\; n)\) bits per process, where n is the number of nodes and D is the diameter of the graph. The proposed algorithm is optimal with respect to its time complexity, and the total length of the shortest paths. In addition, it can also be used to solve the problem for undirected graphs. Since the proposed algorithm is stabilizing, it does not require initialization and is capable of withstanding transient faults. We view a fault that perturbs the state of the system but not its program as a transient fault. In addition, the proposed algorithm is adaptive since it is capable of dealing with topology changes in the form of addition/removal of arcs and/or nodes as well as changes in the directions of arcs provided that two edge-disjoint paths between s and t exist after the topology change.  相似文献   

In negation-limited complexity, one considers circuits with a limited number of NOT gates, being motivated by the gap in our understanding of monotone versus general circuit complexity, and hoping to better understand the power of NOT gates. We give improved lower bounds for the size (the number of AND/OR/NOT) of negation-limited circuits computing Parity and for the size of negation-limited inverters. An inverter is a circuit with inputs x 1,…,x n and outputs ¬ x 1,…,¬ x n . We show that: (a) for n=2 r ?1, circuits computing Parity with r?1 NOT gates have size at least 6n?log?2(n+1)?O(1), and (b) for n=2 r ?1, inverters with r NOT gates have size at least 8n?log?2(n+1)?O(1). We derive our bounds above by considering the minimum size of a circuit with at most r NOT gates that computes Parity for sorted inputs x 1???x n . For an arbitrary r, we completely determine the minimum size. It is 2n?r?2 for odd n and 2n?r?1 for even n for ?log?2(n+1)??1≤rn/2, and it is ?3n/2??1 for rn/2. We also determine the minimum size of an inverter for sorted inputs with at most r NOT gates. It is 4n?3r for ?log?2(n+1)?≤rn. In particular, the negation-limited inverter for sorted inputs due to Fischer, which is a core component in all the known constructions of negation-limited inverters, is shown to have the minimum possible size. Our fairly simple lower bound proofs use gate elimination arguments in a somewhat novel way.  相似文献   

The notion of the equivalence of vertex labelings on a given graph is introduced. The equivalence of three bimagic labelings for regular graphs is proved. A particular solution is obtained for the problem of the existence of a 1-vertex bimagic vertex labeling of multipartite graphs, namely, for graphs isomorphic with Kn, n, m. It is proved that the sequence of bi-regular graphs Kn(ij)?=?((Kn???1???M)?+?K1)???(unui)???(unuj) admits 1-vertex bimagic vertex labeling, where ui, uj is any pair of non-adjacent vertices in the graph Kn???1???M, un is a vertex of K1, M is perfect matching of the complete graph Kn???1. It is established that if an r-regular graph G of order n is distance magic, then graph G + G has a 1-vertex bimagic vertex labeling with magic constants (n?+?1)(n?+?r)/2?+?n2 and (n?+?1)(n?+?r)/2?+?nr. Two new types of graphs that do not admit 1-vertex bimagic vertex labelings are defined.  相似文献   

The ambiguity of a nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA) N for input size n is the maximal number of accepting computations of N for inputs of size n. For every natural number k we construct a family \((L_{r}^{k}\;|\;r\in \mathbb{N})\) of languages which can be recognized by NFA’s with size k?poly(r) and ambiguity O(n k ), but \(L_{r}^{k}\) has only NFA’s with size exponential in r, if ambiguity o(n k ) is required. In particular, a hierarchy for polynomial ambiguity is obtained, solving a long standing open problem (Ravikumar and Ibarra, SIAM J. Comput. 19:1263–1282, 1989, Leung, SIAM J. Comput. 27:1073–1082, 1998).  相似文献   

A grid graph \(G_{\mathrm{g}}\) is a finite vertex-induced subgraph of the two-dimensional integer grid \(G^\infty \). A rectangular grid graph R(mn) is a grid graph with horizontal size m and vertical size n. A rectangular grid graph with a rectangular hole is a rectangular grid graph R(mn) such that a rectangular grid subgraph R(kl) is removed from it. The Hamiltonian path problem for general grid graphs is NP-complete. In this paper, we give necessary conditions for the existence of a Hamiltonian path between two given vertices in an odd-sized rectangular grid graph with a rectangular hole. In addition, we show that how such paths can be computed in linear time.  相似文献   

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