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At the Technische Hochschule Dresden, the predecessor institution of the TU Dresden, a specialization “Engineer for Process Engineering” was established in 1953 with the filling of the specialist professorship for chemical engineering, and the present Institute for Process and Environmental Engineering was founded. Since then, the profile in education and research of the institute within the Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering of the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) has been considerably extended. Based on this development, the current main research areas of the five chairs and research groups are presented.  相似文献   

Since the founding of Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU), the research activities in the field of process engineering have been steadily expanded. Today, the Faculty of Process- and Systems Engineering at OVGU comprises four institutes for Process Engineering, Chemistry, Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics as well as Apparatus and Environmental Technology. In this article, the five chairs of the Institute of Process Engineering (Bioprocess Engineering, Chemical Process Engineering, Process Systems Engineering, Thermal Process Engineering, and Mechanical Process Engineering) present their research activities based on selected projects.  相似文献   

The development of the geometry of packings resulted in different open sturctures. The current high‐performance packings lead to the question whether or not their performance is different, or respectively, which performance figure is most suitable in order to evaluate potential advantages.  相似文献   

Chemical Engineers for the 21st Century – A Challenge to University Education The education of chemical engineers at the dawn of the 21st Century faces enormous challenges. The number of new students has dropped significantly since early 1990s. Globalisation is having an effect on the working environment of the engineering profession and changing the job market for process engineers whose activities now extend far beyond the chemical industry. As a result, universities and engineering schools now face increasing competition for students and scientific staff and for retention of degree programs and departments. This article throws light on the current situation of the universities, changes in working environment and conditions, and the demands placed on future chemical engineers and their education. Whatever changes may occur, e.g. through the introduction of Bachelor and Master degrees, the characteristic and proven profiles of engineering school and university training must be maintained while enhancing the conditions for good graduates.  相似文献   

The notion of “process systems engineering” seems often vague and unclear. Based on a philosophical analysis of the terms “system”, “engineering”, and “process”, a sound definition of process systems engineering is developed and put forward for discussion. Thereby, it is emphasized that especially the focus on the system level distinguishes the said discipline from other subdisciplines of process engineering.  相似文献   

过程装备与控制工程专业实践教学体系的研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
实践教学体系是高等工科教育中培养学生理论联系实际、具有综合实践能力及初步科研能力必不可少的重要环节。我院通过对过程装备与控制工程专业实践教学体系的改革与探索,构建了新的专业实践教学体系及内容。实施后取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

The paper briefly describes the problem of process synthesis in the area of chemical engineering, and suggests its formulation as a Multi‐Objective Programming problem. Process synthesis optimization is usually modeled as Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) or Mixed Integer Non‐Linear Programming (MINLP) with an economic objective function. We claim that incorporating more criteria (e.g., environmental criteria) in this kind of combinatorial optimization problem offers the decision makers the opportunity to refine their final decision by examining more than one solution (a set of efficient or Pareto optimal solutions instead of one optimal solution). For solving the multi‐objective process synthesis problem, an improved version of the Multi‐Criteria Branch and Bound (MCBB) algorithm, which has been developed by the same authors, is used. MCBB is a vector maximization algorithm capable of deriving all efficient points (supported and unsupported), for small and medium sized Multi‐Objective MILP problems. The application of MCBB in two examples from process synthesis is also presented.  相似文献   

Mechanical Process Engineering as an Example for Educational Challenges Due to rapid technological developments new opportunities for chemical engineers evolved leading to additional demands in education. The present article describes how this challenge is faced in the subject particle technology: Fundamentals are emphasised even more, with exemplary treatment of classical as well as new applications. Key item of the curriculum is the product property approach. Furthermore, the view of complete processes is emphasised. The courses are structured in three levels: Fundamentals, Unit Operations and Processes/Applications. From the methodological point of view a twofold approach is used: Teaching the fundamentals is complemented by an active participation of the students in working on examples and application problems as well as lab and virtual experiments. By following an integrated view of university education also soft skills of students are promoted.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present an artificial neural network (ANN) controller trained on a historical data set that covers a wide operating range of the fundamental parameters that affect the demulsifier dosage in a crude oil desalting process. The designed controller was tested and implemented on‐line in a gas‐oil separation plant. The results indicate that the current control strategy overinjects chemical demulsifier into the desalting process whereas the proposed ANN controller predicts a lower demulsifier dosage while keeping the salt content within its specification targets. Since an on‐line salt analyzer is not available in the desalting plant, an ANN based on historical measurements of the salt content in the desalting process was also developed. The results show that the predictions made by this ANN controller can be used as an on‐line strategy to predict and control the salt concentration in the treated oil.  相似文献   

The present paper aims at proposing a complementary view of process intensification (PI) based on the concepts of local intensification and global intensification. Local intensification is defined here as the classical approach of PI based on the use of techniques and methods for the drastic improvement of the efficiency of a single unit or device. Some examples are given to illustrate that local process intensification presents several limitations when compared to holistic overall process-based intensification, named global intensification. Indeed, when PI focuses on single units (reactors, separators, hybrid separators, etc.), the strong interactions among all units within the process are ignored and the impact of local intensification of a single unit can be very limited, resulting in weak improvement of the whole process. This paper identifies that process intensification is broader than technical improvement of devices or processes and has to consider several drivers such as economics, safety, eco-efficiency and sustainability to fulfill the key objectives in designing new plants and retrofitting existing units.  相似文献   

如何培养工科专业学生的创新能力,是富有挑战性的研究课题。制药工程专业是一个隶属于化工与制药类的工科专业。本着知识、素质和能力协调发展的培养原则,本文对制药工程专业的创新人才培养体系和人才培养模式进行了认真的探索和实践分析。  相似文献   

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