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A number of studies on hydrogen engines have targeted small-sized engines for passenger vehicles. By contrast, the present study focuses on a large-sized engine for a stationary power generator. The objective of this study is to simultaneously achieve low NOx emission without aftertreatment, and high thermal efficiency and torque. Experimental analysis has been conducted on a single-cylinder test engine equipped with a gas injector for direct hydrogen injection. The injection strategy adopted in this study aims generating inhomogeneity of hydrogen mixtures within the engine cylinder by setting the injection pressure at a relatively low level while injecting hydrogen through small orifices. High levels of EGR and increased intake boost pressures are also adopted to reduce NOx emission and enhance torque. The results showed that extreme levels of EGR and air-fuel inhomogeneity can suppress NOx emission and the occurrence of abnormal combustion with little negative impact on the efficiency of hydrogen combustion. The maximum IMEP achieved under these conditions is 1.46 MPa (135 Nm@1000 rpm) with engine-out NOx emission of less than 150 ppm (ISNOx < 0.55 g/kW) for an intake boost pressure of 175 kPa and EGR rate of around 50%. To achieve further improvement of the IMEP and thermal efficiency, the Atkinson/Miller cycle was attempted by increasing the expansion ratio and retarding the intake valve closing time of the engine. The test engine used in this study finally achieved an IMEP of 1.64 MPa (150 Nm@1000 rpm) with less than 100 ppm of NOx emission (ISNOx < 0.36 g/kWh) and more than 50% of ITE.  相似文献   

Thermoacoustic technology has drawn increasing attention due to its advantages such as reliability and environmental benignity. Aiming at low‐grade heat recovery, we developed a travelling‐wave thermoacoustic electric generator consisting of a looped travelling‐wave thermoacoustic engine and a linear alternator. In order to explore the operating characteristics of the electric generator, we numerically analyzed the acoustic field characteristics with a modified model. The analysis shows that high acoustic impedance appears in all three stages, and the travelling‐wave component dominates the acoustic field of the loop, which is significant for both thermoacoustic conversion and acoustic power propagation. Furthermore, we also investigated the effects of external electric compliance, resistance, and hot end temperature on the output electric power, thermal‐electric efficiency, and other related parameters. In the experiments, a thermal‐electric efficiency of 3.7% with an output electric power of 24 W has been achieved, when the hot end temperature is 120°C. The relative Carnot efficiency can exceed 14% when the hot end temperature is between 120°C and 190°C. The promising results demonstrate the significant potential of thermoacoustic electric generation in low‐grade heat recovery.  相似文献   

Flexible thermoelectric power generators fabricated by evaporating thin films on flexible fiber substrates are demonstrated to be feasible candidates for waste heat recovery. An open circuit voltage of 19.6 μV K per thermocouple junction is measured for Ni–Ag thin films, and a maximum power of 2 nW for 7 couples at ΔT = 6.6 K is measured. Heat transfer analysis is used to project performance for several other material systems, with a predicted power output of 1 μW per couple for Bi2Te3/Sb2Te3-based fiber coatings with a hot junction temperature of 100 °C. Considering the performance of woven thermoelectric cloths or fiber composites, relevant properties and dimensions of individual thermoelectric fibers are optimized.  相似文献   

Oscillatory flow in a thermoacoustic sound wave generator is described. The thermoacoustic sound wave generator plays an important role in thermoacoustic equipment. The heat exchange between the working fluid and the stack, the acceleration and deceleration of the working fluid and viscous friction loss both in the stack and in the resonance tube influence the performance of the thermoacoustic sound wave generator. Particularly, oscillatory flow significantly influences the heat exchange mechanism between the working fluid and the stack. Temporal changes in pressure and velocity are sinusoidal inside the resonance tube. Flow forms an oscillatory jet just behind the tube outlet, and becomes intermittent far downstream outside the resonance tube. The open-end corrections of 0.63R, that is, the region where oscillatory flow characteristics are maintained downstream in spite of being outside the tube outlet, are confirmed by velocity measurements and flow visualization. Also, they are almost equal to acoustical theoretical results.  相似文献   

针对风力发电系统中的双馈电机提出一种转子感应电势定向矢量控制方法。通过调节双馈电机转子侧的瞬时有功电流和无功电流,实现对电机力矩和转子侧励磁电流的调节,进而实现双馈电机无功功率调节。在控制过程中只需检测交流侧电流电压,不需要位置传感器,所以可以应用无速度传感器。最终通过仿真试验证明该方法的正确性和实用性。  相似文献   

Thermoacoustic engine is a kind of novel heat engine based on thermoacoustic effect, with the merits of environmental benignity, simplicity, and reliability. In this work, looped travelling-wave thermoacoustic electric generators (LTTEGs) with one to four thermoacoustic stages have been developed and experimentally studied. It is observed that adding thermoacoustic stages can improve the thermal-electric efficiency of LTTEGs, while whether the extra stages lead to efficiency gain depends on the number of existing stages and other operating parameters (hot temperature, for instance). One main reason is that the Gedeon streaming, which might cause severe heat loss, can be enhanced by adding thermoacoustic stages and increasing hot temperature. The results suggest that the suppression of streaming in the looped thermoacoustic engine with multiple stages is even more urgent than in the traditional travelling-wave engine with only one stage.  相似文献   

新型逆向双转子风力发电机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以显著增大风能利用系数Cp的逆向双转子高效发电装置为基础,设计了一种新型的风力发电机,并将其与现有的大型风力发电机进行比较,指出其优缺点。该新型风力发电机可以解决现有的大型风力发电机设备复杂,生产成本高,使用维护费用高,单位电能的生产成本高的缺点,有很高的研究和应用价值。  相似文献   

适合于风力发电系统的电压跌落发生器   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为满足在故障情况下的风力发电机控制策略的研究需要,给出了一种电压跌落发生器的拓扑结构,PC机与单片机通过串行通信来实现对电压跌落模式和跌落时间的控制.试验表明,该设备可以实现国外昂贵的电压跌落发生器的基本功能.  相似文献   

笼型异步发电机和SVG用于独立运行风电系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了笼型异步发电机和静态无功发生器(SVG)构成独立运行的风力发电系统,由SVG代替电容器提供发电机励磁,避免了依靠并联电容器提供无功功率的缺点.通过实验装置验证,当输入转速发生变化时,通过SVG的调节.异步发电机输出电压基本保持在一个比较理想的范围.  相似文献   

A novel four-stroke free-piston engine equipped with a linear electric generator (namely internal combustion linear generator integrated power system) is proposed in this paper to achieve efficient energy conversion from fuel to electricity. Unique features of the novel power system are presented and their effects on the continuous running are discussed, along with potential advantages and disadvantages compared to conventional engines. A single cylinder, gasoline and spark ignition prototype is fabricated with reference to the geometric and control parameters of an existing conventional four-stroke engine. Stable running of the prototype is realized, and a 2.2 kW average output power with the generating efficiency of 32% has been obtained up to now. The feasibility and performance of the proposed design are verified. Detailed testing results from the continuous running prototype are analyzed in this paper for giving insight into the performance and dynamic behaviors of the novel power system.  相似文献   

The increase in wind power production with self‐excited induction generators (SEIGs) has led to new kinds of protection and stability problems. Suitable state models of a wind plant with SEIGs must accurately simulate balanced and unbalanced transient phenomena for adequate calibration and control of protection devices. However, the SEIG models currently available are unable to simulate the neutral current following unbalanced faults for forecasting the SEIG insulation and protection needed against some network stresses. In addition, the saturation model commonly used is not flexible when deriving a state model. This article presents an effective electromechanical state model for transient analysis of a saturated SEIG for wind power applications. A neutral connection through impedance is included for exact modelling of a Park wye‐connected SEIG. Simple‐shunt and short‐shunt (series) configurations are explored. A comparative analysis of the effects of these two types of configuration on the steady state and transient performances of an SEIG is presented. Numerical and experimental data obtained with a 380V, 5·5kVA, 11·9A, 50Hz induction generator are presented to attest to the effectiveness of the proposed SEIG modelling framework. Among the results obtained, simulations show that the simple‐shunt configuration produces poor voltage regulation, possible voltage collapse and inherent protection against short‐circuit faults, while the short‐shunt connection provides better voltage variation but needs to be well protected against short‐circuit faults. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在双馈发电机等值电路的基础上,建立了相应的基本方程,并求出定子电流的解析表达式.通过对定子电流的分析,求得输出电流为额定值时的励磁电压有效值解析表达式及初相位的取值范围.在此基础上,通过对定子电流有功分量及无功分量的分析,得到功率因数超前及功率因数滞后时的励磁电压初相位取值范围.为满足实际工程需要,对电机的参数作进一步简化,最终通过电机的实际参数进行仿真,验证了其理论分析的正确性.  相似文献   

为了准确掌握鼠笼型感应风力发电机组的运行状态,在分析其功率特性的基础上,针对风电机组建模过程中容易忽略偏航系统误差的问题提出了一种充分考虑风电机组输入参量的建模方法,并结合现场数据分析发现依据该方法建立的模型是有偏差的;在深入分析后再次提出两种引入机组惯性的模型改进方案。用LSSVM方法建立各个方案模型,测试结果表明,引入机组惯性可以有效地提高机组功率特性模型的精度,模型的相对平均误差(MRE)由6.7%下降到5.6%;多组测试数据的测试结果表现出模型有较好泛化能力,可以准确跟踪机组功率变化,为风电机组功率特性建模提供一个新思路。  相似文献   

Employing thermoelectric generators (TEGs) to gather heat dissipating from the human body through the skin surface is a promising way to supply electronic power to wearable and pocket electronics. The uniqueness of this method lies in its direct utilization of the temperature difference between the environment and the human body, and complete elimination of power maintenance problems. However, most of the previous investigations on thermal energy harvesters are confined to the TEG and electronic system themselves because of the low quality of human energy. We evaluate the energy generation capacity of a wearable TEG subject to various conditions based on biological heat transfer theory. Through numerical simulation and corresponding parametric studies, we find that the temperature distribution in the thermopiles affects the criterion of the voltage output, suggesting that the temperature difference in a single point can be adopted as the criterion for uniform temperature distribution. However, the criterion has to be shifted to the sum of temperature difference on each thermocouple when the temperature distribution is inconsistent. In addition, the performance of the thermal energy harvester can be easily influenced by environmental conditions, as well as the physiological state and physical characteristics of the human body. To further validate the calculation results for the wearable TEG, a series of conceptual experiments are performed on a number of typical cases. The numerical simulation provides a good overview of the electricity generation capability of the TEG, which may prove useful in the design of future thermal energy harvesters.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the heat transfer characteristics of a thermoelectric generator. The influence of heat dissipation intensity to the sub-thermal resistances distribution is experimentally studied. Based on the thermal network analysis and finite time thermodynamics, an analytical model including all thermal resistances (in both thermocouples and external heat exchangers) is developed to predict the performance of the generator. The results show that the computed values of output power agree well with the experimental values. The heat transfer enhancement on the generator cold side greatly reduces the cold side temperature and thermal resistance, and obviously improves the output power. Compare with air natural convection cooling, the main thermal resistance changes from the resistance between the fins and the ambient to the thermal contact resistances between the generator and the heat sink at the conditions of forced convection and water cooling. This study may be guide the optimization of generator structure.  相似文献   

提出了一种改进的异步风力发电机直接转矩控制方法,此方法不仅简单,而且性能优于传统的滞环比较器控制方式。利用转矩模糊控制器和磁链控制器代替传统的滞环比较器,通过Matlab/Simulink仿真表明,基于空间矢量脉宽调制的直接转矩改进方法不仅改善了异步发电机稳态转矩脉动大的问题,而且减小了电机启动电流,还大大提高了整个控制系统的性能。  相似文献   

The MHD disk generator has been used as an experimental tool to study plasma properties and to explore new diagnostic techniques, since it provides a near-ideal geometry for plasma studies due to its electrodeless configuration combined with near-perfect insulating walls. Both experimental and theoretical studies have also determined the conditions for favorable performance of the disk, often with inlet swirl, as a configuration for electrical power generation in both open and closed cycle applications. This paper describes the state-of-the-art of the disk geometry for power generation, and it also reviews recent system studies which have integrated the disk generator in electrical power plants using coal as a fuel. These studies indicate that the disk system can achieve overall efficiencies comparable to linear generator systems, but they also show that the disk configuration might provide significant reliability and require lower capital investments. These cost advantages are derived from the simplicity of the superconducting magnet and power management systems.  相似文献   

机械蒸汽压缩海水淡化是一种很有前景的消纳风能的方式,其中的压缩机是这种能源利用方式的核心部件。建立了离心式蒸汽压缩机数学模型,研究了压缩机性能参数间的关系,重点探讨了压缩机输入功率及吸气蒸汽参数与压缩机流量、压比和转速间的关系,并通过耦合风力发电机模型,研究了定压比条件下,压缩机流量和转速在风力发电机随机功率变化时的响应曲线。结果表明,风力发电机驱动的机械蒸汽压缩机需要辅助能源来保证在较小的风力发电机输入功率情况下,压缩机能稳定运行在非喘振区。对于额定功率为160 k W的压缩机,在压比2.4条件下的最小输入功率为50 k W。  相似文献   

Free piston linear generator (FPLG) is a promising range extender for the electrical vehicle with unparallel advantages, such as compact structure, higher system efficiency, and reduced maintenance cost. However, due to the lack of the mechanic crankshaft, the related piston motion control is a challenge for the FPLG which causes problems such as misfire and crash and limits its widespread commercialization. Aimed at resolving the problems as misfire, a single-piston FPLG prototype has been designed and manufactured at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). In this paper, the development process and experimental validation of the related control strategies were detailed. From the experimental studies, significant misfires were observed at first, while the FPLG operated in natural-aspiration conditions. The root cause of this misfire was then identified as the poor scavenging process, and a compressed air source was leveraged to enhance the related scavenging pressure. Afterward, optimal control parameters, in terms of scavenging pressure, air-fuel equivalence ratio, and ignition position, were then calibrated in this charged-scavenging condition. Eventually, the FPLG prototype has achieved a continuous stable operation of over 1000 cycles with an ignition rate of 100% and a cycle-to-cycle variation of less than 0.8%, produced an indicated power of 2.8 kW with an indicated thermal efficiency of 26% and an electrical power of 2.5 kW with an overall efficiency of 23.2%.  相似文献   

Thermoelectric power generators are one of the promising green energy sources. The operating and the generator parameters influence the generator output performance. In the present study, the influence of the operating and the generator parameters on the maximum output power and the efficiency of the thermoelectric power generator are examined. The output power corresponding to the maximum efficiency and the maximum attainable output power of the generator are compared. It is found that the maximum power of the thermoelectric generator corresponding to the high Figure of Merit is very sensitive to the operating temperature. The maximum power attainable is larger than that its counterpart corresponding to the maximum generator efficiency. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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