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武汉开展的东湖绿道规划公众参与工作是互联网时期规划工作参与的一次创新探索,该工作充分重视公众意愿,组建众规工作小组,建设众规公众参与平台,众筹公众规划智慧。创新参与途径方法,合理设计公众参与方案,实现公众参与最大范围的覆盖。将公众参与工作贯穿规划编制的过程中,及时与公众进行反馈互动,深化公众参与的层次,提高公众参与规划的积极性。  相似文献   

由于观念滞后、法律体制不完善、公众意识欠缺等原因,浦东新区公众参与规划制定过程中存在法律依据缺失、公众参与面和有效性保障不足、公众无规划决定权等问题.规划编制与公众参与和谐发展是今后努力的方向,应从加强公众规划知识宣传教育、完善公众参与机制,公开规划信息、开展公众参与规划研究及构建公众参与的有效保障机制等方面对该模式进行支撑和引导.  相似文献   

吴人韦  杨继梅 《规划师》2005,21(11):5-7
公众参与可分为积极参与,消极参与、不参与三种选择方式。公众个体参与城市规划的行为受到公众对于规划事件的敏感性、规划项目替代品的可求程度、规划决策的改进对于公众的边际效用的影响、公众对于参与规划的效力预期等四方面因素的影响。提高我国城市规划中的公众参与程度应当从完善法制体系、确立形式保障内容,培育公众参与的忠诚感三个方面入手。  相似文献   

“阳光规划”的实践与探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙炳红 《规划师》2005,21(4):57-59
“阳光规划”是浙江省率先在全省城乡规划领域推行的一项新的规划公众参与制度。通过建章立制.注重配套基础设施建设、加强监督等措施,将规划公众参与机制落到实处,提出了赋予公众参与的法律地位、拓展公众参与规划的层次及探索新型的公众参与方式的设想。  相似文献   

武汉:若干规划公众参与的实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新世纪武汉的城市规划编制工作,始终坚持面向公众的开放态势,注重运用多种方式,广泛征求、听取公众意见和要求,不断提升公民参与的程度和形式.一方面积极探索了公众参与规划的多种形式,先后组织了南岸嘴地区规划公众展评、法定图则社区参与和公示、城市色彩规划公众作品竞赛、城市战略规划公众调查、总体规划市民"金点子"和公众论坛等,初步形成公众参与规划的编制机制;另一方面,积极促进了公众参与城市规划的规范化,赋予更多的市场经济条件下公众参与城市规划编制的范围和内容,包括规划前期的公众意愿调查、规划中期的公众论坛、规划成果的公众评议和审查、以及规划实施过程的公众听证等内容,努力为从宏观到微观各类规划的公众参与提供多种机会和保障.  相似文献   

从十六届五中全会提出的新农村建设到村庄规划,村庄规划越来越注重规划的实效性,有效的公众参与政策则是增强村庄规划建设实施的重要手段之一。公众参与应渗透在村庄规划编制过程中的各个阶段,但在实际规划中,公众参与方式、方法存在诸多弊端,降低了村庄规划实效性。城乡结合地带是村庄规划的重点区域,但由于人员的流动性较大,也增大了公众参与的难度。本文从村庄规划公众参与现状问题出发,围绕村庄规划实施与村庄发展建设两方面阐述现状村庄规划公众参与村庄的问题,并分析了问题产生的原因,提出构建从村庄规划准备阶段、调研阶段、编制阶段到最后的审批阶段中公众参与的重点方式与方法,最后以辽宁省铁岭县东孤家子村为例进行了实践应用,增加公众参与村庄规划的实效性。  相似文献   

郑卫 《城市规划》2013,(8):66-71,78
对北京六里屯垃圾焚烧发电厂规划的公众参与进行剖析,指出困境主要表现在公众参与目的、公众参与主体、公众参与程度和公众参与形式四个方面,技术理性的城市规划传统、政府集权制的规划决策模式、城市规划实施机制过度行政化、邻避设施规划涉及利益的复杂性和公众参与主体能力建设不足是公众参与困境产生的主要原因。  相似文献   

《公主岭市城市色彩与风貌规划》推行全过程的公众参与,对我国中小型城市公众参与城市规划起到重要推动作用。在工作进程中,政府部门保证公众知情权、参与权、决策权和监督权,以此建立多方规划共识。公众参与贯穿于规划的全过程,历经前期目标确立阶段、多方案选择阶段以及成果公示阶段,从公众参与形式化、公众决策规划的能力两个方面提出了公众参与规划的思考,从而倡导城市规划全过程实质性的公众参与,规划出真正意义的"市民城市"。  相似文献   

我国在规划领域中公众参与缺乏具体的方法和相应的措施,结合太原市规划实践从规划编制层面探讨公众参与的具体做法,提出公众参与平台、咨询服务渠道,由多部门、多领域组成固定的公众参与团队,建立健全的公众参与保障体系。  相似文献   

李军 《城乡建设》2014,(3):36-38
正2010年起我国新一轮城镇化规划启动,为进一步推动城镇化发展的质量和效率,必然需要公众的广泛参与,而我国现有的公众参与制度仅处在象征性参与阶段,由此制定的规划很难体现公众利益及多元利益的兼顾。因此,为实现新型城镇化规划的目标,有必要增加公众参与的深度,并对不同的规划在不同阶段实行多样的民主参与形式,建立多元化的组织机制,从而构建全面、有效、系统的城镇化规划公众参与制度。一、公众参与城镇化规划制度的具体原理公众参与城乡规划兴起于20世纪中叶,经过50多年的发展,西方城乡规划领域提出了许多公众参与的理论构  相似文献   

Summer and winter discomfort in terms of heat and cold stresses in the nine major architectural climate zones and sub-zones across China in the 21st century were investigated using predictions from general circulation models for the low and medium emissions scenarios. For the six severe cold and cold climate zones in the north, reductions in cumulative cold stress outweighed the increase in cumulative heat stress resulting in an overall decreasing trend in the annual cumulative stress, and vice versa for the other three warmer climate zones in the south. Compared with the 20th century, significant reduction in the cumulative cold stress was observed across the six zones in severe cold and cold climates, ranging from 15.8 in cold-III to 42.3 in severe cold-II. There were modest increases in the cumulative heat stress from 0.3 in cold-II to 12.3 in cold-III. For the warmer climates in the south, reduction in cumulative cold stress ranged from 7.6 in hot summer and warm winter (HSWW) to 10.3 in hot summer and cold winter, while cumulative heat stress increased from 9.9 in the mild zone to 30.6 in HSWW. A reduction in cold stress would result in less winter heating and an increase in heat stress more cooling requirement.  相似文献   

Small scale miners use mercury to extract gold from ore in many countries. An environmental and health assessment was performed in Indonesia in two regions, Galangan in Central Kalimantan and Talawaan in Northern Sulawesi. The environmental assessment showed severe mercury contamination of the sediments, and increased mercury levels in local fish. For the health investigation 281 volunteers were recruited and examined by a standardized questionnaire, a neurological examination and neuro-psychological tests. A medical score was used consisting of significant factors of mercury intoxication. Mercury exposed workers showed typical symptoms of mercury intoxication, such as movement disorders (ataxia, tremor, dysdiadochokinesia, etc.). Blood, urine and hair samples were taken from any participant and analyzed for mercury. The mercury concentration in the biomonitors was high, partly extreme high in the working population, increased in the population living in the same habitat and low in the control group. By a standard protocol which includes a combination of threshold values of mercury in the biomonitors and a medical sum score the diagnosis of chronic mercury intoxication was made for highly burdened workers (amalgam smelters) in 55% in Sulawesi and in 62% in Kalimantan. Less exposed mineral processors and the general population in the mining areas were also intoxicated to a high percentage.  相似文献   

Mercury concentrations in each environmental compartment in Changchun City had obvious spatial and temporal trends. Particulate Hg (HgP) and total gaseous mercury (TGM) concentrations in air, total Hg (HgT) concentrations in precipitation and ratios of HgP to HgT (total Hg in air) in the atmosphere in heating season were higher than those in non-heating season, which resulted from civil heating. In contrast, reactive Hg (HgR) concentrations in precipitation were higher in non-heating season than those in heating season. TGM and SO2 in air had good agreement. HgP concentrations in the atmosphere were correlated with HgT concentrations in precipitation. Based on Hg concentrations in each environmental compartment, Hg exchange fluxes between environmental interfaces were estimated. Only 11.6% of Hg, emitted from coal combustion, deposited into land surface in urban district and the rest part participated in regional or global cycle, so urban district was the source of Hg global and regional cycle. Net fluxes of Hg into land surface and water were 34.26 kg year(-1) and 0.051 kg year(-1), respectively, which were clearly accumulated in the water and soil. Therefore considering urban local Hg cycle, each environmental compartment of urban ecosystem (water, air and soil) was the sink of Hg.  相似文献   

夏昌世,中国第一代建筑师,1920年代在德国卡尔斯鲁厄留学。1932年,他在图宾根完成了博士论文之后重返祖国。1940年代后期,他在广州成为教授,1973年与妻子一同重返德国,并在那里生活直至1996年逝世。他的设计方法不仅受到那个时代欧洲现代主义运动氛围的熏陶,还来自他对中国传统景观与建筑艺术历史的研究。他是引领岭南区域形成岭南学派建筑的主导力量之一。同时,作为一建筑学教授,他在广州培养了新一代青年建筑师。  相似文献   

The weathering of arsenopyrite (FeAsS) has been monitored in soils using an in situ experimental approach. Arsenopyrite in nylon experimental bags was placed in individual horizons in soils in spruce (litter, horizons A, B, and C), beech (litter, horizons A, B, and C) and unforested (horizons A, B, and C) areas and left in contact with the soil for a period of 1 year. The individual areas on the ridge of the Krušné hory Mts., Czech Republic, had the same lithology, climatic and environmental conditions. Scorodite (FeAsO4·2H2O) was identified as a principal secondary mineral of arsenic (As) formed directly on the surface of the arsenopyrite. Scorodite was formed in all the areas in all soil horizons. The amount of scorodite formed decreased in the series beech, spruce and unforested areas. In forested areas, there was a larger amount of scorodite on arsenopyrites exposed in organic horizons (litter, A horizon). The greater rate of arsenopyrite alteration in organic horizons in the beech stand compared to spruce stand is probably a result of faster mineralization of organic material with resulting production of nitrate and better seepage conditions of soil in this area. Speciation of As determined using the sequential extraction technique demonstrated that As was bonded in the soils primarily in the residual fractions prior to the experiment. The As content in the mobile fractions increased in the organic horizon in the forested areas after the experiments.  相似文献   

据说息壤是一种可以自生自长的土,远古的先民们曾用它防治洪水。对这种传说中的岩土材料进行了考据,根据河狸坝与我国古代的治河工程,指出所谓息壤应当是古代人们利用草、木、竹、石、土创造出来的加筋土,用以拦截阻挡洪水。秦汉时期称为茨防,宋代称为埽工。回顾了我国土工加筋及其在河工中应用的长远历史,指出土工合成材料在保护环境、保护资源和我国经济可持续发展中应用的广阔前景。  相似文献   

In the Arctic, the traditional diet exposes its people to a very high intake of cadmium because it is highly concentrated in the liver and kidneys of commonly eaten marine mammals. In one study in Greenland, the cadmium intake was estimated to 182 microg/day/person in the fall and 346 in the spring. To determine whether the cadmium is accumulated in humans, we analyzed autopsy samples of liver and kidneys from 95 ethnic Greenlanders (aged 19-89) who died from a wide range of causes. The cadmium concentration in liver (overall mean 1.97 microg/g wet wt) appeared to be unrelated to any particular age group, whereas the concentrations in the kidneys peaked in Greenlanders between 40 and 50 years of age (peak concentration 22.3 microg/g wet wt). Despite the high cadmium levels in the typical Greenlander diet, we found that the cadmium concentrations in livers and kidneys were comparable to those reported from Denmark, Sweden, Australia and Great Britain. Furthermore, even though the mean cadmium intake from the diet was estimated to be 13-25 times higher in Greenlanders than in Danes, we found similar cadmium levels in the kidneys of both. Seal livers and kidneys are the main source of cadmium in the diet of Greenlanders, but these tissues are not eaten in Denmark. Thus, our results suggest that the accumulation of cadmium from Greenlander's marine diet is very low.  相似文献   

杨芳绒  刘禹希  徐勇 《华中建筑》2011,29(11):113-115
北宋四大书院,即长沙岳麓书院、九江白鹿洞书院、登封嵩阳书院和商丘应天书院,在我国教育史上占有重要地位,它们是封建社会特有的教育组织.本文从选址、建筑布局以及人文景观等方面,总结说明北宋书院的景观特征及其形成原因.它们选址或依山或傍水,以期营造宁静的学习氛围;建筑布局受等级观念影响,基本符合中国古典园林特征,呈中轴对称的...  相似文献   

The practice of architecture is very similar in different national settings despite what may be very different sociological and cultural origins of the profession, the attendant variances in how work is organized and distinctions in equality and gender roles. The aim of this paper is to examine the quest for equality in architecture for women in the UK and Spain reporting the findings of a comparative study into women architects’ careers in the two countries. Within the qualitative paradigm, semi-structured in-depth interviews were carried out with a total of 55 women architects in the UK and Spain. Findings indicate surprising differences in levels and terms of equality for women in the two countries and marked differences in women’s experiences of working as an architect. Women have come to the profession in Spain much later than their British counterparts and, somewhat surprisingly, are present in greater numbers. However, despite there being more of a ‘critical mass’ this has not served to improve their situation; they report much higher levels of discrimination and find it difficult to progress in their careers. Conclusions argue for a stronger approach by the professional bodies to help improve the position of women.  相似文献   

对加拿大公众参与的理论基础、价值理念、发展历程和主要技术手段进行了总结.接着,以新斯科舍省“志愿规划”和哈利法克斯地区“社区远景规划”为例,分析了加拿大公众参与规划的典型模式.最后,针对我国公众参与规划现状,提出了加拿大公众参与理论和实践对我国的启示与借鉴.  相似文献   

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