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To manipulate light propagation in optical waveguides, we have studied holographic, chirped structures within the waveguide's core. The holographic structures were embedded along the wave propagation direction and extended throughout the entire guide. Various self-imaging guides have been analyzed and realized to demonstrate the effect of different structures.  相似文献   

Rastogi V  Chiang KS 《Applied optics》2002,41(30):6351-6355
We present a theoretical analysis of light propagation in a four-layer planar waveguide that consists of a long-period grating (LPG) having a period of the order of 100 microm. By means of the coupled-mode theory, we show that such a structure is capable of coupling light from the fundamental guided mode to the cladding modes at specific wavelengths (resonance wavelengths) and thus results in sharp rejection bands in the transmission spectrum of the waveguide. Our numerical results show that the resonance wavelengths as well as the transmission spectrum can be significantly changed with the waveguide and grating parameters. A waveguide-based LPG should provide a useful approach to the design of a wide range of integrated-optic devices, including wavelength-tunable filters, switches, and environmental sensors.  相似文献   

有机-无机复合材料光波导的制备   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有机-无机复合光波导在光通信领域具有重要的应用价值,是目前的研究热点之一.采用溶胶-凝胶法分别制备了膜厚达13μm的光滑平整的PMMA膜和具有紫外感光性的膜厚为1.76μm的SiO2/ZrO2凝胶膜,研究了SiO2/ZrO2凝胶膜的感光性及紫外光照对两种薄膜折射率的影响.在此基础上,以PMMA膜为包层膜,SiO2/ZrO2凝胶膜为芯层膜,实现了光波导的包芯层复合.利用SiO2/ZrO2凝胶膜的感光性,结合紫外掩模技术,制备了条形的有机-无机复合光波导,理论分析表明该复合条形光波导能够实现入射波长为1.31μm,模数为0,1的传输.  相似文献   

Brazas JC  Li L  McKeon AL 《Applied optics》1995,34(4):604-609
Waveguide grating couplers that have surface corrugation on both boundaries of the waveguide were fabricated by the deposition of waveguide material at high-vacuum pressures onto a surface-relief grating etched into the substrate. A lateral shift between the two gratings along the direction of the common grating vector was created during the waveguide deposition when the substrate normal was tilted with respect to the direction of material deposition. A series of waveguide thicknesses having an identical angle of deposition were examined to observe the effect of the waveguide thickness, and corresponding lateral shift, on the branching ratio and input-coupling efficiency. Branching ratios of above 98% and input-coupling efficiencies near the theoretical limit for an incident Gaussian beam were obtained.  相似文献   

Fabrication of optical gratings by shrinkage of a rubber material   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ordered wavy surface structures generated by deposition of a metal thin film on a pre-stretched PDMS plate were fabricated and its potential application for optical gratings was proposed. The orientation of the generated structures was always perpendicular to the pre-stretched direction and the pitch of the structure could be adjusted ranging from 4.5 μm to 6.8 μm by controlling the strength of the pre-stretched strain and the thickness of the surface metal film. Based on these periodic structures, various optical gratings were demonstrated. With a slight modification of the fabrication scheme, gratings with different orientations can be fabricated on both sides of the PDMS plate, the double-sided gratings, could be fabricated. It is believed the current method has the potential for the fabrication of a large-scale diffractive grating at lower costs.  相似文献   

The coupled-mode equations for dual-overwritten chirped fiber Bragg gratings (CFBGs) are obtained and numerically calculated. By simulating the reflection spectra of dual-overwritten CFBGs, we have investigated the effects of chirp coefficient, period difference, grating length and index modulating coefficient, on the reflection spectrum and its intensity and full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM).  相似文献   

With the aim of reducing surface reflections and increasing the diffraction efficiency we investigated the superposition of subwavelength phase gratings onto blazed phase gratings. With direct-write electron-beam lithography bare blazed gratings and blazed gratings carrying subwavelength gratings were fabricated and their optical performances compared. For TE polarization the subwavelength-carrying gratings showed a maximum diffraction efficiency of 90.6%, whereas the corresponding maximum value for the bare grating was 86.3%. The experiment was simulated with rigorous diffraction theory.  相似文献   

A novel, to our knowledge, integrated wavelength-division multiplexing-passive optical net demultiplexer that uses an arrayed-waveguide grating and diffractive optical elements is presented. The demultiplexer is used to distribute 1.3-mum wavelength signals and to multiplex an eight-channel wavelength-division multiplexer spectrum at a 1.55-mum wavelength. The device shows high functionality and good optical performance. The measured cross talk was less than -21 dB, and the 3-dB bandwidth was determined to be 97 GHz, which is close to the theoretical value of 93 GHz. Average losses of 4.5 and 8 dB were measured for the 1.3- and the 1.55-mum signals, respectively.  相似文献   

Duval M  Fortin G  Piché M  McCarthy N 《Applied optics》2005,44(24):5112-5119
We present a novel scheme of tunable semiconductor laser based on the use of a chirped grating in an external cavity. The chirped grating is fabricated using a simple holographic technique: two Gaussian beams having wavefronts with different radii of curvature are brought to interfere on a photoresist layer. The tuning properties of chirped gratings have been investigated with semiconductor lasers operated with an external cavity. With this type of grating positioned in Littrow configuration, the wavelength selection can be done by translating the grating without any need to rotate it. This cavity configuration provides a tunable output beam with an angle of propagation that is independent of the wavelength. The translation of chirped gratings was shown to tune a visible diode laser and an infrared diode laser over the same spectral band as the conventional tuning scheme where an unchirped grating is rotated.  相似文献   

An intensity-referenced temperature-independent curvature-measurement technique that uses a smart composite that comprises two chirped fiber Bragg gratings is demonstrated. The two gratings are embedded on opposite sides of the composite laminate and act simultaneously as curvature sensors and as wavelength discriminators, enabling a temperature-independent intensity-based scheme to measure radius of curvature. Also, the system's performance is independent of arbitrary power losses that are induced in the lead fibers to the sensing head. It is demonstrated that the measurement range depends on the relative positions of the chirped fiber Bragg gratings and on their spectral bandwidths. By using two chirped fiber Bragg gratings with bandwidths W1 = 2.8 nm and W2 = 3.7 nm and with central wavelengths at lambda 01 = 1560.3 nm and lambda 02 = 1563.7 nm, we obtained a resolution of 1.6 mm/square root of Hz for the measurement of the radius of curvature (approximately R = 350 mm) over the measurement range 190 mm < R < infinity.  相似文献   

Jradi S  Soppera O  Lougnot DJ 《Applied optics》2008,47(22):3987-3993
A new method for the fabrication of polymer waveguides between two optical fibers using a spatially controlled photopolymerization is reported. By taking advantage of the self-guiding effect of light through a photopolymerizable medium, polymer waveguides perfectly aligned with the fiber cores and strongly anchored to their surfaces are fabricated. The process is characterized by following in situ the coupling efficiency of a nonactinic laser source. Examples of waveguides exhibiting good coupling efficiency and high flexibility are given. By selecting the suitable monomers and adjusting the photonic parameters, the optical and mechanical waveguide properties (diameter, length, refractive index, rigidity, and flexibility) can be controlled in view of optical sensor applications.  相似文献   

Investigations of highly efficient grating couplers for polymer slab and strip waveguides fabricated by electron-beam lithography are reported. A maximum input efficiency of 67% is achieved. The electron-beam direct-writing technique allows one to replicate the original gratings into polymer substrates by embossing. An all-polymeric optical chip with efficient grating couplers is demonstrated. Waveguide grating couplers with blazed profile and variable grating depth are investigated. Thus, the intensity distribution of the outcoupled light is matched to a Gaussian-like profile. A focusing blazed grating that couples the light with an efficiency of 42% into a polymer strip waveguide is reported. A curvature correction of the grating lines allows one to improve the focusing properties.  相似文献   

Arons E  Leith EN  Tien AC  Wagner R 《Applied optics》1997,36(12):2603-2608
We describe a system for achieving high-resolution range gating using optically chirped pulses. The technique converts signals from the time domain into signals in the frequency domain through a nonlinear, sum-frequency generation process. The technique is based on similar methods used in microwave radar. We draw analogies between our method and conventional and time-lens imaging processes, and present experimental results demonstrating the method.  相似文献   

Petermann I  Helmfrid S 《Applied optics》2005,44(20):4375-4383
Different sources of stitch errors are identified and simulated in a 200 mm long chirped grating. In each case, the effect on the group-delay ripple and transmission spectrum is investigated. The anticipated response in a typical 10 Gbit/s transmission system is specifically considered. From the simulations, it is clear that information about error source and magnitude can be gained directly from the transmission spectrum.  相似文献   

A plasmon-polariton Bragg grating (PPBG) concept, based on the propagation of the long-range ss0b mode in structures comprising a thin metal film of finite width embedded in a homogeneous background dielectric, is discussed theoretically. The PPBGs are operated in an end-fire arrangement with access plasmon-polariton waveguides or optical fibers being directly butt-coupled to their input and output ports. A model for the PPBGs, which was recently proposed and validated experimentally for third order structures, is used to generate theoretical results describing their expected performance for various architectures. First order uniform periodic, interleaved, and apodized grating structures are considered and compared. Third order uniform periodic designs are also considered. The gratings investigated are based on a 20 nm thick Au film embedded in SiO2 and have a Bragg wavelength near 1550 nm. First order uniform periodic gratings provide the strongest reflection, with a maximum reflectance of about 97% being achievable over a length of a few millimeters and over a full width at half-maximum bandwidth of about 0.8 nm. The off-resonance insertion loss of the gratings can be as low as a few decibels. Specific Bragg wavelengths can easily be attained using interleaving without requiring extraordinary resolution from the fabrication process. Apodized designs providing low sidelobe levels are also investigated.  相似文献   

Zhu X  Lu Y  Zhang G  Wang C  Zhao M 《Applied optics》2008,47(8):1135-1140
An analytical expression for calculating the position of the reflection-peak wavelength of a chirped sampled fiber Bragg grating (C-SFBG) is obtained for what is believed to be the first time. Using Fourier theory, the chirped sampling function of the C-SFBG is expanded, and an equivalent local Bragg period is then obtained to derive the expression of the peak wavelength. The calculated results based on the expression are in excellent agreement with the numerical reflection spectra obtained by the conventional transfer-matrix method.  相似文献   

Thin-film GaAs waveguides were designed and fabricated by molecular beam epitaxy for use in mid-infrared (MIR) evanescent field liquid sensing. Waveguides were designed to facilitate the propagation of a single mode at a wavelength of 10.3 microm emitted from a distributed feedback quantum cascade laser, which overlaps with molecular selective absorption features of acetic anhydride. The characterization of the waveguides shows transmission across a broad MIR band. Evanescent field absorption measurements indicate a significant sensitivity enhancement in contrast to multimode planar silver halide waveguides.  相似文献   

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