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以工业平衡剂LBO-16为催化剂,在小型固定流化床上考察了反应温度、剂油比对加拿大合成原油(SCO)常压重油(AR)、混合原油(SCO:大港原油为3:7)常压重油催化裂化反应性能的影响,并在相同的反应条件下,考察了SCO、混合原油及大港原油的AR与其VGO的催化裂化产物产率和分布情况。研究结果表明,反应条件对两种原油AR的催化裂化产物产率变化规律的影响是一致的。在最优的反应条件下,SCOAR及混合原油AR的轻质油收率分别为63.51%,58.37%。SCOAR的催化裂化产物产率与其VGO相比变化不大,混合原油AR及大港原油AR的催化裂化产物产率与其VGO相比分布变差。  相似文献   

一种新型防腐管材--钢骨架塑料(HDPE)复合管   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
油田污水输送钢质管道、油和污水混输钢质管道的腐蚀极为严重,长期困扰着工程界,为此开发了一种新型管材——钢骨架塑料(HDPE)复合管,它将塑料的耐腐蚀性和钢材的耐温耐压性能结合起来,其优良的综合性能完全适应油田污水等腐蚀介质输送管道的使用需求,可延长管道的使用寿命,从而给油田带来显著的经济效益。近年来的工程应用已验证了这种新型管材的推广使用价值。  相似文献   

以大港石化公司提供的工业平衡催化剂LBO-16为催化剂,在小型固定流化床实验装置上考察了反应温度、剂油比和重时空速对加拿大合成原油(SCO)减压馏分油(VGO)、混合原油(SCO:大港原油为3:7)减压馏分油及大港原油减压瓦斯油的催化裂化产物产率和分布的影响。研究结果表明,反应条件对三种减压馏分油的催化裂化产物变化规律的影响是一致的,反应条件对大港减压馏分油的影响较大。在最优的反应条件下,加拿大合成原油减压馏分油的轻质油收率为64.5%,混合减压馏分油的轻质油收率为66%左右,加拿大合成原油减压馏分油和大港减压瓦斯油相比,有较低的焦炭和液化石油气产率以及较高的柴油产率。  相似文献   

张建 《中国石油企业》2011,(5):22-23,128
2011年4月12日,在金砖国家领导人第三次会晤及其配套活动开启之前,金砖国家的两个重要成员—中国和巴西在北京举办了一场题为"超越互补、合作共赢"的研讨会,共商经贸、农业、能源等领域的合作事宜。  相似文献   

在蓖麻油分子中引入硫,合成了一种新型环境友好润滑添加剂(SCO),并利用红外光谱对其主要官能团进行了表征。通过四球试验机考察了SCO在菜籽油中的抗磨性能与极压性能,用X射线光电子能谱仪对其磨痕表面元素进行分析,探讨该类添加剂的极压抗磨作用机理。结果表明,硫化蓖麻油润滑添加剂在菜籽油中具有优良的极压抗磨和减摩性能,其润滑作用机理是由于长链蓖麻油分子的载体作用、硫的高反应活性以及二者的协同作用与摩擦金属表面形成了一层高强度的吸附膜和(或)摩擦化学反应膜。  相似文献   

作为世界第二大经济体,中国的油气对外依存度快速增长,2012年原油对外依存度已接近60%、天然气对外依存度已接近30%,国家油气安全形势严峻。截至2012年底,中国外汇储备余额超过3万亿美元,该类以欧美为主的庞大国债外汇储备该去往何处?针对国家外汇安全与油气安全日益突出的问题,提出了应将我国庞大的外汇储备重点用于投资海外油气上游业务的战略观点,并从市场需求、油气价格、石油战略储备、节能减排、行业整体优势、增强国力、经济效益、油气安全战略等方面论述了其必要性和可行性;对未来中国油气需求量、油气产量、进口油气量及用汇情况等进行了综合预测。结论认为:进一步做大做好海外油气勘探开发工程既可大幅度降低进口油气成本,同时还可以增加对油气资源的掌控度与话语权,降低油气资源安全战略风险,带动油气技术服务出口。  相似文献   

Saudi Arabia is a major crude oil producer and exporter. Additionally, with the completion of its master gas gathering and treatment system petrochemical industries became the Kingdom's second major industrial sector. Currently, the Saudi petrochemical industry depends mainly on (C1) methane and (C2) ethane components of associated gas (AG) and natural gas (NG) as feedstocks. A variety of basic petrochemicals are now being produced principally by plants of the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC).

There is a necessity of enhancing the use of various under-utilized hydrocarbon resources. At present, one of the favored under-utilized resources and potential candidates for upgrading is light naphtha (LN). Because LN has the advantage of producing a more diverse petrochemical product portfolio than C1 and C2 components, it is expected that LN will assume an increasing importance as feedstock in the future development of petrochemical industries in Saudi Arabia. However, industrial opportunities for economies of large-scale production of petrochemicals based on LN might not be favored.

Saudi Arabia's chemical and petrochemical industrial sector has not yet been fully developed, and its production lines are not enough diversified to benefit from LN. The development and expansion of Saudi petrochemical industries usually follows the international trend in this sector, and benefits from its technological achievements. Worldwide global shift in the use of feedstock in this industrial sector will be reflected in the Saudi petrochemical industries. As the world trend is to maximize the utilization of under-utilized petroleum resources, one would expect optimization of LN utilization in Saudi Arabia in the near future.  相似文献   

刘毅军  马莉 《天然气工业》2016,36(6):98-109
2014年下半年以来,国际原油价格迅速下跌,给全球天然气产业链都带来了深刻的影响。如何应对低油价,是所有油气从业者都不能回避的问题。为此,梳理了近年来全球天然气产业链从高油价时期步入低油价时期的发展历程;分析了低油价对全球天然气生产格局、价格,以及发展前景的影响;并着重探讨了持续的低油价为中国的天然气产业链带来的机遇和挑战。结论认为:1油价下跌使油气公司经营业绩下滑,为度过当前困境,油气公司都采取了削减资本支出等措施,对未来油气产量可能会产生不利影响;2低油价使世界天然气价格都有不同程度的下跌,相对原油价格,天然气经济性下降明显;3非常规天然气因其高成本遭受低油价冲击大,国外非常规油气公司破产现象加剧,国内油气企业对待非常规资产的态度差异大,以中石油、中石化为代表的部分企业继续加紧推进其他企业慎重对待;4油气资产并购市场因多个因素影响,市场表现较为"冷静";5中国天然气产业链正处于快速发展阶段,本轮油价下跌对天然气产业链结构改革而言则是机遇与挑战并存。  相似文献   

油气井效益的高低直接影响到油气开采企业效益的好坏,以前油气井效益评价及其分类研究或多或少存在分类指标不明确、分类不完全等问题。为此,以油气井生产成本和费用的不同范围(层次)的归集为基础,建立相应的油气井效益评价模型,按效益值的大小将油气井分为高效益井、效益一类井、效益二类井、边际效益井和负效益井5类。油气井效益评价方法简单、实用、易操作,分类思路清晰、分类含义清楚,为科学评价油气井生产经营状况提供了依据。  相似文献   

Since July 2014,when the international oil price slumped,the upstream sector of global oil and gas industry has experienced a tough transformation phase lasting over two years.In terms of the development trend,the global upstream sector has demonstrated six characteristics since 2017:firstly,global upstream investment will probably demonstrate the trend of "touching the ground and rising again";secondly,upstream operating costs will continually decline;thirdly,more favorable finance and taxation clauses will be offered for some resources to be developed through foreign cooperation;fourthly,global oil and gas output will probably further increase;fifthly,upstream exploration efficiency is anticipated to steadily increase;and sixthly,upstream geological understandings,theory and technology will continue to advance.In accordance with the above-mentioned development trends,Chinese oil enterprises must be prepared in four aspects for future rejuvenation.Firstly,persistent upstream investment has to be guaranteed,particularly in the exploration field;secondly,upstream operation efficiency must be promoted through the enhancement of technical research;thirdly,overseas upstream property must be purchased within the "time window";and fourthly,reforms have to be carried out to realize transformation in the petroleum industry.  相似文献   

When you look for gas stations to refill your car's tank in China, you will probably find only two brands: CNPC and Sinopec. But there will soon be a new player in the market:"Shide." Private firm Dalian Shide Group has recently won a licence to trade refined oil, putting an end to the monopoly of CNPC and Sinopec in the oil retail sector.  相似文献   

国际油价屡创新高。石油价格上涨将对经济领域的各个方面产生负面影响,从而降低经济增速并加大通胀压力。具体地说,油价上涨会对石化行业、火力发电业、化工行业、运输业以及种植业、渔业、林业等带来较大冲击,而石油和天然气开采业则是油价上涨的受益者。但同时也应看到,石油价格上涨带来的并非都是负面影响,因为油价上涨可以促进劳动与资本资源向石油开采部门流动,有利于我国石油工业的发展;有利于促进能源的节约,缓解我国石油的供需矛盾;有利于推动产业部门在技术进步方面作更多的努力。总之,不断上涨的油价对我国经济冲击很大,但也将促使我国经济结构朝着更合理的方向转变。  相似文献   


Saudi Arabia is a major crude oil producer and exporter. Additionally, with the completion of its master gas gathering and treatment system petrochemical industries became the Kingdom's second major industrial sector. Currently, the Saudi petrochemical industry depends mainly on (C1) methane and (C2) ethane components of associated gas (AG) and natural gas (NG) as feedstocks. A variety of basic petrochemicals are now being produced principally by plants of the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC).

There is a necessity of enhancing the use of various under-utilized hydrocarbon resources. At present, one of the favored under-utilized resources and potential candidates for upgrading is light naphtha (LN). Because LN has the advantage of producing a more diverse petrochemical product portfolio than C1 and C2 components, it is expected that LN will assume an increasing importance as feedstock in the future development of petrochemical industries in Saudi Arabia. However, industrial opportunities for economies of large-scale production of petrochemicals based on LN might not be favored.

Saudi Arabia's chemical and petrochemical industrial sector has not yet been fully developed, and its production lines are not enough diversified to benefit from LN. The development and expansion of Saudi petrochemical industries usually follows the international trend in this sector, and benefits from its technological achievements. Worldwide global shift in the use of feedstock in this industrial sector will be reflected in the Saudi petrochemical industries. As the world trend is to maximize the utilization of under-utilized petroleum resources, one would expect optimization of LN utilization in Saudi Arabia in the near future.  相似文献   

中国石油非常规油气业务发展与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作为我国最大的油气生产商和供应商,中国石油天然气集团公司按照综合性国际能源公司的定位,积极有效地推进非常规油气业务发展,其非常规油气业务主要包括煤层气、油页岩、油砂、页岩气等。为此,介绍了该公司非常规油气业务发展的现状:①在煤层气产能建设方面已取得实质性进展,建成了年产3×108 m3的气田;②开展了油砂资源评价和新疆准噶尔盆地西北缘油砂资源勘查,先导试验基地正在稳步建设;③开展了大庆柳树河盆地油页岩精查,启动3×104 t/a中试厂建设;④跟踪进行了其他非常规油气资源的研究。分析了该公司非常规油气业务所面临的机遇与挑战,最后指出了该公司非常规油气资源业务的发展思路,明确了发展目标:到2010年,投资100亿元,形成新能源年生产能力300×104 t油当量,其中煤层气占全国总产量的40%,页岩油和油砂油产量占全国总产量的20%。  相似文献   

《Oil and Energy Trends》2008,33(2):13-14
Following a decline in the number of insurgent attacks on its population and its oil infrastructure, Iraq is trying to revive its oil industry by inviting foreign oil and gas companies to return to its upstream sector. Some progress has been made by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in the less-troubled north of the country, but levels of inward oil investment remain small. Baghdad nevertheless hopes that a fall in violence in much of the rest of the country will tempt some more foreign companies and informal talks have already been held with a number of British and US oil majors.  相似文献   

In Alberta, oil sands bitumen is utilized for synthetic crude oil (SCO) production by surface mining, bitumen extraction followed by primary (coking) and secondary (catalytic hydrotreating) upgrading processes. SCO is further refined in specially designed or slightly modified conventional refineries into transportation fuels. Oil sands tailings, composed of water, sands, silt, clay and residual bitumen, is produced as a byproduct of the bitumen extraction process. The tailings have poor consolidation and water release characteristics. For twenty years, significant research has been performed to improve the consolidation and water release characteristics of the tailings. Several processes were developed for the management of oil sands tailings, resulting in different recovered water characteristics, consolidation rates and consolidated solid characteristics. These processes may affect the performance of the overall plant operations. Apex Engineering Inc. (AEI) has been developing a process for the same purpose. In this process oil sands tailings are treated with Ca(OH)2 lime and CO2 and thickened using a suitable thickener. The combination of chemical treatment and the use of a thickener results in the release of process water in short retention times without accumulation of any ions in the recovered water. This makes it possible to recycle the recovered water, probably after a chemical treatment, as warm as possible, which improves the thermal efficiency of the extraction process. The AEI Process can be applied in many different fashions for the management of different fractions of the tailings effluent, depending on the overall plant operating priorities.  相似文献   

废弃油气井可能的环境法律问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈自强 《天然气工业》2011,31(8):116-119
废弃油气井存在潜在的环境危害,如果疏于管理,则可能造成环境损害。这类井如果产生环境损害,油气企业可能将面临相应的法律风险。为了油气企业和社会公众的利益,实现安全、环境和社会责任之间的最大和谐,从分析废弃油气井的概念及其可能造成的环境损害入手,探讨了相应的民事责任、行政责任和刑事责任的构成及免责事由,并提出了若干相关法律风险防控的建议:油气企业应当秉承高度的社会责任感,制定相应的严格的废弃程序和行业标准,加强对废弃油气井的管理和技术规范力度,尽到企业必要的注意和作为义务,方可最大限度地维护油气企业的自身利益和公众利益,将可能的法律风险降至最低。  相似文献   

实施油气回收的必要性和技术方案的探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
简要介绍油气回收技术;从环保和增加经济效益的角度,以福建炼化公司的实际情况为例提出了油气回收的方案,并对实行该方案的必要性和经济效益做了分析;希望增强炼化企业对油气回收问题的重视,达到安全生产、改善环境和节约能源的目的。  相似文献   

Narrow fractions of Athabasca oil sands-derived synthetic crude oil (SCO) from Canada were obtained by distillation at 20 oC to 500 oC and characterized. The yield and properties, such as density, refractive index, viscosity, freezing point, sulfur and nitrogen content and UOP K-index, were correlated as a function of boiling temperature (Tb). The properties of naphtha fractions, jet fuel and diesel fractions could be predicted accurately with the correlations, which are useful for process design considerations, such as optimizing operating conditions of refinery processing units. The other key properties and characteristics of naphtha fractions, jet fuel, diesel and vacuum gas oil were also determined.  相似文献   

低产井间歇抽油技术研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
雷群  赵卫国 《钻采工艺》2001,24(2):20-21
本文根据安塞油田在开发过程,部分井表现出的低渗、低压、低产、低效与间歇出油的特征,推荐出低产油井间歇抽油的关井时间、开井时间及产量公式,并通过现场实践认识到,合理优化间开制度后,单井产量不会有较大程度的降低,且可提高低产井的经济效益。  相似文献   

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