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Plane-wave reflection and transmission in a planar interface between air and an axially chiral uniaxial medium whose axis is parallel to the interface is considered in the present study. By finding the reflection dyadic and its eigensolutions, we demonstrate that by dimensioning the uniaxial medium in a proper way, it is possible to make a reflection-transforming reflecting surface. The surface is able to transform the incident linear polarization into any other polarization with chosen axial ratio and handedness, and the reflected polarization can be continuously adjusted by rotating the surface around its normal direction. The reflected power is seen to be independent of the polarization of the reflected wave  相似文献   

Chiro-omega medium is a combination of the reciprocal chiral and omega media, and can be obtained by mixing helical and Ω — shaped wire elements in the host medium. In this article the most general uniaxial chiro-omega medium is studied. The solutions for the dispersion equations and corresponding eigenwaves are derived. Transmission and reflection properties of a chiro-omega slab at a normal incidence are studied, and the polarization, direction of the polarization ellipse, and relative powers of transmitted and reflected waves are given. The results are applied to find suitable parameters for designing a polarization transformer. These results are compared with those obtained in earlier studies on wave propagation in a free uniaxial chiral space, where the effect of the boundaries of a proposed polarization transforming device have been neglected.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic waves in the most general linear reciprocal uniaxial media are considered. The theory is appropriate for novel reciprocal microwave materials which have properties of chiral composites and omega structures (or both) and can be modeled by uniaxial bianisotropic constitutive relations. Field coupling terms in the media equations are assumed to be the most general uniaxial dyadics with symmetric and antisymmetric components. Plane eigenwaves in unbounded media are studied and the theory of reflection and transmission in plane layers is constructed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a correction and a generalization of the solution presented previously (for original papers see R. D. Radcliff and C. A. Balams, "Modified propagation constants for nonuniform plane wave transmission through conducting media," IEEE Transactions in Geoscience Remote Sensing, vol. GE-20, no. 3, p. 408-411 (1982) and C. A. Balams, Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics, New York: Wiley (1989)) for the effective propagation constants of nonuniform plane waves at the planar interface of two isotropic homogeneous possibly lossy media of infinite transverse dimensions.  相似文献   

The reflection of a high-frequency electromagnetic field from an arbitrarily curved dielectric interface is considered. The fields are expanded in asymptotic series ofk^{-1}, known as Luneburg-Kline expansions. Based on a ray method the zero- and first-order terms ofk^{-1}of the reflected and transmitted field are evaluated at the interface. Associated with the fields at the interface, effective surface current densities can be used to determine the reflected and transmitted field at points away from the interface, which is done analytically for the reflected far field in the case of plane wave incidence. The result consists of a frequency-independent term, which is related to geometrical optics solution, and a term ofk^{-1}, which is a useful extension of geometrical optics solution in some cases.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the surface waves sustained by a plane interface which separates semi-infinite regions of vacuum and magnetoionic medium are investigated for the case in which the magnetostatic field is normal to the interface. It is found that plane surface waves exist if the gyromagnetic frequency is less than the plasma frequency and in the range of frequencies lying between the gyromagnetic frequency and1/sqrt{2}times the upper hybrid resonant frequency. The phase velocity of the surface waves is always less than the velocity of electromagnetic waves in free space, and it decreases monotonically with the increase in the frequency and goes to zero at1/sqrt{2}times the upper hybrid resonant frequency.  相似文献   

The reflection and transmission properties of plane waves on the interface of uniaxial chiral media with the optical axis parallel to the interface are investigated. The formulas of the reflected and transmitted power are derived. The curves of the group refractive angles, power of the reflected and transmitted waves for TE and TM incident waves are presented for three cases of dielectric constant combinations and for non-chiral, weak chiral and strong chiral media. Some new results are obtained, which are different from those in the uniaxial chiral media with the optical axis per-pendicular to the interface.  相似文献   

The laws of reflection and transmission of harmonic waves at a plane interface between a linear dielectric and a nonlinear dielectric are carefully analyzed. The exact expressions of the reflective and transmissive fields are derived. The further discussions are made to the fields at the conditions of vertical incidence and phase-matching.  相似文献   

A characteristic of a gyroelectromagnetic uniaxial medium is that its permittivity and permeability tensors have the same preferred axis. Dyadic analysis is used to obtain expressions for plane waves in such a medium, and their characteristics are explored. Conditions for incidental and pathological unirefringence are identified; and expressions for time-averaged Poynting vectors and time-averaged energy densities are obtained. Canonical sources for this medium are also identified.  相似文献   

Linear GPR inversion for lossy soil and a planar air-soil interface   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A three-dimensional inversion scheme for fixed-offset ground penetrating radar (GPR) is derived that takes into account the loss in the soil and the planar air-soil interface. The forward model of this inversion scheme is based upon the first Born approximation and the dyadic Green function for a two-layer medium. The forward model is inverted using the Tikhonov-regularized pseudo-inverse operator. This involves two steps: filtering and backpropagation. The filtering is carried out by numerically solving Fredholm integral equations of the first kind and the backpropagation is performed using fast Fourier transforms. Numerical results are provided to illustrate the performance of the inversion scheme  相似文献   

A direct approach to the investigation of the reflection of electromagnetic waves from a plane interface separating a vacuum half-space and a stratified anisotropic layer is presented. The formulation involves the generation of a Riccati differential equation for a certain 2×2 reflection matrix. The approach is already well established for scalar problems, but its implementation in cases which allow mode conversion is believed to be new. The reflection matrix concerned is unitary when the anisotropic layer is nondissipative, and an efficient numerical method to solve the equation is outlined. Sample results are presented to illustrate the theory  相似文献   

A time-harmonic electromagnetic plane wave obliquely incident on a half-space or a slab consisting of a so-called Ω medium is considered. The up- and down-going eigenmodes in the Ω medium are derived and used to calculate the reflection and transmission coefficients for TE and TM modes. The Brewster angles for an Ω half-space are computed. Numerical results for the co- and cross-polarized reflection and transmission coefficients for an Ω slab are presented.  相似文献   

Green's function solutions of the biaxial and uniaxial anisotropic layered-medium planar-structure is formulated in terms of Maxwell's equations. Diagonalized biaxial and uniaxial permittivity tensors in the coordinate system of interest are treated. The Green's function is found in the double Fourier transformed domain for three longitudinal-to-an-axis coupled electric-magnetic field sets applied to a simple layered structure. The approach is applicable to structures having discontinuities in two orthogonal planar directions such as patch radiators or resonators. Spectral Green's function is usable in method-of-moment calculations assisted by Galerkin's method.  相似文献   

基于球矢量波函数的正交完备性,给出了具有任意传播方向两种极化模式的平面波用球矢量波函数展开的形式,导出了其展开系数的具体表达式.研究了单轴各向异性介质球对任意方向入射平面波的散射,利用球矢量波函数及傅里叶变换方法得到了各向异性介质球的内场展开式,结合切向连续边界条件给出了散射系数.数值分析了介电常数张量元、有耗、无耗、尺寸参数、入射角和方位角等对单轴各向异性介质球的雷达散射截面的影响.  相似文献   

The authors utilized the concept of a compact antenna range to obtain plane-wave illumination to accurately measure scattering properties of simulated sea ice. They also made simultaneous measurements using conventional antennas. Measured scattering coefficients obtained with the plane-wave system at 10 GHz decreased by about 35 dB when the incidence angle increased from 0° to 10°. Scattering coefficients derived from data collected with the radar system at 13.5 GHz using conventional far-field antennas decreased by about 20 dB over the same angular region. This demonstrates that the far-field properties of a widebeam antenna are inadequate for measuring the angular scattering response of smooth surfaces. They believe that application of the compact antenna range concept for scattering measurements has a wide range of applications and is the solution to the long-standing problem of how to directly measure scattering consisting of coherent and incoherent components  相似文献   

A new formulation for studying electromagnetic wave propagation in an open, planarly layered medium is presented based on eigenfunctions of the Hertzian potential dyadic Green's function operator. Due to the complicated coupling of scalar components of potential at material interfaces, elevation of the usual vector eigenfunction problem to dyadic level is found to lead to a convenient, compact representation of wave propagation phenomena. Although we study the source-free problem here, the three columns of the eigenfunction dyadics represent (up to an excitation-dependent amplitude) the vector fields excited by a given three-dimensional source. The general theory of dyadic eigenfunctions is presented, including orthogonality and the possibility of associated functions (root functions) at modal degeneracies, and an example of propagation in a grounded dielectric slab environment is provided.  相似文献   

We describe a focal plane array using antenna elements and SIS junctions photo-etched on a quartz substrate. The etched antenna is of a new strip-line type in which a two-dimensional corrugated horn is phase-corrected with a strip-line lens. Good beam efficiency is indicated by the measured antenna patterns. A DSB receiver temperature of 225 K was obtained with a number of imperfections still present.  相似文献   

The relation between group velocity and the velocity of energy transport for surface waves in plane-stratified, anisotropic, dispersive media, which was derived in [1], is verified by direct calculation for the case of surface waves on a uniaxial, cold plasma slab located in free space. A superimposed dc magnetic field of infinite strength and parallel to the interfaces generates the uniaxial anisotropy in the slab. Surface waves having an arbitrary direction of propagation with respect to the dc magnetic field are considered. A useful graphical presentation of the dispersion relation is given, from which the direction of propagation of "surface wave rays" is directly obtained.  相似文献   

The problem of scattering of electromagnetic waves from a perfectly conducting grating with a periodic groove structure is considered. A system of dual series equations is derived by enforcing the electromagnetic boundary conditions; this leads to a boundary-value problem that is solved. The mathematics leading to the solution of the dual series system is derived from the equivalent Riemann-Hilbert problem in complex-variable theory and its solution. The solution converges absolutely and makes it possible to obtain analytical results, even where other numerical methods, such as the mode-matching method and spectral iteration methods, are numerically unstable. Consideration is also given to the relative phase values for the diffracted fields. The phase differences between the scattered fields resulting from two orthogonally polarized incident plane waves can be explicitly determined for any incidence angles and for any groove dimensions. Comparisons with results from the mode-matching method and the spectral-iteration method are also presented  相似文献   

The ground plane affects the characteristics of a planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) significantly. Using the idea of the high-impedance surface to construct the ground plane, a new type of compact PIFA with a photonic bandgap type (PBG-type) ground plane is proposed. Both the traditional PIFA and the proposed antenna are analyzed using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method in detail. It is found that the two antennas have similar directivity pattern characteristics, but the size of the latter can be reduced obviously. The results also show that the bandwidth of a traditional PIFA is not greatly affected by the thickness of the metallic ground plane and that the shapes of the directivity patterns are not greatly affected by the ground plane under the small size condition. The operating-frequency band of the proposed antenna can be adjusted by changing the dielectric substrate thickness of the ground plane. They are suitable for mobile communication applications.  相似文献   

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