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磁流变液传力特性的链化模型研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
介绍了磁流变流的传力现象,分析了磁流变液的渗变特性,利用磁学原理建立了磁流变液链化模型及传力特性的计算模型,可为磁流变液传动装置的设计提供参考。 相似文献
介绍了磁流变液的传力现象 ,分析了磁流变液的流变特性 ,利用磁学原理建立了磁流变液链化模型及传力特性的计算模型 ,可为磁流变液传动装置的设计提供参考。 相似文献
利用通电螺线管与铁心形成交变磁场,磁流变液中磁性颗粒在交变磁场中旋转,改变方向成链,在旋转过程中,非规则磁性颗粒对工件表面进行微切削。为了达到利用磁性颗粒对工件进行精密抛光的目的,需要形成磁流变缎带悬浮。设计新型结构,通过有限元方法对尖劈形磁场进行数值分析,分别给出了磁场强度和磁通密度随尖劈高度和螺线管宽度的变化规律。结果表明,尖劈结构优于无尖劈结构,随着尖劈高度的增加,磁场强度最大值逐渐减小,磁通量表现为先增加后降低,最大值位置发生变化;随着螺线管宽度的增加,磁通量最大值略有降低,但变化不大,其位置也是从铁心最低点变化到中间部位,磁场强度最大值先降低再升高,位置始终在尖劈处。以上研究结果为形成磁流体悬浮抛光的磁场设计提供了理论依据。 相似文献
磁流变液是一种新兴的智能材料,以其优良的物理特性、力学特性和可控性,广泛应用于工程领域。文中采用试验的方法对不同的磁场强度、不同的剪切速率以及不同的铁粉质量分数的百分比下的流变性进行研究,得到了磁流变液材料的性能随磁场强度、剪切速率、铁粉质量分数的百分比等变化的规律,为磁流变材料的开发研究和工程应用提供了基本依据。 相似文献
磁场作用下磁流变液的挤压与拉伸特性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为研究磁流变液在不同磁场作用下的挤压与拉伸力学性能,建立了用于测试磁流变液挤压与拉伸特性的实验装置,并通过ANSYS/Multiphysics对此实验装置磁路的磁感应强度分布进行了仿真分析。利用此装置研究了磁流变液在不同外加磁场强度下的挤压和拉伸特性,并建立了拉伸屈服应力与剪切屈服应力之间的关系。挤压实验表明,磁流变液在挤压应变约为0.15时具有最小的压缩弹性模量;当挤压应变大于0.15时,挤压应力和挤压弹性模量与挤压应变表现为指数关系,且指数随着外加磁场的增大呈上升趋势。拉伸屈服应力约为剪切屈服应力的4倍,据此计算得到的剪切屈服应变角在13.8~16.9°,验证了物理模型对磁流变液剪切应力描述的合理性。 相似文献
The rotation of magnetic field strength on a steel plate caused by uniaxial stress has been known for years. However, previous study investigated this phenomenon rather experimentally using hall plates and searching coils. This paper presents a fundamental study of magnetic anisotropy based on an analytic model using magnetic scalar potential. The magnetic field strength of the steel sheet can be solved mathematically by performing a special coordinate transformation. The calculated angular displacement due to stress induced magnetic anisotropy was later found to be highly consistent with FEM simulation results. Finally, the quantization of magnetic field rotation of an electrical sheet (ES) under variable tension stress was performed. Using 50CS470 ES sheet as the testing sample, it was discovered the rotation as much as 25° occurred when 50 MPa tension load was applied, corresponding to a permeability ratio of 2.8. 相似文献
应用有限元数值分析,建立了不同间隙下的有限元分析模型,分析了圆盘式磁流变液传动器件在不同电流下磁感应强度沿半径方向的分布,通过对数据结果进行分析、处理和拟合,确定了磁感应强度和半径之间的关系。并将拟合的表达式带入转矩的计算表达式,最终得出了不同电流下输出转矩和间隙之间的曲线。根据转矩与间隙之间的关系,分析了间隙和电流的变化对磁流变液传动的影响,最后得到了根据电流和间隙计算传动转矩的简单经验关系式,误差分析表明所提出的经验公式对于工程应用具有足够的精度。 相似文献
Magnetostriction is investigated to evaluate the stress relief caused by pulsed magnetic field treatment, because this physical property is closely associated with residual stress. Magnetostriction of different stressed samples is measured in this paper. The stress variations caused by pulsed magnetic treatment are also compared. It is found that magnetostriction variations are closely associated with stress changes. Thermodynamic potential is used to find the relationship between them. Based on several assumptions, we find that the product of magnetostriction amplitude and stress magnitude is nearly a constant during magnetic field treatment, which is valuable for stress relief evaluation and optimizing processing parameters. This conclusion is testified by stress measurements, and the calculated values are in accordance with the experiment results. 相似文献
基于大型非线性有限元分析软件MARC,建立了半连续铸造三维热力耦合的物理模型和数学模型及半连铸过程复杂的边界条件和热接触条件;模拟现场工艺变化规律,对铝溶体在凝固成形过程中的温度场和应力场进行仿真;通过改变结晶器冷却水量(改变一冷区和二冷区的界面传热强度)及拉坯速度等工艺参数,利用该软件系统综合分析了工艺条件的改变对铝锭温度场和应力场的影响规律.仿真分析结果与现场观测结果相吻合. 相似文献
Hidetoshi Kotera Muneo Sawada Susumu Shima 《International Journal of Mechanical Sciences》2000,42(1):129
Numerical method based on the Cosserat continuum theory is proposed for simulating behavior of a magnetic powder in an applied magnetic field. The Maxwell stress is induced in the magnetic powder. During powder forming process in the magnetic field, the magnetic particles are thus rotated and transferred by both mechanical and magnetic interaction. To simulate such powder behavior, we formulate a finite element equation considering Maxwell stress based on the Cosserat continuum theory of compressible plasticity. The powder behavior with magnetic alignment during compaction in magnetic field is simulated by the proposed method and the effect of couple-stress on the powder behavior is discussed. 相似文献
Lin Wu 《Tribology International》2006,39(3):261-265
In this paper we theoretically study a new concept of reducing the shear stress at the slider/disk interface for contact recording design by a second layer of liquid sandwiched between the slider and the PFPE lubricant. Our results show that a very thin layer of liquid with a much lower viscosity than that of PFPE is able to reduce the shear stress by a few orders of magnitude. Slight slippage of the second liquid at the slider surface further reduces the shear stress by a few times. 相似文献