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马尼拉草,又名沟叶结缕草,是禾本科结缕草,属多年生具根状茎的草本植物。它具有发达的地下根状茎,茎间短而纤细,根系浅,蔓延迅速,侵占力强,对土壤要求不太严格,植株较耐荫、耐践踏、耐碾压、耐修剪。在近年的园林绿化工作中,马尼拉草被广泛应用。  相似文献   

章士巍 《园林》1997,(6):37-37
草坪植物虽然都具有耐瘠薄的特点,但对人工建造的草坪来说,施肥是草坪管理中一项重要养护措施。施肥是为草坪草提供养料的方式,它能使草坪叶色浓绿,生长繁茂,促进其平衡生长,增强草坪对杂草的抵抗能力和耐践踏力。施肥要给草坪提供全面营养,但草坪植物主要是进行叶片生长,并且经常刈割,一般无开花结果的需要,所以氮是草坪草需要最多,最为关键的营养元素;磷对于草坪草,也是很重要的,它对草体内代谢调节作用很大,并能增加草坪草的抗逆性;钾对草坪草的主要作用是提高  相似文献   

马尼拉草在天津地区的引种栽培   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经几年栽培试验观察,马尼拉草是具有冷地型草坪草,叶细、翠绿观赏价值高的特点,又具有暖季型草坪草植株低矮、抗热、管理粗放的特点,草层富有弹性,耐践踏,是园林绿地铺设草坪的好草种,也是比较理想的运动场草坪。  相似文献   

曾宋君 《园林》1999,(4):36-36
西瓜皮椒草(Peperomia sandersii),俗称西瓜皮或西瓜皮豆瓣绿,胡椒科草胡椒属植物,本属植物全世界约有1000多种,多分布于热带亚热带地区,我国有9种。豆瓣绿中许多种类叶色繁多,栽培管理简单,是著名的室内耐阴观叶花卉,其中西瓜皮,椒草最具特色,深受人们的喜爱。西瓜皮椒草原产巴西,为多年生草本。株高15~25厘米,茎短,丛生,茎叶肥厚,叶  相似文献   

从实践中探索出一条适合滨海盐渍土的草坪建植方法:选择耐盐草坪草,并结合农业及水利措施建植草坪。  相似文献   

矮生百慕达又叫天堂草或杂交狗牙根,该草草矮密集,贴地面生长,草色浓绿,草姿优美,生长势强,绿色期长达260天,极耐践踏,养护管理方便,是很好的运动场草坪和绿化草坪,然而每到秋冬季节,一年生早熟禾往往容易杂生其间,损害草坪美观,并使草坪草在春季恢复生长时受到一定的影响。一年生早熟禾生长力很强,在相当低的刈剪条件下仍然可以形成  相似文献   

因水土流失而沟壑纵横的南京幕府山荒坡地带,已被植下的香根草变成了绿篱。 据中国香根草网络协调员、中科院南京土壤所研究员徐礼煜介绍,香根草原为热带禾本科植物,但在我国北至河南南阳、甘肃康县,南到海南岛的广大区域均可生长。香根草具有耐涝、耐旱、耐瘠、耐火、生长快等生物学特性。同时又具有优良的工程参数如较高的抗张强度、剪切强度、穿透性等,其庞大深扎的根系最深达5 m以上,可有效地固定坡地土壤,防止浅层土体的位移。它易种值、好管理、成本低、不会蔓延成杂草。所形成的绿篱可有效地防治水土流失,保护公路、铁路边坡,以及稳…  相似文献   

上房园艺 《园林》2006,(11):24-26
立体花坛立面运用植物以小型的草本为主,依据不同的设计方案也可选择一些小型的灌木与观赏草等。用于立面的植物要求叶形细腻、耐修剪、适应性强、色彩丰富。红绿草类是立体花坛运用最理想的植物,此类植物品种繁多、色彩艳丽、养护管理简便,用于本届立体花坛大赛的有玫红色的玫红草、三色相间的三色粉草、鲜红色的展叶红草等近20个品种。用于立面的其它植物还有紫黑色的半柱花类,银灰色的银香菊、朝雾草、蜡菊、线叶蜡菊、芙蓉菊等,黄色系的有金叶  相似文献   

对7种地被植物进行不同程度的遮阴处理,结果发现:九头狮子草、大吴风草和虎耳草在全光照下生长不良,出现斑叶、枯叶甚至死亡现象,随着遮阴强度增加,生长变好。多花筋骨草、聚合草和东方草莓在全光照和不同遮阴条件下生长差异较小,表现出较强的光适应性。百里香在全光照下生长发育良好,遮阴下生长减缓,甚至不开花,表现不适。7种地被植物随着遮阴强度加大比叶重下降,以百里香最为明显,九头狮子草、大吴风草和虎耳草下降幅度较小。九头狮子草和虎耳草在全光照下最大光化学效率偏低,耐光性弱。综合各指标看,虎耳草、九头狮子草和大吴风草为喜阴植物,百里香为喜阳植物,其他种类为中性植物。  相似文献   

室内珍品网纹草   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾宋君 《园林》1999,(1):30-31
网纹草(Fittonia verschaffeltii),别名费丽花,爵床科、网纹草属植物,原产南美秘鲁,是多年生常绿草本花卉。其植株矮小,茎呈匍匐状,叶柄与茎上有绒毛,叶片卵圆形,翠绿色,网状叶脉银白色或红色,十分醒目。盆栽种植时由别致的叶片组成一幅十分美丽的图案,具有很高的观赏价值,同时由于其耐阴湿、喜温暖、易栽培与养护,深受人们的喜爱,是室内小型观叶花卉的珍品,置于案头、茶几、花架、橱柜上使人赏心悦目,同时还可以用作室内吊挂式栽培。常见的网纹草有3种,分别为红网纹草、白网纹草与小  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2001,33(7):653-666
In a very hot climate equivalent to a Japanese summer, the reduction of heat coming into rooms is very important with respect to thermal comfort and energy efficiency. The objective of this study is to investigate the evaporative cooling effect from roof lawn gardens planted in non-woven fabric as one mode of passive cooling. It was confirmed by field measurements during the summer that the amount of heat coming into the rooms was reduced by a roof lawn garden. That is, the surface temperature of the roof slab decreased from about 60 to 30°C during day time, which was estimated to be followed by a 50% reduction in heat flux into the room by simple calculation. The evaporative cooling effect from roof lawn gardens is considered to play an important role in reducing heat flux. In order to evaluate the evaporative cooling effect of a roof lawn garden, analysis of the heat and moisture transport in the lawn garden is required. Thus, along with those field measurement, a wind tunnel experiment in a room was carried out in order to obtain the basic information for understanding and predicting the heat and moisture transport in the lawn. Furthermore, a numerical calculation by a simultaneous transport model of heat and moisture was carried out using the results of the wind tunnel experiment. The calculated results were in fairly good agreement with the measured values, and the evaporative cooling effect by the roof lawn garden was shown. For more accurate and quantitative evaluation and prediction, sensitivity analysis of the transport parameters and the examination of the proposed model including measurements are required.  相似文献   

成都城区河流廊道自生植物的生境及物种多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
河流廊道是自生植物生长的重要栖息地,但相关研究较为缺乏.运用均匀布样法,结合典型样地法,选取贯穿成都城区西北到南部的清水河、南河、府河为样段,共223个样方,分析自生植物定居的生境类型,探寻物种组成特征,以期为自生植物生境及景观营造提供参考.结果表明:生境按照距水的远近可分为无驳岸水边、驳岸和岸上三大类,根据基质及绿地...  相似文献   

为研究海底场地放大特征,选取日本相模湾地区6个海底强震台站和附近23个陆地台站,共188次地震的8199条地震动记录;采用广义反演法研究了海域与陆域数据反演震源位移谱的一致性;借助非参数广义反演法不受传统衰减函数形式限制的优势,分析了衰减函数的特征,反演了日本相模湾地区海域品质因子;最后分离并研究了海底台站的场地放大效应。相模湾地区海域与陆域地下介质存在明显不同,在震源、传播路径和场地条件三种效应解耦过程中,海域与陆域采用相同的衰减函数,会影响海底场地放大效应的估计精度。该文在海底场地放大的研究中区分考虑了陆域与海域的衰减函数,结果表明:日本相模湾地区海域品质因子在高频处对几何衰减模型十分敏感,且小于陆地上的品质因子,即水平方向的地震动在海域衰减速度高于陆域;考虑海域衰减特性进一步提高了海底强震动台站的场地放大估计精度。  相似文献   

Gardeners can consume a large proportion of total domestic water, depending on their garden type and gardening style. We calculated water requirements of gardens based on species composition and land cover, and determined whether they can be predicted from the socio-economic, demographic and cultural characteristics of households. We recorded the plant species composition, garden cover types, and household characteristics of 258 households in suburbs of the Mediterranean coast of Catalonia. The distribution of the 635 species in these gardens were the input to a cluster analysis, in which semi-natural gardens, vegetable gardens, lawn gardens and ornamental gardens formed strong floristic groups, with ornamental gardens predicted to require the least water inputs and lawn gardens the most. We conclude that only income and a lack of work were related to our water requirement variable, reflecting the expense of water and the propensity of the retired to spend more time in the garden.  相似文献   

常绍建  张林瑞 《山西建筑》2010,36(26):339-341
根据多年来科研及工作实践,详细介绍了豫北地区草坪种植技术、现状并对该地区草坪建植与管理中出现的问题进行了探讨分析,从而为以后草坪建植工作再上新台阶打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

基于日本城市过去46年城市综合管廊开发、城市发展数据,揭示了日本城市综合管廊开发量与城市人口密度、人均GDP、人均建设用地面积、地价指数之间的内涵关系,得到:城市地下综合管廊开发量与城市人口密度之间存在较强负相关性;城市综合管廊开发量与人均GDP之间存在较强的正相关性;人均建设用地面积与城市综合管廊开发量之间存在较强的正相关性;地价指数与城市综合管廊开发量之间存在较强的负相关性。从本质上说明了城市发展对于城市综合管廊开发的驱动作用,进一步利用城市综合管廊与城市发展指标之间的定量关系,得到城市综合管廊开发量与城市发展指标之间的量化模型,该模型预测结果可以作为我国城市综合管廊开发决策的参考。  相似文献   

杜伊斯堡市区的柯尼希-海因里希广场改造,是为了突出广场的中央地理位置。广场的中心由一处名为“绿色地毯”的加长草坪区构成,草坪区由五大元素构成,完好地保留了旧草坪的迷人之处和灵活性。在春季,“漂浮的草坪”成为片花毯,番红花盛开,五颜六色的花瓣铺满整个草坪。每当夜幕降临时,地上的LED聚光灯为突出的草坪边缘提供照明,  相似文献   

Records of the past years showed that the climate of built-up regions differs significantly from rural regions and one of the most obvious and important modifying effects of urbanization on local climate is the urban heat island (UHI). In this paper, four types of land cover, namely urban bare concrete cover, urban woods or the shade of trees, urban water areas and urban lawn, were selected to study their microclimate, and the UHI was also analyzed using air temperature data measured at four fixed observation spots in Nanjing, China, during hot weather from July to September, 2005. Dry and wet bulb temperature data were obtained by whirling psychrometers, and wind speed data by cup anemometers. Our observed data focused on the detailed statistical analysis of the microclimate variation in the four types of land cover during the whole day. The results showed that: (1) the microclimate of these four types of land cover had significant differences among different observation sites. In general, the air temperature of these four types of land cover complied with the order during daytime: bare concrete cover>lawn>water areas>woods or the shade of trees, with reversed order during nighttime when the air temperature of the lawn became the lowest. Compared with the bare concrete cover, the other three types of land cover showed the effect of dropping air temperature ranging between 0.2 and 2.9 °C. There were some instant dynamic characteristics in detailed temporal series among these four types of cover in the different observation sites. (2) The UHI effect could be detected obviously by the air temperature difference between the urban center area and the rural area. The average UHI intensity during the monitoring period was between 0.5 and 3.5 °C; however, there were also significant day-to-day variations. A strong UHI effect usually occurred around midnight; while about 2–3 h after sunrise the UHI began to decrease till midday time; and during 13:00–15:00, the UHI effect had a sudden increase and then decreased again; after sunset, a peak UHI effect was frequently observed during 18:00–21:00. (3) Finally, by means of the standard deviation (SD), this paper provides a concise and comprehensive understanding for the temporal and spatial microclimatic dynamics of these four kinds of urban cover in the four observation sites. Air temperature at the height of 1.5 m in Nanjing showed that the nocturnally horizontal temperature gradient was somewhat different from that reported in other large cities, and a marked heterogeneity in a smaller ground cover scale could be detected from the microclimatic spatial pattern. There is no doubt that the analysis of these four types of land cover presents the insight into possible countermeasures to decrease the high air temperature in hot summers, and is relevant to the urban planning redevelopment.  相似文献   

袁玲 《山西建筑》2006,32(1):256-257
分不同路段介绍了公路路肩草坪的种植,对公路路肩草坪养护的三挂钩进行了详细阐述,提出了在路肩上采用同类不同品种或不同类的草坪草混植或适时适量播种补缺来达到优势互补适者生存的建议,从而提高草坪覆盖率。  相似文献   

段景联  董迎合 《山西建筑》2009,35(20):352-353
指出草坪建植和养护技术是草坪工程学的核心内容之一,从草坪坪用性状选择、草种的混播组合与混播技术、草坪播种与建植方式、播种量的确定和播种方法、足球场草坪的特殊管理技术等方面提出了具有实用性的见解,以期为足球场建设和管理积累经验。  相似文献   

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