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Mortars with different content of hydraulic lime and aggregates of a siliceous and carbonaceous nature differing in grain size, were designed for waterproofing historic masonry. The repair mortars design was taken into consideration the physico-chemical properties of the original ones. The water repellency of the designed mortars was enhanced through impregnation with an oligomeric organo-siloxane provided optimum water vapour permeability; this is due to the siloxane coating the capillaries without blocking the pores, as indicated from the slightly modified pore size distribution. The grain size of aggregates and the binder content influence the performance of mortars. Mortars with coarse aggregates develop high mechanical strength; nevertheless, micropores interconnected with macropores are responsible for the low salt-decay resistance. Increase of the binding content enhances the mechanical resistance but decreases the resistance to sulphate solutions, as a consequence of the small capillaries not allowing for salt crystallization. The mortar with the best performance consists of medium aggregates and a binder to aggregate ratio equal to 0.33; pores around 0.2 μm of radius enable salts to crystallize without provoking damage from crystallization pressure. The selected mortar, after fourteen months of application to the masonry, shows neither microcracks nor efflorescence formation.  相似文献   

The alkali-binding capacity of C-S-H in hydrated Portland cement pastes is addressed in this study. The amount of bound alkalis in C-S-H is computed based on the alkali partition theories firstly proposed by Taylor (1987) and later further developed by Brouwers and Van Eijk (2003). Experimental data reported in literatures concerning thirteen different recipes are analyzed and used as references. A three-dimensional computer-based cement hydration model (CEMHYD3D) is used to simulate the hydration of Portland cement pastes. These model predictions are used as inputs for deriving the alkali-binding capacity of the hydration product C-S-H in hydrated Portland cement pastes. It is found that the relation of Na+ between the moles bound in C-S-H and its concentration in the pore solution is linear, while the binding of K+ in C-S-H complies with the Freundlich isotherm. New models are proposed for determining the alkali-binding capacities of C-S-H in hydrated Portland cement paste. An updated method for predicting the alkali concentrations in the pore solution of hydrated Portland cement pastes is developed. It is also used to investigate the effects of various factors (such as the water to cement ratio, clinker composition and alkali types) on the alkali concentrations.  相似文献   

The reactivity of two metakaolins, which vary principally in their surface area, and Portland cements of varying composition were examined via isothermal calorimetry for pastes at water-to-cementitious materials ratio of 0.50 containing 8% cement replacement by weight of metakaolin. Both metakaolins examined appear to have a catalysing effect on cement hydration. Calorimetry showed accelerated hydration, a slight increase in cumulative heat evolved during early hydration, and - for some cements examined - apparently an increased intensity of the heat evolved, particularly during the period typically associated with hydration of calcium aluminates. The higher surface area metakaolin had a greater effect. It is proposed that the presence of metakaolin may enhance dissolution of cementitious phases and/or provide additional, well-dispersed sites for nucleation of hydration products, in addition to increasing the early age concentration of solubilized aluminium (due to metakaolin dissolution). The increased intensity of some of the calorimetry data also suggests that some additional exothermic reactions are occurring, which may be related to an increased reactivity of calcium aluminate phases in the cement as well as the reaction of the metakaolin. This effect is apparently increased as the cement equivalent alkali content increases.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to discuss the applicability of the tobermorite-jennite (T/J) and tobermorite-‘solid-solution’ calcium hydroxide (T/CH) viewpoints for the nanostructure of C-S-H present in real cement pastes. The discussion is facilitated by a consideration of the author's 1992 model, which includes formulations for both structural viewpoints; its relationship to other recent models is outlined. The structural details of the model are clearly illustrated with a number of schematic diagrams. Experimental observations on the nature of C-S-H present in a diverse range of cementitious systems are considered. In some systems, the data can only be accounted for on the T/CH structural viewpoint, whilst in others, both the T/CH and T/J viewpoints could apply. New data from transmission electron microscopy (TEM) are presented. The ‘inner product’ (Ip) C-S-H in relatively large grains of C3S or alite appears to consist of small globular particles, which are ≈4-8 nm in size in pastes hydrated at 20 °C but smaller at elevated temperatures, ≈3-4 nm. Fibrils of ‘outer product’ (Op) C-S-H in C3S or β-C2S pastes appear to consist of aggregations of long thin particles that are about 3 nm in their smallest dimension and of variable length, ranging from a few nanometers to many tens of nanometers. The small size of these particles of C-S-H is likely to result in significant edge effects, which would seem to offer a reasonable explanation for the persistence of Q0(H) species. This would also explain why there is more Q0(H) at elevated temperatures, where the particles seem to be smaller, and apparently less in KOH-activated pastes, where the C-S-H has foil-like morphology. In blended cements, a reduction in the mean Ca/Si ratio of the C-S-H results in a change from fibrillar to a crumpled-foil morphology, which suggests strongly that as the Ca/Si ratio is reduced, a transition occurs from essentially one-dimensional growth of the C-S-H particles to two-dimensional; i.e., long thin particles to foils. Foil-like morphology is associated with T-based structure. The C-S-H present in small fully hydrated alite grains, which has high Ca/Si ratio, contains a less dense product with substantial porosity; its morphology is quite similar to the fine foil-like Op C-S-H that forms in water-activated neat slag pastes, which has a low Ca/Si ratio. It is thus plausible that the C-S-H in small alite grains is essentially T-based (and largely dimeric). Since entirely T-based C-S-H is likely to have different properties to C-S-H consisting largely of J-based structure, it is possible that the C-S-H in small fully reacted grains will have different properties to the C-S-H formed elsewhere in a paste; this could have important implications.  相似文献   

Sulfoaluminate-belite (SAB) cements are an attractive class of low-energy cements from the viewpoint of saving energy and releasing less CO2 into the atmosphere during their production. Their hydraulic activity, however, does not match that of the ordinary Portland cement (PC) and needs improvement before they can be used on their own. However, SAB cements when blended with PC have the potential to be used effectively in traditional applications as shown by this study. Mortars made with blends of SAB cements and PC, and a cement-to-sand ratio of 1:3 by weight and a water-to-cement ratio of 0.5, indicate a superior protection against corrosion of steel to those made with blends of PC and blast-furnace slag (BFSPC). The prepared mortars were stored at 20 °C for 90 days under either a 60% relative humidity (RH)-dry air, or 100% RH-wet air conditions. With further improvement in the SAB cement quality through better understanding of their characteristics, a genuine competition between SAB/PC and BFSPC can be expected in practice.  相似文献   

The microporous material Ionsiv is used for 137Cs removal from aqueous nuclear waste streams. In the UK, Cs-loaded Ionsiv is classed as an intermediate-level waste; no sentencing and disposal route is yet defined for this material and it is currently held in safe interim storage on several nuclear sites. In this study, the suitability of fly ash and blast furnace slag blended cements for encapsulation of Cs-Ionsiv in a monolithic wasteform was investigated. No evidence of reaction or dissolution of the Cs-Ionsiv in the cementitious environment was found by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. However, a small fraction (≤ 1.6 wt.%) of the Cs inventory was released from the encapsulated Ionsiv during leaching experiments carried out on hydrated samples. Furthermore, it was evident that K and Na present in the cementitious pore water exchanged with Cs and H in the Ionsiv. Therefore, cement systems lower in K and Na, such as slag based cements, showed lower Cs release than the fly ash based cements.  相似文献   

During slurry preparation, effects of certain phenomena on fluidity and hardening characteristics of cement-based grouts have been reported. Deterioration of fluidity and hardening will affect the slurry performance, quality of workmanship and result in subsequent structural defects. There has been little research conducted on the effects of mixing energy during slurry preparation which has focused on the reasons or mechanisms for changes in characteristic properties. This work describes and measures the effects of several mixing parameters on properties of grouting materials, such as fluidity, hardening characteristics, shrinkage, heat of hydration, ion elution and crystallographic structure using X-ray diffraction and SEM. The results indicate that long mixing processes cause deterioration in fluidity and setting properties. These observations can be explained by acceleration in hydration kinetics and changes in microstructures and subsequent changes in dispersion states due to different mixing durations.  相似文献   

This paper aims to characterize spray-dried DWTP sludge and evaluate its possible use as an addition for the cement industry. It describes the physical, chemical and micro-structural characterization of the sludge as well as the effect of its addition to Portland cements on the hydration, water demand, setting and mechanical strength of standardized mortars.Spray drying DWTP sludge generates a readily handled powdery material whose particle size is similar to those of Portland cement. The atomized sludge contains 12-14% organic matter (mainly fatty acids), while its main mineral constituents are muscovite, quartz, calcite, dolomite and seraphinite (or clinoclor). Its amorphous material content is 35%.The mortars were made with type CEM I Portland cement mixed with 10 to 30% atomized sludge exhibited lower mechanical strength than the control cement and a decline in slump. Setting was also altered in the blended cements with respect to the control.  相似文献   

This paper aims at defining precisely, the threshold limits for several trace elements (Cu, Ni, Sn or Zn) which correspond to the maximum amount that could be incorporated into a standard clinker whilst reaching the limit of solid solution of its four major phases (C3S, C2S, C3A and C4AF). These threshold limits were investigated through laboratory synthesised clinkers that were mainly studied by X-ray Diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The reference clinker was close to a typical Portland clinker (65% C3S, 18% C2S, 8% C3A and 8% C4AF). The threshold limits for Cu, Ni, Zn and Sn are quite high with respect to the current contents in clinker and were respectively equal to 0.35, 0.5, 0.7 and 1 wt.%. It appeared that beyond the defined threshold limits, trace elements had different behaviours. Ni was associated with Mg as a magnesium nickel oxide (MgNiO2) and Sn reacted with lime to form a calcium stannate (Ca2SnO4). Cu changed the crystallisation process and affected therefore the formation of C3S. Indeed a high content of Cu in clinker led to the decomposition of C3S into C2S and of free lime. Zn, in turn, affected the formation of C3A. Ca6Zn3Al4O15 was formed whilst a tremendous reduction of C3A content was identified. The reactivity of cements made with the clinkers at the threshold limits was followed by calorimetry and compressive strength measurements on cement paste. The results revealed that the doped cements were at least as reactive as the reference cement.  相似文献   

The decrease in strength of tile adhesive mortars during wet storage was investigated. In a first approach, the water resistance of the polymer phases was tested on structures isolated from the mortar and in situ. It was observed that cellulose ether and polyvinyl alcohol structures are water-soluble. Subsequent investigations on polymer mobility within the mortar showed that the migrating pore water transports cellulose ether and polyvinyl alcohol during periods of water intrusion and drying. This leads to enrichments at the mortar-substrate interface. In contrast, latices interacting with the cement are water-resistant, and therefore, immobile in the mortar. Further experiments revealed that the mortar underwent considerable volume changes depending on the storage condition. Cracking occurred mainly close to the mortar-tile interface, cement hydrates grew within these shrinkage or expansion cracks. Test results revealed that the strength decrease of wet stored tile adhesives is caused by different mechanisms related to cement hydration, volume changes of the mortar, and reversible swelling of latex films.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic calculations disclose that significant changes of the AFm and AFt phases and amount of Ca(OH)2 occur between 0 and 40 °C; the changes are affected by added calcite. Hydrogarnet, C3AH6, is destabilised at low carbonate contents and/or low temperatures < 8 °C and is unlikely to form in calcite-saturated Portland cement compositions cured at < 40 °C. The AFm phase actually consists of several structurally-related compositions which form incomplete solid solutions. The AFt phase is close to its ideal stoichiometry at 25 °C but at low temperatures, < 20 °C, extensive solid solutions occur with CO3-ettringite. A nomenclature scheme is proposed and AFm-AFt phase relations are presented in isothermal sections at 5, 25 and 40 °C. The AFt and AFm phase relations are depicted in terms of competition between OH, CO3 and SO4 for anion sites. Diagrams are presented showing how changing temperatures affect the volume of the solid phases with implications for space filling by the paste. Specimen calculations are related to regimes likely to occur in commercial cements and suggestions are made for testing thermal impacts on cement properties by defining four regimes. It is concluded that calculation provides a rapid and effective tool for exploring the response of cement systems to changing composition and temperature and to optimise cement performance.  相似文献   

Synchrotron-based micro X-ray fluorescence (micro-XRF) and micro X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (micro-XANES) have been used to determine the spatial distribution of Al and S and to identify the Al- and S-bearing species in compact hardened cement paste hydrated at 50 °C. The contribution of the S-bearing cement phases to the composed S K-edge XANES spectra collected in ten S-rich regions was determined using least-squares fitting. Ettringite and calcium monosulfoaluminate were identified as the main S-bearing species in the selected regions. Factor analysis was employed to determine the contribution of the various Al-bearing cement minerals to the composed Al K-edge XANES collected in different Al-rich regions of the cement matrix. Principal component analysis revealed that all spectra could be fitted using three components. Target transformation further suggested that the two Al-bearing clinker phases (aluminate, ferrite) and secondary phases of the hydrate assemblage (ettringite, AFm phases, hydrotalcite) contributed to the set of components that made up the experimental spectra. Least-squares fitting allowed the relative contribution of each reference compound to be determined. Aluminate and/or ferrite were detected in all Al-rich regions. AFm phases were identified in six out of the ten regions studied, while ettringite was detected in only two regions. The study confirmed that AFm phases are important cement minerals in hardened cement paste hydrated at 50 °C.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2021,47(19):27511-27523
This study evaluated the fluorescence of white zirconia immersed in coloring and fluorescence liquids, subjected to glass infiltration and aging. Sixty zirconia discs were machined and divided into groups. Ten discs received no treatment before sintering (Group NT), ten discs were immersed in a coloring liquid (Group A2), and ten discs were immersed in a fluorescent liquid (Group F). The other thirty discs were infiltrated with glass after the previous treatments (Groups NT + I, A2+I, and F + I). The composition of the liquids was characterized by X-Ray fluorescence. Additional superficial roughness and X-Ray diffraction measurements were made. Diffuse reflectance and total fluorescence were evaluated before and after aging, performed in an autoclave at 134 °C for 4 h. By X-Ray fluorescence analysis, a high concentration of Fe2O3 (80.7 at%) was found in the composition of the coloring liquid; Bi2O3 (54.2 at%) and Cl (45.2 at%) were found in the fluorescence liquid. Greater reflectance was observed in the glass infiltrated groups, in particular Groups NT + I and F + I. Mean values found for arithmetic average roughness (Ra) varied around 0.2 μm. The 3D Fluorescence maps of the groups submitted to immersion showed a higher total fluorescence value than Group NT, except for Group A2. Group F showed the highest fluorescence value that was 12.8 times higher than the value of Group NT. Fluorescence emission occurred in the region between 350 and 550 nm after excitation ranging between 290 and 360 nm. The presence of the glass infiltrated layer protected the samples from hydrothermal degradation.  相似文献   

High strength can be obtained at early ages for precast concrete elements by the use of CEMI 52.5R cement (OPC) and thermal treatment (steam curing). To compensate for the announced withdrawal of CEM I cements because of high CO2 emissions during their production and the ecotax that this will imply, one attractive alternative is the use of composed cements resulting from the combination of clinker with mineral admixtures. In steam curing conditions, previous studies have shown an increase in the compressive strength at one day of age for mortars incorporating an OPC/blast furnace slag (GGBS)/metakaolin (MK) combination, in comparison with mortars incorporating OPC only. The present study investigates the connection between the compressive strength, at one day of age, of steam cured mortars made with various binders and the hydration of these binders. The progress of the hydration was characterised by means of XRD, thermal and microprobe analyses. The results indicate that the increase in compressive strength when MK is incorporated (OPC/MK or OPC/MK/GGBS) can be explained by an increase in the amount of C-S-H, C-A-H, C-A-S-H phases, a decrease in the amount of CH and a change in the chemical nature of the matrix (decrease in C/S ratio). The decrease in compressive strength of OPC/slag-based material can be explained by a reduction in the amount of hydrated phases (particularly C-S-H) and compactness.These are promising results for precast concrete manufacturers who are concerned about preserving the environment.  相似文献   

3:1 BFS:OPC, 9:1 BFS:OPC and 9:1 alkali activated BFS:OPC pastes cured at 20 °C and 60 °C for 90 days were submitted to accelerated carbonation under 5% CO2, 60% relative humidity and 25 ± 5 °C for 21 days. TGA/DTG was used to quantify the amounts of carbonates formed from calcium hydroxide (CH) and calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H), based on the CH and carbonate contents before and after carbonation. Apparent dry density, apparent porosity and gas permeability were measured before and after accelerated carbonation testing, and the phenolphthalein method used to determine the accelerated carbonation rate. The results showed that samples cured at elevated temperature, i.e. 60 °C, were initially less porous and, therefore, had decreased levels of both total carbonation and C-S-H carbonation. In addition, the carbonation of C-S-H was significantly higher in pastes that contained less CH before carbonation. In the activated 9:1 BFS:OPC, the carbonation of C-S-H was extensive, despite a lower carbonation rate than the analogous non-activated system. In the particular case of activated 9:1 BFS:OPC, a shift in the DTG decarbonation pattern was observed and XRD showed that aragonite was present as one of the calcium carbonate polymorphs.  相似文献   

This paper deals with two experimental methods to determine carbonation profiles in concrete. Gammadensimetry is a non-destructive test method able to measure the total penetrated CO2 and to monitor the carbonation process during laboratory accelerated tests. The second method is thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) supplemented with chemical analysis (CA): as TGA is performed on a small mortar sample not representative of the whole tested concrete, CA is needed to proportion the sample cement content, the sand content and to correct the TGA results becoming thus representative of the concrete mix. Consequently, TGA-CA gives accurate quantitative profiles in carbonated cementitious materials. Results are reported for an ordinary Portland cement paste, and three concrete mixes, containing siliceous or calcareous aggregates. The CO2 mass loss due to carbonation occurs from 530 to 950 °C, which overlaps the temperature range of the calcareous aggregate dissociation. To solve the problem, the origin of CaCO3 is carefully analyzed. Calcium carbonate ensuing from C-S-H carbonation dissociates in a lower temperature range than the more stable one ensuing from portlandite carbonation and from limestone, which enables C-S-H carbonation to be distinguished from calcareous aggregates. Therefore, TGA-CA allows the CaCO3 ensuing from C-S-H carbonation to be measured and to calculate the portlandite degraded by carbonation. Thus, the total calcium carbonates profiles can be deduced even when calcareous aggregates is present in the concrete mix.  相似文献   

Cement-based grout plays a significant role in the design and performance of nuclear waste repositories: used correctly, it can enhance their safety. However, the high water-to-binder ratios, which are required to meet the desired workability and injection ability at early age, lead to high porosity that may affect the durability of this material and undermine its long-term geochemical performance.In this paper, a new methodology is presented in order to help the process of mix design which best meets the compromise between these two conflicting requirements. It involves the combined use of the computer programs CEMHYD3D for the generation of digital-image-based microstructures and CrunchFlow, for the reactive transport calculations affecting the materials so simulated. This approach is exemplified with two grout types, namely, the so-called Standard mix 5/5, used in the upper parts of the structure, and the “low-pH” P308B, to be injected at higher depths.The results of the digital reconstruction of the mineralogical composition of the hardened paste are entirely logical, as the microstructures display high degrees of hydration, large porosities and low or nil contents of aluminium compounds.Diffusion of solutes in the pore solution was considered to be the dominant transport process. A single scenario was studied for both mix designs and their performances were compared. The reactive transport model adequately reproduces the process of decalcification of the C-S-H and the precipitation of calcite, which is corroborated by empirical observations. It was found that the evolution of the deterioration process is sensitive to the chemical composition of groundwater, its effects being more severe when grout is set under continuous exposure to poorly mineralized groundwater. Results obtained appear to indicate that a correct conceptualization of the problem was accomplished and support the assumption that, in absence of more reliable empirical data, it might constitute a useful tool to estimate the durability of cement-based structures.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) microanalyses of the calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) gel in Portland cement pastes rarely represent single phases. Essential experimental requirements are summarised and new procedures for interpreting the data are described. These include, notably, plots of Si/Ca against other atom ratios, 3D plots to allow three such ratios to be correlated and solution of linear simultaneous equations to test and quantify hypotheses regarding the phases contributing to individual microanalyses. Application of these methods to the C-S-H gel of a 1-day-old mortar identified a phase with Al/Ca=0.67 and S/Ca=0.33, which we consider to be a highly substituted ettringite of probable composition C6A2S?2H34 or {Ca6[Al(OH)6]2·24H2O}(SO4)2[Al(OH)4]2. If this is true for Portland cements in general, it might explain observed discrepancies between observed and calculated aluminate concentrations in the pore solution. The C-S-H gel of a similar mortar aged 600 days contained unsubstituted ettringite and an AFm phase with S/Ca=0.125.  相似文献   

This article presents a comprehensive modeling of temperature, carbonation, water and chloride ions transport in cover concrete using the transport model “TransChlor”. The TransChlor transport model employs weather data and chloride ion concentrations present on the concrete surface to predict the temporal and spatial evolution of the presence of chloride ion concentrations in the cover concrete pores. The main features of the TransChlor model are presented and validated.The TransChlor model has been calibrated using experimental data on liquid water movement in concrete of different permeabilities under realistic microclimatic conditions. Chloride ion transport is validated by means of experimental results obtained from a newly developed chloride ion optical fiber based sensor.  相似文献   

The hydrothermal formation of tobermorite during the processing of autoclaved aerated concrete was investigated by in situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. High-energy X-rays from a synchrotron radiation source in combination with a newly developed autoclave cell and a photon-counting pixel array detector were used.To investigate the effects of the silica source, reactive quartz from chert and less-reactive quartz from quartz sand were used as starting materials. The effect of Al addition on tobermorite formation was also studied. In all cases, C-S-H, hydroxylellestadite and katoite were clearly observed as intermediates.Acceleration of tobermorite formation by Al addition was clearly observed. However, Al addition did not affect the dissolution rate of quartz. Two pathways, via C-S-H and katoite, were also observed in the Al-containing system. These results suggest that the structure of initially formed C-S-H is important for the subsequent tobermorite formation reactions.  相似文献   

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