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为解决机器人设计功能单一而结构复杂,智能家居产品依赖终端而用户体验度差等问题,结合Kinect v2体感交互设备设计一种仿人形智慧家庭机器人,借助嵌入式硬件技术、语音合成技术、动态区域滤波算法、图像分割避障算法、二阶差分边缘检测方法和姿势序列有限状态机的动作识别方法,实现可自定义内容的自然语音交流与语音控制功能、可自动调速的自主避障与路径规划功能、可锁定目标的人物跟踪与动作识别功能。设计实现的机器人具有成本低廉、结构简单、适应性强、功能多样等优点。经实际测试,该智慧家庭管家机器人运行稳定,用户体验良好,可作为智能家居行业探索方向。  相似文献   

夏桂华  杨晟  蔡成涛 《计算机应用》2011,31(11):3129-3131
为了解决移动机器人在特定环境下自主性不强的问题,构建了自主移动机器人的遥操作控制系统。通过无线网络传输的通信方式实现了经过透视解算展开后的全景图像的传输和基于USB操纵杆的多功能远程控制平台的开发。详细介绍了机器人利用超声波传感器进行自主模糊避障的算法,利用USB操纵杆对机器人遥操作的程序实现,以及全景摄像头透视解算和视频压缩的方法。实验结果表明,构建的遥操作控制系统可以实现良好的人机交互,使移动机器人的自主性更强,更加智能化。  相似文献   

针对未知环境中声纳传感器定位与地图创建时传感数据不确定性高、可靠性低的问题,提出了一种新的室内环境建图方法。该方法建立容忍函数以判断噪声和镜面反射,同时借鉴了ArcTransversal Median Algorithm的思想和栅格概率估计并采用贝叶斯法则进行两次数据融合以减小声纳传感器信息的不确定性。在MORCS2机器人平台上实时创建地图实验表明,这种方法能快速实现从局部地图到全局地图的更新且有较好的精确性与鲁棒性。  相似文献   

所述六足仿生机器人基于SoC FPGA平台实现,结合了机械结构设计、六足步态控制、蓝牙传输技术、弯曲传感器、OpenCL图像处理加速、VR显示等诸多技术。ARM部分作为主控,存储摄像头视频图像,并调用FPGA模块对图像处理加速,通过路由器架设的局域网向VR眼镜输出视频流信息。FPGA部分用于接收蓝牙信号,驱动机器人手臂运动,摄像头拍摄角度切换以及六足行进。实际操作时操作者需佩戴自制的数据手套和VR眼镜。操作数据手套上的方向按键可控制机器人移动。数据手套的每个手指上安装有弯曲传感器,用于控制机械手臂跟随人手实时运动。VR眼镜中放置一个智能手机作为显示终端,实时显示机器人摄像头获取的画面。经过多次实际测试,操作者佩戴VR眼镜及数据手套均可远程操控机器人抓取置于复杂地形中的水瓶。  相似文献   

With the mature of the RFID technology and the wide use of the Internet of Things technology, it is a new research hotspot that RFID technology was applied to robot localization and navigation. RFID tags have the characteristic of storing information, long reading distance and using conveniently. A novel robot localization method combining RFID with laser data is proposed in this paper. When the robot detects an RFID tag, RFID antenna angle probability model is determined based on the fuzzy reasoning algorithm. Then the Bayes rule is used to estimate the direction of the robot. Finally, the robot global localization is realized by fusion of the laser ranging data. The experimental results showed that the precision of the positioning based on single RFID tag is enhanced greatly by combining laser detecting data.  相似文献   

In an autonomous multi-mobile robot environment, path planning and collision avoidance are important functions used to perform a given task collaboratively and cooperatively. This study considers these important and challenging problems. The proposed approach is based on a potential field method and fuzzy logic system. First, a global path planner selects the paths of the robots that minimize the potential value from each robot to its own target using a potential field. Then, a local path planner modifies the path and orientation from the global planner to avoid collisions with static and dynamic obstacles using a fuzzy logic system. In this paper, each robot independently selects its destination and considers other robots as dynamic obstacles, and there is no need to predict the motion of obstacles. This process continues until the corresponding target of each robot is found. To test this method, an autonomous multi-mobile robot simulator (AMMRS) is developed, and both simulation-based and experimental results are given. The results show that the path planning and collision avoidance strategies are effective and useful for multi-mobile robot systems.  相似文献   

赵宏  刘向东  杨永娟 《计算机应用》2005,40(12):3637-3643
同时定位与地图构建(SLAM)是机器人在未知环境实现自主导航的关键技术,针对目前常用的RGB-D SLAM系统实时性差和精确度低的问题,提出一种新的RGB-D SLAM系统,以进一步提升实时性和精确度。首先,采用ORB算法检测图像特征点,并对提取的特征点采用基于四叉树的均匀化策略进行处理,并结合词袋模型(BoW)进行特征匹配。然后,在系统相机姿态初始值估计阶段,结合PnP和非线性优化方法为后端优化提供一个更接近最优值的初始值;在后端优化中,使用光束法平差(BA)对相机姿态初始值进行迭代优化,从而得到相机姿态的最优值。最后,根据相机姿态和每帧点云地图的对应关系,将所有的点云数据注册到同一个坐标系中,得到场景的稠密点云地图,并对点云地图利用八叉树进行递归式的压缩以得到一种用于机器人导航的三维地图。在TUM RGB-D数据集上,将构建的RGB-D SLAM同RGB-D SLAMv2、ORB-SLAM2系统进行了对比,实验结果表明所构建的RGB-D SLAM系统在实时性和精确度上的综合表现更优。  相似文献   

赵宏  刘向东  杨永娟 《计算机应用》2020,40(12):3637-3643
同时定位与地图构建(SLAM)是机器人在未知环境实现自主导航的关键技术,针对目前常用的RGB-D SLAM系统实时性差和精确度低的问题,提出一种新的RGB-D SLAM系统,以进一步提升实时性和精确度。首先,采用ORB算法检测图像特征点,并对提取的特征点采用基于四叉树的均匀化策略进行处理,并结合词袋模型(BoW)进行特征匹配。然后,在系统相机姿态初始值估计阶段,结合PnP和非线性优化方法为后端优化提供一个更接近最优值的初始值;在后端优化中,使用光束法平差(BA)对相机姿态初始值进行迭代优化,从而得到相机姿态的最优值。最后,根据相机姿态和每帧点云地图的对应关系,将所有的点云数据注册到同一个坐标系中,得到场景的稠密点云地图,并对点云地图利用八叉树进行递归式的压缩以得到一种用于机器人导航的三维地图。在TUM RGB-D数据集上,将构建的RGB-D SLAM同RGB-D SLAMv2、ORB-SLAM2系统进行了对比,实验结果表明所构建的RGB-D SLAM系统在实时性和精确度上的综合表现更优。  相似文献   

Considerable discussion has appeared in recent literature about ‘distributed programming’. One area of discussion concerns the design of programming languages which support distributed algorithms. This paper examines the important issues in programming language design for distributed computing, and presents an example of a language philosophy which supports program development for a distributed environment. It also discusses experiences with the STARMOD distributed programming language.  相似文献   

Genetic Parallel Programming: design and implementation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a novel Genetic Parallel Programming (GPP) paradigm for evolving parallel programs running on a Multi-Arithmetic-Logic-Unit (Multi-ALU) Processor (MAP). The MAP is a Multiple Instruction-streams, Multiple Data-streams (MIMD), general-purpose register machine that can be implemented on modern Very Large-Scale Integrated Circuits (VLSIs) in order to evaluate genetic programs at high speed. For human programmers, writing parallel programs is more difficult than writing sequential programs. However, experimental results show that GPP evolves parallel programs with less computational effort than that of their sequential counterparts. It creates a new approach to evolving a feasible problem solution in parallel program form and then serializes it into a sequential program if required. The effectiveness and efficiency of GPP are investigated using a suite of 14 well-studied benchmark problems. Experimental results show that GPP speeds up evolution substantially.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to develop a tri-rotor flying robot, which adopts the Y-shaped three-rotor structure. In order to balance the yaw torque produced by the three rotors, the RC servomotor and linkage is installed on the tail axis in order to improve the angle of the rolling axis of the tail motor. Moreover, through the torque generated by the horizontal component of the lift from the inclined motor on the tail axis, it balances the yaw torque of the three rotors. The dynamic equations of the tri-rotor flying robot are determined in this paper. The relationship between motor thrust, angular acceleration, and voltage input was also studied in this research. In order to study the effect of control parameters on the flight stability completely, this study develops a universal stability experimental platform to help tuning the control parameters safely. Based on this, the tri-rotor flying robot can rapidly change flying gesture and avoid oscillation. Finally, we conducted some indoor and outdoor flight tests. From the experimental results, the tri-rotor flying robot can fly and hover stably in the sky.  相似文献   

建立了2D激光扫描匹配数据的构图方案,使用GMapping(一种高效的Rao-Blackwellized粒子滤波器,从激光数据学习网格地图)通过改变内部扫描配准算法,实现录制数据(原始2D扫描数据)经过激光配准算法后生成相对运动文件作为tf,用以提高地图生成和激光扫描配准的精度。实验基于机器人操作系统(ROS),开源的GMapping软件包进行同时定位和地图构建(SLAM),通过RVIZ(用于ROS的3D可视化工具)控制机器人运动。该方案可应用于移动机器人的导航、构图与2D重建、同步定位与地图构建(SLAM)等领域。  相似文献   

对蛇的身体结构和运动形态进行了分析,掌握了蛇的运动模型,分析了蛇在蜿蜒运动过程中的受力情况。通过对蛇行运动的研究,结合结构设计、控制系统设计等,设计一条13关节的仿生机器蛇,实现蜿蜒前进、转弯、蜷缩、抬头等动作。并对仿生蛇的设计提出一些看法,结合实际,对其未来发展提出建议。  相似文献   

侯荣波  魏武  黄婷  邓超锋 《计算机应用》2017,37(5):1439-1444
针对在室内机器人定位和三维稠密地图构建系统中,现有方法无法同时满足高精度定位、大范围和快速性要求的问题,应用具有跟踪、地图构建和重定位三平行线程的ORB-SLAM算法估计机器人三维位姿;然后拼接深度摄像头KINECT获得的三维稠密点云,提出空间域上的关键帧提取方法剔除冗余的视频帧;接着提出子地图法进一步减少地图构建的时间,最终提高算法的整体速度。实验结果表明,所提系统能够在大范围环境中准确定位机器人位置,在运动轨迹为50 m的大范围中,机器人的均方根误差为1.04 m,即误差为2%,同时整体速度为11帧/秒,其中定位速度达到17帧/秒,可以满足室内机器人定位和三维稠密地图构建的精度、大范围和快速性的要求。  相似文献   

The implementation of the forward kinematics algorithm to position control robot manipulators is discussed. The objective is to control the manipulator in real time by dividing the task between a network of transputers. The underlying strategy is the fine-grain distribution of tasks as opposed to allocating one processor per joint. The network topology used is taken through diagnostic tests for analysis leading to performance maximization.  相似文献   

Emotional control architectures are becoming promising solutions for the design of the robots of the future. The emotions motivate the robot behaviors to fulfill the objectives. The workload of the emotions increases with the complexity of the applications, which reduces the capacity of the processor to undertake more complex problems. A simple but costly solution would be the use of high performance computers to solve the complex problems. However, taking advantage of the potential parallelism of the emotions, this paper proposes a less expensive solution using low cost Cyclone FPGAs. Different FPGA devices are compared to analyze their suitability to cope with different industrial mobile robotic applications. The experiments are conducted taking into account different environmental conditions, robot dynamics and emotional states. The results of the evaluation show that Cyclone V outperforms the original RT-SW solution in 5 times and can undertake the 97% of the problems of the robot, while Cyclone IV improves the performances in about 4 times solving medium and few complex problems. Cyclone 2 and 3 double the performance of the RT-SW and are useful for simple robotic applications.  相似文献   

An intelligent walking-assistance robot system has been developed to help the elderly or the disabled in rehabilitation programs. From the design viewpoint, several different mechanisms to satisfy the strict requirements for use in a rehabilitation program were considered and studied. A two-wheel mobile mechanism was developed to provide motions to follow the patient's walking trajectory, and also to make the patient follow a specified trajectory. Equations of motion were derived for the unloading control, and a force control algorithm was developed. For motion control of the mobile base, virtual trajectory planning by the B-spline method and PID control were used. Sensing the motion of the patient is performed by a linear potentiometer and a rotating encoder attached to the robot manipulator. The system was tested on patients in hospital and the experimental results are reported.  相似文献   

Digital fuzzy logic controller: design and implementation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, various aspects of digital fuzzy logic controller (FLC) design and implementation are discussed, Classic and improved models of the single-input single-output (SISO), multiple-input single-output (MISC), and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) FLCs are analyzed in terms of hardware cost and performance. A set of universal parameters to characterize any hardware realization of digital FLCs is defined. The comparative study of classic and alternative MIMO FLCs is presented as a generalization of other controller configurations. A processing element for the parallel FLC architecture realizing improved inferencing of MIMO system is designed, characterized, and tested. Finally, as a case feasibility study, a direct data stream architecture for complete digital fuzzy controller is shown as an improved solution for high-speed, cost-effective, real-time control applications  相似文献   

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