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Editor's Note: In the history of city development, traditional Chinese cities as a whole had been for a long time a unique school in the world, because of their distinctive features in city form, cityscape, architecture,  相似文献   

Dual-Circulation(双循环shuāng xún huán):The concept of building the new development pattern ofdualcirculationfeatured by the mutual promotion between the domestic and the international economic development was firstly put forward by the CPC Central Committee in May 2020 and reaffirmed later the same year by the 14;Five-Year Plan as a critical strategy of China,with focus primarily on the domestic circulation.  相似文献   

Editor’s Note:As an ancient country,China has a long history of city planning,but it has never been so anxious for new theories and methodologies of city planning as it does today.In the past,  相似文献   

正Editor’s Note:After holding the Working Conference on Cities at the end of 2015,which advocates for China’s sustainable urban development approaches including transforming development mode,completing governance institution,enhancing governance capability,and coping with certain urgent issues such as urban diseases,the Central Government of China issued an affiliated policy in late February 2016,Some Opinions on Further Enhancing the  相似文献   

<正>Comprehensive Disaster Prevention and Reduction Planning(综合防灾减灾规划zōng hé fáng zāi jiǎn zǎi gūi huà):In China,the comprehensive disaster prevention and reduction planning is an important part of socio-economic development planning at both the national and local levels,as well as a special plan of city master planning.Through the past years,its focus has been shifted from post-disaster rescue to pre-disaster prevention,from responding to a single disaster to targeting at multiple disasters,and from disaster  相似文献   

<正>Editor's Note: Driven by the sustained socio-economic development in the past decades, China has seen a rapid motorization along with its unprecedented urbanization. In particular big cities, the motor vehicle possession volume has doubled fors everal times at an accelerating speed. However, when more and more people enjoyed the speediness, convenience, comfortableness and freedom brought by cars, they have been also suffered from the negative effects of  相似文献   

正Residential Space Differentiation(居住空间分异j zhù k ng jin fn yì):It refers to a segregated living phenomenon in a city.Residents with different social features live in different areas of the city,making the residential space of the city be differentiated or even isolated from each other.The residential space differentiation emerged in Chinese cities after the mairketization of housing.It has become more obvious along with the introduction of affordable housing policies,for  相似文献   

<正>Editor’s Note:The observation on China’s urban development since the 1950s till today reveals that it has been closely related to the construction of a number of mega-projects,such as the 156 industrial projects aided by the former Soviet Union in the 1950s,theThree Lineswar preparation projects in the 1960s,the directly imported production projects from the West in the 1970s,the special development zone projects in the 1980s,and the industrial or economic development zone projects in the 1990s.That makes the construction of mega-projects a key character of China’s contemporary urban development,which has greatly influenced not only the socio-economic development but also the physical environment of Chinese cities.During this process,urban design,as an important complement  相似文献   

正Healthy City(健康城市jiàn kāng chéng shì):According to WHO,a Healthy City isa city that is continuously striving to improve the health and determinants of health of its residents,not one that has achieved a particular health status.In1989,China launched a national Hygienic Cities project to improve cities’physical infrastructure and environment,which  相似文献   

正Left-Behind Children(留守儿童liú shǒuér tóng):Left-behind children refer to those who are left in the countryside with both or one of their parents migrating out to work.Generally they live along with one of their parents,grandparents,even other relatives or friends of their parents.As a special disadvantaged group,left-behind children have aroused wide-spread social concern as an outstanding social issue in Chinese processing of fast urbanization.  相似文献   

<正>Editor's Note:In recent years,when China stepped into the era of urban society,urbanization has become a hot issue that attracts the attention from all societal aspects,including both the academia and the political field.Taking that into consideration,the fact that Liangyong WU was awarded China's National Grand Prize of Science and Technology in2012for his long-term explorations on the Sciences of Human Settlements can be regarded as  相似文献   

<正>Editor’s Note:Nowadays,when China is undergoing the transition to the new normal after more than three decades of rapid development,it is facing the challenge of reforming its spatial planning system which is undoubtedly indispensable for guaranteeing the development of new urbanization.Currently in China,spatial planning mainly refers to the socio-economic development planning,land use planning,and urban-rural planning,which is respectively under the  相似文献   

<正>Editor's Note: Since China became an urban society after its urbanization rate surpassed 50% in 2011, the Central Government of China has put forward the concept of New Urbanization Mode in order to deal with the problems emerging in the past decades along with the significant achievements of urban development  相似文献   

<正>Editor’s Note:Today,as the world is in the transition from an industrial civilization to an ecological civilization,we need to accordingly update our knowledge and concepts on socio-economic development,following the principles  相似文献   

Editor’s Note:During the rapid urbanization of China in the past 30 years,the development of new urban areas and new cities and the renovation of old cities are two key factors.Generally speaking,the urban renewal in China mainly refers to the redevelopment of the industrial areas and the renovation of the residential quarters in the built-up areas of a city.As an  相似文献   

Editor’s Note: Due to insufficient attention to the social transformations amid its transition from planned economy to socialist market economy, China had to face the challenge of a series of social problems when celebrating its admirable achievements of economic development in the past decades, such as the enlargement of regional disparity, the tendency of social stratifi cation, the defi ciency of public services, and the inequality of social welfare, etc. These problems can also be clearly seen in the physical environment of cities, such as the spatial segregation of housing, the uneven distribution of public facilities, the unequal access to public services, and so on. Great efforts have been made to deal with these social problems after the people-oriented principle was put forward by the Central Government of China in 2003 as an important part of the Scientif ic View of Development. In the field of urban planning, these efforts include to promote social planning at macro level and to encourage community planning at micro level. In spite of that, social considerations should be further strengthened in urban planning so as to create a better living environment and a harmonious society at the same time.  相似文献   

Editor’s Note: Since 2004 when the State Council approved the Medium- and Long-term Railway Network Plan , China has stepped into an era of high-speed railway. By the end of 2009, it had a millage of high-speed railway of 6,552 km in operation, including 3,676 km of new lines to the speed of 250 to 350 km/h and 2,876 km of existing lines updated  相似文献   

正Transport Circle(交通圈 jiāo tōng quān): Transport circle refers to the traffic attraction range of a central place,which is represented by the coverage scope defined by the cut-off points of traffic flow on its traffic lines. It is often used to form other relative concepts regarding transportation. In September 2019,  相似文献   

正Construction of Ecological Civilization(生态文明建设sheng tài wén mìng jiàn shè):It refers to the strategic decision ofvigorously promoting the construction of ecological civilizationmade by the Central Government of China on the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012,which requires integrating the ideas of ecological civilization into the all aspects and whole process of economy,politics,culture,and society construction for the sustained development of China.It is included in China’s  相似文献   

正Big-Pot Meal(大锅饭dà guō fàn):It is a metaphor for the phenomenon of absolute equalitarianism in distribution,which is mainly used to describe two situations in China particularly under the circumstance of planned economy.①For state-owned enterprises,no matter how their business goes,the due financial allocation from the government would never change;②For the employees of any  相似文献   

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