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徐国平  王启杰 《化工学报》1993,44(2):250-253

起伏振动下气液两相流型的准确判定对漂浮核电站参数设计有重要意义。对起伏振动水平管气液两相流型特性进行实验研究,定义了起伏振动新流型并得到了气液相分布变化规律,揭示了管径、振频和振幅对流型转变界限的影响规律,建立了泡状流-间歇流和间歇流/分层流-环状流的转变关系式。结果表明,在起伏振动下水平管内出现泡状流、间歇流、分层流以及环状流四种流型,其中间歇流包括泡-弹间歇和弹-塞间歇两种,且气液相分布随振动位置的变化呈规律性改变。在气相折算速度不变的条件下,管径、振频、振幅增加会使泡状流-间歇流边界向上移动,间歇流-分层流边界向下移动。在液相折算速度一定的条件下,管径、振频、振幅增加会使间歇流/分层流-环状流边界向右移动。考虑了振动的影响,建立适用于低频高幅起伏振动的间歇流向泡状流与环状流转变模型,预测和实验结果的相对误差绝对值的平均值分别为7.62%和12.68%。  相似文献   

垂直矩形窄缝通道内气液两相流型的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
思勤  王会军 《化工学报》1990,41(6):745-753
本文研究了矩形窄缝通道内气液两相流的流型.用目测和摄影方法得到气液两相向上并流的流型.用x-y函数记录仪测得各种流型下的压差频谱图.作出了以1/X_(tt)~G_t和j_(?)~Re为坐标的流型图.作者还用Lockbart-Martinelli方法计算了矩形通道内气液两相流的压降,并与实测值进行了比较.  相似文献   

垂直上升气液两相弹状流模型   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
基于等效弹单元思想,改进了预测垂直上升管中充分发展气液弹状流流动特性的模型。 模型中考虑了界面切应力对液膜运动的影响;并在液弹空隙度预测中引入临界气体夹带速度的概念,以此来描述弹状流中大气泡尾部的混合特性。本文提出的模型还考虑了管径对液弹空隙度的影响。弹状流模型的计算结果得到本文及其他作者实验数据的验证。  相似文献   

综述了国内外水平气液两相流的发展状况,以及水平气液两相流型的划分方法,并通过实验对水平管的空气-水两相流进行了研究,观察了水平管内气液两相流的流动现象,划分出流型,分析了流型转变影响因素并根据实验结果绘出流型图,并与传统的试验结果进行了比较,表明有类似的特征,进而提出预测能力更强的流型转换式。  相似文献   

垂直上升管汽液两相流型的压差波动特征识别   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
白博峰  郭烈锦  赵亮 《化工学报》1999,50(6):799-805
运用现代数字信号处理技术,对垂直上升管水/水蒸气两相流不同流型时的压差波动信号特性进行了分析研究,提出了基于压差波动特征的两相流流型的客观识别方法。通过提取压差波动信号的功率谱分布特征,表明利用功率谱随频率的分布特性的均方根可客观识别出泡状流、间歇流和环状流。  相似文献   

在垂直受热通道中气液两相流的传热是一种从单相流、泡状流、弹状流、搅拌流直至环状流的各种流型的气、液两相复杂传热。本文采用了特制的实验研究设备,以水及其蒸汽为介质,研究了各种流型的传热特性及其影响因素(进料质量流速、热通量以及干度等),探讨了成膜条件,并用J.C.Chen双机理传热模型计算、分析了在不同情况下各机理对传热所起的作用。  相似文献   

张军  金友煌  陈听宽 《化工学报》2002,53(4):360-363
对垂直同心环形管内上升气液团状流向环状流的转换进行了研究 .根据团状流及环状流的流动特性 ,并考虑同心环形管的结构特征 ,建立了垂直同心环形管上升气液团状流向环状流转换的新的理论模型 .通过本文的实验数据及其他研究者的实验数据对该模型的预测性能进行了检验 ,并与其他研究者的模型进行了比较 .结果表明本文的转换模型预测性能较好  相似文献   

压降是气液两相流绕流柱体时包含丰富流动信息的重要参数,对于压降的研究密切关系到两相流动系统的设计和运行.以空气和水为实验介质在泡状流、塞状流、弹状流和环状流四种流型下,研究了气液两相流水平绕流梯形柱体的动态压降特性.结果表明:泡状流和塞状流的动态压降有较稳定的波动,其时均值主要取决于液相流量;弹状流的动态压降变化剧烈,其时均值随两相雷诺数的分布比较均匀;环状流的动态压降变化比较平缓,其时均值随两相雷诺数的增加呈近似线性递增;在四种不同流型下,时均动态压降系数随两相雷诺数的增加都呈线性递减.这一结果为分析气液两相流绕流柱体的流动特性提供了有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

随着天然气井开采的发展,大斜度井和水平井(含造斜段)数量日益增多,而目前气液两相流流型的研究主要针对水平管和垂直管,针对倾斜管的研究则较少,导致对气井压力预测不准,携液临界流量计算误差较大,不能很好地指导生产.因此,运用仿真原理,建立可视化井筒气液两相流仿真实验装置,进行大量室内实验.实验发现,在表观气液流速较低时,倾...  相似文献   

应用确定性混饨分析技术,以气液两相鼓泡塔内的压力波动时间序列为分析对象,系统研究了鼓泡塔系统的混饨特性.结果表明,鼓泡塔内气液两相流动系统为混饨动力学系统,混饨特征参数最大Lyapunov指数、Kolmogorov熵和关联维数D2等可以有效地表征鼓泡塔的流区及其过渡.混沌分析为定量判别鼓泡塔的流区及其过渡提供了新途径.操作条件对鼓泡塔内气液两相流动的混沌特性影响显著,表现为混沌特征参数值随表观气速增加而增加,随表观液速增加而减小,但是,混沌特性随空间位置的变化不显著.  相似文献   

利用平面激光诱导荧光(Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence,PLIF)技术,分析上喷式喷射器内气液两相流的流型及流型转换的特性.结果表明,在喷射器内气液两相首先形成喷射流,随着两相相互作用和动量传递,射流瓦解,气液两相随着气液比的不断增大分别形成泡状流、雾状流和块状流.根据实验结果绘制了喷射器上部射流瓦解后的气液两相流流型图.通过分析流型影响因素和流体力学特点,提出了流型转换的无因次关系式,并确定了各流型转换的具体表达式.  相似文献   

垂直同心环空管内上升弹状流向团状流的转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对垂直同心环形管内上升气液弹状流向团状流的转换进行了一定的研究。根据弹状流及团状流的流动特性 ,并考虑同心环形管的结构特征 ,建立了垂直同心环形管上升气液团状流向环状流转换的新的理论模型。通过文中的实验数据及其他研究者的实验数据对该模型的预测性能进行了检验 ,并与其他研究者的模型进行了比较 ,最后还对环形管结构参数对转换的影响进行了一定的分析。  相似文献   

在多相流实验管路系统中,设计向上30°倾斜管道中气液两相流的实验方案和流程,进行气液两相流流型实验研究,并绘制气液两相流流型图。再利用COMSOL Multiphysics软件,对向上30°倾斜管中气液两相流中不同时刻的体积分数进行数值模拟研究,验证COMSOL Multiphysics应用于气液两相流的可行性。结果表明采用COMSOL Multiphysics软件数值模拟向上倾斜管道中气液两相流流型的分析结果与室内实验法结果基本一致,可信程度较高,可作为分析气液两相流流型的主要方法之一。  相似文献   

Flow Regime Identification of Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow Based on HHT   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A new method to identify flow regime in two-phase flow was presented, based on signal processing of differential pressure using Hilbert Huang transform (HHT). Signals obtained from a Venturi meter were decomposed into different intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) with HHT, then the energy fraction of each intrinsic mode and the mean value of residual function were calculated, from which the rules of flow regime identification were summarized. Experiments were carried out on two-phase flow in the horizontal tubes with 50mm and 40mm inner diameter, while water flowrate was in the range of 1.3m^3.h^-1 to 10.5m^3.h^-1, oil flowrate was from 4.2m^3.h^-1 to 7.0m^3.h^-1 and gas flowrate from 0 to 15m^3.h^-1. The results show that the proposed rules have high precision for single phase, bubbly, and slug, plug flow regirne identification, which are independent of not only properties of two-phase fluid. In addition, the method can meet the need of industrial application because of its simple calculation.  相似文献   

The prediction of slug frequency has important significance on gas-liquid two-phase flow. A hydrody-namic modei was put forward to evaluate slug frequency for horizontal two-phase flow, based on the dependence of slug frequency on the frequency of unstable interfacial wave. Using air and water, experimental verification of the modei was carried out in a large range of flow parameters. Six electrical probes were installed at different positions of a horizontal plexiglass pipe to detect slug frequency development. The pipe is 30m long and its inner diameter is 24 mm. It is observed experimentally that the interfacial wave frequency at the inlet is about l to 3 times the frequency of stable slug. The slug frequencies predicted by the modei fit well with Tronconi (1990) modei and the experimental data. The combination of the hydrodynamic modei and the experimental data results in a conclusion that the frequency of equilibrium liquid slug is approximately half the miniraum frequency of interfacial wave.  相似文献   

水平管气液两相弹状流液弹频率的水动力学新模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The prediction of slug frequency has important significance on gas-liquid two-phase flow. A hydrodynamic model was put forward to evaluate slug frequency for horizontal two-phase flow, based on the dependence of slug frequency on the frequency of unstable interfacial wave. Using air and water, experimental verification of the model was carried out in a large range of flow parameters. Six electrical probes were installed at different positions of a horizontal plexiglass pipe to detect slug frequency development. The pipe is 30 m long and its inner diameter is 24 ram. It is observed experimentally that the interracial wave frequency at the inlet is about i to 3 times the frequency of stable slug. The slug frequencies predicted by the model fit well with Tronconi (1990) model and the experimental data. The combination of the hydrodynamic model and the experimental data results in a conclusion that the frequency of equilibrium liquid slug is approximately half the minimum frequency of interfacial wave.  相似文献   

针对海上平台的发展趋势,所开采出的为油气混合液需要分离处理。因海上平台自身的特点,提出了海上平台主要以立式分离器为主来进行气液分离。而立式分离器其本身的分离效能对海上平台的应用至关重要。因此采用CFD模型(计算流体力学)方法对油气两相分离过程中的两相流场进行了数值模拟分析,模拟结果表明,所采用的数学模型和数学模拟计算方法正确。通过分析,可以预测并反映混合液变量中,流体的不同速度,粘度对气液两相分离的分离效能产生的规律及影响,并更加系统深入地探讨了立式分离器内气液两相的流动及特,从而预测了提高立式分离器气液分离的分离效能的影响因素,数值模拟计算结果可为海上平台的气液分离提供一定的理论指导。  相似文献   

气液两相流的多尺度混沌特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Using the high-speed camera the time sequences of the classical flow patterns of horizontal gas-liquid pipe flow are recorded, from which the average gray-scale values of single-frame images are extracted. Thus obtained gray-scale time series is decomposed by the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) method, the various scales of the signals are processed by Hurst exponent method, and then the dual-fractal characteristics are obtained. The scattered bubble and the bubble cluster theories are applied to the evolution analysis of two-phase flow patterns. At the same time the various signals are checked in the chaotic recursion chart by which the two typical characteristics (diagonal average length and Shannon entropy) are obtained. Resulting term of these properties, the dynamic characteristics of gas-liquid two-phase flow patterns are quantitatively analyzed. The results show that the evolution paths of gas-liquid two-phase flow patterns can be well characterized by the integrated analysis on the basis of the gray-scale time series of flowing images from EMD, Hurst exponents and Recurrence Plot (RP). In the middle frequency section (2nd, 3rd, 4th scales), three flow patterns decomposed by the EMD exhibit dual fractal characteristics which represent the dynamic features of bubble cluster, single bubble, slug bubble and scattered bubble. According to the change of diagonal average lengths and recursive Shannon entropy characteristic value, the structure deterministic of the slug flow is better than the other two patterns. After the decomposition by EMD the slug flow and the mist flow in the high frequency section have obvious peaks. Anyway, it is an effective way to understand and characterize the dynamic characteristics of two-phase flow patterns using the multi-scale non-linear analysis method based on image gray-scale fluctuation signals.  相似文献   

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