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 基于断裂力学理论,分别研究水压诱发的拉伸与剪切破坏特征。在水压诱发拉伸破坏方面,建立考虑井筒影响的地应力与水压耦合下的射孔尖端裂缝应力强度因子计算方程,推演该条件下拉剪复合应力状态下的断裂准则以及临界水压和启裂角的计算式。运用该方法从理论上分析了井筒周围存在对称的2条裂纹时,启裂水压和角度受射孔倾角、射孔长度、井筒半径及主应力差的影响。研究结果表明,依据推演的拉剪复合型断裂准则计算得到的射孔启裂水压和角度与试验结果吻合良好。参数分析表明:随着射孔长度或井筒半径的增加,临界水压减小。在水压诱发剪切破坏方面,则根据裂纹面的应力状态,分别推导裂纹处于压剪闭合状态和压剪不闭合状态下,水压诱发剪切破坏的断裂准则,并考虑非奇异应力对剪切断裂的影响,进一步推导压剪闭合应力状态下发生剪切破坏的临界水压计算公式。  相似文献   

To investigate the dynamic fracture mechanism related to blast-induced borehole breakdown and crack propagation, circular rock models containing a single centrally located source of explosive were numerically blasted using the AUTODYN 2D code. According to the material properties and loading conditions, four kinds of equations of state, linear, shock, compaction and ideal gas, are used. A modified principal stress failure criterion is applied to determining material status. The dynamic stresses at the selected target points in a rock sample are computed as a function of time following application of explosive load. It is shown that shear stress (resulting from intense compressive stress) causes a crushed zone near the borehole, the major tensile principal stress causes radial cracks, and the reflected stress wave from free boundary causes circumferential cracks some distance away from the free boundary. The influences of the factors of boundary condition, coupling medium, borehole diameter, decoupling and joint on rock dynamic fracture are discussed.  相似文献   

寒区岩体工程中含水裂隙随温度降低会发生水冰相变产生冻胀力,内部冻胀力会驱动裂隙发生Ⅰ型扩展,从单裂隙入手,基于弹性力学、渗流力学和相变理论,建立了考虑水分迁移下的冻胀力求解模型,冻胀力不仅随着水分迁移通量的增加而迅速降低,还与岩石基质以及冰体的力学强度参数有关。采用等效热膨胀系数法对低温裂隙中水冰相变下热力耦合应力场进行了模拟分析,并与理论模型计算结果进行对比,结果表明冻胀力解析解与数值解吻合较好;结合断裂力学,利用应力外推法得出了裂隙尖端应力强度因子的数值解,与理论解析解及半解析解也具有较好的一致性,最后通过实例验证了等效热膨胀系数法的可靠性,可为研究低温裂隙岩体冻融损伤与裂隙扩展研究提供参考。  相似文献   

探讨了渗透压作用下黏弹性压剪岩石裂纹的起裂规律及分支裂纹尖端应力强度因子的演变规律,得出:一定轴向压应力下,渗透压、远场侧向应力和裂纹面摩擦系数是影响分支裂纹尖端应力强度因子KI演变的主要因素,渗透压的存在加剧了分支裂纹的扩展,随着裂纹渗透压的增大,分支裂纹扩展由稳定扩展变成不稳定扩展;建立了渗透压作用下压剪岩石裂纹体的轴向贯穿、岩桥剪切贯通两种不同类型的断裂破坏力学模型,引入虚拟应力强度因子KI(LC),提出以分支裂纹临界长度时裂尖虚拟应力强度因子KI(LC)作为黏弹性压剪岩石裂纹的流变断裂破坏准则,通过算例证实了该准则的可行性,得出:在既定裂纹分布、一定轴向应力和裂纹面摩擦系数的条件下,低渗透压、侧向拉应力共同作用下的压剪岩石裂纹趋向于轴向贯穿破坏,而高渗透压作用下会导致分支裂纹尖端岩桥剪切破坏,渗透压、侧向压应力共同作用下压剪岩石裂纹可能会发生具时间效应的流变断裂贯通破坏。为研究水岩相互作用下裂隙岩体的失稳破坏提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

Simultaneous multistage hydraulic fracturing of unconventional gas shale in parallel multilateral wells is an effective technique to raise the connectivity of the reservoir to the wellbore and improve reservoir permeability for an economical production. However, this technique should be accompanied with some optimization procedures to obtain an efficiently fractured reservoir with the highest production and the lowest cost. In unconventional hydraulic fracturing, fracture deviation/collapse and trapping are familiar phenomena which occur when a non-optimized fracturing pattern is used. These problems occur respectively when stress shadow size has not been considered in optimization and fracturing pressure is higher than the available pressure in the sealed section. Therefore, in an optimized hydraulic fracturing, having straight fractures with no deviation or collapse needs consideration of stress shadow effect (SSE). Apart from that, having efficiently propagated fractures to the extent of the reservoir without any fracture trap requires consideration of stress intensity factor (SIF) and aperture. SSE was studied and published by the authors in 2014. For the case of SIF, investigating any change in mode I SIF and aperture with different influencing variables such as fracture geometry and pattern are studied in the current research work. Three different fracturing techniques are assumed as multistage fracturing, simultaneous single-stage fracturing, and simultaneous multistage fracturing techniques. Since obtaining SIF for three-dimensional fractures is a challenging issue, a stress ratio technique is used for calculation of SIF ratios of different fracturing scenarios compared to the case of a single fracture. Therefore, changes of SIF for different fracturing schemes are estimated and analyzed to understand whether or not a fracturing scheme is efficient and all the spaced perforations are activated and change to hydraulic fractures.  相似文献   

粘结复合材料片修复技术可以有效地用于加固或延长带裂缝铝结构的使用寿命。采用有限元方法分析在半圆形侧向凹槽处粘结不同复合材料片用于裂缝修复的性能。相邻裂缝处的应力分布对于根据片材几何尺寸进行的修复分析是很重要的。力学和几何性能对裂缝尖端处应力集中系数变化的影响显著。粘结剂性能和片材尺寸对I型模型中裂缝尖端处应力集中系数变化的影响也很显著。并进行了双片和单片修复的比较。结果表明双片修复时的裂缝尖端应力集中系数比单片修复时的裂缝尖端应力集中系数减少一半,具有高刚度的纤维走向垂直于裂缝走向时显著地降低应力集中系数。为了提高片材修复或加固性能,必须进行粘结剂性能的优化。  相似文献   

采用边界元分析对碳纤维增强复合材料加固钢板的疲劳性能进行扩展研究。采用BEASY软件计算应力强度因子、裂缝扩展和疲劳周期。应用面单元模拟组合增强片和带裂缝的钢板,将粘结层作为连接增强片和钢板的界面单元。数值模拟结果与试验结果具有一致性,从而验证了本文方法的有效性。采用边界元方法,对影响应力强度因子和疲劳寿命的因素进行评估,这些因素包括粘结长度、粘结宽度、增强片配置、碳纤维增强复合材料的层数组合增强片模量、粘结组合模量。  相似文献   

寒区岩体工程含水孔(裂)隙中低温水冰相变会产生冻胀力与温度应力,岩体冻融损伤与断裂是由温度应力和孔(裂)隙中的冻胀力共同作用的结果。考虑温度应力对椭圆孔(裂)隙形变的影响,推导了椭圆孔(裂)隙中的冻胀力解析方程;基于最大拉应力准则,得到了低温热力耦合下椭圆孔(裂)隙周围最大拉应力与冻胀开裂角,建立了椭圆孔可简化为椭圆裂隙进行冻胀计算的临界条件;最后采用改进的等效热膨胀系数方法对隧道单裂隙围岩冻胀力与裂隙尖端应力场进行了数值分析。研究结果表明:(1)椭圆孔中的最大冻胀力与岩石的热膨胀性、裂隙倾角和裂隙长短轴比χ等因素有关;(2)长短轴比χ≥10的扁平椭圆孔可简化为裂隙进行计算分析,此时冻胀基本发生在裂隙尖端且尖端拉应力集中明显;(3)改进的等效热膨胀系数方法可以很好的模拟裂隙中的冻胀力与裂尖应力场。  相似文献   

Frequent fatigue failure of mining equipment has created a need for fatigue life prediction of several components that suffer from frequent recurrence of fatigue cracking. The focus of this paper is the frequent occurrence of fatigue cracks in the boom of cable shovels, which consists of a twin box girder joining together near both extremities. After the determination of load spectrum and the material fatigue properties by field monitoring and material testing, the fatigue behaviour of a cracked shovel boom was investigated. Two-tip corner cracks were of particular interest since they are commonly observed in the field. These cracks typically initiate in the flange at the toe of web to flange or flange to diaphragm welds and propagate into the web. Detailed finite element models with corner cracks were developed for the boom and stress intensity factors for various crack configurations were evaluated from the finite element analysis results. The growth behaviour of corner cracks was studied and a simplified method is presented for the fatigue life prediction. Fracture toughness tests were conducted on single edge notch bend specimens at room temperature and low temperature (−50 °C). The remaining life of a cracked boom is then determined based on brittle fracture or unstable crack growth.  相似文献   

地下压气储能圆形内衬洞室内压和温度引起应力计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下压气储能岩石内衬洞室内,不断变化的气体内压和温度引起的应力场是关乎洞室稳定性、耐久性的重要因素,由此提出了一种计算气压和温度引起应力变化的解析方法。将内衬洞室考虑成由密封层、衬砌和围岩组成,首先建立了洞室温度和气压求解的控制方程;利用拉普拉斯变换和叠加原理得到每个循环内洞室温度和气压随时间的变化;采用热弹性模型得到内压和温度引起的应力场。基于解析方法,给出了典型循环周期内洞室应力变化情况;接着通过一个热-力以及洞室气体耦合求解的数值模型以及不考虑密封层和衬砌的温度场解析方法来验证本文方法;最终探讨了温度对总应力的影响程度,以及不同换热系数的影响。结果表明:本文方法是可行的;温度和内压引起的密封层和衬砌内环向拉应力非常大;温度对于压气储能洞室有着不可忽略的作用,温度对于环向和纵向应力的影响程度要大于对径向应力的影响;换热系数对应力变化影响很大。  相似文献   

介绍了实验装置与测压系统,实测了饱和砂柱自由落体撞击地面后前期快过程和后期慢过程的孔隙水压力的变化。在此基础上,给出了前期快过程中冲击压力波形的传播及其与落高、测点位置等的关系,并探讨了后期超孔隙水压力与落高、砂样、测点位置以及饱和砂土的液化、密实之间的关系。  相似文献   

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