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水资源可持续发展和雨水集蓄利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
朱强 《防渗技术》2002,8(1):1-5
人类进入21世纪之际,水资源紧缺已成为全球性的问题。第二届全球水论坛提出21世纪要实现人类的安全供水。到2025年要解决31亿人的供水基本需求。任务十分艰巨。我国西北、华北和西南地区的缺水山区,地面水和地下水严重缺乏(或季节性缺乏)。这里山大沟深,引水困难,农业生产靠天吃饭,水平低下,居民饮用水长期没有保障,供水和粮食 都缺乏安全性,是我国贫困最集中的地方。水是促进当地可持续发展的关键因素,而雨水是最有潜力的资源。近两水世纪以来的实践证明,雨水集蓄利用成功地为山区民提供了可靠的生活和作物补充灌溉用水,在缺水山区的特定条件下是一项不可替代的措施。它具有分散解决、利用就地资源、采用适用技术、低投入,有利于社区和群众参与等特点,是符合可持续原则的综合发展模式。雨水集蓄利用的迅速发展已经对水资源学科提出了一系列新课题,将成为水资源科学新的生长点。  相似文献   

论雨水集蓄利用的理论和实用意义   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
朱强  李元红 《水利学报》2004,(3):60-64,70
本文论述了雨水利用在水资源开发中的作用,认为雨水集蓄利用是水资源开发的组成部分,尤其在许多缺水山区是水资源开发不可替代的形式;因此建议应以降雨量作为水资源的总量来进行评价。雨水集蓄利用与传统旱作农业相结合,在作物生长临界期进行有限人工供水,能显著提高降水利用效率,有可能实现旱作农业的大发展。  相似文献   

张建军  赵敏 《山西水利》2006,22(1):18-19
论述了雨水集蓄利用在水资源开发中的作用,尤其在许多缺水地区成为水资源开发不可替代的形式。雨水集蓄利用与传统旱作农业相结合,在作物生长临界期进行有限人工供水,能显著提高降水利用效率,可以实现旱作农业的大发展。  相似文献   

田群  赵胜 《山东水利》2005,(10):7-7
自20世纪80年代开始,世界各国就开始探索雨水资源化集蓄利用。我国西部地区雨水集蓄开展较早较好,积累了丰富的成功经验。但是,目前雨水集蓄工程在我国还没有被广泛采用或普及。一些地方为寻找地下水、建设调水工程煞费心思,投入大量资金,有的不惜生态环境被破坏去搞大型水利建设。相对雨水利用,却没有被各级政府和水利部门所重视,究其原因大致有三点:一是提到雨水集蓄,很多人便认为这是缺水山区的事。实际上,我国北方的大多数大中型城市及平原区的水资源严重匮乏,已经严重制约了其经济社会的发展,更应该成为雨水集蓄利用工程建设的重点。二…  相似文献   

壶关县的水资源严重短缺,文中收集了当地三种蔬菜作物的灌溉制度,计算了其作物需水量和可能集蓄的雨水资源量,进行了供需水平衡分析。结果表明,集蓄雨水资源完全能够满足农作物灌溉的需要。壶关县通过集水窖对雨水资源收集储存,并应用于农作物灌溉上,这一举措不仅可以解决水资源短缺问题,而且对现状缺水靠天吃饭的农村均具有示范作用。  相似文献   

陈安 《四川水利》2004,(Z1):83-85
大力开展雨水集蓄利用工程建设,是解决山区干旱缺水行之有效的措施.笔者根据龙泉驿区的具体情况,对山区缺水状况、干旱缺水原因、雨水集蓄利用建设进行了分析论述,并根据多年的实践谈了几点体会.  相似文献   

雨水集蓄利用工程有着悠久的历史,近年随着水资源的匮乏,资源型缺水日益严重,为了摆脱贫困,创造性地开发水资源,特别是山区和丘陵地区的人们,采取雨水集蓄利用技术,发挥了十分显著的作用。  相似文献   

水资源问题已经成为全球关注的热点,成为未来经济和社会能否实现可持续发展的重要前提条件,对于严重缺水地区尤其如此。甘肃省是中国北方地区一个水资源严重短缺的省份,干旱缺水不仅给甘肃省经济社会的发展带来明显制约,而且在相当一部分农村造成人畜饮水严重困难。近些年来,甘肃省在利用集蓄雨水资源解决人畜饮水、发展节水高效农业和推动生态环境建设方面进行了积极的探索和实践,不仅较好地解决了雨水利用中集流形式、储存方式、利用模式三大难题,还大面积地在半干旱地区推广应用了新型雨水集蓄利用技术,建设了大量的各类雨水集蓄利用工程,实现了雨水资源的广泛利用,创出了一条适合干旱半干旱地区的兴水治旱新路子。雨水利用已发展成为甘肃省干旱半干旱地区解决缺水与水资源危机的一项重要措施,产生了显著的经济和社会效益,引起了国际社会的极大关注。  相似文献   

雨水集蓄利用学科发展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国广大人民群众在利用雨水解决生产生活的缺水困难方面有着悠久的历史,但雨水集蓄利用作为一门学科在我国只有10多年的时间.即便如此,雨水集蓄利用技术已经产生了显著的社会、经济和环境效益.雨水集蓄利用是一种创新的、在更高层次上对水资源利用的新形式.在对不同下垫面的降雨-集流规律研究的基础上,提出了确定雨水集蓄系统各组成部分规模的计算方法,对工程布局进行了多方面的探索.  相似文献   

王君勤  周芸 《四川水利》2004,(Z1):74-76
雨水是重要的淡水资源,雨水集蓄利用是解决目前制约我国农业发展干旱缺水问题的一个有效途径.本文在回顾了国内外近年来雨水集蓄利用发展的基础上,对南方季节性缺水地区雨水利用发展进行展望并给出四川在集雨工程实施中的一些建议.  相似文献   

China faces great challenges to alleviate poverty as it enters the new century. There are still 30 million people living below the absolute poverty line. They are concentrated in the mountainous areas of western China, of which the loess area of Gansu province is one of the driest and poorest. One of the root causes of poverty is water scarcity. Water is the key factor in changing the fundamental conditions for the existence and development of the poor areas. Due to the topographical nature of the area, a major water delivery project would be difficult to build and be economically unfeasible. The most easy-to-use water source with the highest potential is rainwater. Rainwater harvesting (RWH) has been carried out in previous decades and it has been shown that it can serve the poor by supplying water for domestic use and supplemental irrigation, thus ensuring both water and food security. It can create a pre-condition for the modification of agricultural structure, thus promoting income generation. RWH is also beneficial to the recovery of the ecosystem and environmental conservation in the semi-arid northwest region of China. Past experiences show that RWH is an innovative approach for the integrated and sustainable development of the poor areas. It is reasonable to mainstream RWH in integrated water resources management.  相似文献   

城市和雨水利用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
城市化仍将是我国21世纪上半叶经济的发展的主要特征之一。城市化对市区的水资源将产生很大的影响,城市生态环境用水将是城市用水的重要组成部分,水资源匮缺和水环境恶化已城市化进程和社会进步的因素,雨水利用将是我国城市化进程中缓解城市水危机,改善城市水环境的有效措施。  相似文献   

Food insecurity is still a challenge in some remote and mountainous areas in China. When studying the impact of climate variability on food production, we should pay even more attention to the rainfed area. This is because the larger part of agriculture is the rainfed one and climate variability has more negative impacts on the rainfed agriculture than on the irrigated one. The traditional dry farming practices based on the principle of storing as much rain in the soil as possible and making best use of soil water could not bridge the gap between the time that the corp needs water and the time that rain occurs, so its effects on enhancing food production under climate variability is limited. Combining artificial water supply from rainwater harvesting systems with the traditional dry farming practices is an innovation in water management in rainfed agriculture. Experiences in the recent two decades indicate that rainwater harvesting irrigation can well mitigate the drought caused by the climate variability and bring the rainfed agriculture to a new level.  相似文献   

针对城市内涝严重、水资源短缺、水环境恶化等水问题,讨论了海绵城市与雨水收集利用的关系,提出城市暴雨管理的一种新观点——雨水雨能联合利用(Co-use of Rain WaterRain Energy,RWRE)。以屋面雨水收集为例,给出了其水雨能联合收集利用模式,介绍了实现RWRE的雨能发电、雨水电化处理、积水助排等几项关键技术,并介绍了世界上第一座采用RWRE模式建成的雨水电站——位于金华市茂盛岩土工程有限公司厂区内的小型雨水雨能联合收集利用系统,分析了RWRE的应用前景。分析认为,相对于传统的雨水收集利用模式,RWRE具有环境友好、节能降耗、产投比高、能协同缓解城市水问题等优势,可以通过雨水管网连接和自然能互补发电两项措施分别解决RWRE雨水收集量不足和雨能品质差的问题,从而为海绵城市建设提供了一条新途径。  相似文献   

旱地农业建设必须借助科技进步,提高天然降水的有效利用,具体应围绕提高降水利用率和水分利用效率,在积极应用传统旱地农业技术的基础上,加强高新技术和常规技术相结合,重点推广雨水集蓄利用技术。  相似文献   

雨水集蓄利用技术在太行山区的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于长期以来受干旱缺水的制约,太行山北部山区人畜用水困难,粮食产量低而不稳,严重影响了农业和农村经济的发展以及人民生活水平的提高。雨水集蓄利用技术的应用,促进了农业稳产高产,加快了农村经济发展,提高了山区农村人民生活水平,为干旱山区农业和农村经济的发展探索出了一些有益的经验和模式。  相似文献   

Municipal infrastructure for water supply and delivery often does not reach populations in rural and peri-urban areas. This article examines rainwater harvesting as a means of increasing water security in such areas, through the case of Guachtuq, a peri-urban community outside San Cristóbal, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. The project team designed a rainwater harvesting system to improve three dimensions of water security: quantity, quality and access. The design was implemented for 12 households and evaluated for its contribution to water security and for the potential of expanding project coverage to the region and beyond. The system has improved water security. Several concerns remain, however, regarding the potential of expanding the project to other households in the region and beyond, including system cost, water quality and the individualization of public responsibility for water security.  相似文献   

Assessing the Potential for Rainwater Harvesting   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Rainwater harvesting is one of the promising ways of supplementing the surface and underground scarce water resources in areas where existing water supply system is inadequate to meet demand. Rainwater harvesting is one of the measure for reducing impact of climate change on water supplies. Abeokuta has a mean annual rainfall of 1,156 mm which makes rainwater harvesting ideal. Intra annual variability lies betwen 0.7 and 1.0 while the inter annual variability was 0.2. Annually 74.0 m3 of rainwater can be harvested per household. Estimated annual water demand for flushing, laundry and flushing were 21.6 and 29.4 m3 respectively. Harvested rainwater in Abeokuta can satisfy household monthly water demand for WC flushing and laundry except for November, December, January and February. The excess rainwater stored in September and October is sufficient to supplement the short fall in the dry months provided there is adequate storage.Water savings potential is highest in June and September which is the two rainfall peak period in Southwest Nigeria.  相似文献   

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