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The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of emulsifiers, waxes, fat concentration, and processing conditions on the application of wax oleogel to replace solid fat content and create optimal fat structure in ice cream. Ice creams with 10% or 15% fat were formulated with rice bran wax (RBW), candelilla wax (CDW), or carnauba wax (CBW) oleogels, containing 10% wax and 90% high‐oleic sunflower oil. The ice creams were produced using batch or continuous freezing processes. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and cryo‐scanning electron microscopy were used to evaluate the microstructure of ice cream and the ultrastructure of oleogel droplets in ice cream mixes. Among the wax oleogels, RBW oleogel had the ability to form and sustain structure in 15% fat ice creams when glycerol monooleate (GMO) was used as the emulsifier. TEM images revealed that the high degree of fat structuring observed in GMO samples was associated with the RBW crystal morphology within the fat droplet, which was characterized by the growth of crystals at the outer edge of the droplet. Continuous freezing improved fat structuring compared to batch freezing. RBW oleogels established better structure compared to CDW or CBW oleogels. These results demonstrate that RBW oleogel has the potential to develop fat structure in ice cream in the presence of GMO and sufficiently high concentrations of oleogel.  相似文献   

Ice cream was manufactured utilizing ten corn syrups at 5% (dry basis) in the mix, 30 DE, 42 DE, 42 DE high maltose (HM), 55 DE HM and 64 DE, each of which was processed through the carbon-refined and ion-exchanged processes. An increase in DE of the syrup led to a decrease in mix viscosity, a decrease in the freezing point of the mix, a decrease in fat destabilization and a decrease in firmness of the ice cream. The ion-exchanged syrups decreased the mix viscosity and produced a drier ice cream with greater fat destabilization but had no influence on mix freezing point depression, overrun, firmness or meltdown. Sensory results from the 42DE HM and 55DE HM carbon-refined and ion-exchanged products evaluated in this study showed no differences in sweetness or texture. The flavor and acceptability of 42DE HM carbon-refined syrup in ice cream was preferred less than the 42DE HM or 55DE HM ion-exchanged syrups.  相似文献   

冰淇淋生产中的凝冻   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了冰淇淋凝冻过程及其对制冷的要求,凝冻时间和凝冻机的类型对产品质量的重要性,以及连续式凝冻机和间歇式凝冻机的凝冻过程.凝冻是冰淇淋制作中的一个重要工序,它对冰淇淋的质量、可口性和产率都有较大影响.凝冻过程的作用是冻结冰淇淋混合物中的部分水,并把空气混入混合物,最后指出如何控制冰淇淋的膨胀率.  相似文献   

<正> 为适应日渐发展、成熟的我国冰淇淋 市场,真实反映国际冰淇淋界最新的科技水平,促进和推动中外冰淇淋企业激烈、有序的竞争,由中国烙烤食品糖制品工业协会、全国冰淇淋专业委员会主办的2004第三届中国国际冰淇淋工业展览会将于2004年9月28-30日在上海光大会展中心闪亮登场。  相似文献   

<正> 近日从全国冷冻饮品年会上获悉,2004年全国冰淇淋行业总的形势是:冰淇淋消费已从防暑降温型朝着休闲享受型发展,兼并、重组、优胜劣态进程加快,销售旺季提前到来,竞争激烈。2004年发展的特点可以用两句话概括:一是全行业已呈现快速发展的局面;二是行业内组织结构大规模调整、企业并购、整合重组方兴未艾。  相似文献   

<正> 中秋节开幕,国庆前夕闭幕,是巧合还是主办方的刻意安排?2004第三届中国国际冰淇淋设备及原辅料展览会可谓双喜临门。本届展会从开幕到最后一天,无论展厅内外,还是展商和游人,都洋溢在一片喜洋洋的氛围当中。 棕榈油香漫展厅 每年一届的上海中国国际冰淇淋展,更像是一个原辅配料、机械设备的展示会。随着我国冰淇淋市场的逐步成熟,这个特点更是日渐凸出。本届展会中外机械制造商、原辅材料生产商,远比真正的冰淇淋企业多得多。马来西亚棕榈油促进委员会上海代表处首席代表郑耀坤先生多次参展,早是记者的老朋友了,他兴奋地向记者介绍起马来西亚的棕榈油。 郑耀坤先生自豪地说:“马来西亚是  相似文献   

阐述了结晶原理在冰淇淋凝冻中的应用,详细叙述了结晶的目的和方法,晶核的形成原理,结晶体的成长,多晶现象,以及冰淇淋中的结晶现象.  相似文献   

邹春雷 《食品科技》2002,(12):42-42
用图形分析了-2.5~-30℃下,凝冻水的含量对冰晶形成的影响,同时分析了凝冻、储藏和分布等因素对冰晶形成的影响。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The smoothness and perceived quality of an ice cream depends in large part on the small size of ice crystals in the product. Understanding the mechanisms responsible for producing the disc‐shaped crystals found in ice cream will greatly aid manufacturers in predicting how processing and formulation changes will affect their product. Because ice cream mix is opaque, it has not yet been possible to observe ice crystallization in ice cream in situ. Studies to date, therefore, have used analogues or have related observed effects to a hypothesized mechanism. Still, some elements of the crystallization mechanism are well accepted. Because of the large supercooling at the freezer wall, ice nucleates there before being swept into the bulk of the freezer. In the bulk, heat and mass transfer cause some crystals to melt and others to grow. By the time the ice cream reaches the freezer exit, the ice crystals have become small, rounded discs.  相似文献   

消费群体消费习惯不同 欧美消费者对冰淇淋产品的消费已做到普及,冰淇淋的功能已普及到日常生活中,它不再是季节性消费的消暑产品,而是日常和餐后的必备消费品。欧洲冰淇淋消费的人均指数在2004年已达到5.7升/人/年。北美冰淇淋消费的人均指数在2004年已达到21.2升/人/年,处于消费领先地位。  相似文献   

记得有一次朋友聚会,为了提高喝酒兴趣,有朋友让我们猜题:什么花美丽但不能送人。大家猜来猜去就是猜不出来,最后朋友揭晓说:雪花!对呀,雪花有一种动人心魄的纯净美,像暗恋只能独自欣赏,无法分送给对方,因为很快就融化了。在我看来,冰淇林就像是夏天的雪花,浪漫多情、冰心玉洁、细腻娇弱,而冰淇淋又脱去了雪花那样暗恋气味,更像夏天缤纷的花朵,争奇斗艳。所以吃冰淇淋就像喝咖啡一样,不但是件享受的事情,而且还可以如同品茗、品咖啡、品红酒、品雪茄一样慢慢地抿一抿其中的味道,享受鲜奶、蛋黄,搭配坚果、饼干、焦糖、水果粒的美丽滋味。  相似文献   

<正>消费群体消费习惯不同欧美消费者对冰淇淋产品的消费已做到普及,冰淇淋的功能已普及到日常生活中,它不再是季节性消费的消暑产品,而是日常和餐后的必备消费品。欧洲冰淇淋消费的人均指数在2004年已达到5.7升/人/年。北美冰淇淋消费的人均指数在2004年已达到21.2升/人/年,处于消费领先地位。而中国消费者的消费习惯受到传统观念的影响,在很大的程度上把冰淇淋作为了季节性很强的消费品,认为其功能单一,仅作为解渴和清凉之用。所以,  相似文献   

根据模糊综合评判原理,建立冰淇淋消费分析模型,并应用此模型对长春地区的冰淇淋市场进行调研分析.结果表明,该模型能准确把握消费者的冰淇淋口味习惯,为企业开发生产新产品和市场研究提供决策支持.  相似文献   

根据马铃薯中碳水化合物含量高、蛋白质优、维生素和矿物质含量丰富的特点,采用马铃薯为主要原料,以功能性卵磷脂、钙粉为强化剂,生产适合儿童生长和发育的低脂、高营养、多功能的儿童冰淇淋.  相似文献   

益生菌在冷饮中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了益生菌在冷饮中的应用及工艺条件对益生菌存活性的影响,得出冰淇淋的凝冻搅打会对益生菌的活菌数带来损失,搅打过程中冰晶的破碎和剪切力是菌体受损的主要原因,在搅打力度不变的情况下,选择高膨胀率有助于减少益生菌损失,同时,为保证有效益生菌的数量,在生产过程中应考虑到加工工序对益生菌造成的损失.  相似文献   

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