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In Latin America and the Caribbean, the available information about the causes and consequences of risk is scarce and barely meets the needs of project engineers and decision makers. Although local governments and communities typically who bear the brunt of the losses, they do not participate in the definitions and are not informed about the “acceptable” level of risk or how to reduce it. The formulation and adoption of risk management criteria (supported by engineering geological modelling), throughout the cycle of development/investment projects, should take account of the affected communities and how they can play a part in the decision making. This requires an increased awareness and understanding of both natural hazards and vulnerability. The paper analyses best practices based on experiences from Latin America and the Caribbean, which may be useful for the evaluation of hazards and vulnerability and lead to proactive risk management.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of flood risk on the value of English residential properties. We find that a location within a flood zone significantly lowers property values even if we control for the proximity to a watercourse, the history of flooding and neighbourhoods effects. Although the flood risk discount is more compelling for waterfront properties, it is still highly significant for dwellings further from the water. The markdown arises around 2004–2005, which coincides with the publication of detailed flood maps by the UK Environment Agency and with a more risk-based pricing of flood insurance policies. As expected, the effect of flood risk on house prices is stronger in the months following major flood events but, interestingly, it almost disappears in a hot market when buyers have arguably less negotiating power.  相似文献   

Nnane DE  Ebdon JE  Taylor HD 《Water research》2011,45(6):2235-2246
In many parts of the world, microbial contamination of surface waters used for drinking, recreation, and shellfishery remains a pervasive risk to human health, especially in Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDC). However, the capacity to provide effective management strategies to break the waterborne route to human infection is often thwarted by our inability to identify the source of microbial contamination. Microbial Source Tracking (MST) has potential to improve water quality management in complex river catchments that are either routinely, or intermittently contaminated by faecal material from one or more sources, by attributing faecal loads to their human or non-human sources, and thereby supporting more rational approaches to microbial risk assessment. The River Ouse catchment in southeast England (U.K.) was used as a model with which to investigate the integration and application of a novel and simple MST approach to monitor microbial water quality over one calendar year, thereby encompassing a range of meteorological conditions. A key objective of the work was to develop simple low-cost protocols that could be easily replicated. Bacteriophages (viruses) capable of infecting a human specific strain of Bacteroides GB-124, and their correlation with presumptive Escherichia coli, were used to distinguish sources of faecal pollution. The results reported here suggest that in this river catchment the principal source of faecal pollution in most instances was non-human in origin. During storm events, presumptive E. coli and presumptive intestinal enterococci levels were 1.1-1.2 logs higher than during dry weather conditions, and levels of the faecal indicator organisms (FIOs) were closely associated with increased turbidity levels (presumptive E. coli and turbidity, r = 0.43). Spatio-temporal variation in microbial water quality parameters was accounted for by three principal components (67.6%). Cluster Analysis, reduced the fourteen monitoring sites to six representative ‘sentinel’ sites. The correlation coefficient between presumptive E. coli and phages of Bacteroides GB-124 was very small (r = 0.05) whilst that between turbidity and suspended solids was high (r = 0.62). Variations in climate, animal and anthropogenic interferences were all, either directly or indirectly, related to faecal contamination. The findings show the importance of meteorological conditions, such as storm events, on microbial water quality, and suggest that any future increases in the frequency of storm events (associated with climate change) are likely to result in a greater incidence of FIO/pathogen loads. This low-cost approach could help to predict spatio-temporal ‘hotspots’ of elevated waterborne disease risk. The work also represents an important step towards integrating novel MST tools into river catchment modelling.  相似文献   

To better understand the impacts of flooding such that authorities can plan for adapting measures to cope with future scenarios, we have developed a modified Drivers-Pressures-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework to allow policy makers to evaluate strategies for improving flood resilience in cities. We showed that this framework proved an effective approach to assessing and improving urban flood resilience, albeit with some limitations. This framework has difficulties in capturing all the important relationships in cities, especially with regards to feedbacks. There is therefore a need to develop improved techniques for understanding components and their relationships. While this research showed that risk assessment is possible even at the mega-city scale, new techniques will support advances in this field. Finally, a chain of models engenders uncertainties. However, the resilience approach promoted in this research, is an effective manner to work with uncertainty by providing the capacity to cope and respond to multiple scenarios.  相似文献   

Requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive for the introduction of ecological quality objectives for surface waters and the stipulation that all surface waters in the EU must be of 'good' ecological status by 2015 necessitate a quantitative understanding of the linkages among catchment attributes, water chemistry and the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems. Analysis of lotic ecological status, as indicated by an established biotic index based primarily on benthic macroinvertebrate community structure, of 797 hydrologically independent river sites located throughout Ireland showed highly significant inverse associations between the ecological status of rivers and measures of catchment urbanisation and agricultural intensity, densities of humans and cattle and chemical indicators of water quality. Stepwise logistic regression suggested that urbanisation, arable farming and extent of pasturelands are the principal factors impacting on the ecological status of streams and rivers in Ireland and that the likelihood of a river site complying with the demands of the EU Water Framework Directive, and be of 'good' ecological status, can be predicted with reasonable accuracy using simple models that utilise either widely available landcover data or chemical monitoring data. Non-linear landcover and chemical 'thresholds' derived from these models provide a useful tool in the management of risk in catchments, and suggest strongly that more careful planning of land use in Ireland is essential in order to restore and maintain water quality as required by the Directive.  相似文献   

The biodiversity and distribution of testate amoebae in the Middle Ob flood plain soils have been studied. The biodiversity of Testacea in the soils consists of 83 species and varieties from 12 families. The population of Testacea in flood plain habitats is rich in water forms, especially in the flood plain part of the catena, because of annual floods. The study showed that the density of Testacea in the forest plots is approximately 10 times higher than in the meadow ones. The species diversity of Testacea in the meadows of the flood plain includes 40 species and varieties. It was found that there is an enrichment of the fauna of Testacea in the flood plain meadows with water forms and a decrease in the population of Testacea in the soil according to the depth. The decrease in the diversity and number down the soil profile is related to the decrease in the amount of the oxygen available and general induration of soil. On the whole, the population composition of Testacea in the soils of the pine forest consists of typical representatives of humus substrates with low values of pH, small stock of humus and mineral nutrition. The soils of mature pine forests are rich in Testacea; they have a similar complex of morphological types, mainly because of the moss cover and forest litter thickness.  相似文献   

In recent years, increased attention has been focused on models for risk assessment of source areas in agricultural landscapes. Among the simplest of such models are index tools, which have been developed particularly for phosphorus (P) and to some extent nitrogen (N). However, only a few studies have considered the development of an integrated management strategy that includes erosion and losses of both P and N. Accordingly, the major objective of this study was to initiate the development of an integrated risk assessment tool, consisting of indices for erosion, P and N. The strategy used to create the integrated tool was based on the assumption that all input data at field scale should be readily available either from ordinary agricultural statistics or from the farmer. The results from using the indices in a pilot case study catchment illustrated that losses of P and N had often different critical source areas. The P index was highest for fields with manure application and/or high soil P status or with autumn ploughing, and the N index was highest for fields with excessive N application. The integrated risk was greatest for areas with manure application and some areas with a high erosion risk in combination with high nutrient application rate. Additionally, four different management options were assessed: (1) reduced fertilisation, (2) catch crops, (3) autumn ploughing, and (4) no autumn ploughing. The results verified that reduced nutrient application and stubble during autumn and winter led to the largest decrease in index values, and it was also apparent that management changes in high-risk areas had the greatest impact on the indices. Overall, our findings indicate that the present integrated risk assessment tool with readily available input data can be used to rank farm fields according to risk of soil erosion and losses of P and N.  相似文献   

The paper presents a novel methodology (RICH, Ranking and Identification of Chemical Hazards) for ranking and identification of xenobiotic organic compounds of environmental concern in stormwater discharged to surface water. The RICH method is illustrated as a funnel fitted with different filters that sort out problematic and hazardous compounds based on inherent physico-chemical and biological properties. The outcomes of the RICH procedure are separate lists for both water phase and solid phase associated compounds. These lists comprise: a justified list of compounds which can be disregarded in hazard/risk assessments, a justified list of stormwater priority pollutants which must be included in hazard/risk assessments, and a list of compounds which may be present in discharged stormwater, but cannot be evaluated due to lack of data. The procedure was applied to 233 xenobiotic organic chemicals (XOCs) of relevance for stormwater. Of these 233 compounds, 121 compounds were found to be priority pollutants with regard to solids phases (i.e. suspended solids, soil, or sediments) when stormwater is discharged to surface water and 56 compounds were found to be priority pollutants with regard to the water phase. For 11% of the potential stormwater priority pollutants the screening procedure could not be carried out due to lack of data on basic physico-chemical properties and/or data on bioaccumulation, resistance to biodegradation, and ecotoxicity. The tiered approach applied in the RICH procedure and the focus on the phases relevant for monitoring or risk assessment in the aquatic environment refines the list of "compounds of concern" when compared to the outcome of existing classification schemes. In this paper the RICH procedure is focused on effects in the aquatic environment exemplified with xenobiotic organic compounds (XOCs) found in urban stormwater, but it may be transferred to other environmental compartments and problems. Thus, the RICH procedure can be used as a stand-alone tool for selection of potential priority pollutants or it can be integrated in larger priority setting frameworks.  相似文献   

项目管理中的风险管理分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
从风险和风险管理的定义出发,讨论了风险产生及其风险的分类。重点讨论了风险管理中风险识别、风险分析、制订对策和风险监控等四个步骤。基于风险管理认识,详细研究了风险估计的方法、建立风险清单、风险评估、损失大小估计及损失的概率评估等。给出了风险管理策略和风险的驾驭和监控。  相似文献   

There is an increasing emphasis on using natural processes, including riparian forest restoration, to enhance the ecological, hydrological and geomorphological functioning of watercourses. However, we have insufficient knowledge on how the supply and retention of in‐channel wood from riparian forest stands changes with age, with inferences typically based on data from terrestrial forests. This presents a challenge in estimating the efficacy and functional lifespan of restoration projects. In this paper, we use a riparian forest growth model to show there is a lag of up to 40–50 years between the start of forest growth and trees delivering wood to the channel that is large enough to resist fluvial transport, anchor logjams and so increase channel complexity and hydraulic resistance. Resource managers need to account for realistic timescales over which changes promoted by riparian woodland restoration will occur and may need to consider using interim engineered logjams as the forest develops.  相似文献   

Contract strategy for design management in the design and build system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Project team members in design–build system, including owner’s representatives, design–build (D/B) contractors and architects/engineers, have to adopt new roles in managing the design of large-scale projects. The design responsibility is transferred from the owner’s organization to the D/B contractor who is responsible for the design management in the projects to be delivered by the design–build procurement system. However, there remains the concern of design management between the designer and the constructor within the D/B organization, or between the joint venture parties of a D/B project. This paper presents a study, which reviews the issues concerning the design liability and contractual provisions for design management between the designer and D/B contractor in the said contractual arrangements of design–build system. It disseminates the results of a questionnaire survey and structured interviews of three groups of project participants: owners, designers and D/B contractors. The roles and responsibilities of the parties involved in design and design management are less than clear in their respective engagement contracts. In order to improve the design management of design–build projects, this paper recommended some strategic items to be considered in drafting contracts between owners/D/B contractors, D/B contractors/designers and owners/independent checkers to address the issues.  相似文献   

本文在系统地论述航天项目特点和航天项目风险管理内涵的基础上,分析了航天项目风险,阐明了航天项目风险管理的现状和必要性,探讨了航天项目风险管理的发展战略.  相似文献   

Probabilistic risk assessment for bridges under natural hazards is of great interest to engineers for the development of risk mitigation strategies and implementation plans. The present study evaluates risk of an existing highway bridge in California, USA, under the integrated impact of regional seismic and flood hazards. A sensitivity study combining tornado diagram and first-order second moment reliability analyses is conducted to screen significant uncertain parameters to which bridge response is mostly sensitive. A rigorous uncertainty analysis, employing random sampling and Monte Carlo simulation techniques, is performed to obtain variations in fragility and risk curves of the bridge. Observed variations in risk curves at various risk levels are quantified through 90% confidence intervals and coefficients of variation (COV) of risk. It is observed that uncertainty in the estimated risk increases due to the presence of flood hazard at the bridge site, although mean risk does not vary with flood hazard level. Research outcome signifies that the variation in risk due to parameter uncertainty and varied flood hazard level should not be ignored to ensure bridge safety under the stated multi-hazard condition.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a qualitative risk ranking strategy for characterising a network of bridges into groups with similar risk levels, which can form the basis for developing a risk based inspection regime over a bridge network. The factors affecting risk are identified and rationally combined to present various attributes of bridges. A qualitative scoring system is then introduced that uses the attributes to rank bridges in terms of their relative risk. Sensitivity analysis is performed to quantify the effect of relative weights of the attributes on the risk scores. The methodology is demonstrated through its application on the UK's Network Rail bridge stock and a random sample of bridges is ranked according to the proposed method. One of the factors used to evaluate the risk scores is comparable with the bridge condition index. A reasonable agreement between them is observed within the sample bridges. The proposed method will be beneficial to bridge owners in identifying the bridges according to their risk levels in a simple and systematic manner. Inspections and interventions can be planned based on this risk ranking strategy to maintain a consistent risk level across the network.  相似文献   

乡村振兴战略实施背景下,城乡融合发 展已步入现代化建设的重要阶段。针对这一情 况,本文采用了可视化图形、文献归纳、统计分 析等方法,围绕乡村振兴视域下城乡融合发展对 国内外研究进行文献梳理与展望。国外城乡融 合发展研究经历了萌芽、兴盛到拓展的三个阶 段,研究趋势也从单一学科到综合学科发展。 国内城乡融合发展研究经历了初步探讨、融合发 展、深入拓展的三个阶段。本文重点从城乡融合 发展脉络、发展理论、发展机制、发展模式及 路径等方面剖析其研究进展,总结其主要特点 及表现,指出了未来研究重点应聚焦于区域城乡 融合发展模式构建、城乡要素合理流动机制建 设及保障乡村振兴五大要求研究的全面性,对 未来相关研究方向提供思路。  相似文献   

We test whether airborne gamma ray spectrometer measurements can be used to estimate levels of radon hazard in the Oslofjord region of Norway. We compile 43,000 line kilometres of gamma ray spectrometer data from 8 airborne surveys covering 10,000 km2 and compare them with 6326 indoor radon measurements. We find a clear spatial correlation between areas with elevated concentrations of uranium daughters in the near surface of the ground and regions with high incidence of elevated radon concentrations in dwellings. This correlation permits cautious use of the airborne data in radon hazard evaluation where direct measurements of indoor radon concentrations are few or absent. In radon hazard evaluation there is a natural synergy between the mapping of radon in indoor air, bedrock and drift geology mapping and airborne gamma ray surveying. We produce radon hazard forecast maps for the Oslofjord region based on a spatial union of hazard indicators from all four of these data sources. Indication of elevated radon hazard in any one of the data sets leads to the classification of a region as having an elevated radon hazard potential. This approach is inclusive in nature and we find that the majority of actual radon hazards lie in the assumed elevated risk regions.  相似文献   

在论述了建筑工程项目质量管理现状及加强建筑工程质量管理的意义基础上,从六个方面探讨了完善建筑工程质量管理的一些对策或建议,以期提高我国建筑企业的水平,促进建筑生产的健康发展.  相似文献   

This article highlights recent developments in flood risk management in the Netherlands and presents approaches for reliability analysis and asset management for flood defences and hydraulic infrastructure. The functioning of this infrastructure is of great importance for the country as large parts of it are prone to flooding. Based on a nationwide flood risk assessment, new safety standards for flood defences have been derived in the form of maximal acceptable failure probabilities. A framework for the reliability-based analysis of the performance of hydraulic infrastructure is introduced. Within this context, various challenges are discussed, such as the dynamic nature of loads, resistance and reliability requirements over time. Various case studies are presented to highlight advances and challenges in various application fields. The first case illustrates how structural health monitoring contributes to a better characterisation of the reliability of the defences and how innovative measures can enhance the reliability. The second case discusses how the river system can be managed in the context of the new safety standards. The third case shows how upgrades and reinforcements of hydraulic structures can be evaluated taking into account (uncertain) future developments, such as sea level rise.  相似文献   

The relationship between soluble and particulate phosphorus was examined for 9 major UK rivers including 26 major tributaries and 68 monitoring points, covering wide-ranging rural and agricultural/urban impacted systems with catchment areas varying from 1 to 6000 km2 scales. Phosphorus concentrations in Soluble Reactive (SRP), Total Dissolved (TDP), Total (TP), Dissolved Hydrolysable (DHP) and Particulate (PP) forms correlated with effluent markers (sodium and boron) and SRP was generally dominant signifying the importance of sewage sources. Low flows were particularly enriched in SRP, TDP and TP for average SRP > 100 μg/l indicating low effluent dilution. At particularly low average concentrations, SRP increased with flow but effluent sources were still implicated as the effluent markers (boron in particular) increased likewise. For rural areas, DHP had proportionately high concentrations and SRP + DHP concentrations could exceed environmental thresholds currently set for SRP. Given DHP has a high bioavailability the environmental implications need further consideration. PP concentrations were generally highest at high flows but PP in the suspended solids was generally at its lowest and in general PP correlated with particulate organic carbon and more so than the suspended sediment in total.Separation of pollutant inputs solely between effluent and diffuse (agriculture) components is misleading, as part of the “diffuse” term comprises effluents flushed from the catchments during high flow. Effluent sources of phosphorus supplied directly or indirectly to the river coupled with within-river interactions between water/sediment/biota largely determine pollutant levels.The study flags the fundamental need of placing direct and indirect effluent sources and contaminated storage with interchange to/from the river at the focus for remediation strategies for UK rivers in relation to eutrophication and the WFD.  相似文献   

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