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在制作DVD光盘时数据的采集方法直接影响着光盘图像质量的高低,因此在进行DVD光盘制作的数据采集时,如何进行系统的设置、如何对输入的信号源进行校正和过滤及如何设置DVD的压缩参数显得非常重要。本文以MPEGMOVIEmak-erTM200为例,介绍DVD光盘制作的过程以及数据采集方法和技巧。1MPEGMOVIEmakerTM200功能MPEGMOVIEmakerTM200的ComposerDVD创作工具是在WindowsNT平台下运行的压缩管理应用程序,是Optibase家族中可实现实时MPEG数字音视频压缩的出版系列,是专为出版级的DVD制作而设计。该程序拥有强大的编辑管理功能,…  相似文献   

随着科学技术的不断创新和发展,原来一些高端的技术也逐渐走入平常百姓家中,DVD技术就是最有代表性的一种,家庭影院也从原来的老式录像带、VCD盘片进入了DVD高清晰时代.由原来被动地接受国外制作完成的DVD盘片发展到刻录自身所需的内容.  相似文献   

徐学雷  许斌 《激光与红外》1998,28(6):382-386
主要介绍DVD-Video光盘节目创作系统的结构及DVD-Video节目创作的基本步骤。  相似文献   

在DVD年代,常常看到用家们在选购影碟时,都十分重视是否进口三区版DVD。所谓进口三区版,大多指画面及声音全部在好莱坞片商所指定的制作公司用同一个母带制作,然后更换上不同地区的菜单及字幕而成。它的素质由于受到片商的严格监管,基本上每一个地区的版本都能达到同一质量。除此以外,更达到了没有偷步推出的效果。  相似文献   

目前市场上大部分的数据采集设备使用PCI或PXI的同时,USB总线的数据采集设备也增长得很快.  相似文献   

<正> 按MPEG1国际标准生产的数码压缩技术产品VCD,一开始没有受到发达国家消费者的青睐,原因很简单,就是图像和声音质量都不及已被广泛采用的LD影碟。 按MPEG2标准生产的数码压缩技术产品DVD,利用分层及分级手段能支持多方面、多等级的应用,现阶段就能提供576线的水平解像度和不低于CD音质的5.1声道伴音。它无论在图像色彩、动态和声场的定位信息方面,还是在环境信息方面都已优于现有的LD。再则DVD还能与将来的高清晰度电视HDTV接轨,并可用于计算机多  相似文献   

本刊在1997年和1998年上半年先后有几篇文章谈及DVD和MPEG-2技术,本文比较系统地介绍了DVD和MPEG-2的发展过程和最新进展,供读者参考。  相似文献   

MPEG—2和DVD技术研讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈健 《电子技术》1997,24(6):2-6
MPEG-2是数字电视广播(DVB)、HDTV、DVD等的基础,文章首先叙述了MPEG-2的图像压缩编码,然后介绍了MPEG-2的数据结构,对MPEG-1和MPEG-2进行了比较。并对DVD标准和DVD的技术要点作了全面介绍。  相似文献   

<正> 日立、LG电子、松下电子、先锋、飞利浦电子、三星电子、夏普、索尼和汤姆逊多媒体等9家世界知名公司最近联合推出了一种名为“Blu-ray”光盘(意为蓝色射线光盘,即蓝色光盘)的下一代数码光盘标准。 与现有的DVD光盘相比,Blu-ray光盘具有更大的容量。普通DVD可录制、播放4.7GB视频数据(单面单层),可以记录133分钟的普通视频内容;而Blu-ray光盘的记录容量可达27GB(单面单层),相当于DVD容量的5倍以上,接近CD容量的40倍。它可以储存2个小时以上的高清晰视频节目,或者13个小时的普通电视节目。蓝色光盘的外形尺寸与DVD及CD完全一样,即直径是12cm,厚度为1.2mm。  相似文献   

Seismic data gathering   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present a brief review of those aspects of seismic data gathering which have a bearing on seismic data processing and interpretation. A summary of sources, detectors, and other instruments is given. Noises that interfere with seismic reflection data are described. The most troublesome noises are source-generated coherent noises and much of the data gathering effort is directed towards attenuating them. The main methods of attenuating coherent noise involve the geometry of the source and receiver layout and the use of source and receiver arrays. Incoherent noise can be attenuated by increasing the multiplicity of the data. Proper choice of field parameters requires a knowledge of the exploration objective, noise characteristics, and data processing requirements. Field parameter design is discussed on that basis.  相似文献   

利用Samsung公司的S3C24120A的SPI接151和Veridicom公司的固体指纹传感器FPS200完成指纹数据的采集,然后将采集到的指纹数据通过串151发送到PC机中,通过Matlab采集的数据转换成指纹图像。S3C2410A的内存足够大,采集速度也较快,能够满足指纹的实时采集需要。  相似文献   

A key characteristic of wireless sensor is the use of low-performance devices with limited resources. Certain applications, however, needs a large amount of data to be managed and stored. If the data should be continuously collected during a given period, its amount can become very large, which calls for efficient methods for handling them. Although the change of environmental information that is periodically collected by the sensor can sometimes be abrupt, there are cases where it is rather constant. In such cases, setting a value and storing the deviation of the data from this can be more efficient than storing the actual collected data. Of course, accuracy of the information is crucial. In this paper, we have proposed bit-vector based information storage method (BV) for this purpose. The method reduces the amount of overall data by storing only the deviation from the previous measurement as bit-value. However, the amount of data will still increase even if BV method is used, and we have also proposed the method for reducing this further at the expense of accuracy of old data. We have implemented a simulator to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed methods, and the methods turned out to be fairly efficient compared to normal cases.  相似文献   

Technical communicators today must document complex applications used in complex environments. Information about users and use models is important under these conditions, especially if documentation will be presented on-line. Customer partnering, a method of information gathering that supplements surveys, contextual inquiries, usability testing, and interviews, provides one way of involving the users of complex applications in the design of information delivery systems. We used this method to help a client gather important information about user and use models and design a new information library for complex server computer systems  相似文献   

The main characteristic of the intelligent distributed data acquisition system we describe in this article is that it supports intelligent functions and provides the desired accuracy of measurement. It is also reliable and adaptable, utilising two NN-based methods of sensor drift prediction, which allows it to increase its inter-testing interval, and provides accuracy of sensor data processing. The system is designed on a distributed intelligence scheme, which operates in real time for most industrial sensors.  相似文献   

Fuzzy logic control has been employed to improve the rate control mechanism for a MPEG2 video encoder. The data rate of compressed video is controlled by video encoders for either variable bit rate (VBR) or constant bit rate (CBR) applications. In VBR video transmission, it is considered to be more efficient to regulate the video rate by the video coder than by network management in order to avoid network congestion and maintain stable video quality. This rationale can also be applied to CBR transmission. Two fuzzy-logic-based rate control techniques are proposed which maintain the buffer occupancy within a specified range. In the proposed technique for VBR applications, a video quality measure is taken as the crucial control parameter. In CBR rate control, the video data rate or the buffer occupancy is also considered as a fuzzy logic variable. Proposed techniques are designed to control either data rate or video quality, depending on the mode of transmission, i.e. CBR or VBR for the MPEG2 encoder. The performance is compared to a typical VBR MPEG video coder with fixed quantiser step sizes for VBR and also to the CBR video coder with MPEG2 TM5 at typical channel rates. Simulation results are presented with peak signal-to-noise ratio, data rate variation and buffer occupancy as the performance measures  相似文献   

机会移动传感器网络中的自适应数据收集机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙利民  熊永平  马建 《通信学报》2008,29(11):186-193
针对多种类型数据具有不同传输质量需求的信息采集应用,提出了一种自适应的数据收集机制.每个节点关联一个持续变化的"转发概率"参数,每个消息关联一个动态调整的"重要因子"参数,这2个参数自适应确定消息在网络中的复制次数,使数据收集机制既能满足数据传输性能的要求,又具有小的网络开销.模拟实验结果验证了该收集机制在传输性能和网络开销之间达到很好折衷.  相似文献   

Zhou  Siwang  Zhong  Qian  Ou  Bo  Liu  Yonghe 《Wireless Networks》2019,25(2):675-687

The latest research progress of the theory of compressive sensing (CS) over graphs makes it possible that the advantage of CS can be utilized by data ferries to gather data for wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we leverage the non-uniform distribution of the sensing data field to significantly reduce the required number of data ferries, yet ensuring the recovered data quality. Specially, we propose an intelligent compressive data gathering scheme consisting of an efficient stopping criterion and a novel learning strategy. The proposed stopping criterion is based only on the gathered data, without relying on the priori knowledge on the sparsity of unknown sensing data. Our learning strategy minimizes the number of data ferries while guaranteeing the data quality by learning the statistical distribution of the gathered data. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme improves the reconstruction accuracy and stability compared to the existing ones.


虞晓韩  董克明  李霞  陈超 《电信科学》2019,35(12):67-78
压缩感知技术在信号处理、图像处理、数据收集与分析等方面有很大优势,是近年来的研究热点。研究了如何安全高效地运用压缩感知技术来收集无线传感器网络中的数据。传统的基于压缩感知技术的数据收集方法并不考虑数据收集的安全性,而且网络内的所有节点都会参与每个测量值的收集。将El Gamal加密算法和基于稀疏随机矩阵的压缩感知技术相结合,提出了一种基于El Gamal加密算法的稀疏压缩数据收集方法(El Gamal based sparse compressive data gathering,ESCDG)。理论分析和数值实验表明,ESCDG不仅能降低网络资源的消耗而且能抵御多项式算力的内部攻击和外部攻击。  相似文献   

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