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为准确高效地获得优化的管材液压成形加载路径,提出一种结合模糊控制与自适应模拟的实时反馈优化方法,建立缺陷控制规则,通过模糊控制器在有限元模拟过程中实时侦测缺陷的发展趋势并反馈至模拟程序以调整工艺参数,以避免起皱及破裂缺陷的发生,最终获得优化的成形加载路径。通过对典型液压成形件——三通管零件的研究表明:优化加载路径后零件成形质量有了明显改善,模糊控制实现了预期的控制目标。 相似文献
以最大轴向进给力、支管背压力、内压力为因子,建立正交试验设计方案,进行有限元模拟,获得不同加载路径下的质量目标函数值。利用灰色系统理论,计算各个目标矢量与参考目标值之间的关联系数,将多目标转化为以关联度为目标的单目标。进一步计算各成形工艺参数的平均关联度,获得优化加载路径组合参数,以此进行有限元模拟验证。结果表明,通过该优化方法能获得综合质量较高的内高压成形的T形三通管。 相似文献
针对多目标进化算法中存在的无效进化和计算浪费,本文探讨了基于贝叶斯网络的多目标进化算法,并提出一个新的贝叶斯多目标优化算法。该算法结合个体的强度值和密度值完成非劣择优,利用具有局部结构BD度量机制进行网络度量,采用树形模型构建网络结构。实验结果表明了该算法的有效性。 相似文献
ANSYS Workbench的液压油缸多目标优化设计 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以液压缸筒为研究对象,利用Ansys Workbench对其进行了数值仿真,并利用其特有的专业优化模块De-sign Xplorer对液压缸筒的质量进行了优化,为液压缸筒的小型化,轻量化提供了有效依据. 相似文献
本文提出了支撑掩护式液压支架总体参数多目标优化设计的一个新的数学模型和算法。编制的BASIC语言程序在IBM-PC/XT微型计算机上通过。对BC480-22/42型液压支架进行计算,验证了程序的正确性和先进性。 相似文献
文章针对多目标粒子群优化算法多样性损失和收敛性不好的问题,提出了一种自适应混合多目标粒子群优化算法。首先,使用Sobol序列映射决策变量初始值,使得初始解集在全决策空间范围有更均匀的分布。使用线性递减权重法调整粒子群算法的权重,增强算法收敛性。提出了使用基于多样性指标SP的自适应变异算子增加种群多样性的同时,还提出了在最优档案集中,使用基于改进的世代距离指标GD的自适应混沌搜索增强算法局部搜索能力。最后,将文中提出的改进算法与MOPSO(基本多目标粒子群优化算法)和NSGA2对比,结果显示出该算法能够在保持优化解收敛性的同时获得更好的多样性。 相似文献
针对高强度板成形后回弹大的问题,以工件回弹前后对应节点的位移偏差和等效塑性应变裕度最小化为目标,以板料最大增厚率和最小减薄率为约束条件,建立基于车身侧外板回弹控制的工艺面多目标优化模型。采用实验设计(DOE)和径向基函数(RBF)神经网络方法建立优化代理模型,对均匀实验设计方案进行改进以提高优化精度,并与未改进的RBF神经网络和响应面(RSM)代理模型的优化结果进行对比分析。结果表明,建立的多目标优化模型是合理的,改进RBF神经网络代理模型的优化精度较高,在所抽取的满意解中,回弹和等效塑性应变裕度目标函数的相对误差分别为15.9%和2.2%。与实验设计中回弹量最大的样本方案相比,优化后车身侧外板回弹量减少5.149 2 mm。 相似文献
Deformation and defects in hydroforming of Y-shaped tubes 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Hydroforming process of a Y-shaped stainless steel tube was investigated through numerical simulation and experiments. The forming process and reasons of typical defects were analyzed with three different loading paths. Thickness distribution of formed Y-shaped tube was obtained. It is shown by numerical and experimental results that the transition regions are depressed in the forming condition of low inner pressure and wrinkles occur, while fracture occurs in the forming condition of high inner pressure. After forming, the thickness in left transition fillet region is the largest, that in fight transition fillet region is thinner, and the thinnest thickness is at the top of the protrusion. The original thickness line is below the top of the protrusion. The thinning area occurs above this line, while the thickening area is below this line. The maximum thinning rate is significantly increased as the calibration pressure increases, while the maximum thickening rate remains almost unchanged. 相似文献
圆管通过液压成形的方法可以被加工成异型截面管,本文选择了中腰鼓异型截面管为研究对象,根据变化不同的液压参数,实现对管子形状的控制,找到了一条符合要求的加载路径,为生产这类零件提供了实践参考. 相似文献
阐述了基于多目标优化的免疫遗传算法基本原理,合理地在抗原聚类算法中引入孤立度算法。在该算法中,将优化问题的可行解对应于抗体及pareto最优个体对应于抗原,并运用改进的抗原聚类算法不断更新抗原群中的抗原,从而得到分布均匀的pareto最优解。并探讨了在Matlab环境下应用免疫遗传算法实现多目标优化,主要对增强度计算、pareto求优、抗原聚类等进行了算法实现。并以实例说明其在Matlab环境中实现的可行性。 相似文献
三通管内高压成形载荷路径试验优化设计 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用DYNAFORM有限元软件对三通管内高压成形过程进行了数值模拟研究,采用正交试验优化设计方法进行载荷路径参数优化,找出了T型管内高压成形的内压力、轴向进给力、背压力三参数的最优组合,采用该最优组合参数的试验结果与数值模拟结果相吻合。 相似文献
Perfect combination of structural size parameters of the hydroforming billets is essential to obtain even wall-thicknesses of the car-beam.Finite element(FE)analysis on hydroforming car-beam was carried out,and the results were optimized according to multiple quality objectives by the grey system theory.With bending angle,bending radius and hight-difference along the axis direction as variables,orthogonal FE analyses were conducted and the minimum and maximum wall-thicknesses of the billets with different sizes were obtained.Taking the minimum and maximum wall-thicknesses as two references,the correlation coefficient between the data for reference and those for comparison by the grey system theory reduced multi-objectives to a single quality objective,and the average correlation level of every billet facilitated the optimization of size parameters for hydroforming car beam.The trial production showed that the optimization approach satisfied the need of hydroforming car beams. 相似文献
A constrained multi-objective biogeography-based optimization algorithm (CMBOA) was proposed to solve robot path planning (RPP). For RPP, the length and smoothness of path were taken as the optimization objectives, and the distance from the obstacles was constraint. In CMBOA, a new migration operator with disturbance factor was designed and applied to the feasible population to generate many more non-dominated feasible individuals; meanwhile, some infeasible individuals nearby feasible region were recombined with the nearest feasible ones to approach the feasibility. Compared with classical multi-objective evolutionary algorithms, the current study indicates that CM- BOA has better performance for RPP. 相似文献
The loading path affects the metal formability remarkably in tube hydroforming, and it is also one of the research focuses.
Recently, some scholars abroad proposed a new fluctuant hydraulic loading method, which can improve the formability of tubes
in hydroforming. Related studies have shown that this new loading method can improve the tube formability, the distribution
of deformation is more uniform and this is useful for avoiding excessive local thinning. In this paper, tube hydroforming
experiments without axial feeding were carried out; the influences of the loading methods on formability of stainless steel
tubes were studied. Through the comparison of the experimental results under the condition of monotonous increase loading
and fluctuation hydraulic loading, the outside diameter distribution, the thickness distribution and the crack expansion forms
of deformation zone all fully prove that the uniformity of the distribution of tube deformation and formability have been
increased significantly under the condition of fluctuation loading without axial feeding, the reasons should be distinguished
from the fluctuation hydroforming with axial feeding. In order to study the forming mechanism, uniaxial tensile test of tubes
similar to fluctuation loading deformation is designed in this paper, namely intermittent tensile test. It is found that intermittent
uniaxial stretch can improve the tube elongation at fracture by about 40% and the deformation distribution is more uniform
than that through uniaxial tensile test of the stainless steel tube. In the process of intermittent tensile tests, changes
of metal microstructures brought by the loading and unloading processes are the main reasons that improve the formability
of the tubes. 相似文献
针对彭楼灌区降水不足、时程分配不均的特点,提出了灌区灌溉模式的3个备选方案,采用半结构多目标模糊优选理论对灌溉模式进行了评价优选排序,最后比较科学地确定低压管道 小白龙方案为首选的灌溉模式. 相似文献