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Arsenic (As) induced identifiable health outcomes are now spreading across Indian subcontinent with continuous discovery of high As concentrations in groundwater. This study deals with groundwater hydrochemistry vis-à-vis As exposure assessment among rural population in Chakdaha block, West Bengal, India. The water quality survey reveals that 96% of the tubewells exceed WHO guideline value (10 μg/L of As). The groundwaters are generally anoxic (−283 to −22 mV) with circum-neutral pH (6.3 to 7.8). The hydrochemistry is dominated by HCO3 (208 to 440 mg/L), Ca2+ (79 to 178 mg/L) and Mg2+ (17 to 45 mg/L) ions along with high concentrations of AsT (As total, below detection limit to 0.29 mg/L), FeT (Fe total, 1.2 to 16 mg/L), and Fe(II) (0.74 to 16 mg/L). The result demonstrates that Fe(II)-Fe(III) cycling is the dominant process for the release of As from aquifer sediments to groundwater (and vice versa), which is mainly controlled by the local biogeochemical conditions. The exposure scenario reveals that the consumption of groundwater and rice are the major pathways of As accumulation in human body, which is explained by the dietary habit of the surveyed population. Finally, regular awareness campaign is essential as part of the management and prevention of health outcomes.  相似文献   

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) are of increasing concern because of their potential impacts on the environment, wildlife and human health. Pesticides and some pesticide metabolites are an important group of EDC, and exposure to them is a poorly quantified source of human and environmental exposure to such chemicals generally. Models for estimating human exposure to Endocrine Disrupting (ED) pesticides are an important risk management tool. Probabilistic models are now being used in addition to deterministic ones in all areas of risk assessment. These can provide more realistic exposure estimates, because they are better able to deal with variation and uncertainty more effectively and better inform risk management decisions. Deterministic models are still used and are of great value where exposure data are scarce. Models or groups of models that provide holistic human ED pesticide exposure estimates are required if the risk posed to humans by ED pesticides is to be better assessed. Much more research is needed to quantify different exposure routes such as exposure from agricultural spray drift and the medical use of pesticides to develop such models. Most available probabilistic models of human exposure were developed in the USA and require modification for use elsewhere. In particular, datasets equivalent to those used to create and apply the American models are required. This paper examines the known routes of human pesticide exposure with particular reference to ED pesticides and their quantification as unlike pesticides generally, many ED pesticides are harmful at very low doses, especially if exposure occurs during sensitive stages of development, producing effects that may not manifest for many years or that affect descendants via epigenetic changes. It also summarises available deterministic and probabilistic models commonly used to calculate human exposure. The main requirement if such models are to be used in the UK is more quantitative data on the sources and pathways of human ED pesticide exposure.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to draw the current scenario of arsenic (As) contamination in drinking water of community tube well and drinking water treated by tube wells installed with different adsorbent media-based treatment plants in districts Nadia, Hooghly and North 24-Parganas districts, West Bengal, India. As removal efficiencies of different treatment plants varied from 23 to 71%, which is largely governed by adsorption capacity of adsorbent and influencing environmental factors. Though investigated treatment plants removed substantial amount of As from tube well water, high As concentration in treated drinking water was retained after passing through the treatment plants. This high level of As concentration in tube well water and retention of high As concentration in treated drinking water were severe for the consumers which therefore, indicating the improvement of removal efficiency of treatment plant by meticulously considering favorable influencing factors or/and application of other high capacity treatment alternatives to adsorb the excess As retained in drinking water and regular monitoring of As concentration in the treated drinking water are indispensable.  相似文献   

In Bangladesh and the neighboring state of West Bengal, India, over 100 million people are affected by widespread arsenic poisoning through drinking water drawn from underground sources containing arsenic at concentrations well above the permissible limit of 50 μg/L. The health effects caused by arsenic poisoning in this area is as catastrophic as any other natural calamity that occurred throughout the world in recent times. Since 1997, over 200 community level arsenic removal units have been installed in Indian subcontinent through collaboration between Bengal Engineering and Science University (BESU), India and Lehigh University, USA. Approximately 200,000 villagers collect arsenic-safe potable water from these units on a daily basis. The treated water is also safe for drinking with regard to its total dissolved solids, hardness, iron and manganese content. The units use regenerable arsenic-selective adsorbents. Regular maintenance and upkeep of the units is administered by the villagers through formation of villagers’ water committee. The villagers contribute towards the cost of operation through collection of a small water tariff. Upon exhaustion, the adsorbents are regenerated in a central facility by a few trained villagers. The process of regeneration reduces the volume of disposable arsenic-laden solids by nearly two orders of magnitude and allows for the reuse of the adsorbent material. Finally, the arsenic-laden solids are contained on well-aerated coarse sand filters with minimum arsenic leaching. This disposal technique is scientifically more appropriate than dumping arsenic-loaded adsorbents in the reducing environment of landfills as currently practiced in developed countries including the United States. The design of the units underwent several modifications over last ten years to enhance the efficiency in terms of arsenic removal, ease of maintenance and ecologically safe containment and disposal of treatment residuals. The continued safe operation of these units has amply demonstrated that use of regenerable arsenic-selective adsorbents is quite viable in remote locations. The technology and associated socio-economic management of the units have matured over the years, generating promise for rapid replication in other severely arsenic-affected countries in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

The health implications of the consumption of high arsenic groundwater in Bangladesh and West Bengal are well-documented, however, little is known about the level of arsenic exposure elsewhere in Southeast Asia, where widespread exploitation of groundwater resources is less well established. We measured the arsenic concentrations of nail and hair samples collected from residents of Kandal province, Cambodia, an area recently identified to host arsenic-rich groundwaters, in order to evaluate the extent of arsenic exposure. Nail and hair arsenic concentrations ranged from 0.20 to 6.50 microg g(-1) (n=70) and 0.10 to 7.95 microg g(-1) (n=40), respectively, in many cases exceeding typical baseline levels. The arsenic content of the groundwater used for drinking water purposes (0.21-943 microg L(-1) (n=31)) was positively correlated with both nail (r=0.74, p<0.0001) and hair (r=0.86, p<0.0001) arsenic concentrations. In addition, the nail and hair samples collected from inhabitants using groundwater that exceeded the Cambodian drinking water legal limit of 50 microg L(-1) arsenic contained significantly more arsenic than those of individuals using groundwater containing <50 microg L(-1) arsenic. X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy suggested that sulfur-coordinated arsenic was the dominant species in the bulk of the samples analysed, with additional varying degrees of As(III)-O character. Tentative linear least squares fitting of the XANES data pointed towards differences in the pattern of arsenic speciation between the nail and hair samples analysed, however, mismatches in sample and standard absorption peak intensity prevented us from unambiguously determining the arsenic species distribution. The good correlation with the groundwater arsenic concentration, allied with the relative ease of sampling such tissues, indicate that the arsenic content of hair and nail samples may be used as an effective biomarker of arsenic intake in this relatively recently exposed population.  相似文献   

An investigation of arsenic, copper, nickel, manganese, zinc and selenium concentration in foodstuffs and drinking water, collected from 34 families and estimation of the average daily dietary intake were carried out in the arsenic-affected areas of the Jalangi and Domkal blocks, Murshidabad district, West Bengal where arsenic-contaminated groundwater (mean: 0.11 mg/l, n=34) is the main source for drinking. The shallow large diameter tubewells, installed for agricultural irrigation contain an appreciable amount of arsenic (mean: 0.094 mg/l, n=10). So some arsenic can be expected in the food chain and food cultivated in this area. Most of the individual food composites contain a considerable amount of arsenic. The mean arsenic levels in food categories are vegetables (20.9 and 21.2 microg/kg), cereals and bakery goods (130 and 179 microg/kg) and spices (133 and 202 microg/kg) for the Jalangi and Domkal blocks, respectively. For all other heavy metals, the observed mean concentration values are mostly in good agreement with the reported values around the world (except higher zinc in cereals). The provisional tolerable daily intake value of inorganic arsenic microg/kg body wt./day) is: for adult males (11.8 and 9.4); adult females (13.9 and 11); and children (15.3 and 12) in the Jalangi and Domkal blocks, respectively (according to FAO/WHO report, the value is 2.1 microg/kg body wt./day). According to WHO, intake of 1.0 mg of inorganic arsenic per day may give rise to skin lesions within a few years. The average daily dietary intake of copper, nickel and manganese is high, whereas for zinc, the value is low (for adult males: 8.34 and 10.2 mg/day; adult females: 8.26 and 10.3 mg/day; and children: 4.59 and 5.66 mg/day) in the Jalangi and Domkal blocks, respectively, compared to the recommended dietary allowance of zinc for adult males, adult females and children (15, 12 and 10 mg/day, respectively). The average daily dietary intake of selenium microg/kg body wt./day) is on the lower side for the children (1.07 and 1.22), comparable for the adult males (0.81 and 0.95) and slightly on the higher side for the adult females (1.08 and 1.26), compared to the recommended value (1.7 and 0.9 microg/kg body wt./day for infants and adults, respectively).  相似文献   

To better understand the magnitude of arsenic contamination in groundwater and its effects on human beings, a detailed study was carried out in Jalangi, one of the 85 arsenic affected blocks in West Bengal, India. Jalangi block is approximately 122 km2 in size and has a population of 215538. Of the 1916 water samples analyzed (about 31% of the total hand tubewells) from the Jalangi block, 77.8% were found to have arsenic above 10 microg l(-1) [the World Health Organization (WHO)-recommended level of arsenic in drinking water], 51% had arsenic above 50 microg l(-1) (the Indian standard of permissible limit of arsenic in drinking water) and 17% had arsenic at above 300 microg l(-1) (the concentration predicting overt arsenical skin lesions). From our preliminary medical screening, 1488 of the 7221 people examined in the 44 villages of Jalangi block exhibit definite arsenical skin lesions. An estimation of probable population that may suffer from arsenical skin lesions and cancer in the Jalangi block has been evaluated comparing along with international data. A total of 1600 biologic samples including hair, nail and urine have been analyzed from the affected villages of Jalangi block and on an average 88% of the biologic samples contain arsenic above the normal level. Thus, a vast population of the block may have arsenic body burden. Cases of Bowen's disease and cancer have been identified among adults who also show arsenical skin lesions and children in this block are also seriously affected. Obstetric examinations were also carried out in this block.  相似文献   

Thirty Milch cattle were selected randomly from a village of Nadia district of West Bengal, India containing high arsenic in water and soil samples. Milk, feces and hair samples were collected to analyze arsenic status in animals. Water and straw samples were also estimated for arsenic. Milk products prepared from milk of cattle rearing in arsenic prone village were also collected to quantify total arsenic and speciation of arsenic in milk and feces samples were also carried out. It was observed that high amount of arsenic was present in milk, feces, hair of cattle and water and straw samples in arsenic prone village. Milk product also contained significant amount of arsenic than that of milk product of control village. Speciation study revealed arsenite fraction was mainly eliminated through milk, whereas organoarsenic species were mainly excreted through feces.  相似文献   

The Rajmahal-type quality stones for building purposes are found abundantly in Birbhum district, West Bengal, India, where stone mining and crushing have become the main industrial activity. Although crusher dust is injurious to health, demand for crushed stone is ever-increasing as a result of rapid infrastructural growth in the country. Most of the crusher units at Rampurhat are situated along the roadways adjacent to forest under Tumboni Beat of Rampurhat Range of Birbhum Forest Division. Excessive load of air pollution in this area has led to degradation of this forest. The status of the ambient air and noise level was evaluated. The effect of air and noise pollution on abundance and variability of birds in this forest have been compared to an almost non-polluted forest of the same bio-geographic zone. Both species diversity and population density of birds were found to decrease in the polluted forest, especially in the areas adjacent to crushers. For comparing the pollution status of two different forest sites and for establishing whether the density of birds have any correlation between the sites, the Student's t-test and the chi-square test were applied respectively. Most of the results proved to be significant.  相似文献   

Inductively coupled atomic emission spectrometry was used for the determination of germanium in hair, nail, and toenail. The levels of germanium in three individuals administered a high concentration of a germanium preparation daily for about 12-16 months were very high: 56.4-173.7; 5.4-35.0; and 14.0-15.8 micrograms g-1 in hair, nail, and toenail, respectively. The levels for normal or unexposed persons are very low and were not detected by the method.  相似文献   

Natural contamination with arsenic and other toxic trace elements was studied on a 50,000 km(2) area of the Pampean Plain in Argentina. The locations where natural sources of arsenic are considered to be of concern continue to grow, and include those associated with soils developed on loess or loessic sediments zones and transported volcanic materials sites. Contents of total arsenic, vanadium, chromium, iron and barium higher than those recommended as maximum allowable levels in drinking waters have been measured. In the case of arsenic, analyses of raw groundwaters yielded levels as high as 600 microg As/l. Reported data are discussed in connection with geological and environmental processes involved in ground water contamination.  相似文献   

This work incorporates an assessment of the potential of human hair to monitor ingestion of trace elements from the environment. Included is a report of a study of Zn levels in the facial hair of one of the authors, who was dosed with ZnSO4. Daily doses increasing from 100 to 300 mg Zn were taken for 57 days. Analysis was by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry. No significant increase in beard Zn was found. Cd, Pb and Cu were measured simultaneously.Studies of dosing with other elements are reviewed and a generalized pool model for the deposition of ingested trace elements in hair is presented.It is suggested that the concept of hair as a monitor of endogenous elements is a simplistic one which is better modified by the pool model, the precise form of which varies with the element under consideration.  相似文献   

Iron-manganese oxide-hydroxide precipitates in the pipelines of waterworks of several Hungarian cities were analyzed and the accumulation of significant amounts of As, Pb, Cu and Zn, was observed. The investigations demonstrated that the concentration of these trace elements in water is very small, but the high colloidal surface of the iron-manganese oxide-hydroxide precipitate lining pipes is highly enriched in these elements. Assay of these precipitates provides a very sensitive technique for monitoring water contamination.  相似文献   

Long-term stability of arsenic residues is investigated by determining arsenic phases remaining in gold mining residues after two decades of impoundment. The residues, generated by arsenic coprecipitation with iron and lime, were disposed of in-lined sites for 9-16 years (pit C) and 16-23 years (pits A and B). Arsenic is present in the residues as As(V) species, predominantly in the form of amorphous iron arsenate (55-75% Astotal, pits A and B; 55-70% Astotal, pit C) and sorbed onto amorphous iron-oxyhydroxides (20-33% Astotal, pits A and B; 22-37% Astotal, pit C). The presence of minor Ca-arsenate phases (undefined composition) and Al-arsenate coprecipitates is also indicated. The passive enrichment of iron in pits A and B, and the relative low concentration of calcium, sulfur and arsenic if compared to those of pit C, suggest that a soluble Ca-arsenate phase (e.g. CaHAsO4.H2O), a fraction of gypsum and As(III) were dissolved along 16-23 years of residue disposal. The presence of As(V) only and excess iron demonstrates the importance of the oxidation state and high Fe/As ratio on long-term stability of arsenic residues.  相似文献   

Arsenic speciation and distribution in an arsenic hyperaccumulating plant   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Arsenic-contaminated soil is one of the major arsenic sources for drinking water. Phytoremediation, an emerging, plant-based technology for the removal of toxic contaminants from soil and water, has been receiving renewed attention. Although a number of plants have been identified as hyperaccumulators for the phytoextraction of a variety of metals, and some have been used in field applications, no hyperaccumulator for arsenic had been previously reported until the recent discovery of Brake fern (Pteris vittata), which can hyperaccumulate arsenic from soils. This finding may open a door for phytoremediation of arsenic-contaminated soils. Speciation and distribution of arsenic in the plant can provide important information helpful to understanding the mechanisms for arsenic accumulation, translocation, and transformation. In this study, plant samples after 20 weeks of growth in an arsenic-contaminated soil were used for arsenic speciation and distribution study. A mixture of methanol/water (1:1) was used to extract arsenic compounds from the plant tissue. Recoveries of 85 to 100% were obtained for most parts of the plant (rhizomes, fiddle heads, young fronds and old fronds) except for roots, for which extraction efficiency was approximately 60%. The results of this study demonstrate the ability of Brake fern as an arsenic hyperaccumulator. It transfers arsenic rapidly from soil to aboveground biomass with only minimal arsenic concentration in the roots. The arsenic is found to be predominantly as inorganic species; and it was hypothesized that the plant uptakes arsenic as arsenate [As(V)I and arsenate was converted to arsenite [As(III)] within the plant. The mechanisms of arsenic uptake, translocation, and transformation by this plant are not known and are the objectives of our on-going research.  相似文献   

Arsenic bioaccessibility in soils near chromated copper arsenate (CCA)-treated structures has recently been reported, and results have shown that soil properties and arsenic fractionation can influence bioaccessibility. Because of the limited data set of published results, additional soil samples and a wider range of soil properties are tested in the present work. The objectives are: (1) to confirm previous results regarding the influence of soil properties on arsenic bioaccessibility in CCA-contaminated soils, (2) to investigate additional soil properties influencing arsenic bioaccessibility, and to identify chemical extractants which can estimate in vitro gastrointestinal (IVG) bioaccessibility, (3) to determine arsenic speciation in the intestinal phase of the IVG method and, (4) to assess the influence of two particle-size fractions on arsenic bioaccessibility. Bioaccessible arsenic in eight soils collected near CCA-treated utility poles was assessed using the IVG method. Five out of the eight soils were selected for a detailed characterization. Moreover, these five soils and two certified reference materials were tested by three different metal oxide extraction methods (citrate dithionite (CD), ammonium oxalate (OX), and hydroxylamine hydrochloride (HH)). Additionally, VMINTEQ was used to determine arsenic speciation in the intestinal phase. Finally, two particle-size fractions (< 250 μm, < 90 μm) were tested to determine their influence on arsenic bioaccessibility. First, arsenic bioaccessibility in the eight study-soils ranged between 17.0 ± 0.4% and 46.9 ± 1.1% (mean value 30.5 ± 3.6%). Using data from 20 CCA-contaminated soil samples, total organic carbon (r = 0.50, p < 0.05), clay content (r = − 0.57, p < 0.01), sand content (r = 0.48, p < 0.05), and water-soluble arsenic (r = 0.66, p < 0.01) were correlated with arsenic bioaccessibility. The mean percentage of total arsenic extracted from five selected soils was: HH (71.9 ± 4.1%) > OX (58.0 ± 3.1%) > water-soluble arsenic (2.2 ± 0.5%), while the mean value for arsenic bioaccessibility was 27.3 ± 2.8% (n = 5). Arsenic extracted by HH (r = 0.85, p < 0.01, n = 8) and OX (r = 0.93, p < 0.05, n = 5), showed a strong correlation with arsenic bioaccessibility. Moreover, dissolved arsenic in the intestinal phase was exclusively under the form of arsenate As(V). Finally, arsenic bioaccessibility (in mg/kg) increased when soil particles < 90 μm were used.  相似文献   

Autopsy samples of hair, liver and kidney cortex from 30 Swedish subjects (Caucasian) were analysed for Ag, Co, Cr, Hg, Sb, Se and Zn by neutron activation analysis (NAA). The following elements were observed to have higher concentrations in hair than in liver and kidney cortex: Ag, (Co), Cr and Hg (on a dry weight basis). Selenium was highly concentrated in kidney cortex, and Fe in liver. The observed concentrations of most of the elements were very variable for each tissue. In particular, Co values for hair showed more than a 5000-fold difference. However, Se values for hair were relatively constant. A highly significant positive correlation was observed between Hg concentrations in hair and kidney cortex. Somewhat weaker correlations were found between Hg in kidney cortex and liver and Se in hair and kidney cortex. The concentration of Co in liver correlated with that in kidney cortex. It was concluded that, with the exception of mercury, and to a lesser degree selenium, hair analysis did not provide a useful measure of the trace element status of the subjects included in this study.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) concentrations in soils and waste material in two areas of former As mining and processing: Z?oty Stok (Z?ote Mts.) and Zele?niak (Kaczawskie Mts.), SW Poland, were measured to assess levels and environmental risk associated with possible increases in arsenic mobility under changing pH and redox conditions. Twenty six soil samples were collected from 12 sites, and represented a broad spectrum of soil properties and parent material origin, including natural soils, mine spoils, slags and tailings. Arsenic species were examined using a sequential extraction technique. The changes in As solubility were determined from extraction test solutions adjusted to solution pH values varying from 2 to 8. The effects of reducing conditions on As mobility were examined in incubation tests. Most of soils demonstrated extremely high concentrations of As, both of natural and anthropogenic origin. Total As concentrations in all samples were in the range 100-43,500 mg/kg. Sequential extraction techniques suggested that the main species of As in all soils were those bound to iron (Fe) oxides, in particular amorphous ones, whereas the contributions of mobile and specifically sorbed As forms were relatively low. In tailings and tailings-affected alluvial soils, As occurred mainly in residual forms, however these soils also had considerable amounts of mobile As. In all other soils, mobile As forms were very low. Arsenic mobilization could be possible at extremely low or high pH conditions (pH<2 or pH>8), and this may be of particular practical importance in the case of tailings, which are highly alkaline. High pH promotes solubilization of As forms in reducing conditions, whereas in neutral and acidic soils the risk of As release under reducing conditions is limited.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe and Cu in scalp hair of 101 epileptic patients (48 males and 53 females, average age 25 years) and 101 normal subjects (47 males and 54 females, average age 22 years) were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Mercury was also determined in some samples. The aim of this investigation was to use scalp hair as a possible indicator of trace element abnormality and to determine whether or not differences in their levels might occur due to this neurological disorder. The results showed significant differences in Fe, Cu, Mg and Zn in the hair between the two groups but no differences were observed in the levels of Ca and Hg. The high Mg and low Zn content in the hair of epileptic patients is reported as of particular interest in the investigation of this neurological disorder.  相似文献   

Past mining and smelting of arsenical and associated metalliferous ores in South-west England has led to widespread contamination of soils and surface drainage. The regional distribution of arsenic in both sediments and waters of tributary drainage shows anomalies in those areas underlain by mineralised granites and their metamorphic aureoles. High concentrations of arsenic in waters correspond with high concentrations in associated sediments. Detailed studies in three river systems illustrate the large degree of variation in arsenic values between individual sampling stations but confirm the relationship between sediments and waters. The work provides evidence of the potential use of geochemical reconnaissance surveys to water quality assessment.  相似文献   

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