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论文从图书馆目前面临的挑战开始,提出数字图书馆(DigitalLibraries,简称DLs)互操作的必要性,然后分析实现互操作的要点及其面临的难题。文章简要介绍了面向服务体系结构(Service-OrientedArchitecture,简称SOA)的概念和特点,详细阐述了基于SOA的DLs互操作开放框架,并用XML和WebServices实现了主要组件。  相似文献   

该文从定义并发TTCN着手,介绍了协议测试的概念和内容,详细讨论了协议互操作性测试的意义及其相关的语义定义,该文最后给出了一种改进的协议互操作性测试系统的结构。  相似文献   

地理信息共享与GIS互操作的实现初探   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
地理信息共享与GIS互操作是实现社会化GIS发展的必由之路。在简述GIS互操作规程的基础上,提出用组件技术来实现GIS互操作,并指出实现GIS互操作的关键在于把GIS功能分解为具有标准接口的可管理的软件组件,最后讨论了GIS互操作实现过程中存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

Interoperability is a property referring to the ability of systems and organizations to work together. Today interoperability is recognized as a key step in the shift from isolated digital libraries toward a common information space that will allow users to browse through different digital libraries within a single integrated environment. In this paper, we discuss the premises underlying a novel Policy and Quality Interoperability Framework, taking into account the preliminary outcomes and the recommendations of the Policy and Quality Working Groups that are currently being run by the EU co-funded project Digital Library Interoperability, Best Practices, and Modeling Foundations (DL.org).  相似文献   

基于对象和实例互操作行为模型的工作流研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
通过工作流程逻辑领域和活动领域的划分,建立了逻辑领域的过程对象和活动领域的活动实例局部互操作行为模型和全局互操作行为模型,并分别对这两个行为模型内部的互操作逻辑关系进行了分析和研究,从对象和实例集成的角度对工作流的运作机理进行了探讨,为实现工作流模型的扩展和行为活动的复用提供了理论基础。并通过实例对工作流过程对象和活动实例全局互操作行为模型的运作关系进行了阐述和说明。  相似文献   

过程感知信息系统中过程的动态演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋巍  马晓星  胡昊  吕建 《软件学报》2011,22(3):417-438
支持过程模型的动态修改并将过程模型的修改传播到当前正在运行的过程实例上,是柔性过程感知信息系统的基本要求.过程实例迁移是应对过程感知信息系统中过程动态演化的主流技术途径,它将尚未执行结束的过程实例动态地迁移到修改后的过程模型上继续执行,从而使得这些过程实例可以享受到过程优化带来的便利.过程实例迁移的挑战在于保证过程实例迁移的正确性以及过程实例迁移检验的高效性,以此为切入点,综述了过程感知信息系统中过程动态演化技术的研究进展.最后,展望了过程演化技术未来应当关注的研究方向.  相似文献   

The geographic application domain includes important information such as design plans, record drawings, photographs, and video data records. The corresponding geographic information systems (GISs) should maintain a specific model for each geographic data modality such as geographic video model for video records. Real-time 3-D geographic information systems provide comprehensive interface to complex and dynamic databases and truly immersive capability for visualizing geographic data. In cases, where information about location of geographic objects is needed at different moments of time, a GIS should process video data that is directly manipulated and retrieved through representation of its spatio-temporal characteristics. In this context, the most advanced multimedia form—digital video, finds an efficient application in GIS for versatile specification of geographic data. In this paper, a model for spatial data evolving with time is introduced in the context of video data manipulation. We designed a model that represents the spatio-temporal continuum among geographic objects in geographic video sequences, or digital video. The model developed here was motivated by the requirements for manipulating, managing, and analyzing geographic data for the necessities of infrastructure management, urban and regional planning, hazard prevention and management, transportation networks, vehicles routing, etc. This model allows the important issues for GIS such as conditions of adjacency (what is next to what), containment (what is enclosed by what), and proximity (how close one geographic object is to another) to be determined. Our model describes the spatial relationships among objects for each key frame in a given video scene, and the temporal relationships of the temporal intervals measuring the validity duration of the spatial relationships spanning over the given key frame. One of the main GIS issues—distance estimation, is solved as quantitative metrics of geographic objects in digital video are easily and precisely specified. This model is a basis for annotation of raw video for subsequent use in geographic video databases and digital libraries that provide access to and efficient storage of large volume of geographic data.  相似文献   

针对目前数字城市建设中信息资源共享交换面临的问题,介绍了ESB技术的概念、特点,提出一种基于ESB的数字城市信息资源共享服务平台框架,探讨了该框架中的核心组件、工作模式以及数据交换模型的具体设计。该方案能够实现跨部门、多来源的异构信息资源的共享交换,提高数据交换的效率、灵活性、可靠性。本文最后通过一个实例,证明了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

The findings of a laboratory experiment of electronic collaboration among the members of work groups reveal that both input information load and diversity have curvilinear (∩) relationships with the output information complexity generated by the groups and negative relationships with group interaction behaviors manifested through group members’ communication and participation activities. Also, output information complexity and group interaction behavior have positive relationships with group members’ satisfaction with the electronic meeting process.  相似文献   

Web服务交互测试中SOAP消息的控制和分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于Web服务的平台异构性,Web服务的交互测试是一个重要的测试方面。阐述了一种通过截获和分析通讯消息进行Web服务交互测试的方法。在这种测试模型中,SOAP消息的控制和分析是关键。详细论述了SOAP消息的控制和分析在测试中的作用,并在结尾给出了系统的设计实现。  相似文献   

RMI-IIOP协议扩展了J2EE应用服务嚣的应用领域。符合CORBAIDL规范的非Java语言编写的CORBA客户端可以通过IIOP协议与J2EE应用组件之间实现互操作。在分布式事务环境中,CORBA客户端通过IIOP协议调用应用服务嚣上的EJB组件时,应用服务嚣需要保证客户端的CORBA调用能正确到达EJB组件,并且事务上下文在客户端和服务器之间能够有效传播。本文基于应用服务嚣的JMX体系结构,设计了一个支持事务互操作的服务框架,实现了事务环境下基于IIOP协议对EJB的调用。它具有较好的灵活性和可重配性。并已经在中科院软件所研制的OnceAS应用服务嚣中得到了实现。  相似文献   

邹杰  邹峥嵘  周春艳 《计算机仿真》2006,23(5):215-216,287
地形数据是虚拟城市构建过程当中必需的三种最重要的数据之一,由于虚拟城市构建中采用的方案各异,使用的软件和硬件平台也不尽相同,因而各方案能够接受的地形数据格式也存在很大的差异,因此在不同软件、硬件平台下不同格式的地形数据之间共享对于虚拟城市的快速构建起着至为重要的作用。该文以五种国内外最常见的地形数据作为本次研究的对象,并从地形数据共享出发,在摒弃传统的数据转换共享模式情况下,采用基于公共标准的地形数据互操作共享模式来进行地形数据的共享研究,最后并对其进行了实现。  相似文献   

随着通信技术的不断发展和客户的需求,全国各大通信运营商的网络设备在不断地更新,因受网络演变技术特征、维护机制等影响,处理通信网络新旧设备互通是一直存在的难题。本文结合某地市固网演变中新旧设备互通兼容问题实例,指出了此类问题对网络的影响及具体解决方法,对整体通信网络的不断演进提供维护实践借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper discusses decision and communication processes which link strategic activity in a business with information systems development activity. We develop a model which illustrates these processes as observed in one company (AXA Sun Life, Bristol HQ), but we suggest there may be generalizable features. We use Role Activity Diagrams as our diagramming method.In most organizations it is impractical to achieve a fully articulated business model and IS architecture. Organizations do try to make development (or acquisition) of information systems which will serve business needs as orderly as they can, in circumstances which are inherently complex and unstable. We suggest that the degree of regularity which is achieved in IS development within the business context comes not so much from following one overarching plan, as from a continuous process of adjustment, in which local short-term plans are weighed against current understanding of the business's key interests. What is needed to aid this process is a general framework of communication and decision making within which plans can be reviewed and modified in the light of changing circumstances. This paper presents an attempt to reveal and represent such a framework.  相似文献   

e-Research is intended to facilitate collaboration through distributed access to content, tools, and services. Lessons about collaboration are extracted from the findings of two large, long-term digital library research projects. Both the Alexandria Digital Earth Prototype Project (ADEPT) and the Center for Embedded Networked Sensing (CENS) project on data management leverage scientific research data for use in teaching. Two forms of collaboration were studied: (1) direct, in which faculty work together on research projects; and (2) indirect or serial, in which faculty use or contribute content to a common pool, such as teaching resources, concepts and relationships, or research data. Five aspects of collaboration in e-Research are discussed: (1) disciplinary factors, (2) incentives to adopt e-Learning and e-Research technologies, (3) user roles, (4) information sharing, and (5) technical requirements. Collaboration varied by research domain in both projects, and appears partly to be a function of the degree of instrumentation in data collection. Faculty members were more interested in tools to manage their own research data than in tools to facilitate teaching. They also were more reflective about their research than teaching activities. The availability of more content, tools, and services to incorporate primary data in teaching was only a minimal incentive to use these resources. Large investments in a knowledge base of scientific concepts and relationships for teaching did not result in re-use by other faculty during the course of the project. Metadata requirements for research and for teaching vary greatly, which further complicates the transfer of resources across applications. Personal digital libraries offer a middle ground between private control and public release of content, which is a promising direction for the design of digital libraries that will facilitate collaboration in e-Research.  相似文献   

目前国内外在评价数字水印技术中水印的相似程度主要采用的是归一化相关值(Normalized Correlation值),尽管常见的几种归一化相关值公式可以客观的表示原始水印与提取水印的相似程度,但如果要从人类视觉的主观角度出发,这些传统的归一化相关值公式在表示提取出的水印和原始水印反面相似时会存在很大不足。为此,提出了一种基于图像像素均值的数字水印相似程度的评价公式,文章称之为均值相关值。使用均值相关值公式可以有效的继承传统的归一化相关值,并克服了这些传统评价相似度的不足。通过仿真实验证明文章构建的均值相关值公式具有很好的科学性、合理性和有效性。  相似文献   

Researchers have cogently presented the technical case for converged telecommunications systems. However, it is not clear how market-based telecommunications providers and local communities are embracing this technical argument as they design and adopt new telecommunication systems. This paper uses a case study approach to examine market and policy dynamics influencing converged network deployment in a mixed commercial and residential environment. Specifically, the article presents the overall telecommunications design and then analyzes several implementation alternatives proposed for a major urban redevelopment project in the greater Denver metropolitan area. These alternatives range from more traditional telecommunications solutions to fully converged networks. Based on this review, the paper analyzes the role of a layered policy approach to telecommunications regulation at the local level and how interoperability serves as a mediating condition before market convergence is achieved. Finally, the paper addresses public policy implications for encouraging adoption of fiber-IP based networks as well as research directions for assessing metropolitan adoption of converged systems.  相似文献   

校园信息化建设水平如何,可以衡量一所学校的办学水平及综合竞争能力。本文先后分析了校园信息化建设的意义、原则、能够解决的问题,并提出了一些推进校园信息化建设的具体改善建议,如基础建设、人本管理、教师技术水平培训等。  相似文献   

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